1、读后续写素材积累情感心理 班级:学号:姓名: (一)喜悦She was so excited that she smiled through tears. 1.她激动得含着泪笑了。He was in high spirits, and felt like being on the Top of the world.2.他兴高采烈,感觉自己站 在了世界之巅。was excited, beyond description.3.我很兴奋,无法形容。She shed tears of joy. 4.她流下了喜悦的泪水。She was overflowing with happiness.她的幸福溢于言
2、表。Her smile bloomed like a flower.6.她的笑容像花朵一样绽放。A bright smile spread across her face.7.她的脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容。She laughed, her eyes shining/twinkling with excitement.8.她笑了,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。She could hardly conceal her excitement.9.她难以掩饰自己的激动。Her flushed face was shining with excitement. 10.她通红的脸因为兴奋而闪闪发光。Because
3、of that smile, our hearts jump and dance for joy, sweetness from the heart filling the body. 11.因为那笑容,我们的心欢喜跳动,甜蜜从心底充满全身。Her eyes shone / beamed / twinkled / danced with pleasure / delight/ joy / sweetness. 12.她的 眼睛闪烁着喜悦的光芒Both Mark and I are floating on air. 13.马克和我者B漂浮在空中。.Hearing / Seeing he jump
4、ed up and down with excitement and joy. 14.听至lj / 看至., 他兴奋而喜悦地跳上跳下。_.Tears of happiness flowed down her face. 15.幸福的泪水顺着她的脸庞流下。.His eyes glittered / shone w汕excitement. 16.他的眼睛闪闪发光/闪烁着兴奋的光芒。.The smile on her face shone like a diamond. 17.她脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪耀。.Then came a voice far from where we were, bathi
5、ng us in extreme joy. 18.然后从我们所在的 地方传来一个声音,让我们沉浸在极度的喜悦中。.A flood of joy / pleasure welled up in him. 19.一股喜悦/愉悦的洪流涌上他的心头。.An extreme happiness dominated their hearts immediately. 20.一种极度的幸福立刻占据了他 们的心。.She hummed and skipped in the forest like a bird. 21 .她像鸟儿一样在森林里哼唱着跳跃着。.He was so excited that he c
6、ould hardly speak. 22.他激动得几乎说不出话来。.She could hardly contain her excitement.23.她难以抑制自己的兴奋。24.The children were thrilled w汕 joy at the sight of the Christmas tree.24.孩子们一看到圣诞树 就高兴极了。1 couldnt help but grin from ear to ear. 25.我忍不住笑得合不拢嘴。.The player jumped for joy when he scored the winning goal. 26.当他
7、打进致月生球时,球员高兴得跳了起来。_.She shed tears of joy. 27 .她流下了喜悦的泪水。.Her smile lit up the whole room. 28.她的笑容照亮了整个房间。.A smile of understanding flashed across his face. 29,他的脸上闪过一抹理解的微笑。.A ripple of excitement ran through them. 30. 一阵兴奋的涟漪从他们身上流过。.Laughter lingered around the room. 31 .笑声在房间里徘徊。.My face was shi
8、ning with indescribably wild joy. 32 .我的脸上洋溢着难以言喻的狂喜。.She wore a shining smile on her face. 33.她脸上挂着灿烂的笑容。34.Unforgettable were her eyes that shone like diamonds and lips held in a steady smile.34. 令人 难忘的是她那如钻石般闪亮的眼睛和微啰勺嘴唇。was pleased beyond description. 35.我高兴得无法形容。(二)同情Im sorry to learn about the
9、accident.得知这起事故,我感到很抱歉。I regret to tell you that the school meeting has been cancelled due to the Covid-19.2.彳艮遗憾地 告诉您,由于Covid-19,学校会议已被取消。His painful eyes seem to beg me to spare him.3.他痛苦的眼神似乎在求我饶了他。Please accept my heartfelt sympathy.4.请接受我由衷的同情。Seeing her condition, I immediately felt a huge sym
10、pathy for her. It was coming deep from within my heart.5.看到她的情况,我立刻对她产生7巨大而同情。它从我的内心深定传来。She pressed my hand in sympathy. 6.她同情地握住我的手。Seeing this, his heart ached for the homeless children.7.看到这里,他为无家可归的孩子们心 痛。Franklin stood silently, torn by sorrow and compassion, weighing what to say. 8.富兰克林静静 地站着
11、,被悲伤和同情撕裂,权衡着要说什么。(三)感动She was so deeply touched that she could hardly speak. 1 .她被深深的触动,几乎说不出话来。With tears streaming down her face, she thanked him again and again.2.她泪流满面,连连道谢。Moved to tears at the story, she failed to utter a word.3.被故事感动落泪,她一句话也说不出 来。A warm current rose in her heart.4.一股暖流在她心中升起
12、。As Susan bent her head, she heard the remark and she wiped away tears.5.苏珊彳氐着头, 听至U这 句话,抹去眼泪。I was deeply moved by what he had done, tears rolling down without control.6我被他的所作 所为深深感动,眼泪不由自主地掉了下来。Tears welled up in her eyes.7.泪水在她的眼眶里打转。Tears dropping from his eyes, he ran to Mums warm hug, and said
13、 gently, Mum, thank you. 8. 泪水从眼眶中滑落,他跑到妈妈温暖的怀抱里,轻轻地说:“妈妈,谢谢你。”She was deeply moved by what the old man had done, with tears rolling down without control.9.老人的所作所为让她深受感动,泪水不受控制地滚落下来。(四)好奇Im puzzled why you didnt try for a university scholarship.我很奇怪你为什么不去申请大 学奖学金。It was so unbelievable that he made
14、his eyes wider.2.难以置信,他瞪大了 眼睛。Curious about what had happened, Henry crept back to school the next day.3.对发生的事情感 到好奇,亨利第二天悄悄地回到学校。People gathered round, curious to know what was happening. 4.人们聚集在起,好奇士也想知 道发生了什么事。(五)宽慰She stroked her fingers through my hair and said, Things are going to be fine.她用手指
15、抚摸我的头发,说:“一切都会好起来的。”He reached out his hand with his finger forming a “heart”, saying, Ill always be there withyou.2.他伸出手,手指组成一个“心 说:我会一直陪着你的。”She held my hands, weeping, Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me.” 3她握着我的手,哭着说:“非常感谢!你不知道这对我来说意味着什么。”Hearing this, I felt a warm flo
16、w spreading inside of me.4.听到这话,我感到一股暖流在我体内 蔓延开来。(六)鼓励Theyre sitting outside in the cool night on a wooden porch, comforting and encouraging each other quietly. 1.他们在凉爽的夜晚坐在外面的木门廊上,安静地互相抚慰和鼓励。My mom wearing a smile on her face, always encourages me.2.我妈妈脸上挂着微笑,总是鼓 励我。5.“你很重要。”我对自己说这句话,感觉体内散发出温暖的光芒。T
17、hanks to the encouragement, which calms me down gradually, I began to accept that failure is a part of great value.3.多亏了鼓励,让我渐渐平静下来,我开始接受失败是很有价值的一局部。He smiled with satisfaction, patting me on the shoulder and said, “Well done!”4.他满意地笑了 笑,拍拍我的肩膀说:“干得好!”“You matter. I said that sentence to myself, fee
18、ling a warm flow spreading inside of me.5.“你 很重要。”我对自己说这句话,感觉一股暖流在我体内蔓延开来。(七)希望A spark of hope kindled in their hearts. 1.他们心中燃起了 希望的火花。After all the problems, we are finally beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel.2. 在 所有的问题之后,我们终于开始看到隧道尽头的曙光。Her hope of going to college went up in smo
19、ke when her father lost his job.3. 当她父亲失业时, 她上大学的希望化为泡影。James felt more hopeful about his future after his chat with his professor.4.与教授交谈后, 詹 姆斯对自己的未来充满希望。_Life bloomed with happiness and hope.5.生活充满幸福和希望。Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.6.抱最好的希望,做最坏的准备。With any luck, well have this fini
20、shed by the end of the day.7.运气好的话,我们会在一天结 束前完成。(八)激动She felt her heart racing and her blood rushing. 1.她感到心跳加速,血液在奔腾。Her heart melted when she heard the encouraging words from her again.2.当她再次听到她鼓 励的话时,她的心融化了。A shiver of excitement passed through her stomach when she heard the news. 3. 听至U这个消息, 她的胃
21、里一阵激动。Her heart was beating like a freed birds as she leaned down and gathered the gifts to her breast.4.当她俯身将礼物收到胸前时,她的心像一只自由的小鸟一样跳动。He was so thrilled that he could hardly speak.5.他激动得几乎说不出话来。(九)愤怒.Anger flooded his veins. 1 .愤怒充满着他的血管。.Anger welled up in his chest.2.怒火涌上他的胸膛。.He felt a flash of i
22、rritation.3.他感到一阵恼怒。.He trembled with rage.4.他气得发抖。.His voice trembled with anger.5.他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。.Rage flowed through her like lava.6.愤怒像熔岩一样流过她。.Rage nearly consumed her.7.愤怒几乎吞噬了 她。.She cast an angry look at him.8.她生气地看了 他一眼。.She was about to explode.9.她快要爆炸了。.She was breathless with anger. 10.她气得喘不
23、过气来。11 .He was really angry, shaking his fists. 11 .他真的很生气,挥舞着拳头。12.Boiling with anger, Tom shook his fist at me. 12.汤姆气得沸腾了,朝我挥了挥拳头。.Filled with anger, Tom was unable to utter a single word. 13汤姆被气得说不出话来。.Her color went up, a heavy rage came over her like a dark cloud. 14.她的脸色涨了 起来,一股 浓浓的怒火像乌云一样笼罩着
24、她。.Tom felt so angry that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him. 15. 汤姆气得冲出房间,猛烈地关上了身后的门。.Unable to contain his anger, he turned and roared in anger, Who on earth did it?16.他抑制J不 住怒火,转身怒吼道:“到底是谁干的?”(十)悲伤He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.他静静地站着,眼泪顺着脸颊滚落。She
25、 burst into tears and ran out of the room.2.她突然气哭起来,跑出房间。They were emerged in sorrow.3.他们在悲伤中浮现。She walked to me, with great sorrow, the light in her eyes darkened, and said with sadness,“ failed.”4.她走到我面前,满脸的悲哀,眼中的光暗了下来,悲哀地说:“我失败了。”I saw an old lady crying with fist beating her chest in the street
26、corner.5.我在街角看到一位老 太太捶胸哭泣。When he embraced me with his arms open wide, I felt my throat choke with sob.6.当他张开双 臂拥抱我时,我感到喉咙哽咽。Her eyes were flooded with tears.7.她的眼里充满了泪水。She shook her head miserably, tears pouring down her cheeks. 8.她痛苦上也摇摇头,泪水顺着脸 颊流下来。He stood silently, tears welling up in his eyes
27、. 9.他默默地站着,眼里口禽满泪水。Finally my sister broke down, sobbing into her handkerchief. 10.最后,我姐姐崩溃了,捂着 手帕抽泣。1 l.She sobbed out the story of her son;s unfortunate experience. 11.她啜泣着讲述她儿子的不幸 经历。12.She couldnt restrain herself from weep when she heard of the miserable story. 12.听至U这个悲 惨的故事,她忍不住哭了起来。(十一)惊恐.A
28、flood of fear welled up in her. 1.一股恐惧涌上心头。.She screamed at the sight of the snake.2.她一看到蛇就尖叫起来。.He frozen with fear, too scared to move an inch.3.他吓得冻僵了,吓得动弹不得。.Scared and shocked, she couldnt say a word.4.害怕和震惊,她说不出话来。.Her face turned pale and stood there, tongue-tied.5.她的脸色变得苍白,站在那里,结结巴巴。.That ho
29、rror movie made my hair stand on end.6.那部恐怖片让我毛骨悚然。.That loud noise scared me out of my wits.7.那一声巨响把我吓坏了。.She shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles.8.她浑身发抖,感觉如坐针毡。.A spider came out of the cupboard and scared me to death.9,一只蜘蛛从柜子里出来,把我吓死 了。.She trembled from head to toe, feeling
30、 like sitting on pins and needles. 10她从头到脚都在颤 抖,如坐针毡。11 .You cant imagine how frightened I was at the approach of the wolf.l 1.你无法想象当狼靠近 时我有多害怕。12.Mike was nearly dead with fright when he thought of the wolfs bloody mouth. 12.Mike 想至ll 狼的血嘴,几乎吓死了。13.So angry was the wolf that it roared and smashed t
31、he window violently. 13.狼太生气了,它咆 哮着猛烈地砸碎了窗户。14.My heart stood still when I saw the little baby was to fall from the second floor. 14.当我看到小 宝宝要从二楼掉下来的时候,我的心都停了下来。15.The sight of the fierce wolf, Mike felt so scared that his throat tightened and his knees felt weak.6看到凶猛的狼,迈克吓得喉咙发紧,膝盖发软。16.Scared to d
32、eath as he was, Mac struggled to crawl up and threw his bike at the wolf with all his strength.16.麦克被吓死了,挣扎着爬起来,用尽全力将自行车扔向狼。(十二)紧张.Tension slowly creeps upon him. 1.紧张慢慢地蔓延到他身上。.A flood of tension welled up in him.2.一股紧张的情绪涌上他的心头。.His heart beat wildly and his legs trembled.3.他的心狂跳,双腿颤抖。.His face tu
33、rned pale and stood there tongue-tied.4.他脸色苍白,结结巴巴地站在那里。.He felt so nervous that he couldnt move an inch.5.他紧张得动弹不得。.He felt so nervous that he felt his throat tightened.6.他感到非常紧张,以至于他感到喉咙发紧。.His heart beat so violently that he felt like sitting on pins and needles.7.他的心跳得如此猛烈, 以至于他觉得自己如坐针毡。.Sensing
34、 my stress in fear of the unknown, Dad tried to make me laugh.8.爸爸感觉到我害怕未 知的压力,试图逗我笑。.He tightened his face as if protecting himself against another disappointment.9.他绷紧 了脸,好 像在保护自己免于再次失望。.As the bus got closer and closer, Toms heart beat so violently that he felt nearly breathless. 10. 随着公共汽车越来越近,汤
35、姆的心跳得如此剧烈,以至于他几乎喘不过气来。.He reached up to grab her hand, only to find her freezing fingers sweating and trembling. 1L他 伸手去抓她的手,却发现她冻僵的手指汗流狭背,颤抖着。(十三)悔疚_1.1 now regret saying what I said. 1.我现在后悔说了我说的话,2.She was stuck dead with regret.2.她后悔死了。3.1 stood there, with regretful tears in my eyes. 3.我站在那里,眼里
36、含着遗憾的泪水。4.On hearing the bad news, she felt extremely guilty.4.听到这个坏消息,她感到非常内疚。5/1 should have gone with you, replied Susan, with a sigh.5.我应该和你起去的,“苏珊叹了 口气回答道。6.1f only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom.6.要是她没有把手机留在汤姆 的那个包里就好了。7.1f I hadnt quarreled with Tom, he would not have
37、gone away and got lost. 7如果我没有和汤姆 吵架,他就不会走丢了。8.Instead of letting regret dominate life, savor what you do have and what did go right. 8.与其让 遗憾主宰生活,不如细细品味你所拥有的和做得对的。9.Desperate and helpless, Janet knelt down with tears of regret streaming down her cheeks.9. 绝 望和无助的珍妮特跪下,悔恨的泪水顺着脸颊流下。(十四)困惑.His sudden
38、change in mood completely confused her. 1 .他突然的情绪变化完全把她弄糊涂了。.We are a little confused about what we are supposed to be doing.2.我们对我们应该做什么有点 困惑。.The road signs were very confusing and we ended up getting lost.3.路标非常混乱,我们最终迷 路了。4,How could you possibly have known that?” he asked, totally confiised.4.“
39、你怎么可能知道? ” 他问,非常困惑。.They seemed confused by the surroundings. 5.他们似乎被周围的环境弄糊涂了。.After my explanation, Mandy still had a puzzled expression on her face.6.经过我的解释, Mandy的脸上仍然是一副不解的表情。.He was confused to find three policemen at the front door.7.他彳艮困惑地在前门找至了三个警 察。.When I stood on the stage in front of th
40、e large audience, my mind went blank. 8当我站在舞台 上,面对众多观众,我的大脑一片空白。(十五)忧虑Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. 1.担忧旅途,头几天我很不安。Concerned about his sick wife, he hurried home immediately after the meeting.2,担忧生病的妻 子,他开完会就赶紧回家。An air of frustration and depression could be sens
41、ed ten metres away. The only thing she wanted to do was to rush back home and drop herself onto the shabby little couch and weep. 3.十米夕卜就 能感受到一股沮丧和沮丧的气息。她唯一想做的就是赶回家,倒在破旧的小沙发上哭泣。He was so nervous about the English test that he lay awake half the night, worrying.4.他对英语 考试太紧张了,以至于他半夜没睡着,担忧。(十六)震惊1. Eve
42、ryone gasped in astonishment as the cars came around the last bend.l. 当7气车绕过最后一 个弯道时,每个人都惊呆了。jumped to my feet and stepped back in no time, completely at a loss.2. 我跃而起, 立亥U后 退,完全不知所措。When I saw him again, I was surprised at how much older he looked.3.当我再次见到他时,我很惊讶他看起来老了这么多。_He froze, with his mouth
43、 wide open. 4.他僵住 了,张大 了 嘴。I was completely taken aback by his aggressive and unreasonable attitude. 5. 我完全被他咄咄 逼人的不讲道理的态度吓到了。It was an extremely severe accident and I was astonished that anyone had survived it. 6. 这是 一次极其严重的事故,我很惊讶有人幸免于难。(十七)羞愧So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rushed
44、 to her fac已 1.她感到羞愧,以至于她 能感觉到血液冲到她的脸上。He came to my office, shamefaced, to apologize.2.他羞愧地来到我的办公室抱歉。Please dont tell my dad about this,“ he said, blushing with shame.3.“请不要告诉我爸爸这件 事,”他说,羞愧得脸红了。4.1 felt ashamed of myself for getting so angry.4.我为自己生气而感到羞愧。She felt so ashamed of her foolish behavior
45、 that she could feel her face burning. 5.她为自己的 愚蠢行为感到非常羞愧,以至于她的脸都在燃烧。So ashamed did she feel that she was close to tears. 6.很惭愧,她觉得自己快要流泪 了。(十八)疲惫Are we almost there?” she asked, feeling burnt out. 1 .“我们快到了吗?她问,感觉筋疲力 尽。Exhausted by overwork, he blacked out and fell to the ground.2.劳累过度,昏迷侄i在地上。Exha
46、usted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.3.筋疲力尽,我倒在床上睡着了。She felt exhausted and sat by the stream resting her aching feet.4.她感到筋疲力尽,坐在小溪 边休息,双脚酸痛。After ten hours of non-stop work I felt burnt out. 5.经过十个小时的不间断工作,我感到筋疲 力尽。Their constant quarrelling is wearing us out.6.他们不断的争吵使我们筋疲力尽。My dad had to
47、drive eight hours without a breakit was exhausting. 7.我爸爸彳:得彳:连续开 车八个小时太累了(十九)孤独1.1 faked a smile and looked away. 1 .我假装笑 了 笑,移开 了 视线。2.1 couldnt help being self-pitying. 2.我忍不住自怜自艾。realized I was becoming increasingly depressed.3.我意识到我变得越来越沮丧。.A sense of loneliness merged with pain came to her. 4.
48、一种与痛苦相结合的孤独感涌上心头。.Cold with no hope for warmth, she felt like drowning in a crowd of people.5. 冷得没有一丝温 暖的希望,她感觉就像在人群中淹死了一样。.As I walked by the field in the countryside, loneliness began to flood in. 6,当我走在乡间的田 野上时,寂寞开始泛滥。.”, I thought to myself, upset and gloomy. A wave of loneliness washed over her
49、. 7.”,我心想,心烦意乱。一股孤独的浪潮席卷了她。(二十)尴尬.She stood beside her chair, surprised and embarrassed. 1 .她站在椅子旁边,既惊讶又尴尬。.Suddenly, she stood up, embarrassment written on her red face. 2,突然,她站了起来,红红的 脸上写满了尴尬。.“I didnt realize someone was in here,“ Peter said, embarrassed. 3.“我没有意识到有人在这里, 彼得尴尬地说。.Mary opened her mo
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