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1、-小学教育中学教育大学教育教育目标,死记硬背处世原则。节操。人品学习成绩。考试分数学历,主课/必修课课外活动elementary education,-男女同校、女子/男子学校混合班(各种能力都有的)健康的三观调皮捣蛋、不听话,纪律的学生力,自我约束社会栋梁,合格公民选修课,必修课全面教育-Co-education,a single sex school-集中精力,专心(学习)-Rely on linear thinking开启学霸模式study intensively博览群书,多读书Read extensively包罗万象,涉猎广泛cover a lot of ground-培养学生创造力和

2、解决问题的能力offer students an outlet for creativity and problem-solving乖,听话,懂事儿Be well-behaved,be obedient,不入流,学坏,叛逆be rebellious, engage in anti-social behavior-理论联系实践-教知识lead through the path of knowledge教做人demonstraeadership by modeling desirable behaviors-巩固所学reinforce what they have learned at schoo

3、l占用各种时间take up a kids social time or sports activities-开发智力fuel childrens inligence,develop inligence that leads to greater success in school and in life提高成绩have been proven to improve general academic skills in children.-促进认知能力开发,增强整个神经系统Make contributions to the development of cognitive and percep

4、tual skills, refine the development of the brain and entire neurological system.不喜欢涉,不喜欢被命令do not like others interfering in any of theiral business,do not like to be ordered by parents-只许上没问题的Allow access only to wges that havebeen found appropriate安装过滤install filtering software-培养牛叉品质add some impr

5、essive qualities that are hard to appreciate at踏实务实Be down-to-earth强调对的事情emphasize the things that work well-机械化农业,工程mechanized farming, genetic engineering科技突破,人工智能scientific breakthroughs, artificial inligence的到来,转食品the advent of, genetically-modified food/crops-载人航天,失重状态a manned mission,zero grav

6、ity/weightlessness宇航员,需要付出巨大代价和努力的发现astronaut, a hard-won discovery云计算,气象,电视会议cloud computing, meteorological salites,econferencing-社交social networking websites like and行为, 邮件诈骗,邮件e- identity theft,fraud, mail spamming太空竞赛, 机械化大生产, 装配线/流水线space race, mass production, assembly lines-硅谷, 信息高速公路-工业,科技创

7、新,科技停滞IndustrialRevolution, Technological innovation,technological stagnation治疗性克隆,美丽therutic cloning, Brave New World干细胞研究,繁殖性克隆stemcellresearch,banning reproductive cloning-发现,探索未知世界热情迎接e with open arms,满足人类好奇心,提高农业产量satisfy human curiosity, boost crop yield从体力劳动中解放bring liberation from exhausting

8、 labor替代重复性的劳动replace humans in repetitive jobs付出社会和心理代价take high social and psychological tolls冷漠疏远,反传统isolate individuals and counter against traditional values制造贫困create a new strain of poverty提高生活水平improve peoples lives remarkably让世界变小make the world increasingly smaller随时随地信息share information as

9、 they like even if they are far away更先进的治病设备better instruments can be used to cure the patients了解大自然,探索未知,展示大自然的奥秘know more about the unknown world ranging from the microscopic material like the structure of DNA to the huge universe, show the mysteries of the nature导致地球气温上升cause the temperature of t

10、he earth to increase对本性无知而的an ignorant and dangerous interference in nature弹窗;时段/插播pop-up advertising windows, advertising slot宣传,收视率,黄金时段advertisingn, ratings, peak time/prime time,大事件,公众人物,目标听众current affairs, newsworthy event,public figures,audiences扫兴吸引关注,保持低调court media publicity, keep a low pr

11、ofile夸张,夸大其词exaggerate, blow . out of proportion逃避现实escreality时空传递信息支持正义事业Support a just and righteous cause保护民众权力protect the right of public引导give balanced viewshelp form a healthy public opinion让人对现实麻木deadens peoples perception of reality增强民族凝聚力contribute towards the spiritual integration of the c

12、ountry,如实report news, issues and events as clearly as possible塑造对生活的看法,定义是什么shourviewsinlifeanddefinewhatweare.决定知道什么decide what we see onevision and what we hear on the radio.夸张夸大以吸引眼球Be exaggerated in order to capture the audience操控人的思想Manipulate peoples minds; be constantly reached by mind-manipu

13、lating commercials设定国家日程set the national agenda反映并保持社会的价值观和传统reflect and sustain the values and traditions of our society.就业市场,职业能力/素养带薪休假,高级人才paid holidays , highly skilled people,职业道德, 工作经验parameters of ethics, work experience人才流失/用工荒,工作负担重/活太累brain drain/loss,excessive workload工作地点/单位,Workplace,/

14、道德/业界良心,工作前景/职业前景work ethic, job prospects弹性工作制/工作安排/工作日程flexible arrangement工作日程,日常工作work schedule, routine work体力活,脑力劳动manual work/labor, mental work工作, 职业病occupational hazard, occupational disease压力病Stress-induced diseases起的比鸡都早,干的比牛都累a stressful and time-consuming job工作节奏, 动力积极性the pace of work,

15、incentive/motivation玻璃天花板glass ceiling工作能力体现an indicator of ability赶工期态度有问题have an attitude problem工作积极主动的人be an eager beaver加班加点地工作, 马不停蹄地工作work around the clock /work continuously,discriminate on the basis of gender/age生活的喜怒哀乐Lifes joys and sorrows沟通方式,沟通能力means of communication, communication skills社会动物,人际关系social creature,interal relationship导致摩擦/出现cause friction betweenand,sarise among相互扶持,亲密无间build a close rapport between在人伤心时安慰,觉得自己被需要console sb. at times of


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