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1、医患关系U1(医生繁忙的工作性质导致了医生与病人之间的相互误对病人来说,需要理解医生的工 作)Mean idea:Its really common to read or hear about the complaints of doctors be impatient and careless.Although there are probably a few doctors who truly are tone-deaf, most are reasonably empathic human beings, and I wonder why even these doctors seem

2、prey to this criticism 为什么会有这种误解:Neuron overload on the doctor side that leads to the problem. Sometime, one stray request (一个冷不丁的问题)from a patient- even one that is quite relevant- might interrupt doctors thinking(might catch one of the doctors neurons in mid-fire)Patients high expectationMistrust

3、and misunderstanding between the patients and physicianU7/主要是讨论病人自主,但可以在医患关系里提及生了(医学伦理学在解决医患关系时需要注意的,对医生来说,需要顾及到病人的情况)Respect for the patient, epecially the patients autonomy(自主权Mean idea:In an era of fast advancing medical technology, rapidly changing medical ethics, and in increasingly litigious s

4、ociety, good physician-patient relationship is critically important for effective health care delivery.医生和患者需要做出哪些艰难的决定:Decide whether life-support system should be continued or withdrawnDecide whether a new therapy should be triedDecide whether surgery should be the first choice or the last resortD

5、ecide whether transfer or referral (转介)is neededDecide whether euthanasia (安乐死)should be considered什么是paternalistic decision-making 家长式决策)A doctor play the role of an exclusive decision makerwhile his patient is considered as the participant without little say in the final choice.什么是patient-center c

6、are病人中心式照顾The Patients are the decision maker based on the information provided by the doctor.为什么不可以全以医生为主或全以病人为主Doctors are very much cautious about committing some kind of ethical transgression(医生都非常谨慎以免犯下某种侵犯道德的罪名)When it came to medical decisions, almost all the respondents wanted their doctors

7、to offer choices and consider their opinions.我们应该怎么做Shouldering responsibility together with the patient may be better than having the patient make decision on their own alone.Balancing between paternalism and respect for patients autonomy constitutes a large part of medical practice.病人自主(见 U7)抗生素U2

8、/如果只需谈论抗生素问题,只要提及抗药与病毒的变异(抗生素作为人类对抗疾病的一大创举,现在面临着耐药性且缺少创新的大问题Mean idea:Although great progress has been made in the treatment andprevention of diseases in the last century, there is no reason forcomplacency. Human health is constantly threatened not only byemerging diseases but also by re-emerging on

9、es once thought tohave been controlled or eradicated.我们取得在对抗疾病上的巨大突破及抗生素的诞生“The book on infectious disease” has been writtenA string of impressive victories incurred by antibiotics(抗生素)and vaccines (疫苗) 所面临的挑战(如果只谈抗生素/2/4即可)A change in virulenceMutation(突变)in the exterior of the bacteriumEmerging di

10、seases such as AIDS and Ebola are intractable for us to solve.The effectiveness of the antibiotics has, however, led to their misuse. And the old enemies get drug resistance我们应该做什么Need for surveillanceUpdated science capable of dealing with discoveries in the fieldAppropriate prevention and controlS

11、trong public health infrastructure治未病Literally means preventive treatment of disease.U3(疾病的预防和治疗之间的关系Mean idea:Despite the progress in medicine, many diseases are still untreatable and incurable. It has been generally agreed that prevention is more cost-effective than the treatment of diseases.预防和治疗

12、之间的区别Before someone was diagnosed with, prevention can be taken to avoid getting sick.In contrast, if you fall ill unfortunately, a treatment should be taken to make health again. 患病的因素Take MS(multiple sclerosis) as an example, genetics account only 10% to 30% of the risk of MS; the rest is due to s

13、ome combination of unknown environmental factors.人际交往与健康的关系Research on the link between relationships and physical health has established that people with rich personal networks- who are married, has close family and friends, are active in social and religious group- recover more quickly from diseas

14、e and live longer.如何治未病 /中医的角度来治未病As a concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), there are some effective methods to take this preventive treatment of disease.Acupuncture(针灸),herbs(中药),massage and taichi all the effective methods to prevent diseases.其他U4(传统医学与可选择医学的碰撞Mean idea:When you are ill b

15、ut failed by conventional treatments or suffering chronic conditions, you may try some traditional or alternative therapies as the last resort.中国传统医学的特点Simple and inexpensive facilitiesSubstances used as medicine are all from natureEffectiveness has been proven and ensured with a long historyMost pr

16、ocedures and operations are noninvasive(无创的)New theories and practices shed with ongoing research around the world on acupuncture, herbs, massage and taici.如今在美国中医的现状More intense researchHigher adoption of acupunctureGreater interest by stakeholderStronger push for coverageAn interesting number of p

17、hysician acupuncturists现代医学和中国传统医学的区别Modern medicine is analytical, quantitative and mechanistic体制化的TCM is systemic, holistic and individualisticU6(临终关怀的方式Mean idea:Medical advances and value changes have increased and acceptability of palliative careand hospice care, which can be provided to critic

18、ally 川 patients at home, hospitals or nursing homes.Things to consider when choosing the right place to die:The most sensible type of careAvailability of such careAvailability of support systemManagement of the costWhat advantages does a hospital have over a nursing home for end-of-life careAvailabi

19、lity of medical resources, including doctors, nurses and facility around the clockWhats the role of family and friends when the patient is cared at home?Taking on a job which is big job physically, emotionally, and financially;Hiring a home nurse for additional help;Arranging for services (such as v

20、isiting nurses) and special equipment (like a hospital bed or bedside commode)What needs to be considered to make comfort care available at home?Health insurancePlanning by a professional, such as a hospital discharge planner or a social workerHelp from local governmental agenciesDoctor supervision

21、at homeU8/U9(医生应当遵守的原则与医学生的学习mN 看耳 00=mN 看耳 00=.eegnhl岳G mdividuaj一 巾含rtEa&mjzaTon of PQML三m bmLLrtfks mi-ULLl=OL1Qf possibFFueJu鼻口brt denWoFbel 口 Luldu-y -LnpcIaLm oWhat is the primary purpose of medical education?For students to learn, in depth, what it means to be a physician:Upon graduation, they can have an understanding of what it means to be a p


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