1、第一讲 科技英语的概念及特点第一讲 科技英语的概念及特点English for Special Purposes一、科技英语的概念ESP最早称为1.学术用英语(EAP)主要应用于以交流学术语言的学术场合,使用者多是在英国美国或说英语国家的留学人员、研究人员或访问学者,他们或听英语讲座,或参加英语课程培训。Eg1. Different topics will require the use of different information sources, but there are a number of reference tools that every student should be
2、 able to use with ease.2.职业英语(EOP)3.科技英语(EST)English for Academic PurposesEnglish for Special Purposes一、English for Special Purposes一、科技英语的概念ESP最早称为1.学术用英语(EAP)是职业人员如国际接线员、国际机场管理者、国际贸易商人、旅游服务人员等等,在工作中必须具备的一项技能。Eg2. A wide variety of accommodation is available to the modern tourist. It varies from th
3、e guest house or tourist home with one or two rooms to grand luxury hotels with hundreds of rooms. A feature of Europe is the pension, a small establishment with perhaps ten to twenty guest rooms. 2.职业英语(EOP)English for Occupational PurposesEg3.膳宿公寓English for Special Purposes一、English for Special P
4、urposes一、科技英语的概念ESP最早称为1.学术用英语(EAP)科技英语主要指科学家、技术人员、工程师等交换或交流其专业意见、发明创造、信息、数据、实验报告或实验过程等而使用的语言。在文体上应该精确、简明、严谨;内容上经常包括数学公式、图表等;措辞上常使用典型的句式及大量的专业或半专业术语。 3.科技英语(EST)English for Science and Technology2.职业英语(EOP)Eg4.English for Special Purposes一、二、科技英语的特点1.一般结构(1)标题 Title(2)目录 Contents(3)摘要 Abstract (含Key
5、 words)(5)正文 Body(4)引言 Introduction, Preface(6)结论与建议 Results, Conclusions, Suggestions(7)总结 Summary(8)致谢 Acknowledgement(9)注释 Notes(10)参考文献 References(11)附录 Appendix二、科技英语的特点1.一般结构(1)标题 Title(2)二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(1)标题 Title科技文章的标题往往是文章的中心主旨,文章的标题反映了作者所研究的主要内容或作者所描述的科学真理和事实,或作者要说明的科学实验过程和产品使用说明等。语言特征关于的
6、研究、探讨、分析、描述、说明等:Research/study/probeonIntroduction/brief introduction toInvestigation/survey/analysis/description of说明一个科学真理和事实、实验过程、产品说明 等,一般采用名词性词组、现在分词的形式 The Miracle Chip, Machine Tools二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(1)标题 Title科技文二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(2)摘要 Abstract反映科技文献主要内容、思想方法、重要观点和结论等一般长度为150200words多由3部分组成:主题句、支
7、持句和结论句语言特征主题句The purpose of the paper isThe primary goal of this research isThe overall objective of this study isIn this paper, we aim atThe chief aim of the present work is to investigate the facts thatThe main objective of our study has been to obtain some resultsThe emphasis of the research lies
8、 inThe author intends to build a model/a framework ofExperiment on is made in order to measure the amount of二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(2)摘要 Abstract二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(2)摘要 Abstract反映科技文献主要内容、思想方法、重要观点和结论等一般长度为150200words多由3部分组成:主题句、支持句和结论句语言特征支持句The method used in our study is known asThe technique we applied is
9、referred to asThe procedure they followed can be briefly described asThe approach adopted extensively is calledDetailed information has been acquired by the authors usingThe research has recorded valuable data using the newly-developed method.This is a working theory which is based on the idea thatT
10、he fundamental feature of this theory is as follows,二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(2)摘要 Abstract二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(2)摘要 Abstract反映科技文献主要内容、思想方法、重要观点和结论等一般长度为150200words多由3部分组成:主题句、支持句和结论句语言特征The theory is characterized byThe experiment consisted of three steps, which are described inThe test equipment that was used c
11、onsisted ofIncluded in the experiment wereThey undertook many experiments to support the hypothesis whichRecent experiments in this area suggested thatA number of experiments were performed to checkExamples with actual experiment demonstrateSpecial mention is given here to支持句二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(2)摘要 Abs
12、tract二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(2)摘要 Abstract反映科技文献主要内容、思想方法、重要观点和结论等一般长度为150200words多由3部分组成:主题句、支持句和结论句语言特征In conclusion, we state thatIn summing up it may be stated thatIt is concluded thatThe results of the experiment indicate thatThe studies we have performed showed thatWe carried out several studies that
13、have demonstrated thatThe research we have done suggests thatThe investigation carried out byhas revealed thatAll our preliminary results throw light on the nature of结论句二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(2)摘要 Abstract二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(2)摘要 Abstract反映科技文献主要内容、思想方法、重要观点和结论等一般长度为150200words多由3部分组成:主题句、支持句和结论句语言特征As a resul
14、t of our experiments, we concluded thatFrom our experiment, the authors came to realize thatThis fruitful work gives explanation of The research work has brought about a discovery ofThese findings of the research have led the author to the conclusion thatThe data obtained appear to be very similar t
15、o those reported earlier byThe author has satisfactorily come to the conclusion thatFinally, a summary is given of结论句二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(2)摘要 Abstract二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(3)引言Introduction, Preface对全文的综述和概述,包括研究的背景及目的意义,向读者介绍文章的思想和内容,常用句型如下:Over the past several decadesSomebody reportedThe previous work on ha
16、s indicated thatRecent experiments by have suggestedSeveral researchers have theoretically investigatedIn most studies of has been emphasized with attention being given toIndustrial use of is becoming increasingly common.There have been a few studies highlightingIt is well known that二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(
17、3)引言Introducti二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(4)正文 body正文是科技文章的主体,是科学分析和实验论证的过程反映,经常使用各种图表、公式论证作者的观点。 表:Table;图:Figure/Diagram/Graph/view/Flow Diagram/Chart/Frame Figure;公式、算式、方程式:Formula/Equation;如图A所示,如表B所示:As it is shown in Fig. A, as it is shown in Table B.二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(4)正文 body正文是科二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(5)结论 concl
18、usion是对全文的总结,经过科学的分析、研究而得出的结论。The following conclusions can be drawn fromIt can be concluded thatWe may conclude thatWe come to the conclusion thatIt is generally accepted (believed, held, acknowledged) thatWe think (consider, believe, feel) thatIt is advantageous to doIt should be realized (emphasi
19、zed, stressed, noted, pointed out )thatIt is suggested (proposed, recommended, desirable) thatIt would be better (helpful, advisable) that语言特征二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(5)结论 conclusi二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(6)致谢 Acknowledgement 致谢时作者在完成论文之后,为了表达对曾经帮助自己的人的感谢 。I am thankful to sb. for sth.I am grateful to sb. for sth.I a
20、m deeply indebted to sb. for sth.I would like to thank sb. for sth.Thanks are due to sb. for sth. The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to sb. for sth. 语言特征(7)参考文献 References论文最后应将参考过的主要文献一一列出,表示对别人成果的尊重及作者的写作依据。 二、科技英语的特点2.语言特征(6)致谢 Acknowle三、机电专业英语表达方式1.摘要部分常用的动词表达:常用的动词有: present,
21、 state, specify, describe, introduce, illustrate, interpret, report, explain, support, deal with, propose, characterize, argue, intent, decide, conclude, review, account for, discuss, treat, address, show, concern, develop, extend, consider, suggest, relate to, look at, etc.三、机电专业英语表达方式1.摘要部分常用的动词表达
22、:三、机电专业英语表达方式1.摘要部分常用的动词表达:常用句型有:The paper is essentially about, The author presents the theory/method/technology/facts that, A dominant factor is determined/ decided by, The model is set up/ established/ built through, To improve the process/ method/ technology/ theory, we will use a new kind of st
23、andard/ flow procedure, The author suggests that, To make full use of resource/ energy/ information/ data, we must adopt/ make/ take measure, It is shown/ probed proved investigated that, It is concluded that. 三、机电专业英语表达方式1.摘要部分常用的动词表达:三、机电专业英语表达方式2. 介绍、描述、分析、推理过程的表达常用的动词有:Discuss, study, research,
24、develop, design, make, perform, implement, mount, accomplish, testify, complete, equip with, produce, install, find out, describe, analyze, focus on, detect, compute, constitute, insist, comprise of, communicate with, consist of ,set up, cite, establish, build, increase, decrease, deduce, induce, in
25、fer, refer to, explain, investigate, survey, prove, divide into, accept, report, modify, repair, from, maintain, pay for, hold, indicate, stand for, show, be characterized by, faced with, emphasize, seem, conclude, create, based on benefit from, draw, change into, turn into, convert into, aim at, hi
26、ghlight, attempt to, propose, advise, put forward, innovate, range from, vary from, quote, verify, separate point out, represent, employ, discharge, charge, provide, supply, be regarded as, direct, apply for, compare to/with, express, believe, include, control, lead to state, illustrate, require, di
27、ffer from, support, delivery, etc. 三、机电专业英语表达方式2. 介绍、描述、分析、推理过程的表三、机电专业英语表达方式2. 介绍、描述、分析、推理过程的表达常用句型有:There are also a number of expressions used to introduce the present work:In this paper, is investigated (studied, discussed, presented, etc.)The present work deals mainly withWe report here, in the
28、 presence of This paper reports on On the basis of existing literature data, we carried out studies in an effort toThe present study will therefore focus onThe primary goal of this research isThe purpose of this paper (study, thesis, etc.) isIn this paper, we aim at三、机电专业英语表达方式2. 介绍、描述、分析、推理过程的表三、机电
29、专业英语表达方式3.表示讨论、结果和结论的句型The research we have done suggests an increase inAs a result of our experiments we concluded thatThis fruitful work gives an explanation ofOur experimental data are briefly summarized as followsFigure 3 shows the results obtained from studies ofTable 5 presents the data provid
30、ed by the experiments onThis table summarized the data collected during the experiment ofSome of the authors findings are listed in tables.The direct outcome was then reported inSufficient result for has been observed with the new methodThis work did provideMost recent experiments to the same effect
31、 have led the author to believe thatAs a result of our experiments, we concluded that三、机电专业英语表达方式3.表示讨论、结果和结论的句型三、机电专业英语表达方式3.表示讨论、结果和结论的句型On the basis of, the following conclusion can be madeFromwe now concludeTo sum up, we have revealedWe have demonstrated in this paperThe results of the experimen
32、t indicateIn conclusion, the result showsWe have described, we foundOur argument proceeds inThe research work has brought about a discovery of Finally, a summary is given ofThese findings of the research have led the author to the conclusion thatThe research has resulted in a solution of三、机电专业英语表达方式
33、3.表示讨论、结果和结论的句型三、机电专业英语表达方式4.时态语态特点 时态比较单一,讲述工作过程多用过去 时态,总结结论用现在时态; 常使用被动语态5.“图”的表示法 drawing图,工程图 figure图,插图 picture图画,图像 illustration插图,图解 diagram图标,简图 view图,视图 sketch草图,图解 image像,图像 graph曲线图,图表 outline轮廓图,略图三、机电专业英语表达方式4.时态语态特点三、机电专业英语表达方式(1) This paper discusses the relation between the sampling
34、period and the stability of sampled-data.(2) The paper looks at what is happening across the UK as well as at new design techniques and materials now in use.(3) The paper addresses an important problem in design techniques.(4) The author describes a configuration of a high-field machine capable of w
35、orking at leading or lagging power factor.(5) The paper reviews these applications, summarizes the theory from materials science viewpoint, and discusses the instrumentation considerations or extensions of the techniques to other studies, and presents more recent applications.Drills三、机电专业英语表达方式(1) T
36、his paper dis三、机电专业英语表达方式(6) The author describes the techniques of open-loop vibration control.(7) The author proposes an approach to the creation of an integrated method of investigation and designing objects, based on a local computer system.(8) The paper concludes that, for British place in the
37、world to be restored, changes must be initiated in the areas of marketing, design, development and manufacture.(9) The paper provides a new framework for the analysis of loss of power.(10) A triangulation technique consisting of participant observation, interviews, and questionnaires was used to col
38、lect data from one hundred and ten engineers and twenty project managers over a two-year period.(11) The paper describes the use and development trends of telecommunication.Drills三、机电专业英语表达方式(6) The author desMechatronics Mechatronics is nothing new; it is simply the application of the latest techni
39、ques in precision mechanical engineering, controls theory, computer science, and electronics to the design process to create more functional and adaptable products. This, of course, is something many forward-thinking designers and engineers have been doing for years. As shown in figure 1, mechatronc
40、ics is the interdisciplinary fusion (not just a simple mixture!) of mechanics, electronics and information technology. The objective is for engineer to complete development, which is why it is currently so popular with industry.最新技术指代超前设计思想机电一体化技术跨学科的、多领域的Mechatronics Mechatronics A Japanese enginee
41、r from Yasukawa Electric Company coined the term “mechatronics” in 1969 to reflect the merging of mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines. Until the early 1980s, mechantronics meanta mechanism that is electrified. In the mid-1980s, mechatronics came to mean engineering that is the boundary
42、 between mechanics and electronics. Today, the term encompasses a large array of technologies, many of which have become well-known in their own right. Each technology still has the basic element of the merging of mechanics and electronics but now many also involve much more, particularly software a
43、nd information technology. For example, many early robots resulting from mechanical and electrical systems became central to mechatronics.杜撰,生造学科目的状语产生了边缘学科包含Mechatronics Mechatronics gained legitimacy in academic circles in 1996 withthe publication of the first referred journal: IEEE/ASME Transacti
44、ons on mechatronics. In the premier issue, the authors worked to define echatronics. After acknowledging that many definitions have circulated, they selected the following for articles to be included in Transactions: “The synergistic integration of mechanical engineering with electronics and intelli
45、gent computer control in the design and manufacture of industrial products and processes.” The authors suggested 11 topics that should fall, at least in part, under the general category of mechatronics:电子电气工程师协会Mechatronics合理,正式学术界随着的出版美国机械工程师协会学报协作的、合作的综合include Mechatronics gMechatronics(1)modelin
46、g and design(2)system integration(3)actuators and sensors(4)intelligent control(5)robotics(6)manufacturing(7)motion control(8)vibration and noise control(9)micro devices and optoelectronics systems(10)automotive systems(11)other applicationsMechatronics(1)modeling and de1.选择题(1) Mechatronics is noth
47、ing new; it is simply the application of the ( ) techniques in precision mechanical engineering. A. newly B. complex C. latest D. advanced(2) This, of course, is something many forward-thinking designers and engineers ( ) for years. A. has been doing B. have been doing C. have done D. will be doing(
48、3)Mechatronics is the interdisciplinary fusion (not just a simple mixture!) of mechanics, ( ) and information technology. A. optics B. physics C. biology D. electronics(4) A Japanese engineer from Yasukawa Electric Company ( ) the term “mechatrocics” in 1969 to reflect the merging of mechanical and
49、electrical engineering disciplines. A. made B. used C. discovered D. coined(5) Today, the term encompasses a large array of technologies; many of ( ) have become well-known in their own right. A. what B. that C. which D. whereCBDDC1.选择题CBDDC1.选择题(6) For example, many early robots resulting ( ) mecha
50、nical and electrical systems, became central to mechatronics. A. in B. of C. from D. by(7) Mechatronics gained legitimacy in academic circles in 1996 ( ) the publication of the first referred journal: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. A. in B. as C. at D. with(8) After acknowledging that many
51、definitions have circulated, they selected the following for articles to ( ) in Transactions. A. include B. be included C. including D. have been included(9) In the mid-1980s, mechatronics came to mean engineering that is the boundary ( ) mechanics and electronics. A. among B. between C. mid D. midd
52、le(10) The authors suggest 11 topics that should fall, at least in part, ( ) the general category of mechantronics. A. under B. below C. in D. atCDBBA1.选择题CDBBA2.将下列句子译成中文(1) Mechatronics is the interdisciplinary fusion (not just a simple mixture!) of mechanics, electronics and information technolog
53、y. The objective is for engineer to complete development, which is why it is currently so popular with industry.(2) In the mid-1980s, mechatronics came to mean engineering that is the boundary between mechanics and electronics.(3) For example, many early robots resulting from mechanical and electric
54、al systems became central to mechatronics机电一体化是一门由机械学、电子学、信息技术多学科融合的科学(不是简单融合),目标是使工程师完成产品开发,这就是为什么机电一体化技术目前在工业上非常流行的原因在20世纪80年代中,机电一体化产生了工程学,它是由机械学和电子学组成边缘科学。例如,由机械系统和电子系统产生的许多早期机器人已经成为机电一体化的核心。2.将下列句子译成中文机电一体化是一门由机械学、电子学、信息3.将下列短语或句子译成英语(1)机电一体化技术 电子学 机械学 智能控制 机器人学 信息技术 科学术语(2)机电一体化技术是一门关于机械学、电子学和
55、信息技术的跨学科技术。(3)机器人是机电一体化技术发展的产物,它涉及机械学、电子学、智能控制技术等。(4)机电一体化技术广泛应用于汽车工业、机械工业及国防工业。(5)今天,机电一体化技术已经成为研制机器人的关键技术。mechatronicselectronicsmechanicsintelligent controlroboticsinformation technologyscientific termMechatronics is the interdisciplinary of mechanics, electronics and information technology.Robot
56、 is the evolutional outcome of mechatronics, which includes mechanics, electronics and Intelligent Control technology, etc.Mechatronics has been applying widely to auto industry, mechanical industry and national defense industry.Tody, mechatronics has become the key technology of developing robots.3.将下列短语或句子译成英语mechatronic
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