1、 PAGE 14Analysis of the Asymmetric Situation in the Process of Tendering&Bidding and Strategies Choices for The Owner&The TendererAbstract-The tendering and bidding process is the keystep in formingthe co-operative relationship in projectconstructionAs one of the most important process ofconstructio
2、n, bidding is carried on an asymmetricsituationFrom the view of the Tenderer,the asymmetricinformation can be considered as unreplied or unexpressedcontract systemHowever,from the view of the Owner,itis the measurement taken by the Tenderer correspondingto his bidding documents, but unbeknown to him
3、ThisAsymmetric Situation has great effect of the process ofcooject, and to treat and adjust the situationreasonably will be a keyproblemHerefrom differentviews, we discussed the asymmetric information situationand gave some advice to bothBoth the owner and theTenderer can take some measures to make
4、up for theasymmetrical information so as to guarantee thesmooth undertaking of the business and realize theinterest aims of each partiesKeywordsConstruction BiddingAsymmetricInformationImplied Contract1. INNTROODUCCTIOONThe ttendderiing andd biiddiing proocesss iis thhe kkey steepinn foormiing thee
5、coo-opperaativve rrelaatioonshhip in proojecctcoonsttrucctioonDDuriing thee teendeerinng aand bidddinng,ttheOOwneer ppropposees tthe aimm,reequiiremmentt annd tthe modde oof cco-ooperratiion andd exxpreessees tthemm inn thhe fformm offtennderringg doocummentts aand conntraactssInn reespoonsee toothe
6、e deemannds of thee Owwnerr, tthe Tennderrer putts fforwwardd coorreespoondeent aimm annd pprommisee baasedd onn ittsevvaluuatiion of thee prrojeectThe cco-ooperratiion o ff thhe ttwo parrtiees oof tthecconsstruuctiion is refflecctedd annd rreguulatted thrrougghcoontrractts aand thee Owwnerr annd TT
7、enddereer eexchhanggeinnforrmattionn annd eestaabliish conntraactss duurinng tthettendderiing andd biiddiingpproccesssHoowevver, thheexxchaangee off innforrmattionn iss neeithher commpleete norrsymmmettriccal andd thhe OOwneer cconsstruuctss ann assymmmetrricaal iinfoormaatioonpllatfformm foor tthe
8、Tennderrersswhiile thee Teendeererr allso takkes sommecoorreespoondiing meaasurres.2 THHE AASYMMMETTRICC SIITUAATlOON OFTHE OOWNEER AAND THEE TEENDEERERRAThee infoormaatioon pplattforrm oofthhe OOwneerThe OOwneer cconsstruuctss thhe iinfoormaatioon pplattforrmarrounnd tthecconttraccts,iinclludiing s
9、taatedd coontrractt(orrexppresssedd coontrractt /coondiitioons)andd immpliied conntraact(or uneexprresssed conntraactconndittionns)The sstatted conntraact whiich is proovidded by theeOwnner is thee doocummentt coonsiisteed oof cconttracct ttermmsannd ccondditiionss ass thhe rrulees aand reggulaatioo
10、ns in theeco-opeerattionn off thhe pprojjectt coonsttrucctioonIIt ssignnifiiestthe mannageemennt ssysttem andd prroceedurre oof tthe proojecctass weell as thee waay oof ssolvvingg thhe pprobblemms aarissinggdurringg thhe cconsstruuctiionThee sttateed cconttactt issspeeciffiedd inn thhe ttextt annd t
11、termms oof tthe connstrructtionnconntraactGenerrallly sspeaakinng,tthe forrmatt off thhis doccumeentiis ffixeed aand itssamplleinncluddingg thhe nnotiice to theeTennderrer,Billl oof QQuanntitty,DDrawwingg annd 11ettterss ettc,iis ccircculaatedd inn thhe iinduustrryAAll theese doccumeentss arresttate
12、ed ccleaarlyy annd tthe Tennderrer cann deecidde iits ownntennderringg sttrattegyy annd ppricce aaccoordiing to theeinfformmatiionThee ceertaaintty oof tthe staatedd coontrracttenaablees tthe Tennderrer to unddersstannd aand graasp theeinfformmatiion;theerefforee itt iss off prrimaary impporttancce
13、iindeeciddingg thhe ppricce oofthhe ttendderiingTheimmpliied conntraact is thee paart whiich doees nnotaappeear in thee sttateedcoontrractt, bbut stiill is acccepptedd byythee twwo pparttiess annd hhas thee poowerr offbinndinng ttheiirbeehavviorrFoor oone thiing,tthe impplieed cconttracct cconssistt
14、soff thhe ssociial, Ecconoomicc,1eggal andd teechnnicaalbaackggrouundss off thhe sstattedcconttracct, theerefforee seerviingaas iits preeconndittionn;foor aanottherr, tthe impplieed cconttracctiss allso thee reeasoonabble inffereencee drrawnn frrom theestaatedd coontrractt unnderr ceertaain socciall
15、,ecconoomicc,leegallandd teechnnoloogiccalbbackkgroounddsTTherrefoore,ttheiimplliedd coontrractt iss maade up of twoo paartss:thhecoommoon iimpliied conntraact andd thhe iinfeerreed cconttracctThe ccommmon impliied conntraact maiinlyy reeferrs ttothhe rreleevannt llawss annd rreguulattionns iissuued
16、 by theegovvernnmennt, thee coonveentiionss esstabblisshedd byy ussagee innthiis ppartticuularr inndusstryythhe ttechhnollogiicall reegullatiionsswhiich hass thhe llegaal poowerr annd tthe bassic priinciipleesacccepptedd inn thhe rreallms ofttechhnollogyy annd eeconnomyyAllthooughh thhe ppartt meent
17、iioneed aabovve iis nnot staateddcleearlly aand dettailledlly iin tthe artticlles oftthe conntraact, ittstiill connstiituttes thee ruule andd reegullatiionss inn thheprroceess of proojecctcoonsttrucctioonTTherrefoore it cann nootbee viiolaatedd siincee booth parrtiees aare cleear aboout itssexiistee
18、nceeThe iinfeerreed cconttracct iis bbaseed oon tthe reaasonnablleannd jjustt innferrencce oof tthe staatedd coontrractt annd tthe commmon impplieed cconttracct, theerefforee shhoulld bbeabbideed bby dduriing thee immpleemenntattionn off thhe pprojjecttBeesiddes,iin sspeccifiic pprojjectt ennvirronm
19、mentt,thhe iinfeerreedcoontrractt caan sservve aas tthe bassis andd sttanddardd off thhetwwo pparttiessCoompaaredd wiith thee coommoon iimpllieddconntraact, thhe iinfeerreed cconttracct iis mmoree coompllicaateddbeccausse “iit iis tthe bassis andd sttanddardd baasedd onnsennsibble inffereencee”TThis
20、 posses a cchalllennge to theeproofesssioonall prrofiicieencyy off thhe ppersson whoo innferrsannd tthe perrsonn whho jjudggesOnlly wwhenn thhe ttwopparttiess haave simmilaar pproffesssionnal prooficcienncy anddbacckgrrounnd aand unddersstannd tthe priinciiplees iin tthessimiilarr waay,ccan theey cc
21、omee too siimillar conncluusioonsDue tto tthe exiisteencee off thhe iimplliedd coontrractt,thheTeendeererr caan nnot obttainn thhe ssamee innforrmattionn ass thheOwwnerr dooes;theerefforee thhe iinfoormaatioon pplattforrm oofthhe OOwneer iis aasymmmettriccal froom tthe vieewpoointt off thheTeendeere
22、rrThhe OOwneer ttakees tthe iniitiaativve pposiitioon aatthhefiirstt sttagee off thhe ttradde aas wwelll ass inn thhe pproccesss offinfformmatiion excchanngeBThee innforrmattionn pllatfformm offthee TeendeererrIn orrderr too obbtaiin tthe conntraact of thee prrojeect anddtheen tthe proofitt off coon
23、sttrucctioon, thee Teendeererr wiillooffeer ccorrrespponddingg innforrmattionn too meeet theedemmandds oof tthe OwnnerThee innforrmattionn iss baasedd onnitss owwn eestiimattionn off thhe pprojjectt ennvirronmmentt,coonsttrucctioon rrequuireemennt aand proofitt exxpecctattionn,thhereeforre fformming
24、g thhe iinfoormaatioon pplattforrm oof ttheTTenddereerTThe infformmatiion offfereed bby tthe Tennderrer istthe ressponnse to thee acctivve iinfoormaatioon oof tthe Ownner,so thee Teendeererr taakess a commparratiivelly ppasssiveepossitiion on thee fiirstt sttagee offthee trradiing proocesss3. THHE A
25、ACTIIVE ANDD PAASSIIVE POSSITIIONSSOf THHE TTWO PARRTIEESThe aactiive andd paassiive possitiionss foormeed oon ttheffirsst sstagge oof tthe bidddinng aand tennderringg prroceess willlchhangge aalonng wwithh thhe cchanngess off thheassymmmetrricaalneess of thee innforrmattionn exxchaangeebettweeen tt
26、he twoo paartiies durringg thhe bbusiinesss pproccesssA, thhe aactiive anddpasssivve pposiitioons oftthe OwnnerThe aactiive possitiion oftthe Ownner derrivees ffromm ittsmaasteery oftthe oriiginnal innforrmattionn offthee prrojeect andditss riightt off isssuiingiinfoormaatioonSSecoondllyiits acttive
27、epossitiion alsso lliess inn itts rrighhts of evaaluaatinng tthebbidddingg innforrmattionn annd ddeciidinng tthe succcesssfuulTeendeererrBut tthe dissadvvanttagee liies in thaat iits infformmatiionpplattforrm reemaiins staandsstilll,aand inssteaad oof bbeinngreespoonsiive infformmatiion, thhe iinfoo
28、rmaatioon iis oonlyy thheorrigiinallAtt thhe ssamee tiimewheen ffaceed wwithh a larrgennumbber of Tennderrerss,thhe OOwneer ccan nott chhoosseacctivvelyy;innsteead it cann onnly accceptt onne oof ttheTTenddereers passsivvelyy acccorrdinng tto tthe fixxed rullesAttthiss tiime,tthe impporttantt deetai
29、ils rellevaant to thee innterresttof thee prrojeect, suuch as thee prriciing strrateegy andd thheprrojeect strrateegy of thee Teendeererr caan nnot be madde ssuree duurinng tthe tennderringg annd bbidddingg prroceessFroom tthissasppectt, tthe Ownner is unddoubbteddly thee paassiiveaacceepteer oof ii
30、n tthe infformmatiioneexchhanggeBesiddes,tthe impplieed cconttracct fformmed in theetennderringg annd bbidddingg prroceess seeems to be esppeciialllydiisaddvanntaggeouus tto tthe Tennderrerssbeecauuse it willlinncreeasee thheirr riisk as welll aas tthe dissputtesTheerefforeethhe TTendeererrs wwilll
31、raaisee thhe ppricce iin tthe tennderringgproocesss sso aas tto mmakee upp foor tthe pottenttiall looss,wwhicchinn tuurn willl iincrreasse tthe lattentt loossoof tthe OwnnerThe OOwneer iis tthe parrty whoo drraftts aand siggns theeconntraact:theerefforee alll kkindds oof iimplliedd coontrractt wiill
32、nnot prootecct itss innterresttWhhat ismmoreeThheprrincciplle oofrevversseinnterrpreetattionn” iin ssetttlinng tthecconttracct ddispputee iss evven morre ddisaadvaantaageoous to theeOwnnerB. TThe acttivee annd ppasssivee poosittionns oof ttheTTenddereerNow llet us loook aat tthe possitiionss off thh
33、e TTenddereerDDuriing thee biiddiing proocesss,wwhenn coonfrrontted witththhe hhighh-abbovee innforrmattionn pllatfformm off thhe OOwneer,tthe Tennderrer takkes a ppasssivee poosittionnBuut ttheTTenddereer hhas thee frreeddom of chooicee annd iit ccancchooose diffferrentt Owwnerrs aand diffferrentt
34、prrojeectssThhishhelpps tthe Tennderrer to winn ann acctivve pposiitioon iin ttermmsoff evvaluuatiing thee exxpecctedd prrofiit aand commparringg thheprrojeect infformmatiionAt thhe ssamee tiime,wwhenn coonfrrontted witth aall kinndsoof rresttricctioons andd innforrmattionn baarriierss maade by thee
35、Ownner,tthe Tennderrer cann acctivvelyy chhoosse tthe strrateegytto ddeall wiithIt cann maake up forr thhe llosss offinfformmatiion andd evven connstrructt ann innforrmattionnbarrrieer rrespponssiveely;in terrms of theese,tthe Tennderrerccan beecomme tthe commparratiivelly aactiive sidde iin ttheiin
36、foormaatioon eexchhangge招投标过程程中业主主和投标标者不对对称状况况和策略略选择的的分析摘要:招投投标过程程是形成建设设项目中合作关关系的关关键.作为工工程建设设最重要要的过程程,招投投标在一一个非对对称状态态下进行行。在投投标者看看来,不不对称信信息可以以被视为为没被答答复或没没有表现现出来的的合同体体系.然而,从从业主角角度来看看,它是是投标者者根据业业主招标标文件所所采取的的措施,只只不过他他不知道道。这个个不对称称形态对对工程建建设项目目过程有有重大影影响,并并且合理理的应对对和适应应这一状状况将会会是一个个关键问问题。现现在我们们从不同同的角度度讨论非非对称信
37、信息状况况并且给给双方一一些建议议。业主主和投标标人都可可以采取取措施来来弥补非非对称信信息,为为了保证证顺利的的实现交交易并实实现双方方的利益益目标。整治和调整这种情是将会是一个关键问题.这里,听取了不同的意见后,我们讨论了非对称信息情况,并提出了一些建议给投标者和招标者.双方可以采取很多措施去克服非对称信息,以保证业务的顺利开展,旨在弥补实现各方利益。 关键词:工程招标信息不对称默认合同1。简介 招投标过程程是形成建设设项目中合作关关系的关关键.在招投投标的过过程中,业业主在招招标文件件和合同同中提出出目标,要要求和双双方合作作的模式 ,为了了响应业业主的要要求,投投标者根根据其对对项目的
38、的评估提提出相应应目标作出出承诺。工程双方的的合作关关系通过过合同来来反映和和规定,并并且在招招投标过过程中业业主和投投标者交交换信息息并订立立合同。然然而,信信息交换换既不完完整也不不对称,业业主为投投标者构构建了一一个不对对称的信信息平台台投标者者也采取取相应的的措施。2。业主和和投标者者的不对对称情况况A:业主主的信息息平台 业主围绕合合同构建建了信息息平台,这些合合同包括括被标明明的合同同(或明明示合同同/条件件),和和隐含的的合同(或或没有表表现出来来的合同同/条件件)。 由业主提供供的明示示合同是是一包括括在建设设项目中中作为规规则的文文件.它它表明了了工程项项目的管管理体系系和程
39、序序以及在在工程建建设过程程中出现现问题的的解决方方法。这这种明示示的合同同会在工工程合同的文本和和条款中中具体列列出。 一般来说,这这个文件件的格式式是固定定的,而而且在该该行业传传播,其其内容包包括投标标人须知知,工程量量清单,施工图图和保函等。所有有的这些些文件标标明的很很清楚明明确,而而且投标标者可以以根据这这些信息息来决定定自己的的投标策策略和价价格。明示合合同的确确定性能能够让投投标者了了解和掌掌握相关关信息,因因此在决决定投标标价格时时它非常重要要。默认合同是是没有出出现在明明示合同同中的部部分,但但它仍被双方所所接受并并对其行行为具有有约束力力.一方方面,隐隐含合同同包括明明示合同同的社会会,经济济,法律律和技术术背景,因此它是是做为前前提而服务的;另一一方面,隐隐含合同同是对某特定的的社会,经经济,法法律和技技术背景景的明示示合同的的合理诠释释,因此隐含含合约是是由两部部分组成成:常见见隐含合合同和常常见合同同。 常见的默认认合同主主要是指指有关法法律和由政府府颁布的的法规以及及在特定定行业约约定俗成成的习惯惯.具有有法律效效力的技技术规定定和被工工
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