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1、段1:描述重要性段落(比如建设绿色校园十分重要During recent years , the topic of(词), which has triggered wide-ranging and mounting public attention, ising increasingly prevalent. Undeniably,(词 the indispensable part for everyones advancement , yields profound impact on both individuals and society.描述重要性段落(附加Over the past

2、several years, across the Chinese landsc there is a social trend we should not lose sight of: a growing number of individuals have realized that the critical importance(词). Put it in another way (词) counts much for Consequently, There is no doubt that(词)willbehugelybeneficialtoyoung adults healthy g

3、rowth andal advancement.段落 2:描述现象类段Giant leaps of(写背景)have set the stage for the mushrooming of(主题词), which is gaining growing popularity for the past year or two. According to one recent survey conducted by Sina Weibo, an immensely prevalent micro-blogging service on the Chinese landsc , close to 9

4、0 percent of respondents have once done段落 3:描述原因类段式,2 个具体原因还要自己写)Digging into this prevailing phenomenon, it is not difficult to identify th ouple of driving forces are at work, and the single most important one, from my own , is(写主要原因,跟名词性结构).For.段落 4:对立观点段This topic is on the lips of everyone, but

5、 their views are far from equal. A host of individuals supportive of(词)argue thatHowever, other people taking a dim view of(词)deem that段落4:措施段落 1(一般针对现象From my , the best way to achieve/attain this goal is to educate youngsters to have/foster/cultivate a sense of public virtues, in which schools fro

6、m different corners of China should play a central role, while, at the same time, public authorities at all levels ought to enact feasible regulations to curb undesirable acts in violation/breach/of public virtues. Only in this way will the prospect of building the highly civilized society, though s

7、till distant, be brighter.段落4措施段落 2(备用Faced with the dire consequences of the unhealthy trend, the authorities must make constructive efforts to put things right. And to reverse this undesirable trend, we must cry out for immediate measures beforeit istoo late. The ernment should launch nation-wide

8、ns to hammer home the message of behaving decently in public places. Among other things, some regulations should be enacted to curb unfavorableconducts. Onlyby ng so canthe construction of building a highly civilized and more harmonious society, though distant, be brighter.段落 5-描述两面性事物(如网络购物有很好好处,但也

9、有不少问题)(一般用在结尾(词)hasfedhugelyintoourordinarylifeinmultiplespheres.is worth noting, however, that(词)emergedwrappedwithbothrewardsandrisks. What really needs to occur is to make full use of it to serve our purposes and strive to reduce its adverse effects on us meanwhile. And I firmly convinced that ,

10、if handled properly, our society will be steered onto a more harmonious track.I 作文闪光时间状nowadays/currently/recently/over the past several years/over the past couple of decades/these days/for the past year or two/more recently/in recent years地点状across the nation/across the Chinese landsc/ontheChinesem

11、ainland/inthisancientland across the world/globe/planet校园话onthecollegeanduniversity开始描述现象,可以写这种显著现象/趋势是不容忽Thereisanoticeablephenomenonweshouldnotlosesightof 或者 There is a noticeable trend we should not afford to ignore或者 There is a noticeable tide which should not escour attention重要性相关表【1】Mentalheal

12、thisextremelyimportant/significanttobe intensely/exceedingly/enormously/fairly/extraordinarily/immensely/ 【2】Psychological health is of crucial importance/significance to us. beofvital/critical/key/central/supreme/prime/utmost/immense/ 【3】vital,crucial,criticalPhysicalandemotionalwell-beingarevital/

13、crucial/critical/keytoHaving a good command of English is crucial/vital/critical/key to the size of your future 【4】matter/count a great deal/ a lot【5】playa Guanxi,orbusinessandpoliticalrelationships,isplayinganincreasinglylargerrole/partinthe course of moving up your social ladder. essential/vital/h

14、uge role【6】over-emphasize/over-Theimportanceofreadingclassicscannotbeover-emphasized/over-stated/overestimatedItisdifficulttoexaggeratethesignificanceofbreakfasttoourphysicalwell-【7】The emergence of this undesirable trend stems partly from the misguided perception that those masterpieces are of litt

15、le or no value to contemporary society.be of enormous/great/high/immense/ tremendous/little/no value 【8】Strikinganidealbalancebetweenthevirtualworldandrealoneisessentialforthose【9】Toputitsimply,thebenefitsofthisapproachfaroutweighits导致这一趋势/【1】Thisphenomenon/trend/tideisdrivenbymultiple【2】Behindthisp

16、henomenon,awealthofingredientsareat【3】Theemergenceofthetrendinvolvesseveral【4】Ahostoffactorsareinvolvedinthis【5】Thereareavarietyofdriving forcesbehindthis【6】Thereareahugenumberofreasonscontributingtothis【7】There are a couple of driving forces behind this prevalent tide, top the list is Chinas boomin

17、g economy.【8】There are a variety of driving forces behind this undesirable tide, of which the single most important one is insufficient emphasis.【9】Inadequate/insufficient emphasis on spelling, in my eyes, tops the list of factors triggering this undesirable phenomenon.【10】Digging into this prevaili

18、ng phenomenon, it is not difficult to identify that a couple of drivingforcesareatwork,andthesinglemostimportantone,frommyown ,isChinas booming economy.人们对于某一现象/问题观点不【1】Whenitcomestotheissueoftheuniversityranking,folksviewsarefarfrom 【2】TheuniversityrankingisahighlycontroversialissuePeoplearedivided

19、/spliton【3】Theargumentovertheuniversityrankingis【4】Itprovokesgreatcontroversywhenitcomestotheissueconcerningtheuniversity【5】Thereisalong-running/long-standingdisputeovertheissuewithrespecttotheuniversity 【6】When people speak of the issue regarding the university ranking , their views are sharply/eno

20、rmously/markedly/substantially/vastly different.【7】Theissuerelatingtotheuniversityrankingisindispute【8Theissuewithregardtotheuniversityrankingishotlydisputedacrossthesocietythese【9】Thereisnoconsensusamongteralpublicontheissueoftheuniversity【10There areing/differing/divergentviewsamongthepublicaboutt

21、heissuewithregard to the university ranking.【11】PeoplesresponsestothenewlyunveiledschemeareEverycoinhastwo Thedigitalstuffisadouble-edgedAsanancientwisemanonceputit,Nogardenhasnoweeds. The digital item acts/functions/serves as a two-edged sword.ThedigitalizedcommodityisamixedAsisoftenpointedout,thed

22、igitalgadgetistwo-edgedweaponwhichcanbeusedequallyfood as well as evil.Indeed, the diverse digital devices bring us huge benefits. It is worth noting ,however, that the dark side also exists.Everythinginthisworldemergeswrappedwithbothbrightanddark必将/from my /on myallevel/inmybelief/inmyeyes/inmymind

23、/ally/inmy view/from my point of view/from my viewpoint(2)ItseemstomeIfirmly/stronglybelieveIt is my firm/strong conviction that. Iamstrongly/firmlyconvincedthat. It is my strong/firm belief that.表达持有什believe/deem/hold/maintain/argue/reckon/contendharbortheideathattaketheattitudethat/holdtheviewthat

24、 【2】必将/ThereisnodenyingThere is no/little doubt that. Thereislittleroomfordoubtthat.Itisquestion/doubt/disputethat. There is no question that.【3】【4】产生重大和深远的影 短语feed可以直接运用 impact/affect/influenceadversely/negatively/seriously/gravely/badly impact / 数字产品越来越流行了【1 】The digital products, ranging from han

25、dsets to computers, areincreasingly popular.【2】Thedigitalitemsaregaining/gainingingrowing【3】Thepastseveralyearshavewitnessedtherisingpopularityofdigitalized表达 重视某物 的短【1】attachgrowing)importance/significanceto【2】place/putahighvalue/priorityon 【3】place/putapremiumon 【4】lay/placestresson【5】lay/placeemp

26、hasison【6】stress/underline/highlight/underscore/emphasizetheimportanceof【7】emphasize/underline/underscorethevalueof【8】haveagrowingrespectonpay attention to sth【10】payclose heed to(ng) 【造句】1Weshouldlaunchaschool-widentoemphasizethehugeimportanceofcorrect 2 The school authorities are supposed to put a

27、 high priority on university and college students mental well-being.随着.的发展【1】Alongwith theeconomic【2】Astheeconomygrowsatafever【3】AstheChineseeconomy【4】Thankstothebooming/prosperous/robust/thriving/vibrantat a stunning/incredible/startling/fast/rapid pace.【6】Theadvancementofeconomyenablesustoenjoyinc

28、reasedpurchasing【7】Thankstoadvances/advancementsintechnologywearewellintothedigital【8】Asscienceandtechnologyaresurgingforwardbyleapsandbounds,agrowingnumberof average folks gain access to the Internet.【9】Coincident/coupled with the advancements of science and technology, a wide variety of digital ga

29、dgets have penetrated into our daily lives.【10】Asscienceandtechnologyevolves【11】Asscienceandtechnologyadvanceatablisteringpace,digitalizedproductshaveemerged on a massive scale.众所周知的是 【1】Itisgenerally/universally/widelyacknowledged/recognized/heldthat【2】It isa【3】Itiscommon/publicknowledgethat作文中的 举例

30、【1forexample/forinstance/forone, Enactingfeasibleregulationstocurbundesirableconductsinbreachofpublicvirtues,for【2】tonameonlyafew/tonameonly/butone(three)/(ranging) fromAtoThe darkside of the Internetalso exists, however. To name only one:with the surgein traffic of some raphic websites, we are well

31、 aware that growing numbers of netizens are hooked on a clutch of lewd sites which are heavy on unhealthy contents, ranging from pictures to adult movies.To name only a few: a vast majority of internet users inboxes are saturated with unwanted mails,anissuewhichsparksstrongcriticismandgeneratesthelo

32、ssofcorporateproductivity;false news via the , and chat room increasingly presents a threat to the social prosperity and 【3】Ahostofyoungstersareunabletolivewithouthandsets,computersandMP3players,etc.【4】Agreatvarietyofdistractions,say,playingonlinegames,aremoreappealingthanreadingclassics for childre

33、n.【5】soon/soAmongthevariousdigitalgadgets, s,portablecomputersandsoforthareproductswe are familiar with.【6】totakean example/takeaconcreteTotakeaconcreteexample,atinyminorityofathletesdesiretogainanadvantageoverrivalsby adopting performance-enhancing drugs.【7】andthelike/andThanks to advances in techn

34、ology, phone calls, text messages,sandthelike/andstuffhave emerged that characterise life in the 21st century.【8】TakethedevastatingtsunamistrikingNipponaswhatsgoing【9】The sterling sales volume performance precisely exemplified the immeasurable power generated by effective promotional advertisements.

35、【10】TherecentmaliciousdistributedDoSattackagainstDiandianisapowerfulexampleofthe Internets glaring vulnerabilities!TakeLiuXiang,aworld-renownedathlete,asaconcreteexample. A marked example from the sports community is Liu Xiang.ConsiderYaoMing,alegendaryandcelebratedbasketball描述相关措施的句Astome,Iwoulddom

36、yutmost/doallinmypower/sparenoefforttoremedythispressingand thorny problem in every possible way and strive/endeavour to be a role model in this respect.Wecollegestudentsshouldtaketheleadingroletosurmount/sortout/rectifythisage-oldand knotty problem.try(do)onesbest/doonesdoeverything(all)inonespower

37、/sparenoeffort/makeeveryefforttodoThe school authorities ought to mount a school-wide n to educate the college and university students about the prime importance of pcychological health.The central and local ernments are supposed to wage/launch a nation-wide n in an effort to heighten the awareness

38、of the public/masses concerning the severity/seriousness/gravity of this urgent problem and, more importantly, put forward a string of feasible moves/actions/actions/measures to grapple with it.The ernmentsatalllevelsareobligedto enacttoughlawsandregulationsto crack/clampon 以下句子请大家灵活运【4】Each individ

39、ual has a role in building a brighter future for both our campuses(society) and ourselves. It is high time that all of us joined in the efforts to combat/fight/fight against/battle this phenomenon. I firmly believe that all of us could make changes(It is my firm conviction that our efforts will bear

40、 huge fruits/re normous rewards). As to me, I would do my utmost to fix this headache in every possible way and endeavour to be a role model in this respect.【5】From my , the best way to achieve/attain this goal is to educate youngsters to have/foster/cultivate a sense of public virtues, in which sch

41、ools from different corners of Chinashould play a central role, while, at the same time, public authorities at all levels ought to enact feasible regulations to curb undesirable acts in violation/breach/of public virtues. Only in this way will the prospect of building the highly civilized society, t

42、hough still distant, be brighter.AsplendidfutureisontheOnlyinthiswaycanweachieveourfar-reachinggoal-thegreatrevivalofour【6】Greateffortsshouldbemadetoputthingsright/toreverse(turnback)thisunfavorabletide/to reduce the seriousness of this phenomenon.生活水【1】Thanks to the robust economic growth, we have access to higher living standards and better life quality.【2】Thanksto the deepening of reform and opening-up, citizens of the Middle Kingdom enjo


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