



1、广东省广州市桥城中学高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Hundreds and thousands of private companies _ like mushrooms in our province in recent years.A. have been sprung up B. have sprung up C. sprang up D. had sprang up参考答案:B2. - I cannot find Mr. Smith. Where did you meet him this morning? - It was in the hotel_ he stayed.

2、A. that B. where C. which D. the one 参考答案:B3. I phoned you at 7 yesterday evening but nobody answered. Oh, I _my dog in the park then.A. walkedB. was walkingC. had walkedD. would walk参考答案:B4. After the horrible gun shooting, a survey found that 52% of the American people supported “major bans on gun

3、s or _ owning guns illegal”.A. to make B. made C. making D. make参考答案:C5. When I lived with my roommates in university, we _often talk into the night. A. might B. could C. should D. would 参考答案:D6. The reporter is _ a dilemma whether he should report the footballer who is guilty _ taking a bribe.A. in

4、; aboutB. on; ofC. in; ofD. on; for参考答案:C7. The Monument_the Peoples Heroes was built as a memorial_ those who died for the Chinese people.A. for, to B. to, for C. for, for D. to, to参考答案:D略8. The population of Africa is _ so rapidly as to cause great concern of the whole world. A. expanding B. stret

5、ching C. extending D. spreading参考答案:A9. In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the_in personality. A. contactB. conflictC. connectionD. contrast参考答案:B10. _ and I will get the work finished. A. Have one more hour B. One more hour C. Given one more hour D. If I have o

6、ne more hour参考答案:B11. It is just _ coincidence that he was appointed to take _ lead. A . / ; the B. /;a C. a;a D. a ; the参考答案:D12. Taking regular exercise and eating a balanced diet are two important keys good healthAin BfromCof Dto参考答案:D13. I cant save more money because 1000 yuan a month doesnt fa

7、r.A. go B. walk C. last D. spend参考答案:A14. -Our holiday cost a lot of money.-Did it?well, that doesnt matter_you enjoyed yourselves.A. as long as B. unless C. as soon as D.though参考答案:A15. To tell the truth, if it were not for the fact that you _my daughter, I wouldnot take such pains to serve you.A.w

8、ere B. are C. had been D.have been 参考答案:B16. _ is known to us all is that the old scientist, for _ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties. A. It; whose B. What; whom C. As; whom D. As; whose参考答案:B略二、 书面表达17. 假如你是李华,今年暑假参加了“美国七日游”的夏令营活动。活动期间,新结识的美国朋友David给了你很多帮助。请你根据以下提示,给Da

9、vid写一封信,内容包括:1. 对他的帮助表示感谢;2. 参加夏令营的感受和收获;3. 邀请他参加明年在中国举办的夏令营。注意:1.词数100左右;2.适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.信的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。参考词汇:夏令营the summer campDear David,_Yours sincerely,Li Hua参考答案:Dear David,Long time no see! I miss you very much.Im writing to express my thanks for your help during the seven-day summer cam

10、p , in which I made much progress in my English by communicating with you. What is more, while visiting some tourist attractions, you volunteered to be my guide and showed me around a lot of American culture, which broadened my horizons and enlarged my knowledge. Not only did I learn a lot about Ame

11、rican culture, but also I made good American friends. Therefore, it was really a wonderful experience!By the way, would you like to join the summer camp in China next year? Id like to be your guide and you can experience some Chinese culture and customs. I am sure you would have a great time.I am lo

12、oking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua【分析】这是一篇应用文,要求写一封信。【详解】根据提示信息,假如你是李华,今年暑假参加了“美国七日游”的夏令营活动。活动期间,新结识的美国朋友David给了你很多帮助。要求你给David写一封信。根据提示文章应使用第一人称,主要使用一般过去时;2.重要词语:the summer camp夏令营;take part in参加,hold举办。 3.根据文章写作要求,文章正文可以分为三大段:第一段表达出你对他给予你的帮助的感激之情。第二段详细描述一下你参加夏令营的感受和收获。第三段提出邀请他参加明年在

13、中国举办的夏令营。4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,为文章增添色彩;注意使用连接词、衔接词,使文章自然、流畅。亮点说明本文内容完整,语言表述流畅。文章使用了几个高分句型1. Im writing to express my thanks for your help during the seven-day summer camp , in which I made much progress in my English by communicating with you. 此句是由which引导的定语从句。2. while visiting some tourist attractions, you

14、 volunteered to be my guide and showed me a lot of American culture, which broadened my horizons and enlarged my knowledge. 此句含多种句式,由while引导的时间状语从句,and连接的并列句及which引导的非限制定语从句 3. Not only did I learn a lot about American culture, but also I made good American friends. Not onlybut also连接连个句子,not only位于

15、句首时,句子要倒装,因此该句是倒装句。此外还准确的使用了一些经典短语:make progress、communicating with、make friends、look forward to。这些句式和短语的恰当运用,不仅为文章增色,还展示了作者具有较高的语言运用能力和较高的写作水平。【点睛】写作虽然注重基础,但若想在写作中突出,则需要把文章写的出彩,即要展示出你的亮点,除了正确的运用语言外,尽可能多的使用经典语言和句式是十分必要的,因为它能展示考生的高超的写作水平,从而使评卷老师欣赏你的文章。本篇范文不仅行文流畅,表述明确,其得高分点在于几个句式的恰当的运用,以及所使用的一些经典短语,因此

16、考生们在平时的练习中要多注意对写作中经典句式的使用,为文章增值。三、 阅读理解18. Weve all heard the quote, Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.My husband and son died within two years of each other. From my personal experience, I believe that if we arent careful, grief canbecome a rather self-involved process in whi

17、ch we can become so focused on our own suffering that we miss the opportunity to connect with, and possibly bring comfort to, someone else who may be going through a similar experience. Six months after my husband died, I was sinking in the quicksand of grief. I could not pull myself out of the mise

18、ry. In that moment, I actually believed that my life was more difficult than anyone else around me. Life handed me a perfectly wrapped lesson that opened my eyes to the fact that through my suffering I had allowed myself to become blinded by my self-pity.The lesson presented itself in a health crisi

19、s. I had complications (并发症) from a surgical procedure and ended up being hospitalized for four days. I was in an extreme amount of pain during this time. Between the physical pain and the emotional pain of grief, I was an mess.I should also tell you that I am a Registered Nurse. As a nurse, it is h

20、ard to be on the receiving end of medicine as the patient. The first three nights that I was in the hospital, the same nurse took care of me. She was young, maybe in her mid to late 20s, and she hardly interacted with me at all the first two nights, other than to give my medications as scheduled. Sh

21、e obviously had no idea how much emotional pain I was in. How hard is it to ask your patient how shes feeling? I wrote her off as a bad nurse who had little sympathy, and remained absorbed in my own emotional and physical pain. The third night the young nurse was a little more talkative. She asked m

22、e how I was feeling (finally!). I told her that I was struggling with depression and griefbecause my husband had died in an airplane accident. She looked at me and told me that her husband had died too, just two months earlier. I was stunned. Speechless. Shocked.Never, in any of the possibilities th

23、at my mind entertained of why this nurse was so unfriendly to me, did I even consider that she might be in the same pain I was. Not only was she grieving as I was, but she was having to take care of me, instead of caring for herself and her family.We went on to talk and share our stories about our l

24、ate husbands and children. I like to think that we helped each other a bit that night. We had much more in common than I would have believed. We were both widowed single moms with young children, and nurses. But, that was where the similarities ended. Her husband had no insurance policy. She had ver

25、y little family support. She was working paycheck to paycheck to support her boys. I was humbled. I realized how much I had to be grateful for. And, frankly, I never saw life the same way after this experience.This experience was a life-changing event for me. I had always prided myself on being a sy

26、mpathetic person, but I realize now that I had not really understood what being sympathetic meant. To truly be sympathetic, you must be able to see beyond your own pain to be witness to the pain. I never looked at another person in the same way after this experience. I thank death for very few thing

27、s. The gift of sympathy for my fellow man, and understanding that we all suffer in ways that arent always visible, are presents from death that I will always be grateful for.Always take the time to be kind even when youre suffering with your own pain. And dont assume that someone else has it easier

28、than you. You never know the battles someone else is fighting.67. What can be learned from the underlined sentence in para3?A. Self-pity always brings about selflessness.B. Self-pity always results in selfishness.C. Selflessness often brings out blindness. D. Selfishness can prevent self-pity.68. Why did the author regard the nurse as a bad one at first?A. The nurse treated her abruptly.B. The nurse didnt offer medications on time.C. The nurse seldom communicated


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