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1、A Model in Assessing Efficiency of Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Government Purchase Services 政府购买非营利组织服务的效率评估模式梁毓熙 教授美国休斯敦大学 社会工作研究院Patrick Leung, MA (Public Adm), MSW, Ph.D., ProfessorGraduate College of Social Work and Hobby Center for Public PolicyUniversity of HoustonHouston, Texas, USA1A Model

2、 in Assessing EfficiencWhat is “Efficiency”?Costs: 成本直接/间接投入干预服务Direct/Indirect inputs required to produce intervention/servicesBenefits: 收益直接/间接的积极成果Direct/Indirect positive outcomes效率分析效率分析是考虑到实现目标或目的,与在分配资源时作假设分析的最好方式Efficiency is the considered the best way to achieve a goal or an objective, wit

3、h the assumption that lack of unlimited resources results in the need to allocate resources more carefully2What is “Efficiency”?Costs: 成分析效益的方法Systematic Approaches to Efficiency AnalysisCOST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS成本收益分析成果以货币形式量度Outcomes expressed in monetary terms COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS成本效益分析成果在实质性方

4、面表示Outcomes expressed in substantive terms; outcomes not able to be converted into monetary unitsCONCEPTUAL & TECHNICAL Consider BOTH costs & benefits in disciplined manner 同时考虑收益和效益Provide a comparative perspective on utility of interventions 分析干预的运用3分析效益的方法Systematic Approaches 1. 效率分析的模型1. Cost-b

5、enefit Analysis Cost-Benefit Analysis (def.): 成本与成果之间的关系An analytical procedure for determining the economic efficiency of a program, expressed as the relationship between costs and outcomes, usually measured in monetary terms (Rossi & Freeman, 1993, p.362)Considerations:评估目前价值 Costs & benefits to b

6、e converted to the present value计算“边际成本等于边际效益” Efficiency is not necessarily defined as the ratio between benefits to costs; optimum efficiency can be achieved when the marginal cost is equal to the marginal benefit.41. 效率分析的模型1. Cost-benefit Ana效率分析的模型Cost-benefit Analysis Cost-Effectiveness Analys

7、is (def.): 干预成果的方案成本非货币计算的实质成果 The efficacy of a program in achieving given intervention outcomes in relation to the program costs (Rossi & Freeman, 1993, p.364); applicable when benefits cannot be expressed in monetary termsConsiderations:计算成本与结果之间的比例 Ratio between costs and outcomes 达到“边际成本等于边际效益”

8、 Efficiency can be achieved when the marginal cost is equal to the marginal benefit5效率分析的模型Cost-benefit Analysis 成本评估Co ts: Assessments 评估各种资源变量的成本 Cost can be assessed by defining variables that characterize various resources consumed in treatment (technique, personnel, materials)服务的定义和重要性 Perspect

9、ives vary in regards to definition and importance of variables 6成本评估Co ts: Assessments 评估各成本观点Co ts: Perspectives Operations Perspective 操作观点Societal Perspective 社会视角Client Perspective 案主的角度7成本观点Co ts: Perspectives Op成本观点Co ts: Perspectives Operations Perspective 操作观点账簿的成本包括人员,设施,设备,材料,作为。在非营利组织,操作不

10、是最好的测量方法是由于(a)工作值和回报率有差距,(b)忽略志愿时间和捐赠的设备。8成本观点Co ts: Perspectives Op成本观点Co ts: Perspectives Operations Perspective 操作观点Societal Perspective 社会视角按资源多少,付诸最佳和最值得的服务使用价值。目的是测量由服务系统所消耗资源的价值。9成本观点Co ts: Perspectives Op成本观点Co ts: Perspectives Operations Perspective 操作观点Societal Perspective 社会视角Client Persp

11、ective 案主的角度相对于案主所支付的时间和投资上的服务价值10成本观点Co ts: Perspectives Op成本观点Co ts: Perspectives Operations Perspective: Costs of personnel, facilities, equipment, materials, as listed on accounting ledgers. In NPOs, it may have low validity and high measurement errors due to (a) staff not being paid what they a

12、re worth and (b) ignoring volunteer time, donated equipment.Societal Perspective: Resources valued according to how much staff time would have been worth if they had been put to the best use. Goal is to measure the value of resources consumed by service system.Client Perspective: Clients payment for

13、 service and time required and invested. 11成本观点Co ts: Perspectives OpEffectiveness (def.): 评估行为频率与相对目标的近似值Approximation of client behavior to behavior goals or to normal frequencies of behavior. 效力评估大多数比较行为,认知和影响,在治疗前/期间或后的不同。Most effectiveness assessments compare client behaviors, cognitions or aff

14、ect at various times before, during and/or after treatment.2. 成本评估2. Assessing Effectiveness12Effectiveness (def.): 评估行为频率与相3. Model for Efficiency Analysis: 3. Rival Consumption & Exclusion 消耗和独占政府补贴,与市民共付的费用;实现最具成本效益的服务使用例如:收费公路以控制道路拥堵政府支付, 因为不能够确定谁来支付服务,例如:垃圾收集在公共场所;路灯照明;已知疾病的免疫接种公民按照市场价格支付;政府不应该

15、干预例如:一个人的年度体检政府支付,因为公众安全的控制例如:治疗传染病消耗 Consumption竞争性 Rival 非竞争性 Non-RivalExclusion 独占Exclusive Non-Exclusive(独占)排他的 非排他的133. Model for Efficiency Analys 3. Rival Consumption & Exclusion 消耗和独占Government subsidized with citizens sharing the cost; achieving the most cost-efficient use of the service Ex

16、ample: Toll roads to control road congestionGovernment paying because of not able to pinpoint exclusively anyone to pay for the serviceExample: Garbage collection in public places; street lighting; immunization of known diseasesCitizens paying according to market price; government should not interveneExample: A persons annual physical examinationGovernment paying because of public safety Example: Treatment to stop a contagious disease消耗 Consumption竞争性 Rival 非竞争性 Non-RivalExclusion 独占Exclusive Non-Exclusive(独占)排他的 非排他的1


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