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1、住在富人区的她2022年考研考博-考博英语-陕西师范大学考试名师押题精选卷I(带答案详解)(图片可根据实际调整大小)题型12345总分得分一.综合题(共50题)1.单选题He thinks that method is prevalent.问题1选项A.advancedB.commonC.difficultD.old-fashioned【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。题目中prevalent表示“普遍发生的;盛行的”;A选项advanced“先进的;高级的”;B选项common为“共同的,常见的,普遍的”;C选项difficult为“困难的,艰难的”;D选项old-fashioned为“老式

2、的,过时的”。因此,正确答案是B项。句意:他认为这个方法很普遍。2.单选题_him tomorrow?问题1选项A.Why not to call onB.Why dont call onC.Why not calling onD.Why not call on【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。why not后面加动词原形,构成Why not do sth.? (为何不呢?);why do not 后面先加主语,再加动词原形,构成Why do not sb. do sth.? (某人为什么不做某事呢?)句意:为什么不明天去拜访他?3.单选题There are many good bakeries

3、 in Milltown; in fact, the baking industry is().问题1选项A.adhesiveB.flourishingC.incidentalD.accommodating【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。通过There are many good bakeries in Milltown可知Milltown有很多好的面包房,所以这里的烘焙产业发展不错。A选项为“可黏的”;B选项为“繁荣的;盛行的”;C选项为“附属的;偶然的;伴随发生的”;D选项为“乐于助人的;可通融的;随和的”。因此,B选项更符合题意。4.单选题The old lady has deve

4、loped a_cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.问题1选项A.perpetualB.permanentC.chronicD.sustainable【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项perpetual“永久的”;B选项permanent“永恒的,持续的,长久的”;C选项chronic“(尤指疾病) 长期的,慢性的,难以治愈的”;D选项sustainable“可持续的”。根据cannot be cured completely in a short time可知这位老太太患的是慢性咳嗽,因此选C。句意:老太太患了慢

5、性咳嗽,短时间内不能完全治愈。5.单选题Never before()as rapidly, as during the last three decades.问题1选项A.communications have developedB.have communications developedC.have developed communicationsD.developed communications【答案】B【解析】考查倒装句。句意:沟通交流从未像过去30年这样发展迅速。否定词never置于句首,句子后半部分需要进行部分倒装。因此,需要将“have”提前,即正确答案为B项。6.单选题The

6、 police admitted_a mistake in arresting an innocent man问题1选项A.to makeB.to have madeC.to having madeD.to making【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。admit to doing sth.表示“承认作某事”,为固定搭配。“犯错”这个动词发生在“承错误”这个动作之前,根据admitted(admit的过去式)可知空格处应为过去完成时,因此选C。句意:警方承认在逮捕一名无辜男子时犯了错误。7.单选题The _of the scientific attitude is that the human

7、mind can succeed in understanding the universe.问题1选项A.essenceB.textureC.contentD.threshold【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项essence“本质,实质”;B选项texture“质地,手感”;C选项content“内容”;D选项threshold“门槛,入口,开始”。根据the scientific attitude可知A选项符合语义。句意:科学态度的本质是人类的思维能够成功地理解宇宙。8.翻译题Translate the following passage into Chinese.Mans yout

8、h is a wonderful thing: it is so full of anguish and of magic and he never comes to know it as it is, until it has gone from him forever.It is the thing he cannot bear to lose; it is the thing whose passing he watches with infinite sorrow and regret; it is the thing whose loss he must lament forever

9、; it is the thing whose loss he really welcomes with a sad and secret joy; the thing would never willingly relive again, could it be restored to him by any magic.【答案】人的青春美妙绝伦,虽满是痛楚,但魅力无限。年少时不了解青春为何物,当其永逝,方才幡然大悟。青春的逝去令人百般不舍,目睹其渐行渐远,难免触目伤怀,悔不当初。但青春不再却又着实让人悲喜交加。可即便奇迹出现,时光倒流,却也无人情愿重度那段青春岁月。9.单选题When the

10、 Group of Seven was formed in 1920, the artists hoped for recognition of their works and ideas. In the catalog to their first exhibition, they actually invited adverse criticism-but only because what they feared most was indifference. At a time when Canada was coming into its own, they felt that a m

11、ajor factor in the development of a strong and healthy nation was a vital and relevant art. They hoped that their works would make a significant contribution to the evolution of a truly Canadian art tradition. Therefore, the Groups desire to paint the Canadian landscape lays the genuine conviction t

12、hat it was the northern landscape that represented and expressed the countrys unique character. It was this concept that was to capture the imagination of so many Canadians.Today there is every indication that the Group has attained its goals. These artists have achieved widespread popular success a

13、nd acclaim, and their works have been heralded as one of the basic symbols of Canadian culture. They have been honored with exhibitions, degrees and medals; reproductions of their works can be found one very thing from posters to postage stamps.As frequently happens with popular trends, there has be

14、en a tendency to romanticize the accomplishments of the Group, which has inevitably caused many misconceptions to develop. The most common of these is the popular belief that the Seven were violently criticized in the first Group shows. However, the truth of the matter is that the reviews for these

15、early shows were nearly all favorable.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?2. The author implies that the Group of Seven welcomed adverse criticism because it would().3. The author implies that the members-of the Group of Seven were().4. According to the passage, all of the following were major g

16、oals of the Group of Seven EXCEPT().5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way in which the Group of Seven was honored?问题1选项A.The origin of Canadian traditions.B.The seven symbols of CanadaC.Popular trends in Canadian art.D.A group of seven Canadian artists.问题2选项A.help them to improve as ar

17、tists.B.mean that their work was being noticed.C.increase the market value of their work.D.gain support for them as victims of unfair criticism.问题3选项A.portrait paintersB.landscape artistsC.art criticsD.art dealers问题4选项A.producing art with the intent of selling it quicklyB.having their work recognize

18、dC.having their ideas about art acceptedD contributing to the growth of a uniquely Canadian art问题5选项A.Degrees were conferred on them.B.Their work was exhibited.C.Monuments were dedicated to them.D.They were awarded medals.【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。原文主要介绍了加拿大的本土风格的艺术家团体the Group of Sev

19、en期望依靠自身努力得到认可,以及介绍他们为加拿大本土文化所作贡献的事迹,而不是讲述加拿大传统的起源或是加拿大艺术的流行趋势,因此,正确答案为D项。2.细节事实题。根据原文第一段In the catalog to their first exhibition, they actually invited adverse criticism-but only because what they feared most was indifference.可知,艺术团体并不担心负面评论,而是担心人们漠视他们的艺术创作。因此,B 项“意味着他们的创作不被关注和重视”最符合题意。3.推理判断题。根据原文

20、第一段Therefore, behind the Groups desire to paint the Canadian landscape lay the genuine conviction that it was the northern landscape that represented and expressed the countrys unique character.可知,成员们主要描绘的是Canadian landscape,所以Group of Seven成员是风景画家。故本题正确答案为B项。4.推理判断题。原文中讲述了Group of Seven艺术家们的创作目的,期待

21、人们理解和认可他们的创作理念,并希望他们的作品能够促进加拿大本土艺术的繁荣发展,对本土文化有所贡献。文中并未提及艺术家们是以快速销售为目的而进行的艺术创作。因此,本题正确答案是A项。5.细节事实题。根据原文第二段They have been honored with exhibitions, degrees and medals; reproductions of their works can be found on everything from posters to postage stamps.可知,为了进行表彰,这些艺术家的作品被展出,他们也被授予了学位(degree)和颁发了奖章(

22、medal),但并没有树立纪念碑(monument)。因此,本题正确答案为C项。10.单选题Our hospital has an affiliation with the medical school of the City University.问题1选项A.organizationB.administrationC.connectionD.cooperation【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项organization n.组织,团体,机构;B选项administration n.管理,行政机构;C选项 connection n.连接,关系,人脉;D选项cooperation n

23、.合作,协作。句意:我们医院和城市大学医学院有良好的合作关系。因此,D项为正确答案。11.翻译题Translate the following passage into Chinese.Short message service is a mechanism of delivery of short messages over the mobile networks. It is a store and forward way of transmitting messages to and from mobiles. The message (text only) from the sendi

24、ng mobile is stored in s central short message center which then forwards it to the destination mobile. This means that in the case that the recipient is not available; the short message is stored and can be sent later. Each short message can be no longer than 160 characters. These characters can be

25、 text or binary Non-Text Short messages. An interesting feature of SMS is return receipts. This means that the sender, if wishes, can get a small message notifying if the short message was delivered to the intended recipient.【答案】短信服务是通过移动网络来传送短消息的机制。它是一种在手机间储存和发送信息的途径。发送手机所传来的信息(纯文本)被储存于中央短消息中心,然后这个

26、中心将它转发到目标手机。也就是说,在这种情况下,收件人收不到消息。短消息是先被储存后再被发送。每条短信可能不超过160个字符。这些字符可以是文本,或是二进制非文本消息。短信有趣的地方在于有回执。就是说,如果收件人成功收到短信,那么发件人就会收到一条提醒通知。12.单选题Please()those old newspapers while youre cleaning up the room.问题1选项A.dispose outB.dispose ofC.dispose awayD.dispose in【答案】B【解析】考查词组搭配。A选项dispose out非短语搭配;B选项dispose

27、of处理,转让,卖掉;C选项 dispose away 非短语搭配;D选项dispose in非短语搭配。因此,只有B项为正确搭配,且符合题意。句意:请你在清理房间的时候丢掉这些过期的报纸。13.翻译题Translate the following into English.中国已经发展成为一个全球极富吸引力的、现实的大市场。世界各国和地区不少有远见卓识的企业家,都将目光投向了中国,并从投资活动中获得了丰厚的回报。我相信,中国加入世贸组织后,外商参与中国投资活动的机会将越来越多,自身发展的空间也 越来越大。在中国的投资活动一定能成为沟通世界各国和地区的企业家与中国市场的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界

28、经济共同发展、共同繁荣。【答案】China has developed into a big, extremely attractive and realistic market in the global context. Many farsighted entrepreneurs from countries and regions around the world have begun to keep an eye on China and gotten substantial profits from their investment activities. I believe tha

29、t, after Chinas entry into WTO, there will be more opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs to make investments in China and also lager space for their own development. The investment activities in China will certainly serve as a bridge connecting entrepreneurs from all the countries and regions in t

30、he world with the Chinese market, and promote the common economic development and prosperity of China and the world.14.单选题The city tried to stop crime by hiring more police, but that()did not work.问题1选项A.approachB.applicationC.managementD.version【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。根据句子前后逻辑关系可知,空格处是指前文提及的“雇佣更多警察”一事。A选项为

31、“方法;接近”;B选项为“运用;申请”;C选项为“管理”;D选项为“版本;译文”。根据句意可知,这座城市想通过雇佣更多警察以停止犯罪,但是这方法并不管用。因此,正确答案为A项。15.单选题He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk coherently.问题1选项A.honestlyB.appropriatelyC.intelligiblyD.flexibly【答案】C【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项honestly adv.真诚地,公正地;B选项appropriately a

32、dv.适当地,恰当地;C选项 intelligibly adv.易理解地,清楚明白地;D选项flexibly adv.灵活地,柔软地。句意:他意识到自从自己说话不能保持前后一致开始,他已经失去了自己的听众。因此,C项为正确答案。16.单选题We must look beyond_and assumptions and try to discover what is missing.问题1选项A.justificationsB.illusionsC.manifestationsD.specifications【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项justification“借口,理由”;B选项i

33、llusion“错觉,幻想”;C选项manifestation“表示,表明”;D选项specification“规格,说明书”。根据并列连词and可知空格处与assumptions的意思接近,因此选B。句意:我们必须超越幻想和假设,努力发现缺失的东西。17.单选题Initially the Lincoln administration refused black volunteers; they feared that the appearance of black Yankees on the battlefield might suggest that the war_other purp

34、oses in addition to the restoration of the Union.问题1选项A.haveB.hadC.had hadD.would have【答案】B【解析】考查一般过去时。此句中的suggest意为“表明”,不表示“建议”,因此从句中的谓语动词不需要用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。根据feared可知空格为一般过去时,时态保持一致,因此选B。句意:起初,林肯政府拒绝黑人志愿者;他们担心黑人出现在战场上,可能表明这场战争除了恢复联邦之外,还有其他目的。18.单选题I wouldnt_to interfere. Instead, I let my stu

35、dents make their own decision问题1选项A.resumeB.presumeC.assumeD.consume【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项resume“重新开始,恢复,继续”;B选项presume“假设,冒昧,擅自主张”;C选项assume“假定,认为,承担”;D选项consume“消耗,消费”。根据转折词Instead后面的内容可知B选项符合语义。句意:我将不会擅自干涉。相反,我让我的学生们自己做决定。19.单选题The lions ferocious behavior was attributed to its lack of edible flesh.

36、问题1选项A.tameB.relaxedC.savageD.fable【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。题目中ferocious表示“残忍的;惊人的;凶残的”;A选项为“驯服的;顺从的;平淡的”;B选项为“放松的,宽松的”;C选项为“野蛮的;荒凉的;凶猛的”;D选项为“寓言,童话”,不是形容词。根据句意可知,狮子的残暴行为源于缺少食用肉。因此,正确答案是C项。20.单选题Your analogy was not a good one because the two situations are not similar.问题1选项A.comparisonB.categorizationC.cla

37、ssificationD.cognition【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项comparison n.比较,对照;B选项categorization n.分类,分门别类,编目方法;C选项 classification n.等级,类别;D选项cognition n.认识,辨识,认识能力。根据句意可知A项符合题意。句意:你的类比不是一个好例子,因为这两种情况并不相同。21.单选题“Johns ()was irritating. He was reluctant even to buy bread”问题1选项A.jealousyB.sorenessC.luckD.parsimony【答案】

38、D【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据后半句He was reluctant even to buy bread.(他甚至连买个面包都很不情愿)可知,他是相当吝啬。A选项为“嫉妒”;B选项为“悲伤,痛苦”;C选项为“幸运”;D项“吝啬的,过度节俭”,因此,D项是正确答案。22.单选题Because we will never agree about this, any further discussion is().问题1选项A.discernibleB.heedlessC.futileD.reflective【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项为“可辨别的,可识别的”;B选项为“不注意的,不

39、留心的”;C选项为“无效的,无用的”;D选项为“反射的;反映的;深思熟虑的”。根据“never agree about this”可知,因为我们在这件事上总不能意见一致,所以可知进一步讨论是没有用。因此正确答案为C选项。23.单选题Are you aware that you actually possess six senses? The sixth sense is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently to the exact extent necessary for each acti

40、on you perform. For example, when you reach for an object, the sensory nerves linking the muscles to the brain stop your hand at the correct spot. This automatic perception of the position of your muscles in relation to the object is your muscular sense in action.Muscles are stringy bundles of fiber

41、s varying from one five-thousandth of an inch to about three inches. They have three unique characteristics; they can become shorter and thicker; they can stretch; and they can retract to their original positions. Under a high-powered microscope, muscle tissue is seen as long, slender cells with a g

42、rainy texture like wood.More than half of a persons body is composed of muscle fibers, most of which are involuntary in other words, work without conscious direction. The voluntary muscles, those that we move consciously to perform particular actions, number more than five hundred. Women have only 6

43、0 to 70 percent as much muscle as men for their body mass. That is why an average woman cant lift as much, throw as far, or hit as hard as an average man.1. Intelligent use of the muscles means that().2. According to the selection, more than half of a persons body is composed of().3. An average woma

44、n is weaker than an average man because she has ().4. It is implied but not stated that() .5. According to the selection, the muscular sense is responsible for ().问题1选项A.one always knows what his muscles are doingB.one performs simple actions without workingC.ones muscles are used only to the extent

45、 necessary for each action they performD.one improves muscular action consciously问题2选项A.voluntary musclesB.muscle fibersC.involuntary fibersD.sensory nerves问题3选项A.more voluntary muscles than an average manB.only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle for her body massC.60 to 70 percent less muscle for her

46、body massD.less muscle fiber for her body weight问题4选项A.the muscular sense is more important than any other sensesB.muscular sense involves automatic perceptionC.there are many more than 500 involuntary muscles in the bodyD.muscle tissue is inflexible问题5选项A.the efficiency of our musclesB.the normal b

47、reathing functionC.directing our muscles intelligentlyD.the work of only our involuntary muscles【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据文章第一段第二句The sixth sense is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently to the exact extent necessary for each action you perform.可知,第六感

48、是一种肌肉感觉,可智能地精准控制人体活动。因此,C项是正确答案。2.细节事实题。题意:根据原文,人类身体超过一半的组织是由什么构成的?根据原文第三段第一句:More than half of a persons body is composed of muscle fibers.可知,人体超过一半的组织是由muscle fibers(肌肉纤维)构成。因此,正确答案为B项。3.细节事实题。根据原文第三段Women have only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle as men for their body mass. That is why an average

49、 woman cant lift as much, throw as far, or hit as hard as an average man. 可知,女性比正常男性力气小是因为女性身体内肌肉含量仅为男性的60-70%。因此,B项为正确答案。4.推理判断题。本文并未说明也未暗示肌肉感觉比其他感官重要,因此A选项错误。根据原文最后一段The voluntary muscles, those that we move consciously to perform particular action, number more than five hundred.可知,C选项与原文意思相反,故C项错

50、误。D选项说肌肉组织是不可弯曲的,与原文不符,故排除。因此,B选项是正确答案。5.细节事实题。由文章第一段The sixth sense is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently.可知,肌肉感官的作用是directing your muscles intelligently,因此,本题正确答案为C项。24.单选题The center task of an empirical science such as economics is to provide general understandi

51、ng of events in the real world, and ultimately all of its theories and techniques must be instrumental to that task. That is very different from saying, however, that it must be responsive to the contemporaneous conditions and problems of the society in which it is situated.If the problems of econom

52、ic life changed frequently and radically, and lacked a large measure of continuity in their essential nature, there could not be a science of economics. An essential element of a science is the cumulative growth of knowledge, and that cumulative character could not arise if each generation of econom

53、ists faced fundamentally new problems calling for entirely new methods of analysis. The change of problems and methods would also undermine the training of economists; if the young studied under the old, the young could be confident that they were learning things that were rapidly becoming outdated.

54、 A science requires for its very existence a set of fundamental and durable problems.In economics the most fundamental of these central problems is the theory of value. The theory of value must explain how the comparative values of different goods and services are established. Until that problem is

55、solved, it is not possible to analyze for scientific purposes what will be produced and in what quantities, how the resources will be employed in producing the menu of outputs, and how the resources will be valued. Without a theory of value the economist can have neither theory of international trad

56、e nor possibly a theory of money. This central problem of value does not change in its essential content if one seeks to explain values in agricultural or industrial societies, indeed, if the problem of value were so chameleonlike as to alter its nature whenever the economic or political system alte

57、red, each epoch in economic life would require its own theory, and short epoch would get short-lived theories.1. The main idea of the passage is that().2. Which is a correct statement of theories and techniques?3. If every generation of economists had basically different problems,().4. The passage s

58、upports which of the following statements about the theory of value?5. The word “chameleonlike” in the last sentence is closest in meaning to().问题1选项A.all sciences should have proper tools if they are to complete the central taskB.the empirical science must be responsive to the problems of the real

59、worldC.economics as an empirical science must have its fundamental problems for studyD.economists must give priority to agreement of the theory of value问题2选项A.Theories and techniques of a science must contribute to our knowledge of the real world.B.Theories and techniques offer us tools when we ende

60、avor to respond to current problems.C.Theories and techniques must constantly change radically in order to catch up with the time.D.Theories and techniques must have their values in solving fundamental problems of sciences.问题3选项A.economic knowledge would be dramatically enrichedB.the science of econ


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