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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Thats why I help brighten peoples days. If you _, whos to say that another person will?AdidntBdontCwerentDhavent2You should first explore your t

2、alents and get to know yourself so as to make a list of _ you think your real interests lie.Athat BwhatCwhere Dhow3Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? _. I really dont mind.ABothBNoneCNeitherDEither4- Do you think I should join the singing group, Mary?- _ If I were in your shoes, I certainly would.A

3、None of your business BIt depends.CWhy not? DI dont think so.5I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she , she would have met my brother.Ahas comeBdid comeCcameDhad come6Wolf Warrior 2, _ director Wu Jing also starred in the lead role, is a first-class production, even by Hollywood standards.Awh

4、ereBwhichCwhomDas7What about the services in this hotel?They are at least as good as, if not superior to, _ in yours.AitBthoseCthatDthe one8Muir succeeds _ other designers have failedher clothes are Original, yet stylish.AthatBwhatCwhichDwhere9Many people may be surprised by the number of chemicals

5、that they are _ to through everyday household products.AdevotedBaddictedCexposedDapplied10Everything seemed to be going _ for the first two days after I arrived in New York.AvividlyBgenerallyCfrequentlyDsmoothly11Some experts fear that too-early _ to computers will have harmful consequences for chil

6、drens development.AexposureBextensionCexhibitionDexpansion12 Where is Gary? He is at the library studying for his German test on Wednesday. In fact, he _ for the test every day over the past week.Ahas reviewed Bwas reviewingChas been reviewing Dhad been reviewing13Wed better discuss everything _befo

7、re we work out the plan.Ain detailBin generalCon purposeDon time14The split between humans and living apes is thought by some scholars _ 15 to 20 million years ago.Ato occurBoccurringCto have occurredDhaving occurred15Uncle Wang is in hospital.Oh, really? I _. I _ go and visit her.Adidnt know; am go

8、ing to Bhadnt known; wouldChavent known; will Ddidnt know; will16_ progress it is, you cant stop moving forward.AWhatever great BHowever greatCNo matter how great DHow great a17Rosa _ this washing machine for more than ten years. She is thinking about buying a new one.Ais using BusedChad used Dhas b

9、een using18Li Hua _ his money for dollars before he went on a holiday in America.Aexchanges Bhas exchangedCwill exchange Dhad exchanged19The post office is closed _ Saturday afternoon.AonBinCofDat20Personally speaking, _the grand blueprint into reality is a long process.AturningBturnCturnedDhaving t

10、urned第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Off-Peak fares are cheaper tickets for traveling on trains that are less busy, offering good value for money. The tickets may require you to travel at specific times of day, days of the week or on a specific route. Where there is more than

11、one Off-Peak fare for a journey, the cheaper fare is called Super Off-Peak.You can buy Off-Peak tickets any time before you travel, either online or at a local station. The travel restrictions for your Off-Peak ticket will depend on the journey you are making. The tickets must be used on the date sh

12、own on the ticket. For Off-Peak return tickets, related journeys must be made on the date shown on your ticket as well.Children aged five to fifteen get a 50% discount for all Off-Peak fares. Up to 2 children under 5 years can travel free with each fare paying adult. Railcard holders get l/3 off all

13、 Standard Class Off-Peak fares. Senior, and disabled Railcard holders also get l/3 off all First Class Off Peak fares. Please note that minimum fares and time restrictions may apply to tickets bought with a Railcard.If you plan on a train trip with friends or your family, you may get group travel di

14、scounts. Three or four can travel for the price of just two adults-leaving everyone more money to spend on the day out! If you are traveling in a group of ten or more at Off-Peak times, you may be able to obtain a further discount through the train company you are traveling with. Contact the train c

15、ompany directly and be aware that you may need to book tickets in advance.For more information, please visit www.nationalrail.co.uk.1、An Off-Peak ticket differs from other tickets in .Aits good value for money Bits convenienceCthe specific trains Dtravel schedules2、Sarah, a Railcard holder, is trave

16、ling with her 12-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter. How much should they pay for the 6-pound Off-Peak fares?A6. B18.C7. D12.3、Apart from the Off-Peak fairs, you may also save money by .Abecoming a VIP Btraveling at rush timeCbuying tickets online Dgetting group travel discounts4、What type of writ

17、ing is this text?AAn announcement. BA ticket booking guide.CA business report. DA travel review.22(8分) I sat with my friend in a well-known coffee shop in a neighboring town of Venice. As we enjoyed our coffee, a man called the waiter and placed his order, “Two cups of coffee, one on the wall.” We g

18、ot interested and observed that he was served with one cup of coffee but he paid for two. As soon as he left, the waiter attached a piece of paper to the wall saying “A Cup of Coffee.” Similar occasions took place twice while we were there. It seemed that this gesture was quite normal at this place.

19、 However, it was something unique and confusing for us.After a few days, when we again enjoyed coffee there, a man entered. The way this man was dressed did not match the standard or the atmosphere of this coffee shop. Poverty was evident from his looks. As he seated himself, he looked at the wall a

20、nd said, “One cup of coffee from the wall.” The waiter served coffee to this man with respect and dignity. The man had his coffee and left without paying. We were amazed to watch all this when the waiter took off a piece of paper from the wall and threw it in the dustbin.Now it was no surprise for u

21、s; the matter was very clear. The great respect for the needy shown by people in this town moved us to tears.Coffee is not a necessity. However, the point is that when we take pleasure in any blessing, maybe we also need to think about those people who also appreciate that specific blessing but cann

22、ot afford.Note the waiter, who gets the communication going between the affording and the needy with a smile on his face. Think about the man in need: he enters the coffee shop without having to lower his self-dignity; he has a free cup of coffee without asking or knowing about who has given this cu

23、p of coffee to him; he only looked at the wall, placed an order for himself, enjoyed his coffee and left. Besides, we need to remember the role played by the wall that reflects the generosity and care of people in this town.1、What made the author interested as well as confused?AThe waiters making no

24、rmal gestures.BCustomers buying coffee for the needy.CThe waiters attaching coffee orders on the wall.DCustomers paying for coffee and having it put on the wall.2、The author thought the man in need was _.Anot properly dressedBobviously poorCnot right to leave without payingDstrange to order coffee f

25、rom the wall3、In the authors opinion, coffee is _.Anecessary in our lifeBrespect shown for the needyCa blessing to someone who cant affordDa blessing everyone should have4、The passage is mainly concerned about _.Alearning from the waiterBbuying coffee for othersCcaring more about the people in needD

26、analyzing the characters in the coffee shop23(8分)Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with you. According to the ancient Greeks,there are three basic tools of persuasion:ethos,pathos,and logos.Ethos is a speakers way of convincing the audience that she is trustworthy,honest and relia

27、ble. One common way a speaker can develop ethos is by explaining how much experience or education she has in the field. After all,youre more likely to listen to advice about how to take care of your teeth from a dentist than a fireman. A speaker can also create ethos by convincing the audience that

28、she is a good person. If an audience cannot trust you,you will not be able to persuade them.Pathos is a speakers way of connecting with an audiences emotions. For example,a politician who is trying to convince an audience to vote for him might say that he alone can save the country from a terrible w

29、ar. These words are intended to fill the audience with fear,thus making them support him. Similarly,an animal charity might show an audience pictures of injured dogs and cats,to make the viewers feel pity. If the audience feels bad for the animals,they will be more likely to donate money.Logos is th

30、e use of facts,statistics,or other evidence to support your argument. An audience will be more likely to believe you if you have convincing data to back up your claims. Presenting this evidence is much more persuasive than simply sayingbelieve me.Although ethos,pathos,and logos all have their streng

31、ths,they are often most effective when used together. Indeed,most speakers use a combination of ethos,pathos,and logos to persuade their audiences. So,the next time you listen to a speech,watch a commercial,or listen to a friend try to convince you to lend him some money,be on the lookout for these

32、ancient Greek tools of persuasion.1、Why does the author say persuasion is an art? _AThey both entertain the audience.BThey both require great skills to achieve.CThey both demand full attention from the audience.DThey were both common topics of ancient Greek writers.2、How is a speaker able to show he

33、r ethos to the audience? _ABy expressing her sympathy with the audience.BBy telling the audience about her personal preference.CBy using beautiful language to make her statements attractive.DBy showing her knowledge and experience relating to the topic.3、What can we learn about the three aspects of

34、persuasion? _AEthos is the most important aspect of persuasion.BEach aspect has a different effect on the audience.CHonesty is the key to making your arguments believable.DPolitical leaders mostly use pathos to persuade their audience.4、An advertisement for washing powder which claims that “scientif

35、ic tests show that our powder kills 95% of all bacteria”is mainly using _ .Aethos BpathosClogos Da combination of all three24(8分) In the fight to conserve tropical rainforests, heres a tool you dont often hear about:orange peels. Specifically, 12,000 tons of them, dumped (倾倒) on the land. “You dont

36、usually associate waste treatment with biodiversity benefits, something thats good for the environment.Tim Treuer is an ecologist at Princeton University. and hes talking about a unique conservation story. It started in the early 1990s, when an orange juice producer cal led Del Oro set up a company

37、near the Guanacaste Conservation Area in Costa Rica, a region that contains several national parks and a widlife protection zone.Del Oro needed somewhere to dump the orange peels, and the company also owned forested land next to the parkland that it had no intention of growing crops on. So a deal wa

38、s struck: if Del Oro donated its forested land, it could dump orange peel waste on degraded(退化的) land within the conservation area. Then a thousand dump trucks worth of orange peels were lying on the land in 1998. “And within about six months the orange peels had been turned from orange peels into t

39、his thick black rich soil.”“I couldnt even find the site the fist time I saw it.” He couldnt find it because, over 16 years, the orange peel waste had sent the land on a journey to become a vine-choked jungle, with three times the diversity of tree species of the neighboring control plot, richer soi

40、l and a much thicker covering. In other words, the experiment was a success. The results appear in the journal Restoration Ecology.Treuer says perhaps this lesson could be applied elsewhere. “Its a shame that we live in a world with nutrient-limited degraded ecosystems and also nutrient-rich waste s

41、treams. Wed like to see those things come together a little bit. Thats not license for any agricultural company to just start dumping their waste products on protected areas, but it does mean that land managers, people involved with industrial-scale agricultural operations should start thinking abou

42、t ways to do thoughtful experimentation to see if in their particular system they can have similar win-win-win results.”1、What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AWaste treatment.BA conservation story.CAn orange juice company.DThe biodiversity benefit.2、What does the author say ab

43、out orange peels?AThey are particularly hard to break down.BThey can change the color of the land soil.CThey are beneficial to biological diversity.DThey can gradually destroy the surface soil.3、What do Treuers words in the last paragraph suggest?AWaste can be used for environmental protection.BNo w

44、aste can be thrown randomly on the protected areas.CLarge-scale agricultural operations start with experiments.DLand managers must be ready to take on their responsibility4、What might be the best title for the passage?AHow to Deal with Orange PeelsBHow to Improve the Degraded LandCA Fruitful Experim

45、ent in Land ConservationDWays to Protect Tropical Forests Effectively25(10分)The note taped to the host stand at the Prime Rib says it all.“We fought the battle the longest, but we give in!” it reads. “Its now a completely informal world; they wear whatever they wish. They want a warm, easy, friendly

46、 atmosphere, even in “fine dining. So we decided to go with the flow.”Yes, after almost half a century, The Prime Rib has switched to business casual.It is among most of todays finest dining establishments - including Charleston, The Black Olive, and The Capital Grille - that have decided to lighten

47、 up. They have given up caring too much about what their guests are dressed in as before, adopting a come-as-you-are attitude. At these restaurants, youre likely to see casual clothes such as khakis (trousers made of khaki cloth) and Hawaiian shirts.“Were a business first,” says David Derewicz, gene

48、ral manager of the impressive dining establishment. “And we were losing business with our jacket requirements.” He kept a list of over 20 people who told him, “If you drop the jacket policy, well come back.”Once the dress code shift was seriously being considered, Derewicz made dozens of phone calls

49、 to long-time guests. Most said they didnt mind the change as long as the restaurant itself with its white table cloths, dark leather chairs, grand piano, and tuxedoed waitstaff -stayed the same.“Since the change was introduced last summer, weve not lost a guest,” says Derewicz.On a secret night at

50、The Prime Rib, the scene was pretty much the same as its ever been lots of men in jackets and ties, some in shirts and slacks, but now the occasional khakis and polo shirts thrown in.It turns out that people are pretty capable of policing themselves, even without a formal dress code.While some tradi

51、tionalists may argue that The Prime Rib9s reputation has been damaged a bit, Derewicz feels that the restaurant has moved ahead and finally strengthened their band.1、The Prime Ribs note mainly tells people about .Aits long history Bits pleasant atmosphereCits change in dress code Dits battle with ot

52、her restaurants2、The underlined words “lighten up” in paragraph 4 probably mean “ ”.Afollow a long tradition Btake a matter less seriouslyCmake something continue as before Dhelp each other to achieve something3、According to Derewicz, following the formal dress code means .Afurther development Ba be

53、tter reputationClow efficiency Dfailing profits4、What do we know about The Prime Rib now?AIt is praised by some traditionalists.BThe police come to protect its guests.CMost of its guests still wear formal clothes.DMost people go there in khakis and polo shirts.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短

54、文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)When twelve-year-old John Wilson walked into his chemistry class on a rainy day in late October 1931, he had no way of knowing that his life was about to change completely. The class 1 that day was to show how 2 a container of water would bring oxygen bub

55、bles(气泡) to the surface. The container John was about to heat, 3 , was not like the containers students everywhere had used. Someone had been 4 and put the wrong label(标签) on the bottle. And 5 John heated it with a Bunsen burner, the container 6 , sending the liquid flying in all directions. John Wi

56、lson came away from it, completely 7 .Wilson spent the next two months in hospital. After he returned home, his parents 8 a hard time to find a way to deal with the 9 that had happened to their lives. But Wilson did not 10 the accident as a disaster. He knew he had the rest of his life to live. He l

57、earned Braille(盲文) quickly and continued his 11 at the esteemed Worcester College for the disabled. There, he not only 12 as a student but also became an accomplished rower, swimmer, actor, musician, and orator.Many people, faced with the 13 John Wilson met with, would have 14 of their experience. P

58、erhaps they would have considered themselves to be 15 by ill fortune and discouraged in their 16 to do anything significant with their lives. Wilson, however, lost his sight but found a 17 . Through his practical action and life attitude, he proved to us 18 that its not what happens to us that 19 ou

59、r lives its what we make 20 what happens.1、Aexperiment Bdiscussion Canalysis Dmanagement2、Abringing out Bturning over Cheating up Dpicking on3、Atherefore Binstead Cbesides Dhowever4、Alight-hearted Babsent-minded Ccold-blooded Dbad-tempered5、Aas Bif Conce Dthough6、Aleaked Bexploded Ccollapsed Dmelted

60、7、Adumb Blame Cdeaf Dblind8、Acalled for Bdrove off Cwent through Ddepended on9、Acatastrophe Bcoincidence Cdilemma Ddrawback10、Aelect Bappoint Cregard Drecommend11、Aeducation Boccupation Ccontribution Drecovery12、Asurvived Bshone Ccompeted Dregistered13、Adiscrimination Bresistance Ccircumstances Dunc


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