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1、高三英语模拟试卷讲评2020/10/1811.What abilities does reading comprehension test us on?2.What styles does it deal with?3.What types of test does it include?4.How to deal with them according to the testing points?Questions 2020/10/1821.What abilities does reading comprehension test us on?1。归纳概括能力2。计算能力4。释文能力3。逻

2、辑推理能力5。分析判断能力6。快速反应和组合信息能力7。辨析图表能力2020/10/1832.What styles does it deal with?It deals with narrative writing(记叙文)、expository writing(说明文)、argumentation (议论文)、advertisement (广告)、news report (新闻报道)etc. Sometimes some passages combine two styles.2020/10/1843.What types of test does it include?It includ

3、es the title question (主旨大意题)、the fact question (事实细节题)、implicative meaning question (深层含义题)、the judgement question (推理判断题)、words in context(猜测词义题)2020/10/185主旨大意题推理判断题猜测词义题深层含义题事实细节题4.How to deal with them according to the testing points?2020/10/1861。主旨大意题:这类题通常要从整体上权衡语篇的内容,结合语篇中的事实陈述,找出事实陈述中的中心线索,


5、部事实,在特定的语境中,对事实进行逻辑推理,作出正确的判断,该题型属于应用性问题(答案要求用文章中知识内容作为推理、判断的依据)。2020/10/18105。猜测词义题:解决这类题主要参照上下文的语境意义、语段释义、构词法、常识等去推测。2020/10/1811Skimming(略读浏览法) is quick reading for general ideas .When you skim you move your eyes quickly to acquire(获得、得到) a basic understanding of the text.You do not need to read

6、everything ,and you do not read carefully .You read quickly such things as the title and subtitles and topic sentences .You also look at pictures ,charts ,graphs ,etc.,for clues to what the text is about.2020/10/1812 What is the main idea of this passage ?( )A.To skim is to read a passage quickly fo

7、r main ideas .B.When you read a passage ,you skim it quickly .C.Skimming is a useful reading skill.D. Skimming is quick reading for topic sentences .A2020/10/1813Now available at Franklin park one block from Indiana Unversity.New unfurnished apartments .One bedroom at $135,two bedrooms at $170 per m

8、onth.Utilities included except electricity.Children,and pets welcome .One month s deposit .Office open Monday through Saturday nine to five .Call 999-7415 for an evening or Sunday appointment.Advertisement 22020/10/18141.From this ad we can know that ()A.the apartments are far from Indiana Universit

9、yB. the apartments have furniture in them C.gas and water bills are included in the rentD.cats and dogs are not permitted in the apartments C2020/10/18152.The ad implies that interested persons must ()A.see the apartments on Monday or Saturday B. call for an appointment (约定、约会) if they want to see t

10、he apartments from nine to five Monday through Saturday C. call for an appointment if they want to see the apartments on Sunday or in the evening .D. see the apartments before five oclock any day C2020/10/1816阅读理解错题统计:文章题号错误率考查类型文体错因A5665%?A5740%?B6345%?C6553%?D7171%?事实细节深层含义猜测词义主旨大意深层含义说明文说明文人物传记说明

11、文新闻报道2020/10/1817Summary1。快速阅读,辨识文体,总览全文,抓住主题句。2。略读短文,快速了解篇章结构。3。先看题目,后看短文,做到心中有数。4。弄清问题,有的放矢答题。2020/10/1818writing请你根据以下图表和提示,用英语写一篇关于我国手机拥有量变化的报导,并阐述手机给人们生活所带来的利与弊。1.方便,随时随地联系2.许多功能(function)满足不同要求,如发短信,上网(surf the internet)等3.接到打错的电话并为这付费4.电磁辐射(radiation)有害健康2020/10/1819What must we pay attention

12、 to when writing this article ?题材:说明文人称:第三人称时态:一般过去时或一般现在时要点:1。图表2。提示3。发表自己的看法2020/10/1820本篇写作中出现的错误类型1。时态的错误2。双谓语句子3。短语搭配错误4。词句不平衡2020/10/1821Correct the mistakes in the following sentences :1.In 2002 ,there are 20 million people own the mobile phones in all .2.With the development of our society ,

13、its number will raise to 30 million in 2005.In 2002 ,there were 20 million people owning the mobile phones in all .With the development of our society ,its number will rise(reachup) to 30 million in 2005.2020/10/18223.Its convenient for people to get touch with each other no matter when and where th

14、ey like.Its convenient for people to get /keep in touch with each other no matter when and where they like.4.There are many different functions (功能)which can content different needs of the people ,such assending short messages ,go on-line and so on . There are many different functions (功能)which can

15、meet /satisfy different needs of the people ,such as sending short messages ,going on-line and so on . 2020/10/18235.The radiation from the mobile phones is harm to our health .The radiation from the mobile phones is harmful /does harm to our health .2020/10/1824As can be seen from the chart,great c

16、hanges have been taking place in the ownership of mobile phones in China.At the end of 2002,there were 20 million mobile users.By the year 2005,the number will reach up to 30 million.例文:2020/10/1825 People have found mobile phones very convenient.They can get in touch with each other whenever and wh

17、erever they like.There are many different functions for different needs,such as sending short messages and surfing the Internet.However,it may also bring us some trouble.For example,you will have to pay for a wrong number,and the radiation from the phone may do harm to our health. In spite of this,the nu


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