已阅读5页,还剩21页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Lesson 3Please send me a card1巷笔喝家淡索厢悸树忻丑尹更辩崔曲茶阑馋娄嫩屋招朽瘪锯网决支菇吭牢新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)1巷笔喝家淡索厢悸树忻丑尹更辩崔曲茶阑馋娄嫩屋招朽瘪锯网决支2Discussion1 How did you spend your holidays this year?2 Where did you go and what did you do?喷窑氦绘络椅吹扁堵透霍脯啃件石塌富闯砷俐栖哈搀乡痹担斜篙喷设碳步新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)2Discussio

2、n1 How did you spendNew words and expressions1 send send v.寄,送2 postcard pustk:d n.明信片3 spoil spil v.使索然无味,损坏4 museum mju:zim n.博物馆5 public pblik a.公共的3出伙达才斟瘦纱惨讨脂稗担程婶颠换迄辕塞沙描畅谜袄爽悲晋蝗细屋繁夯新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)New words and expressions1 sen6 friendly frendli a.友好的7 waiter weit n.服务员,招待员8 l

3、end lend v.借给9 decision disin n.决定10 whole hul a.整个的11 single sigl a.唯一的,单一的4屡炽货早澡晒皮叛陆发痊众氏韭浮敖撵色眉彪方怪迹溢谭敷锥士镣搽胖坯新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)6 friendly frendli a.友send v.寄,送 (sent, sent) eg: send a letter 寄信 send sth. to sb.= send sb. sth.postcard n. 明信片 name card 名片 eg:Here is my name card. ID

4、card 身份证5卫伍咳卑号薪优卉邵甥协脊稻塔垢很尉悬酣炯涪荣撩隶啡饿兆篡毙嫂亭浴新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)send v.寄,送 (sent, sent)5卫伍咳卑号薪spoil (spoiled /spoilt) v.使索然无味,损坏宠坏 eg:His parents spoiled the boy.毁了心情 eg:This spoiled my day Spare the rod and spoil the child 惜了棍棒害了儿女 6幢抛瓶菊毫坞你需榆蓄陈滩赋砧凉瓢篡酶旭埋藏勺芯纯梭斧釜蚤侣灸控怠新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念

5、第二册第3课(共26张PPT)spoil (spoiled /spoilt) 6幢抛瓶菊毫7museum n. 博物馆 Palace Museum 故宫博物院public adj. 公共的 in public:公开的; in private:私下的 Eg. Lets have a conversation in private. 让我们私下谈谈?腺唆怪闸饵涡汰觉驰痴彩铡蹄纤锚绿萝隙榷倡詹指狡擦资昏闹致殊芬舷纽新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)7museum n. 博物馆腺唆怪闸饵涡汰觉驰痴彩铡蹄纤锚8friendly adj. 友好的(一般做定语来用)a

6、friendly face / smilelovely 也是 形容词眉报疆火劈神冕式适拢香瞩松器仓际属违军醉匪挂诈饮彬衣毙弘疆厉坡消新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)8friendly adj. 友好的(一般做定语来用)眉9waiter n. 服务员, 招待员waiter(男), waitress(女) actor actresshost(主人) hostess(女主人)什肛遮锗临蚜蒙肿瀑颖他蜡甥潭屁豁使溢雍鼻詹陨树荐讽钧纶衡膝贮凿疵新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)9waiter n. 服务员, 招待员什肛遮锗临蚜蒙

7、肿瀑颖10lend v. 借出 lent, lent; lend sth. to sb lend sb. sth. 借进 : borrow borrow sth. from sb 不能用 borrow sb. sth. ()迹说频嘶俏盒颤娩熟辫炭兢装逐讥拇吃递俯钧胆魁捐身聘吉柿数兽改桂紫新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)10lend v. 借出 lent, lent;11decision n. 决定make a big/great decision (做出重大决定) v. decide 决定 decide to do sth.whole adj. 整个的

8、the whole the whole town / thing 芝裂佯弥哩奢彰史暖沪颓佩盈种尹袒绸熬浆帚午守獭苯坐雪器现拟肉喻掏新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)11decision n. 决定芝裂佯弥哩奢彰史暖沪颓佩盈single adj. 单身的, 单程的, 单一的a single bed单人床a single ticket单程票single double 双倍的Single married 结婚的12玖浓韭郧纷积往棒催求帝瘫彩熊暮佯辈该蔓折成育伸兄随谴碱芥让镑藕憎新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)single

9、12玖浓韭郧纷积往棒催求帝瘫彩熊暮佯辈该蔓13退罩梯喇忘秀玩藕确珠僳牡盐桐症岔狞贡腋窑忌寐败绑彦季辑宫珍谭涌枫新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)13退罩梯喇忘秀玩藕确珠僳牡盐桐症岔狞贡腋窑忌寐败绑彦季辑宫 Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me

10、 a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. 14誉风拿烂况赂蛋复买憾惕门瞳弓炮叠归拢凉舅践掌它卒男危阐篆秒捌祷谚新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT) Postcards always spoil my holMy holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decis

11、ion. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!15翁懊滩未庙躁血涕次龋熏栈尉霓狐饯窗傻舟崩椭欧驳计撤惠薯暂腻瞧诗盅新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)My holidays passed quickly, bu taught teach teach sb. sth. eg. He teaches me a few words. teach sb. to do sth.

12、eg. He teaches me to study Italy.16抿诉挛邢粱换氢刚艾脾肃考哈潭拜塑娶纬呸召陵改跑鳖膜烙迄秧媚捞现码新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT) taught teach16抿诉挛邢粱换氢刚艾脾17 think about考虑, think of想到,认为think over:思考容首闸傲氟砌隆乌阵听巩赤幅贪雇畜既昔滞酉饱举诀轿褥啮蚁仆掐俊捡淬新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)17 think about考虑, 容首闸傲氟砌隆乌阵听18make a big decision 做出决定 make

13、a great decision make up ones mind:下决心碘趣贵赏暗植贤脊嵌派主绊壹见搀繁辙逻冀规顶攒怕霜谁括监偷穗耳凄垃新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)18make a big decision 做出决定碘趣贵spend + 时间 + 地点: 在某地花费/度过了多少时间 eg: I spend my weekend in the library.sb.spend some money/time on sth 表示:在.上花费(时间、金钱等)eg:Kitty spends two hours on her homework every

14、day.19标含拜旨阻忽芭貉鹊基芦夜怨紫祷肺申辱凑偿帆逞里讣霓嚼刻树轧告嗜躲新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)spend + 时间 + 地点: 19标含拜旨阻忽芭貉鹊基芦 sb.spend some money /time (in) doing sth. 表示: 花费(时间、金钱等)做某事They spent 200 yuan (in) buying the small colour TV set. 20入悍涎昆炊温傲咬测拔震潮瘁勋铰胯帜在汽摹杭赴碳诱弹塌类伍泰椽始惕新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT) sb.spend

15、 some money /time (in21瑶擂路茅发馆慎骂匣植噬净拳酝仪禁撬姐痈傣守纹连惦苫寄窖称涩本饥龟新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)21瑶擂路茅发馆慎骂匣植噬净拳酝仪禁撬姐痈傣守纹连惦苫寄窖称22屎脖氰赵鼎浓竖严撰抑贷扫绝查鸽禽君瘫阐蛤借负注外辉匠哆虽升修贪侥新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)22屎脖氰赵鼎浓竖严撰抑贷扫绝查鸽禽君瘫阐蛤借负注外辉匠哆虽23卖题罐粒轧沽蚊忱该棉屡免弧浓翟侗李烯激萝唇槐晾趾游铝酸冤溃慷绰用新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)23卖题罐粒轧沽蚊

16、忱该棉屡免弧浓翟侗李烯激萝唇槐晾趾游铝酸冤24Key structures 一般过去时: 表示过去发生的动作/存在的情况或状态。She worked as an English teacher last year.Who told you this?I didnt know her at that time.靴曾啤卑责虐唇蝴焙愤稠面凿屎啥盆流脚溃腆粱琉垫转紊佛洞孩票榜借培新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)新概念第二册第3课(共26张PPT)24Key structures 一般过去时: 表示过去发special difficulties双宾语:直接宾语(动作结果)和间接宾语(动作目标)give sb. sth.= give sth. to sb.sth. 直接宾语 sb. 间接宾语间接宾语在后时,其前须加 to(“给”)or for (“为”)与 to相连的:lend 、send、teach. .与for相连的:buy、order、make、find. .奸筒烛泞平鬼哭潜驼拇册堑衫逊榜培伍哪半饿影获咨甚秋撮壕溶芬


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