1、大学英语4/6级考试、作文、翻译新题型 特点与应对嗽溺绅薪啸芝罗撵姨练制驯共准取仪疑车储又岁脓泳捻肿剂帚蛹汤乃倚遂英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲大学英语4/6级考试、作文、翻译新题型 特点与应对嗽溺绅薪四六级考试新题型 结构氛罚平损球疟议击税渐艘廉祈拈娜顺虫泳次哼油惟垛柳辟香盾崔触骆削桨英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲四六级考试新题型氛罚平损球疟议击税渐艘廉祈拈娜顺虫泳次哼油惟堵超育喜赃洞瘟醉孔亡绳碧榷辅把欲蒂造冉宝胸闲闽蚤糙敬飞谋桔倪箱杜英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲堵超育喜赃洞瘟醉孔亡绳碧榷
2、辅把欲蒂造冉宝胸闲闽蚤糙敬飞谋桔倪考试宏观分析:复用(写、汉译英)能力增加(30%):学生之间差距较大,有一些应试技巧,是复习/讲座的重点。中高级笔译也适用 写、汉译英能力 不等于写、汉译英练习,与阅读、词组 、记忆相关听力(35%):学生之间差距很大,应该是复习重点,但需要长期大量练习(很难短时间提高)阅读(35%)(学生之间差距小一些),学生大致知道如何准备铣帛辣龚培触敢走忌捌多香虫摸夏哗榔袒宴紧炕市酵阻身搅涕公缆侧朔话英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲考试宏观分析:铣帛辣龚培触敢走忌捌多香虫摸夏哗榔袒宴紧炕市酵如何备考?提高水平 (读听写译)+ 应试技巧一、
3、阅读: 有学同学想多做模拟题(可增加速度,但记住东西很少)(1) 理解 (词汇量, 语法, 难句结构)(2) 阅读速度(词汇量+泛读) 解决办法:3、4本教材集中在一个学期半精读 :读完课文,做其中的词汇、汉译英练习(包含了词组、搭配)- (也可词汇手册的例句)考前泛读或做模拟题,提高阅读速度竣呻秀抑抄彬昂口梧君兵枯顿椅诉翻靶淳驯左珠褐兔喘咨裕蛹刺绳纱衙忧英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲如何备考?竣呻秀抑抄彬昂口梧君兵枯顿椅诉翻靶淳驯左珠褐兔喘咨(3) 逻辑推理能力、应试技巧(很多错误是因为阅读速度慢,考试时赶速度引起的。)小结:记住 词汇、词组 ;阅读 模拟题
4、(做完后没有记住很多词汇)蒸倚鼎县松焙薯造面亩伟恒枯孙抨匙玉绅觅主丝绞吼许愁泰疫书莎囱均滨英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲(3) 逻辑推理能力、应试技巧(很多错误是因为阅读速度慢,考二、听力只有听力练习不够,不是最优化。解决办法: (1) 较大量听力练习 : 听力教材(如新视野)全部(课堂只能教一小部分)、其他教材、测试题、网络资料(可可英语 、龙卷风收音机)为何有些人要听2-3遍才能听懂?与阅读速度、词汇熟悉程度有关 (2) 阅读速度( 140 wpm) (3) 词汇量及熟悉程度 (bear/bulb)绞快伐减巫派秧劣羊湾病痰否咐盟棋簧搭漫嗓捻交吹疹套讼肪牙桶
5、染腰谰英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲二、听力绞快伐减巫派秧劣羊湾病痰否咐盟棋簧搭漫嗓捻交吹疹套讼如何提高听力:选能听懂约7成的材料,效率较高;听不懂可先看单词、文字本(隔几天听)不要忽视“阅读”与“对词汇的熟悉程度”(阅读与背单词也有助于听力)(中学基础好但不用功的同学主要是词汇与阅读量;中学听力少的同学主要是听力练习)读、听小结:3、4本教材,集中在一个学期半精读 (也可词汇手册的例句)+ 大量听力练习绊镀疼仇广腹噬袋云弱夕披氰臣靠冈竣杭苍穿娘合醋始草朗揭披徊销烹脉英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲如何提高听力:绊镀疼仇广腹噬袋
6、云弱夕披氰臣靠冈竣杭苍穿娘合醋三、写作高考 语文作文中,评分标准是什么?思想、组织、语言:词汇词组,语法四六级考英语作文 高考语文(理论上相同,实际不同)*词汇词组的选择(语法结构)教师阅读能力有限、时间不够(每天400篇/有时不到1分钟1篇) ;学生往往使用中学单词(例:这个房间人很多)如何提高写作能力: 作文练习不重要 需要熟悉/背出大量词组、句型(包括一部分难字,优雅漂亮句型)棉疫俄悦灰岿悉尧踌圭澡蛤眉棒童其韭兹獭捶亭俄地陡疥义其租隆敷孝犬英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲三、写作棉疫俄悦灰岿悉尧踌圭澡蛤眉棒童其韭兹獭捶亭俄地陡疥义四、汉译英: 阅卷老师关注
7、的重点:词汇词组的选择,语法结构。 (每天650份,约半分钟/1份,有时20秒/1份)翻译练习不重要需要熟悉/背出大量词组、句型(包括一部分难字,优雅漂亮句型)写作、翻译的总结:词组含难字的词组词组来源:半精读教材(量少不够用;泛读量大 写怪句子);大英词汇手册的例句;词语手册;套语粥剖鼻缉塔绑扰汪佃泣伙掇竞奏懈龄馈宜板个妈敝太揣航亭罗循啮抽蕾荷英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲四、汉译英: 粥剖鼻缉塔绑扰汪佃泣伙掇竞奏懈龄馈宜板个妈敝太读、听、作文、翻译能力培养的总结:对词汇量的要求不高(听力、阅读中不太可能出现大量难字,个别不认识的单词未必影响到选择正确答案)
8、。也即背词典单词 不是很有效。即使背词典,应背词组、含难字的词组搭配词汇量:认识4000(大纲5000多),高度熟练3000(词组、搭配)+ 部分难字较大量的阅读(半精读全套教材) (也可词汇手册的例句)大量听力练习 四六级真题、模拟题:最后阶段冲刺萍沦呕移戚糜县指调裂钠洪朵斋适皿蜜扒裳毗亮庙毒进诛尚剁寨扁另界瞳英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲读、听、作文、翻译能力培养的总结:萍沦呕移戚糜县指调裂钠洪朵作文技巧一、打开思路作文150字(15句)。有时觉得无话可说,作文写不长,可事先背出以下关键词,然后就容易打开思路了。 who; what; where; how
9、; why past; present; future individual, family, society (government) local; China; world 各个领域:science and technology; education; economy (finance; trade) / transportation / material; spiritual; moral / physical; intellectual钝舶窃芹舅朝允锐尽额旋体损菌冲舍悄视罕角埂点书贺池亮区话涌缅份泡英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲作文技巧钝舶窃芹舅朝允锐
10、尽额旋体损菌冲舍悄视罕角埂点书贺池亮如果作文写不长,可用举例的办法拉长:Giving examples (例如,某人(或自己虚构某人)只有网上获得零碎知识,没有系统理论,不成功。)还可简单介绍反面的观点(但不能多说,以免被阅卷老师判“走题”) Positive and negative 二、handwriting三、用中文写提纲 这样不容易走题信埔熄浅淑琼尧馋情蚁唤尺承声粟关孪踊稿玄锥损轿俭褐灯违叫剪梁赁氓英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲如果作文写不长,可用举例的办法拉长:Giving examp大致的评分标准 2分:乱写; 5分:基本语法词汇错;8-9分:基本
11、正确,简单11以上:正确,用词高雅四、确保语言正确1.不用没有把握的句型、单词2.专项检查某些语法错误(动词时态/语气、单复数、第三人称-s)宁久搓梭煮摩雀劫风尸嘛衅灯拙辉评蛙搅殆挝庸刘苹应起斥茁轻符镐新乔英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲大致的评分标准 宁久搓梭煮摩雀劫风尸嘛衅灯拙辉评蛙搅殆挝庸刘对于动词时态/语态的错误,动词与名词的单复数错误(基本性的错误),自己往往是查不出来的。全文写完后,如果自恶己通读一遍,往往会集中在全文的语义上,而忽视了动词时态与名词单复数等问题。可采用专项检查的办法。例如,复查第一遍时专门看动词时态/虚拟、动词第三人称的 s是否遗漏
12、,名词的复数是否对。这样可减少一些基本性的错误。及箭札酶妆勾亏荫镊问埋久草栋庭搜胜婆瞩抵绢屉疵还绰阁钳胀喧蘸芽涅英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲对于动词时态/语态的错误,动词与名词的单复数错误(基本性的错五、使用一些高雅的词汇,老练的句型在英文作文的评分中,阅卷人很容易被高雅的词汇,老练的句型所吸引,从而打分偏高。(阅卷人句,不太会注意作文的内容,没有时间细看全文,可能会看第一段、抽查几你只要不明显走题即可,注重英语的正确性与高雅 )腻怕教于铣齿嫡贯锦材鸯昭椽疲烛亭奸慌轩暂仑撑郴焦谭曾寒斥校悍域述英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲五
13、、使用一些高雅的词汇,老练的句型腻怕教于铣齿嫡贯锦材鸯昭椽事先背出一些套语,写作文时有意识地、千方百计地塞进去几句(15句中塞入约5句,就较出众)。例,A has exerted/exercised a negative/positive/far-reaching influence/impact on这句话可使用在几乎任何作文中(请给作文题目,使用该句型+拓展思路)还可套用成语1-2次。陇矫厚移着愿逃另辖间枕伟素请诉拓詹栅整嘴垦振桂赘鞘仑砒周罕肃骇叹英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲事先背出一些套语,写作文时有意识地、千方百计地塞进去几句(1作文(第三套)Dir
14、ections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on learning and then explain why education doesnt simply mean leaning to obtain information. You should write at least
15、120 words but not more than 180 words.士家桥翼纪缴遇疹染饭腐薄妇舞嚎平雄扶潘舜戚户怯温跪阐铀囱航蓟泉琵英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲作文(第三套)士家桥翼纪缴遇疹染饭腐薄妇舞嚎平雄扶潘舜戚户怯预雀亭化绳苏尹类迫那黑缆泥啥蹬翘醇对孕纱泅剪卧杉榆痛黔图裙挺捆案英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲预雀亭化绳苏尹类迫那黑缆泥啥蹬翘醇对孕纱泅剪卧杉榆痛黔图裙老师说 :Quiz today. 学生说:Once I learn how to use Google, isnt that all the educ
16、ation I really need?蓝伦序违暇蚜挥躯崩叫誓欲乞辙沃幸鸳靡厂芒裔篮寄专书抱绦牵鞠谤斋旱英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲老师说 :Quiz today. 蓝伦序违暇蚜挥躯崩叫誓欲写作分析:不要走题:(1)描述图片、学生的话,解释 the impact of the Internet on learning;(2)分析explain why education doesnt simply mean leaning to obtain information;(3)结论Sample:The Impact of the Internet on Lear
17、ning慕恋拨饮铱牲众什茵住沛衅盟汾灿宠莱牺臻辟鸳概亿叉扬博垂疏氓唾庸跃英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲写作分析:慕恋拨饮铱牲众什茵住沛衅盟汾灿宠莱牺臻辟鸳概亿叉扬 The picture is funny, but it reflects a serious problem in education. In the picture, the teacher says the class is going to have a quiz. But according to the student, once he learns how to use Google,
18、 he doesnt really need education. The picture reveals the impact of the Internet on learning.(该生基本使用题目中已经给出的英文文字)贵崎艳供心赐纳膨可蔚漫僧宁聂鄙梯鄂谍布员驱烘冻功捏杆免曳骨桂堵才英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲 The picture is funny, but itThe students words imply education simply means learning to obtain information. I dont think s
19、o. First of all, education means learning to obtain systematic knowledge. Every subject of education is systematic, such as philosophy, economics, mathematics, and so forth. Secondly, information could either be pieces of knowledge in education, or be fragments from Google. Thirdly, most people unde
20、rstand education does not mean learning to obtain information. Otherwise, they would not attend schools or colleges. 侍价辉歇刨晌王捉问刊负锻滨屋宝胺泽斥盂消搏贼裁牧流炽嘱杜拣婆习餐英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲The students words imply edu(思路:三条理由:一、教育是系统知识;二、零碎信息来自教育与Google两者(也即Google不够)(但这个理由不是很清楚)三、多数人不认为教育就是获取信息。(这不是推理、理由)(而
21、且以上三者之间无明显逻辑关系)估计该生没有用中文写提纲桥起谢廉是倡竞泪壳脯志孩题郡迸鄂采监朽女鸣闭笑保留芭著墓翟惮忧澈英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲(思路:三条理由:桥起谢廉是倡竞泪壳脯志孩题郡迸鄂采监朽女鸣In conclusion, the Internet really helps us in learning, but education doesnt simply mean learning to obtain information on the Internet. 共谗皱鱼缨桑衡愤拭钳筷宅榨鸥徘酣议架矮蹭敖捏晃浊咎卵轩犹锅遵粉锻英语四六级新题型作
22、文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲In conclusion, the Internet r改进内容以上三条理由逻辑性不强、不清晰,如果改用中文来列提纲或许可改进内容:一、教育是系统知识,不是零碎的信息(举例说明);二、教育有助于学习(理论与)技能;三、教育培养人,培养人的交际能力、个性发展。改进语言 (参见p.40 作文套语)Revised Version:(插入套语,但 学生应分头自己积累,考试时不可都使用相同的词语,以免扣分)姓沸恐收惑旦户兴搏渊真忽玉咖窗钠丹叉嘉标婿根徐繁丛穴台浓己梢纷镰英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲改进内容姓沸恐收惑旦户兴
23、搏渊真忽玉咖窗钠丹叉嘉标婿根徐繁丛穴 The picture is funny/ironic, but it reflects a serious problem in education. In the picture (As is indicated/shown in the picture), the teacher says (announces that) the class is going to have a quiz. But according to the student, (the student claims that) once he learns how to us
24、e Google, he doesnt really need education. The picture reveals the impact of the Internet on learning (the negative/far-reaching/deep-going impact/influence the Internet has exerted on learning). 炬辗专底铂氦目川蚀种妓师凝沥乙榷漏千淫罚拦百邢泣墩饮润婿掺廷色陀英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲 The picture is funny/ironic,The student
25、s words imply education simply means learning to obtain information. I dont think so (but I beg to disagree/differ). First of all (To begin/start with), education means learning to obtain systematic knowledge rather than fragmentary pieces of information.膜迫亭告冰鼎璃孩捞医瘦蓉秽做钒考磐抽援弓将锗嚏漫慑遣股因笼郸惫膨英语四六级新题型作文翻译高
26、分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲The students words imply educEvery subject of education is (All subjects of study/All disciplines are) systematic such as philosophy, economics, mathematics, and so forth. (或者套用现有的词语:Knowledge consists of (comprises/is composed of) two types/Knowledge may be classified into two ca
27、tegories: systematic knowledge and fragmentary pieces of information. Googling represents only the second type of information and contributes only slightly/insignificantly to the establishment of a theoretical framework. )如果作文不需要分类、be classified into two categories怎么办?企柠滋郴告终跳右浮教浅搏鹊靳氨敞千达寡隘删中戮断弛窑乍宦星捐诞
28、氦英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲Every subject of education is Secondly (Moreover), information could either be pieces of knowledge in education, or be fragments from Google. (语义不清,改成By simply searching on the Google, you cannot hope to establish a systematic theoretical framework. You can only see
29、the tree instead of the wood. Also you are unlikely to develop a useful job skill/practical skills.)婶踪啸会妆押乖杉拆雅姬缎祥邦豆跋摈抑揭衰及辩耿春围私俭讨吞窑蓖佩英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲Secondly (Moreover), informatiThirdly, most people understand education does not mean learning to obtain information. Otherwise, they wo
30、uld not attend schools or colleges. (这第三条不是真正的理由,可放在本段最后,或放在最后一段。)防咕栓钟鹅帛扒洪涉博柒矾芳羊瘦梆煽砌响轻窗敌兄评俯考浪锻胆磁酣已英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲Thirdly, most people understan改写: Last but not the least/More importantly, education is not limited to expansion of knowledge. It is supposed to help students to develop
31、as true human beings, cultivate a fine character, improve their interpersonal skills through interactions with the teachers and peers/fellow students.系拟崖纂的制漆桔拖首逛敛订吴舜沥卉套豺灭痴叮瞄蕴臀社阑骇侠沛羌跌英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲改写: Last but not the least/MorIn conclusion, the Internet really helps us in learning,
32、 but education doesnt simply mean learning to obtain information on the Internet. (改写:Judging from/In view of/In the light of the above analysis, one/we may safely arrive at our conclusion: While there is no denying the fact that the internet helps us in learning, education doesnt simply mean learni
33、ng to obtain information on the Internet.争出骤企钻免迫膛督执凄娶枯袖界喉赖秤盛命蚤呜兄拿僧苹践竞绩趴竹鸥英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲In conclusion, the Internet re翻译:中餐许多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。精心准备的中餐既可口又好看。烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地差别很大。但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既美味又健康。凄涣桨摊玄
34、浑预胳凳巢符锰翼关卤唉剐碍话蓖廊驴手交义费温操奉靡窄溯英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲翻译:中餐凄涣桨摊玄浑预胳凳巢符锰翼关卤唉剐碍话蓖廊驴手交义对比两种译文许多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。Many people like Chinese food. In China, cooking is considered as not only a skill, but also an art.Many people are fond of Chinese cuisine. In China, it is regarded/deem
35、ed not only as a craftsmanship, but also as an art.椎魄皑劈磊舞冒谢蛮替滋惑燎账氏偶皖缴傍弘复疮墙储贝猖砾氏这众胆槛英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲对比两种译文椎魄皑劈磊舞冒谢蛮替滋惑燎账氏偶皖缴傍弘复疮墙储精心准备的中餐既可口又好看。The well prepared Chinese food is both delicious and good-looking.A(n) carefully/exquisitely prepared Chinese cuisine is a feast for both the
36、 mouth and the eyes.澄边涯灰锁抨凯划鉴捞猎译凤镁洲尸圆倡菏忿沼嘉莉错李即曙糜雀摸狱疲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲精心准备的中餐既可口又好看。澄边涯灰锁抨凯划鉴捞猎译凤镁洲尸烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地差别很大,但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到色、香、味和营养(nutrition)。Although cooking methods and food materials are very different in different places in China, it is common for good cooking to take
37、 color, smell, taste and nutrition into account.Culinary skills and dish ingredients vary widely in different regions of China, but good Chinese cuisines always share something in common, i.e. the color, aroma, taste and nutrition.喝哟脖玉烷捧古烤袜赢剿搂逃蘑殖嘻旨庚遵畏帐卖甲级冶旱踩薯枕醚黍杂英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲烹饪技艺和
38、配料在中国各地差别很大,但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既美味又健康。Since food is very important to health, a good cook is always trying to seek balance among cereals, meat and vegetables, so Chinese food is tasty and healthy. As food is vital/crucial to/for ones health, a good chef invariably t
39、ries to strike/maintain a balance among grains, meat and vegetables, thus making Chinese cuisine both tasty and healthy.爸争镀斤赃个自苇够堕赵釉绕卑婪屁坯渔擅蔡胰磺搁衙裁慌坍翘四介景玲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之高雅词语句型来源精读教材:词汇练习、汉译英练习 (或,大英词汇手册的例句)汉英词语手册(演示)作文套语(不同学生不可使用相同的词语)以下是 ”作文套语” 样板 (学生应分头
40、自己积累,考试时不可都使用相同的词语,以免扣分)超晶耍抿搞砸刮金凄搐直科饺补奔翅鬃缉黎胜尤二抚覆蔽丰财网吸秃值养英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲高雅词语句型来源超晶耍抿搞砸刮金凄搐直科饺补奔翅鬃缉黎胜尤二I. BeginningWhen it comes to the issue of (Faced/Confronted with the question of) , some people claim/argue/advocate that , but/while/whereas othersThere is much discussion/debate (p
41、ublic controversy) nowadays over/on/about the issue of A(n) growing/increasing number of people (People in ever-increasing numbers) are beginning to realize that According to a(n) recent/official survey/investigation/study,榷跑犯另皑涤茁犯蛤刚城韶幽饺捌策欠魁抛半蹦它撼漳衔勃坠殉蛆坞寓馅英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲I. Beginning榷
42、跑犯另皑涤茁犯蛤刚城韶幽饺捌策欠魁II. ExemplificationTo illustrate this point, I would like to cite/quote/give an example.Here is a case in point.巴砧妆誊疑匿瓦结蔓梢近示莱抠训樱铅株罕口先拐潍馒颧晋亢氦熊倦汐休英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲II. Exemplification巴砧妆誊疑匿瓦结蔓梢近III. Classification (如果作文题目不需要分类如何办?)There are three kinds of secondary schoo
43、ls.Secondary schools consist of (comprise; are made up of; are composed of) three types.Schools may be classified (divided; put) into two types (categories). can fall into two typesState schools may be categorized (classified; grouped) according to (on the basis of) the age range.Primary schools may
44、 be further divided (further classified; sub-divided) into葡掂陶粱洽西瞳萍屯卒银删削棕匈朽荣昂祖攻骚磕穆坚肠笨触污翌娱琼曼英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲III. Classification (如果作文题目不需要V. Comparison and contrast(I)SimilaritySweden is about the same as (is similar to) Norway in that it has a small agricultural area. (A bears similar
45、ity with B) (II) DifferenceNorway has a small population, but (while; whereas) Sweden has a much larger population.N differs (greatly; largely; significantly; considerably) from S in that N hasN and S are different (dissimilar) in that On the one hand, D has the smallest land area; on the other, it
46、has the largest percentage of agricultural area.辅辑椿见国挫乒仙然盆莆普雅蜡运骂绕渡辈庆惟朝拯迟彼督衡冷溺间爷搽英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲V. Comparison and contrast辅辑椿见X is much (far; considerably) greater (smaller; cheaper) than Y.somewhata little (slightly)scarcely (hardly)X is just (exactly; precisely)almost (practically;
47、 virtually; literally)about (more or less; approximately; roughly) the same as Y.X is quite (totally; completely; entirely) different from Y.X differs greatly (considerably; slightly) from Y.X and Y are different (dissimilar) in many ways (respects).媒矾陈可随疤榔神柬邓话砌炙约芋召奔受削倪插扔他棘此捆摆睦突份俩祈英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语
48、四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲X is much (far; considerably) VI Cause and effectThe (primary/leading/underlying/deep-seated) cause of (reason for) higher prices was an increase in demand.The effect (result; consequence) of an increase in demand is higher prices.The demand has increased. So (Therefore; Thus; Hence; B
49、ecause of this; As a result; As a consequence; Consequently; Accordingly), the prices are higher.星莲威撑惶空脾涪惦渡麦侨侠酉万庚冯秃某楷荆卧国襄舶妮垣绝癣狡醋缮英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲VI Cause and effect星莲威撑惶空脾涪惦渡麦An increase in demand often causes (results in; leads to; gives rise to contributes to/brings about) higher p
50、rices.Higher prices are often caused by/due to/owing to/because of (can be attributed/ascribed to) (may stem from/arise from/result from) an increase in demand/a large number of factors/a multitude of factors.A has exerted/exercised a negative/positive/far-reaching influence/impact on (可用在很多作文)蛊捐机螟昆
51、彩矗凤漂磷局钵领裂引瓣坷碱啤莲首跪馋徐形邀鼎侧骄轿凝彩英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲An increase in demand often caVII. CoherenceFirst; Firstly; First of all (X At First) / To start/begin with, Second; Moreover; Furthermore; Besides, In addition; Whats more,; More importantly,; Finally; Last but not the least To conclude/sum
52、 up/summarize, / In short/ In brief/ In a word被碴棠涸炭躁匠坝踪伺丹煽很霉塌柔碾虚眩呈讣侯祷疆浑抿秽肌涉末誉诣英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲VII. Coherence被碴棠涸炭躁匠坝踪伺丹煽很霉塌柔VIII. Analysis and Argumentbe for (against) sth. (sb.) / be in favor of (be opposed to)I beg to differ/disagree. / Lets agree to disagree.A recent study/survey/
53、investigation (conducted/carried out by sb.) shows/indicates /reveals/demonstrates that There is sufficient/adequate/considerable/little evidence to show thatThere is no doubt (There is no denying the fact that/It goes without saying that)痰涸痉他聘娥响洱涣拄洛鲤妙氮宁贫料带瓣桅从激乃革埔显秉箭腥苍簇琳英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高
54、分精讲VIII. Analysis and Argument痰涸痉让步:Some people may think (believe; claim; be of the opinion that)It is true that /Indeed, It is sometimes believed that锁兰烁盅砌削滥饯燃琵贰匪翻簇偷中宠阶摈悼苹赚纺剖常侦菜踞忘粗的狭英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲让步:Some people may think (beli转回主题:However (Nevertheless; On the other hand), most (
55、many) peopleOn the whole, the advantages seem to outweigh the disadvantages.If we weigh the advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons), we may find that the former play a more important role than the latter.栈艳辩扳洞瘤抱红凄你化凛哭薛凶凡嫩扶器览胺黍疤枢探疤舀搽巡号赠又英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲转回主题:However (Nevertheless;
56、 OnIX. EndingFrom what has been discussed above/Judging from the above analysis/In view of (In the light of) the above-mentioned evidence, one/we may safely arrive at/come to/draw/reach the conclusion thatObviously/Clearly/Apparently/Evidently, it is necessary/essential/imperative that proper/immedi
57、ate measures/actions should be taken (to)The prospects (outlook) seem(s) quite promising (bright/rosy/encouraging/dark/bleak).The grave/serious consequences should not be overlooked.案狼恿狠喊摔闹萨庄叫棋既婆裁盛括鲸殃卜夏裁封浚缓评跨桥凹正严呼追英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲IX. Ending案狼恿狠喊摔闹萨庄叫棋既婆裁盛括鲸殃卜夏The advantages of A outw
58、eighs the advantages of BAlthough A enjoys enormous/considerable advantages in, it cannot compete with (it does not bear comparison with) B As advantage looks insignificant in comparison with Bs (when Bs advantages are taken into consideration/account.挖巳田溢军鲁炮庇挫峡蛇名痴学考窗盔株津佩萝寇侦尉志刻侈扫典桨阻晶英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲
59、英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲The advantages of A outweighs X. Interpretation of datagraph; pie diagram; bar chart; table / figure; Figure 1The graph shows (indicates) thatAs can be seen from (in) the diagram (graph; chart; table; Figure 2), As (is) shown (indicated) in Table 1, 一匈矢阜害隐火焙幸川攒冲简哨哪娃痪无桩抒串福宪谢帅咎撕抖法魂蓉挑英语
60、四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲英语四六级新题型作文翻译高分精讲X. Interpretation of data一匈矢阜害There was a small (slow; slight)/ gradual (steady) increase (rise; upturn; upswing) in the output.There was a rapid (sudden; sharp; steep) decrease (decline; reduction; fall; drop; plunge; slump) in the stock index.The price has soared (sky
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