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1、2022-2023学年吉林省长春市某学校英语高职单招试题(含答案)一、单选题(20题)1.It is snowing. How about()?A.go skiing B.go ski C.going skiing D.going ski 2.She was glad _ her friends again.A.see B.saw C.seeing D.to see 3.What caused the accident and who was responsible for it()a mystery to us?A.has been remained B.have been remained

2、 C.remain D.remains 4.Not only I but also Jane and Mary_ tired of having one exam after another.A.is B.are C.be D.am 5.-Would you like some juice or coffee?-()is OK. I really dont care.A.Both B.Either C.All D.Neither 6.-Last Saturday,I gave a talk()how to learn English.-Really? Where did you give()

3、talk?A.for;a B.on;a C.for;the D.on;the 7.The young man()a pair of glasses is a good teacher.A.with B.in C.by D.having 8._ many times, but he still couldnt understand it.A.Having been told B.Though had been told C.He was told D.Having told 9.Id like to invite you to a concert this evening.Thank you,

4、but _Ill be free Im not sure at the moment.A.while B.if C.when D.whether 10.I like this room. You() see the mountains from the window.A.can B.should C.must D.need 11.When James arrived at the railway station,he tried to look _ a place to park his car.A.after B.at C.up D.for 12.When an earthquake hap

5、pens,I think the most important safety _ is to keep calm.A.rule B.doubt C.condition D.problem 13.() you decide to spend your holidays, one thing is certain, you will get to your destination fresh and safe.A.Whatever B.Whoever C.Wherever D.Whichever 14.Its _ ride from my home to the factory.A.two hou

6、rs and halfs B.two and half hours5 C.two and a half hours D.two hour and a half5 s 15.Many a child _ reading “Harry Potter”.A.liked B.likes C.like D.liking 16.He began learning English _ the age of five.A.for B.on C.in D.at 17.Can you lend me your pen? Mine _.A.wont write B.isnt write C.isnt writing

7、 D.written 18.It is _.A.sun B.snow C.snowy D.cloud 19.There was a()talk between the two teams last week.A.friend B.friendly C.friendship D.really 20.My mother() the Party for twenty years.A.has joined B.joined in C.has been in D.joined 二、填空题(20题)21.John said he wasnt disappointed at the result of th

8、e basketball game,but the look on his face_him_.A.turned;down B.took;in C.made;out D.gave;away 22.Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now? _,if he is ready.A.By all means B.No way C.My pleasure D.In no case 23.We should try our best to leave our generation a world better than_we

9、 were given.A.it B.one C.the one D.those 24.I prefer a house in a mountain village to_in such a large city as Changsha.A.that B.it C.this D.one 25.I sincerely suggest that you try your best to finish this project,unless you dont _the complaints from all directions.A.care about B.set about C.bring ab

10、out D.go about 26.In fact he lived a comfortable life,but he_about his fate all the time.A.is complaining B.has complained C.was complaining D.had complained 三、补充对话(10题)27.(3)A.AhIs there anything serious? B.Thank you,doctor. C.Ive got a bad headache. D.My temperature seems all right. E.About two da

11、ys. 28.(5)A.Thank you,doctor. B.I am not feeling very well. C.Good afternoon. D.Is it serious? E.Do you have a headache? 29.(4)A.Then Ill take the tickets. B.Id like two tickets to shanghai. C.Dose it stop anywhere? D.But all the tickets for that day are sold out. E.What time is the earliest flight?

12、 30.-I am glad to have met you,Linda.-().A.I am Tom B.Is he your father? C.So do I! D.This is Tom E. Thank you. E.Do you like wine? F.What about your father? G.H. How are you? 31.A: Can I help you?B: (1)A: When would you like to go?B: On April 29th.A: April 29th? Err,Im sorry (2) . What about may 1s

13、t?B: Let me think. Yes,thats ok. (3)A: The earliest flight will leave at 8:30 in the morning.B: (4)A: No,it will go straight to shanghai.B: (5)A: 0k,Ill get them for you right away.(1)A.Then Ill take the tickets. B.Id like two tickets to shanghai. C.Dose it stop anywhere? D.But all the tickets for t

14、hat day are sold out. E.What time is the earliest flight? 32.-Hello.(),please?-Sorry. Shes busy writing an article now. She has to finish it this morning.A.What does your father do B.Yes,a little C.Are you Jenny D.Whats your hobby? E.Thank you F.Well done G.Can I speak to Jenny H. Is he your father

15、33.-().-I like reading ? dancing,swimming,and watching movies.A.What does your father do B.Yes,a little C.Are you Jenny D.Whats your hobby? E.Thank you F.Well done G.Can I speak to Jenny H. Is he your father 34.A: Hello,Pan Wei. Is this your new car? How beautiful!B: Hi,Liss. Would you like to go fo

16、r a ride with me?A: Great!B: .Well,you dont have to wear the seat belt. (1) .A: Im sure you are. You know,not every driver is as good as you.B: (2) .No one will stop us right now.A: Oh,no,no. We obey the traffic rules not for the police. (3) .B: I agree,but I feel uncomfortable with it.A: Thats true

17、,a little. (4) .Otherwise you will go flying when your car is terribly hit.B: (5) .I am wearing it.(1)A.Sounds reasonable. B.Its just for ourselves! C.It taught me a good lesson. D.There are few cars at this time on the road. E.Im an excellent.F.And theres no policeman on the street. G.But the seat

18、belt is for your safety. 35.-Oh,you look so lovely today.-().A.I am Tom B.Is he your father? C.So do I! D.This is Tom E. Thank you. E.Do you like wine? F.What about your father? G.H. How are you? 36.Tom: (1)Li: Oh,hello. Could I speak to mike,please?Tom: (2)Li: Yes,could you ask him to call me,pleas

19、e?Tom: (3)Li: Liming.Tom: (4)Li: 65443221Tom: (5)(1)A.How are you? B.Hello ,68813721 C.Good morning. My name is Mary. D.Sure,whats your name,please? E.See you later. Bye. F.Im afraid hes out now. can I take a message? G.Whats your number,please? 四、语言应用(5题)37.Mark Hughes did the following things exce

20、pt _.A.rob grocery stores B.rob banks C.rob schools D.rob post offices 38.If I want to join the journey,I can call the travel agency at _.A.7: 00 am on Monday B.7:00 am on Sunday C.7: 00 pm on Saturday 39.Cycling can help you _.A.work leg muscles B.see results C.keep fat D.walk fast 40.The book is w

21、ritten by _.A.Barack Obama B.Donald John Trump C.George W.Bush 41.Who can you call for the backpack?A.David. B.Jimmy. C.Bruce. D.Betty. 五、阅读理解(5题)42.Which of the following is NOT true ?A.Mexico City is the capital of Mexico.B.The population of Mexico City is 30,000,000.C.Tokyo is a city with the lar

22、gest population. D.Mexico City is one of the highest city in the world . 43.The way to stop water pollution is _.A.to realize the serious situation clearly B.to put oxygen into the river C.to make the waste materials harmless D.to make special room in the sea for our rubbish 44.Kate Wilson says she

23、does not get afraid because _.A.she has an oxygen tank B.she knows how to fight fires C.she enjoys finding heat D.she is too busy putting out fires 45.The speed of the fastest plane in the world is _.A.1.4 kilometers per second B.43 kilometers per minute C.1,270 kilometers per hour D.8,000 kilometer

24、s per hour 46. “hitting the books”means “()” in Chinese. A.用功 B.捶书 C.发泄 D.振作 六、汉译英(5题)47.他年纪足够大,可以加入电脑倶乐部了。(enough to)48.我不喜欢说别人的坏话。49.我们可以躺在沙滩上好好享受一下。(enjoy oneself)50.儿子,穿得很好,在中间自豪地挥舞着(使用省略句)51.如果你发现一只大熊猫有危险,你会怎么做?(in danger)参考答案1.C下雪了,去滑雪怎么样?how about doing sth.2.D她很高兴能够再次见到朋友。be glad to do意为“很高兴

25、做某事”。故选D。3.D什么引发了这场事故,谁会对此负责,对于我们来说还是个未解之谜。现在对我们来说还是个未解之谜,所以用一般现在时,选D。4.Bnot only .but also就近一致原则。Jane and Mary 是复数用B5.BBoth两者都;Either两者中的另一个;All全部;Neither 一个都不(两者中)6.D上周六,我做了一个关于怎么学好英语的演讲。真的吗?你在哪里进行演讲的?7.A8.C9.B10.A我喜欢这间房,你能从窗户外看到山脉。11.D当James到达车站的时候,他想找一个地方停车。look for 意为“寻找”。故选D。12.A当地震发生的时候,我认为最重

26、要的安全法则是保持冷静。A 项意为“规则”;B项意为“疑虑”;C项意为“状况”;D项意为“问题”。故选A。13.C无论你在哪里度假,有件事是肯定的,你将会达到一个新鲜和安全的地方。whaterver无论什么,whoerver无论是谁,whicherver无论哪一个,wherever无论在哪里。14.C从我家到工厂是两个半小时路程。半小时,half of hour(half 为 n);a half hou(half为adj),half an hour(half 为 adj)。2.5小时two and a half hours.故选 C。15.B16.D句意:他在五岁时开始学习英语。at the

27、age of+ when sb.isyears old.意为“在某岁的时候”故选D。17.B18.C句意:今天是下雪天。It在这里指代天气,后面应选表示天气的形容词。故选C。19.B上周两队进行了一次友好地谈话。20.C21.D考查动词短语辨析。句意为:John说他对篮球比赛的结果不失望,但是他脸上的表情使他露馅了。turn down拒绝;take in留宿,吸入,包含;make out应付,弄懂;give away泄漏,暴露。根据句意可知,应选D项。22.A考查交际用语。by all means务必,一定;no way决不;my pleasure别客气;in no case决不。根据答语中的

28、if he is ready可知,只有A项符合语境。答语句意:如果他准备好了,我一定会陪他去邮局的。23.C考查代词的用法。分析题干可知,空格处指代的是前面的world,且属于同类不同物,故应使用代词one,而空格后的“we were given”是one的定语从句,由此可知,此处的one表示的是特指,之前应用定冠词。24.D考查代词。句意为:我更喜欢山村中的房屋而不是在像长沙一样的大城市中的房屋。one指代a house符合句意。it用来指代特定的物,即上下文提到的同样的事物;that指代the+单数名词(可数或不可数均可),用于特指;this作代词时没有类似的用法。25.A考查动词短语辨析。句意为:


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