2023版高三一轮总复习英语外研版课时分层作业4 Friends forever_第1页
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1、 课时分层作业(四)完形填空(2021南昌市模拟)The roles we often expect our fathers to play,protector or provider,can make them seem unapproachableThats how it was with my dadHe was a 1 person,who was never much of a talkerI didnt want to 2 his hard shell and had gotten used to itThat brought both him and me the sense o

2、f 3 But when my life took a hit a year ago,things had to 4 I needed to know how he had found his way,because I felt like I had 5 mineIn a moment of desperation,it occurred to me that sending an email might be the 6 I could speak at a comfortable distance and give him room to 7 So I wrote to him,tell

3、ing him about my regrets and fears,and asking him to 8 the similar experience he had undergoneTwo weeks later,an email 9 in my inboxDad had carefully 10 my message,reached back into his memory and made a 11 I closed the email and started to cryI cried because I wished I had 12 my heart earlier but w

4、as grateful it wasnt too lateI cried because I hadnt been able to ask him anything about his life in all this time; 13 ,I had focused on not sharing anything about myself with himI cried because at 33,in the middle of my own struggles,his letter instantly put me 14 And I cried because in the end,it

5、was so 15 :I just had to hit “send”Weve since had many 16 Better yet,he offers stories 17 without me askingMy problems havent been magically 18 ,but getting to know my dad better and learning to 19 him more has made the tough stuff more manageable and life sweeterIts hard to talk to dads sometimesIm

6、 glad that I have found a 20 to talk to mine【语篇解读】我们经常认为父亲的角色是保护者,或是养家糊口的人,从而有了这样一种印象:父亲常常是让人难以接近的。作者也曾认为自己的父亲难以接近,但后来通过与父亲的邮件沟通,作者发现了父亲不同的一面。1AprivateBreasonableCconfidentDsensitiveA根据下文的“who was never much of a talker”可知,父亲是一个不爱交流的人。private“不爱交流思想感情的,内向的”,符合语境。2AquestionBclarifyCbreakDwithdrawC上文提

7、到父亲不爱交流,似乎难以接近,此处“坚硬的外壳”是比喻的用法。根据语境可知,作者不想打破父亲“坚硬的外壳”。break“打破”,符合语境。3AresponsibilityBsecurityCshameDguiltB结合上文可知,父亲有“坚硬的外壳”保护着他自己,而作者也早已经习惯于此,这给他和作者都带来了一种安全感。sense of security“安全感”,符合语境。4ArelieveBconfirmCaccomplishDchangeD根据语境可知,一年前作者的生活受到严重影响,事情发生了变化。change“变化,改变”,符合语境。5AignoredBlostCsoughtDdiscov

8、eredB根据上文的“how he had found his way”可知,作者想知道父亲曾是如何走出困境的,因为作者感觉自己已经迷失了(lost)方向。此处“lost mine”与上文的“found his way”相对应。6AkeyBtargetCroutineDstageA根据下文可知,作者认为发一封电子邮件与父亲沟通可能是关键( key)。7AassumeBavoidCadjustDadmitC通过发电子邮件这一方式,作者能够给父亲适应的空间。adjust“适应,习惯”,符合语境。8AobtainBdeliverCbroadenDshareD结合上下文可知,作者给父亲写了封电子邮件倾


10、 onBappealed toCopened upDsettled downC此处表示“我希望我能更早些敞开心扉”,open up“打开,直抒胸臆,不再拘谨”,符合语境。13AmeanwhileBinsteadCthereforeDhoweverB根据上文可知,作者与父亲很少交流,没有询问过父亲的任何事情,相反,作者的注意力都集中在不与父亲分享自己的事情上。instead“相反,而”,符合语境。14Aat easeBin peaceCunder pressureDin a dilemmaA父亲的邮件让作者放松下来。put sbat ease“使某人放松(松弛下来)”,符合语境。15Aobvio


12、C虽然作者的问题并没有奇迹般地被解决,但作者更好地了解了父亲。solve“解决”,符合语境。19AloveBconvinceCforgiveDcomfortA根据语境可知,作者学会了更爱(love)父亲。20AconnectionBreasonCbenefitDwayD有时候与父亲交流确实比较困难。作者很高兴找到了一种与自己父亲沟通的方式。way“方式,途径”,符合语境。语法填空(2021唐山市模拟演练)For much of history, reading was a fairly noisy activityToday, however, the majority of us read

13、the words in our heads as if 1._(sit) in a libraryRecent studies provide ample evidence 2._ the ancient art of reading aloud has a number of benefits, from helping improve our memories 3._ strengthening emotional bonds between peopleAccording to the research on the impacts of reading on memory, peop

14、le consistently remember words and texts 4._(well) if reading them aloud than if reading them silently This phenomenon has been named the “production effect”, which means that producing 5._(write) wordsnamely, reading them out loudimproves our memory of themEven just silently mouthing the words make

15、s 6._ more memorableOne reason why people remember the spoken words better is that it gives us 7._ additional basis for memoryWe are 8._(general) better at recalling events that require active involvementFor instance, producing a word in 9._(respond) to a question makes it easier to rememberIn a tim

16、e when our interaction with others and the large amount of information we take in 10._(be) all too transient (转瞬即逝的), perhaps it is worth making a bit more time for reading out aloud【语篇解读】本文介绍了朗读这一古老的艺术技巧有改善我们的记忆力和加强人与人之间的情感纽带等诸多益处。并建议人们用更多的时间来朗读。1sitting考查现在分词。分析句子结构可知,空处省略了主语和谓语动词;根据语境可知,此处表示然而,今天

17、我们大多数人都像坐在图书馆里一样在脑子里读文字,这里强调动作正在发生,故用现在分词。2that考查同位语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导同位语从句,补充说明名词evidence的具体内容,故用that引导该从句。3to考查介词。“fromto”为固定搭配,表示“从到”。4better考查副词的比较级。根据空后的“than”可知,空处应用比较级表示人们朗读比默读能更好地记住单词和文章。5written考查形容词。空处修饰名词words,故应用形容词。written意为“书面的”。6them考查人称代词。分析句子结构可知,空处作动词make的宾语,指代该句中的“the words”,故填them。

18、7an考查冠词。此处表示“一种额外的基础”,故用不定冠词;且additional的发音以元音音素开头,故用an。8generally考查副词。空处修饰形容词better,故用副词形式。9response/responding考查固定搭配。in response to为固定搭配,意为“回应”。in为介词,后跟名词或动名词形式均可。故填response/responding。10are考查主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,此处为when引导的时间状语从句,从句的主语“our interaction with others and the large amount of information we ta

19、ke in”为复数概念,故谓语动词用复数形式,故填are。短文改错(2021昆明市“三诊一模”模拟)I have had the pleasure of meeting a nice neighbor since my family move to the new communityWe usual just wave and say “hi” when we meetTherefore,an incident changed thisThe other day,a heavier rain hit our areaWith strong winds blowing throughout th

20、e day,a part of his wooden fence,about 6 foot of it,came downWhen I was wondering what to get it repaired,he gave me a handWith his help,the fence was fixed quicklyIt was kind act by my neighbor and I was touching by his kindnessI will soon send to him a thankyou note【答案】I have had the pleasure of m

21、eeting a nice neighbor since my family eq f(move,moved) to the new communityWe eq f(usual,usually) just wave and say “hi” when we meeteq f(Therefore,However),an incident changed thisThe other day,a eq f(heavier,heavy) rain hit our areaWith strong winds blowing throughout the day,a part of eq f(his,my) wooden fence,about 6 eq f(foot,feet) of it,came downWhen I was wondering eq f(what,how) to get it repaired,he gave me a handWith his help,the fence was fixed quicklyIt was eq o(sup10(),a) kind act by my neighbor and I was eq f(touching,touched) by his kindnessI will soon s


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