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1、土木工程专业外文翻译- 高层建筑外文原文TallBuildingsAlthough there have been manyadvancements in buildingconstruction technology in general, spectacular achievements have beenmade in the design and construction of ultrahigh-rise buildings.Theearlydevelopment of high-risebuildingsbegan with structuralsteel framing. Rei

2、nforced concrete and stressed-skin tube systems havesince been economicallyand competitivelyused in a number of structuresfor both residential and commercial purposes. The high-rise buildingsranging from 50 to 110 stories that are being built all over the UnitedStates are the result of innovations a

3、nd development of new structuralsystems.Greater height entails increased column and beam sizes to makebuildings more rigid so that under wind load they will not sway beyondan acceptable limitExcessive lateral sway may cause serious recurringdamage topartitions,ceilings,and otherarchitecturaldetails.

4、Inaddition, excessive sway may cause discomfort to the occupants of thebuilding because of their perception of such motion. Structural systemsof reinforced concrete, as well as steel, take full advantage of theinherent potential stiffness of the total building and therefore do notrequire additional

5、stiffening to limit the swayIn a steel structure,for example, the economy can be defined in terms of the total averagequantity of steel per square foot of floor area of the building. CurveA in Fig. 1 represents the average unit weight of a conventional framewithincreasingnumbers ofstories.Curve B re

6、presentsthe average steelweight if the frameis protectedfromall lateral loads. Thegap betweenthe upper boundary and the lower boundary represents the premium forheight for the traditional column-and-beam frame; Structural engineershave developedstructuralsystems witha view to eliminatingthispremiumS

7、ystems in steelTall buildingsinsteeldeveloped as a resultofseveraltypes of structuralinnovations.The innovationshave been appliedtotheconstruction of both office and apartment buildingsFrames with rigidbelt trusses. In order to tie the exterior columns of a frame structureto the interior vertical tr

8、usses, a system of rigid belt trusses atmid-height and at the top of the building may be used. A good example ofthissystem isthe First WisconsinBank Building1974 in MilwaukeeFramedtube. The imum efficiencyof the totalstructure of atall building, forboth strength and stiffness,to resist windload can

9、be achieved only ifallcolumn elementscan be connectedtoeach other insuch a way thattheentire building acts as a hollow tube or rigid box in projecting out ofthe ground. This particular structural system was probably used for thefirsttime in the 43-storyreinforcedconcreteDeWittChestnut ApartmentBuild

10、ing in Chicago. The most significant use of this system is in thetwin structuralsteeltowersof the 110-storyWorld Trade Center buildingin New YorkColumn-diagonaltrusstube.The exteriorcolumnsof abuilding can be spaced reasonably far apart and yet be made to worktogetheras a tubeby connectingthem with.

11、Diagonal membersintersectingat the center line of the columns and beams. This simple yet extremelyefficient system was used for the first time on the John Hancock Centerin Chicago, using as much steel as is normally needed for a traditionalstory buildingFig. 1. Graphical relationship between design

12、quantitiesof steel and building heights for a typical building frameCurves A andB correspond to the boundary conditions indicated in the two buildingdiagrams. 1 psf0. 048kPaBundled tube. With the continuing need forlargerand tallerbuildings,theframed tubeor the column-diagonaltrusstube may be used i

13、n a bundled form to create larger tube envelopes whilemaintaining high efficiency. The i10-story Sears Roebuck HeadquartersBuilding in Chicago hasnine tubes, bundledat tile baseof the buildingin three rows. Some of these individual tubes terminate at differentheightsof thebuilding,demonstratingtheun

14、limitedarchitecturalpossibilities of this latest structural concept. The Sears tower, at aheightof1450 ft442 m, is the worldstallestbuildingStressed-skintubesystem.Thetubestructuralsystemwasdeveloped forimprovingtheresistancetolateralforceswind orearthquakeand thecontrol ofdriftlateral building move

15、ment in high-rise building. The stressed-skin tubetakesthe tube system a step further.The development of the stressed-skintube utilizes the facade of the building as a structural element whichacts with the framed tube, thus providing an efficient way of resistinglateral loads in high-rise buildings,

16、 and resulting in cost-effectivecolumn-freeinteriorspacewithahigh ratioofnet togrossfloorareaBecause of the contribution of the stressed-skin facade, the framedmembers of the tube require less mass, and are thus lighter and lessexpensive.Allthe typicalcolumns and spandrelbeamsare standardrolledshape

17、s, minimizingtheuse and costofspecialbuilt-upmembers. The depthrequirementfortheperimeterspandrelbeamsisalsoreduced,and the needfor upset beams above floors,which would encroachon valuable space, isminimized.The structuralsystem has been used on the54-storyOne MellonBank Center in Pittsburgh Systems

18、 in concrete. While tall buildingsconstructed of steel had an early start, development of tall buildingsof reinforced concrete progressed at a fast enough rate to provide acompetitive challenge to structural steel systems for both office andapartment buildingsFramed tube. As discussedabove, the firs

19、tframed tubeconcept for tall buildings was used for the 43-story DeWitt ChestnutApartment Building. In this building, exterior columns were spaced at5.5-ft1.68-m centers,and interiorcolumns were used as needed to supportthe 8-in.-thick 20-cm flat-plate concrete slabs Tube in tube. Anothersysteminrei

20、nforcedconcreteforofficebuildingscombinesthetraditional shear wall construction with an exterior framed tube. Thesystem consists of an outer framed tube of very closely spaced columnsand an interiorrigidshear walltube enclosingthe centralservicearea.The system Fig.2, known as the tube-in-tube system

21、, made it possible todesign the worlds present tallest 714 ft or 218m lightweight concreteBuilding in Houstonfor structure of only 35 s oriel building the unit52?story One Shell Plaza of a traditional shear wall Systems compilingboth concrete and steel have also been developed,an example of which is

22、the composite system developed by Skidmore,Owings & Merrill in which anexteriorcloselyspaced framed tube in concrete envelops an interiorsteelframing,therebycombining the advantages of both reinforcedconcreteandstructuralsteel systems.The 52?story One Shell Square Building in New Orleansis based on

23、this system.NEW WORDS AND PHRASES1.spectacular壮观的 , 惊人的 , 引人注意的2.sway摇动 , 摇摆 , 歪, 使倾斜3.residential居住的 , 住宅的 , 作住家用的4mercial商业的 , 商业上的 , 商务的5.innovation革新 , 创新 , 新方法 , 新事物6.boundary分界线 , 边界7.eliminate排除 , 消除 , 除去8.apartment公寓住宅 , 单元住宅9.column柱, 支柱 , 圆柱 , 柱状物10.demonstrate示范 , 证明 , 演示 ,11.project凸出 ,

24、投射 , 计划 , 工程12.stress应力 , 压力13.truss构架 , 桁架14.bundle捆, 束, 包15.terminate使终止 , 使结尾 , 结束16.facade房屋的 /E 面, 立面 , 表面17.perimeter周, 周围 , 周界 , 周长18.encroach侵犯 , 侵占 , 蚕食19.high?rise building高层建筑20.reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土21.spandrel beam窗下墙的墙托梁22.shear wall剪力墙中文译文高层建筑大体上建筑施工工艺学方面已经有许多进步,在超高层的设计和施工上已经取得了惊人的成

25、就。高层建筑早期的发展开始于钢结构。钢筋混凝土和薄壳筒系统已经经济而竞争性地被用于大量的住宅和商业目的的结构。由于新型结构系统的创新和发展 , 现在从 50 到 100 层的高层建筑遍布全美国。更大高度的要求增加了梁柱的尺寸以使建筑物刚性更强, 以便在风荷载作用下建筑物将不会产生超过一个可接受限度的摆动。过度的侧移可能导致隔墙,天花板和其他建筑细部的重复性损害。此外, 过度侧倾可能使建筑物的居住者因为对摆动的知觉而导致不便。钢筋混凝土和钢结构系统, 能充分利用整个建筑物固有潜在的劲性 , 因而不需要额外加劲以限制侧倾。例如 , 在一个钢结构中 , 经济性由建筑物房屋面积每平方英尺钢的全部平均数

26、量来定义。图一中的曲线 A 采用层逐渐增加的数量表现传统框架的平均单位重。曲线 B 则表现框架受到所有横向荷载保护下的平均钢重量。上下边界之间的间隙则表现传统梁柱框架为高度付出的额外费用。结构工程师已经发展了可消除这一额外费用的结构系统。钢结构体系。因为一些类型的结构改革, 钢高层建筑物得到了发展。 此改革被用于办公大楼和公寓的建造。带有刚性带式桁架的框架。为了将一个框架结构的外柱约束于内部的垂直梁架 , 可能在建筑物中部和顶部采用一个刚性带式桁架的系统。这一系统的最好例证是在密尔瓦基的威斯康辛州第一银行建筑物1974 。框架筒体。只有当建筑物突出地面的所有的柱构件能够彼此连接使整个建筑物成为

27、一个空心筒体或一个劲性箱体时, 一幢高层建筑的整个结构才能最有效。这种特殊的结构体系第一次大概是用于芝加哥的43 层楼高的德威特栗木钢筋混凝土公寓。而这一系统最重要的应用是纽约的110 层楼高的世界贸易中心的钢结构双塔。对角柱桁架支撑筒体。建筑物的外柱可以被适当的分隔却仍能通过在梁柱中线处交叉对角构件连接使之作为一个筒体而共同工作。这种简单而又极其有用的系统最早被用于芝加哥的约翰汉考克中心, 其仅仅使用了传统的40 层楼高建筑的用钢量组合筒体 ( 束筒 ) 。由于对更大更高的建筑物的持续需求, 框架筒和对角柱桁架支撑筒可能采用组合使用的形式以创造更大的筒, 并仍可以保持高功效。芝加哥 110 层楼高的西尔斯瑞巴克总部有9 个筒 , 由三


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