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1、The Great Gatsby跨文化名著读后续写教学设计-一 Close Reading on The Great Gatsby本节课是一节读后续写课,取材自上海外语教学出版社黑布林英语阅读丛 书 The Great Gatsby (了不起的盖茨比)的 Chapter 5。The Great Gatsby 是美国 著名作家F. Scott Fitzgerald的代表作,出版于1925年。小说以20世纪20年代 的纽约长岛为背景,讲述了 Jay Gatsby的故事。The Great Gatsby的问世,奠定 了作者在现代美国文学史上的地位,成了 20年代“爵士时代”的发言人和“迷惘的 一代”

2、的代表作家之一。教学分析(-)教学内容分析主人公Jay Gatsby (原名James Gatz)本是一个贫穷的农家子弟,自幼梦想 做个出人头地的大人物。他当兵期间,爱上了南方的大家闺秀Daisy,战争结束, 等他从海外归来时,Daisy已嫁给了一位体格健壮、极为富有但举止粗鲁的纨给 子弟Tom Buchanano沉醉于爱情梦幻中的Jay Gatsby |!|一个贫穷的军官奋斗成 为白万富翁。他在纽约长岛西端买下了一幢豪华别墅,与住在东端的Daisy隔海 湾相望。他的府第每晚灯火通明,成群的宾客饮酒纵乐。他唯一的愿望是希望看 到分别了五年的情人Daisy,当他们重逢时,Gatsby以为时光可以

3、倒流,重温旧 梦,但久而久之,他发现黛茜远不是他梦想中的人,可是这种醒悟还没多久, Daisy开车意外撞死了丈夫Tom的情妇,Tom嫁祸于Gatsby, Gatsby最终被害, 而Daisy居然没来送葬。本文选自第五章,描绘了分别了五年的盖茨比和黛西重逢的场景。(二)学生分析本节课的授课对象为新高三学生。虽然他们之前也都没有接触过利用阅读长 篇小说进行的读后续写训练,可是学生的思维和文学欣赏能力是可以达到对作品 深刻的理解和分析的。对学生来说,旧的课本知识学习和简单的语言知识学习已 经不能调动他们的思维能力了,而文学作品阅读却可以让学生运用自己的思维能 力,以读促写,以读促学。(三)教学目标通

4、过本节课的学习,学生能够: and was sent to war. When he came back, Daisy had already married Tom, a hard and arrogant man from an extremely wealthy family. Daisy and Tom lived in East egg, Long Island. Jay Gatsby earned a lot of money being a bootlegger and bought a grand mansion in West egg so that he could see

5、 Daisy home across the bay. Nick Cana way was Daisys cousin and also Gatsbys neighbor. So Gatsby wanted Nick to invite Daisy to tea so that he would have a chance to meet her again.设计意图:通过复习前四章内容让学生重温故事发生时代,故事基本情 节,为下一步写作输出绿光的和梦想意义做铺垫。Step 2: While reading -Plot analysis情节分析Task 1: Students are aske

6、d to preview the whole chapter and answer questions based on their understanding, concerning the facts, and feelingsHow do they prepare for the tea?Can you imagine Gatsbys home and garden from their preparation?Did not Gatsby want to meet Daisy? Why did he always want to leave?Task 2: Students are a

7、sked to draw a mind map and retell the story by working in a group . Pay attention to this sentence -He radiated a feeling of joy that filled the room.timethe next morning4: 00 when they meetwhat happened?feeling?rang.invited; preparedstood in the rain;disappeared; staredsat on a couch.He radiated a

8、 feeling of joy that filled the room.timethe next morning4: 00 when they meetwhat happened?feeling?rang.invited; preparedstood in the rain;disappeared; staredsat on a couch.He radiated a feeling of joy that filled the room.设计意图:本环节锻炼学生close reading阅读技巧,通过对文本的阅读,能 够针对故事情节找出矛盾问题,展示自己对小说情节的思考。同时为输出写作做

9、好细节信息的准备。比如:了解在Nick离开这段时间,两人的情绪发生了很大 的变化转折。这个转折点把故事推向了高潮。欣赏并运用He radiated a feeling of joy that filled the room.这优美的语言。此环节主要是想要学生在对文本阅读的时 候不止停留在对文本浅层的理解上,而是通过总结和思考来进一步理解文本。并 在对故事细节讨论的基础上,小组合作总结本章节的故事情节。Step 3: Post -reading writing continuationTask 1: Analysis of writing techniques 叙事角度分析What happen

10、ed when Nick was out?Write a short dialogue between Gatsby and Daisy and act it out. If you are Daisy, your desk mate is Gatsby.设计意图:通过Nick离开前后,盖茨比和黛西的情绪对比,进行合理的猜 测,推断两人对话的内容,并根据两人情绪的对比来判断自己所推测的对话是否 与小说情节发展相符。通过学生自己编写的场景和原文的对比,引出本部小说的 写作特点,即并没有使用全能视角,而是让Nick来做故事的讲述者,并引导学 生感受为什么会使用这种全能视角写作手法。Task2: P

11、ost -reading writing continuationWrite a passage according to the given sentences:Paragraph 1 : Tlien suddenly, UI want you and Daisy to come to my house. Id like to show her around.MWhat kind of mansion (house) does Gatsby have ?What did Gatsby show Daisy in his house?(3) Whafs Daisys reaction (fee

12、ling) ? What did they do then?Paragraph2: Its a pity it*s so misty/ he said. On a clear day I can see your house across the bay. At night theres a green light at the end of your dock.1What kind of green light did Gatsby see everyday ? Why did Gatsby see the green light everyday?After 5 years of stri

13、ving, Gatsby finally meet Daisy.Did he really achieve his dream?Was Daisy exactly the one he had dreamed of? What would he do then in the future?(Is Gatsby driven by his memory of the past or his dream for the future? Can he repeat the past?)(check) The green light had been his connection with Daisy

14、. Now that she was here it had lost its significance.As I went over to say goodbye, I saw he was confused again as if he doubted whether the happiness was real. Almost 5 years! There must have been moments even that aftemoon when Daisy wasnt exactly the one he had dreamed of. His illusion had gone b

15、eyond her, beyond everything.设计意图:根据已知信息开放式提问,问题的答案不是固定唯一的,让学生 学会使用推理判断能力为小说故事情节继续谋篇布局。让故事情节顺利发展且和 原文融洽度高。其中第二段第四个问题选做问题较为抽象,展示原作者的描写刻 画,让学生体会盖茨比梦想之伟大。Step 4: SummaryTask 1: Students are asked to read the additional material and feel the paragraph.(欣赏) Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgasti

16、c future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but thats no matter-tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.And one fine morning.So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.盖茨比相信那盏绿色的灯。它是一年一年在我们眼前渐渐远去的那个美好未 来的象征。从前它从我们面前溜走,不过那没关系-

17、明天我们将跑得更快,手臂 伸的更远,总有一个明朗的早晨于是我们奋力向前划,逆流向上的小舟,逆水行舟,被不断地向后推,被推 入过去。设计意图:给出原著小说中的一段对盖茨比幻想和梦想的描述,让学生讨 论并给出自己的见解。Deeply in the dream of love, Gatsby began to work hard and spent 5 years to become a millionaire from a poor officer. He was really a great Gatsby. If you were Gatsby(or Daisy), would you see Daisy as your dream as before? Why?Task 2: Use heroes to guide students to establish c


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