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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、He wants two_/tkts/ for the film.AthanksBticksCtakesDtickets2、I would like to take part in the volunteer work May Day.AinBonCatDfor3、I

2、don t like the color of this shirt. Could you please give me one?Athe otherBothersCanotherDother4、The inventor of the Braille writing system called Louis died of TB at the age of 43.Aof 43 Baged 43 Cwhen he was 43 Da forty-three-year old5、_ excellent work you have done!It s very kind of you to say s

3、o.AHowBHow anCWhat anDWhat6、Must I hand in the report today?No, you _. You can hand it in tomorrow.AcantBmustntCshouldntDneednt7、To my surprise, I _ from hundreds of students to make a speech to teachers, parents and fellow students.Awere chosenBwas chosenCchoseDwill be chosen8、Many people do not re

4、alize the importance of health _ they have fallen ill.AuntilBwhileCwhenDafter9、If you too much ice-cream,you will get sick.Awill eat Bwere eating Cate Deat10、 What smells terrible, Tom? Sorry. Ill my socks and wash them at once.Atake away Bput away Cthrow away Dkeep away. 完形填空11、完形填空根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四

5、个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案Have you ever seen a tomboy? I have a girl classmate, Rose, 1 acts like a boy. She is outgoing. She loves soccer, and likes to play 2 boys. She even looks like a boy! On the first day of school, I was 3 surprised to learn Rose was a girl that I nearly asked her: Are you a boy

6、or a girl? But that doesnt matter any more. She is friendly to both girls and boys, and weve 4 seen her high-tempered. Wherever she goes, she carries a smile along, and she 5 it with everyone she meets. When she plays soccer or other sports, she smiles with joy. If her team wins, her 6 shows joy and

7、 pride. If she loses, then her smile says theyre so good, it was great playing with them. When she meets a friend, her smile is a greeting, and when she meets a teacher, her smile is filled with _. Every day, when I ask 7 about our math homework, she tells me every detail she knows. Before every mat

8、h class, I see her _at the front leading the class, or carrying a stack of homework or math materials. I have never 8 her say a word of displeasure or boast about her job in the math office.1(小题1)Awho Bwhich Cwhat Dthat2(小题2)Afor Bwith Cat Dto3(小题3)Atoo Bas Cso Dvery4(小题4)Ausually Boften Cever Dneve

9、r5(小题5)Alaughs Bagrees Cends Dshares6(小题6)Asmile Bview Cidea Drecord7(小题7)Apride Bfriend Cjoy Drespect8(小题8)Ahim Bher Cshe Dhe9(小题9)Aeither Bneither Cboth Dhardly10(小题10)Ato hear Bhearing Chear Dheard. 语法填空12、Millie :Have you heard about the pop star Nancy? Its said that she has got cancer.Sandy:I 1

10、 (hear) about it last week. Its very sad because she 2(be) so kind.Millie: I heard that Nancy once donated 100,000 to people who 3 (suffer) great loss in the earthquake in Wenchuan.Sandy: Yes. She is a generous girl.Millie: Now Nancy 4 (receive) medical treatment in Belling. An operation5 (do) on he

11、r yesterday and it was a success.Sandy . Thats great. I really hope Nancy 6 (get) well again soon. 阅读理解A13、阅读理解。The Petit Appetit CookbookList Price: $35.00 Price: $23.10 You save: $11.90(34% off)Product Description: Fresh, healthy meals that give little mouths something to smile aboutIn the Petit A

12、ppetit Cookbook, mother and professional cook Lisa Barnes offers healthy foods to help create delicious menus and bagin a lifetime of proper eating habits for babies and very young children.Everyday Raw Express (Paperback)List Price: $19.99 Price: $13.57 You Save: $6.42(32% off)Product Description:

13、Many people love eating raw food, but often the recipes take hours or even a period of several days to prepare. Everyday Raw Express offers delicious soups and smoothies, pastas and desserts, all prepared in 30 minutes or less.If You Give a Dog a Donut (Hardcover)Reading Level: Ages 48 List Price: $

14、16.99 Price: $10.10 You Save: $6.80(40% off)Product Description: If you give a dog a donut, hell ask for some apple juice to go with it. When you give him the juice, hell drink it all up. Then, before you can say “Woof!” Dog is off on a backyard adventure!Good Night Sun Hello Moon (Board Book)Readin

15、g Level: Ages 48 List Price: $10.99 Price: $9.34 You Save: $1.65Book Description: Bedtime is a special time and this beautiful book will be a special part of saying goodnight. As kids turn the page, a little bit of the sun goes away and a little piece of the moon appears. The sweet story about a lit

16、tle bunny who doesnt want to go to bed will help send little ones off to sleep night after night.Where the Wild Things Are (Hardcover)Reading Level: Ages 4above List Price: $16.95 Price: $11.53 You Save: $5.42Book Description: Max, a boy who feels misunderstood at home, as he sets out in a small boa

17、t, finding new worlds across the sea. He lands on the amazing island of the wild things, a place where being a beast isnt a bad thing. The wild things make Max their king, but he sails back to his own room where he finds his mother and his supper waiting for him.1Lily, 5 years old, likes listening t

18、o some stories before going to bed, her mother will buy _.AGood Night Sun Hello MoonBWhere the Wild Things AreCThe Petit Appetit CookbookDIf You Give a Dog a Donut2Who will probably show interest in The Petit Appetit Cookbook?AA cook in a seafood restaurant.BA healthy mother who likes smiling.CAn ar

19、tist who eats in a hurry.DA lady with a 9-month-old baby.3From the introduction of Where the Wild Things Are, it can be inferred that _.AMax doesnt love his mother, nor does his motherBMaxs mother loves him, so does MaxCMax doesnt like the wild things, so he comes back homeDMax doesnt get along well

20、 with the wild things.4Which of the following is fit for 5-year-old Rose who is interested in pet stories?AThe Petit Appetit CookbookBEveryday Raw ExpressCIf You Give a Dog a DonutDWhere the Wild Things Are5Helen, a busy professor, wants to buy her 10-year-old son, Jim, a book, and get herself a coo

21、kbook, how much will she save?A$ 11.84 B$ 17.32C$ 25.15 D$ 34.63B14、I hurried into the store to get Christmas gifts. Suddenly, I saw a little boy holding a lovely doll. He kept touching her hair. I watched him turn to a woman and say, “Are you sure I dont have enough money?” She said yes and told th

22、e boy not to go anywhere before she came back. Then she left.The boy continued to hold the doll. I asked the boy who the doll was for. He said, “Its the doll that my sister wanted so badly for Christmas. She just knew that Santa would bring it.” I told him that Santa was going to bring it. He said,

23、“No, Santa cant go where my sister is. I have to give the doll to my mom to take it to her.”I asked him where his sister was. He looked at me sadly and said, “Shes gone to heaven. My daddy said that Mom was going to be there with her.” My heart nearly stopped beating. Then the boy said, “I told my d

24、addy to tell her not to go there until I got back.” He took out some pictures of him and said, “I want my mom to take these with her so shell never forget me. I love my mom so much that I wish she didnt have to leave me, but Daddy said that she needed to be with my sister.”The boy lowered his head.

25、While he was not looking, I reached into my purse and asked him, “Shall we count that money again?” He grew excited and said, “Yes, I just know it has to be enough.” So I put my money with his and we began to count it. He said, “Thank you for giving me enough money.” He continued, “I just asked God

26、to give me enough money to buy this doll, and he heard myprayer.”Soon the woman came back and I left. I remembered a story I had read in the newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver who hit a car. A little girl was killed and her mother was in serious condition. Two days later, I read the

27、 news that the mother had died.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。1Who did the boy buy the gift for?AHis mother. BHis father.CHis sister. DThe writer.2What happened to the boy?AHis sister died in a car accident.BHis father left him with his mother.CHis father was killed by a drunk driver.DHis mother left him

28、with his sister.3What do you think of the writer?ARich. BKind. CBrave. DCareful.4What does the underlined word mean in Chinese?A祈祷 B哭喊 C谩骂 D心声5Whats the best title for the passage?AChristmas shopping BA special giftCA poor boy DGreat loveC15、Help NeededAre you good with children?We need two people t

29、o volunteer your time at SunnyviewChildrens Hospital. You need to be friendly and cheerfulthe children are sick and you need to cheer them up. Your job is to set up a play group with fun games for the children. If you can spare an hour three times a week, come and join us!Please call Mrs Chan at 555

30、-9879. Thanks!Are you interested in repairing things?We have set up a group, Home Love, to help older people who need to fix up their homes. If you have repair skills, join us for eight hours a month.Call Home Love at 555-4663.Do you love clean beaches?We need people who are strong and can help clea

31、n up Blue Water Beach. We dont want to put off this job till summer. We need your help to collect and carry rubbish. If you are available for six hours this Saturday, call at 555-6668 or 555-6669.1If youre good with children, you can go to .ASunnyview Childrens HospitalBHome LoveCBlue Water BeachDAl

32、l the above2You like repairing things, so you could call at .A555-9879B555-6669C555-6668D555-46633What can you do on Blue Water Beach?ACheer up sick children.BClean up the beach.CPlay games with others.DFix up old buildings.D16、Free Help for Mothers of 3 years oldThe Clinic at Brook University is lo

33、oking for volunteers for a research study from June 11th to the end of the year, which provides free help for mothers who are having difficulty dealing with their 3-year-old kids. To get more information, call the Clinic at 633-7788.Womens Heart Health SeriesThe Brook Heart Center is preparing a lun

34、chtime symposium (座谈会) on heart diseases in women. The symposium, which is free, begins on Thursday July 12th from 12:00 p.m. to 13:00 p.m. at Room 401. Lunch will be provided and registration (登记) is required. The series will continue on July 20th and August 15th. To register or find out more infor

35、mation, call 631-5583.Summer Camp at Brook, June 24th-August 16thThe Summer Camp at Brook is back for its third exciting year. The Camp provides educational activities and sports games for kids between the ages of 5-12. Cost includes a camp T-shirt, as well as a hot lunch and snack every day. For mo

36、re information, please call the Camp office at 624-4550 or visit our website at /daycamp.1Womens Heart Health Series will be held on .AJune 11thBJuly 20thCJune 24thDAugust 16th2Women who have 6-year-old kids may be interested in .Athe summer campBBrook UniversityCthe lunchtime symposiumDthe research

37、 study3We can learn from the above that .Aall the three notices above are written for women to knowBthe Summer Camp at Brook has already been organized twiceCpeople can learn more information about the above through the websiteDRegistration is needed if people want to join in any of the above activi

38、tieE17、Lately,everyone is blogging(写博客)nowFor teens,blogging is a way to express themselvesThey can also keep in touch with friends,and share their interests with others by bloggingTeens will find that blogging is also very creativeThis article will show the following parts of teen bloggingHow teens

39、 express themselves with blogsBlogs can be used in many ways by teensMost teens have their hobbies like music,skateboarding,computer games,etcTeens can choose one of their interests to blog aboutThey may find that they can meet others who have the same hobby and share their knowledge with themBeside

40、s,teens can also choose to blog about their lives and what happens each day, using their blog like a diaryThis can be a good way for them to stay in touch with friends who are far away, and gives them a resource to look back toBlogging keeps teens away from dangersMost teens find that during their t

41、eenage years they are faced with temptations(诱惑)They may be lost in computer games,TV or hanging out with friends all the timeTeens can best focus on something that is not only interesting but also good to helping them learn and developFor teens who like to write,blogging is such an interesting thin

42、gDuring teenage years,teens may do something crazy,such as sneaking(溜走)out of the house because they are mad at their parentsActually they can just blog about it instead! If they have a place to free their pressure(压力)like the blog,they may be less likely to get angry and wild so easilyBe careful wh

43、en youre bloggingWhat you do need to remember about blogging as a teen is that anything youve written is in public view on the InternetEven if you are not on purpose,you may displease or hurt someoneYour blog may also decide how your friends look at youJust be careful about what you blog about1The w

44、riter mentions ways that blogs can be used by teens in Paragraph 2AtwoBthreeCfourDfive3The underlined word it refers to Ahanging out with friendsBsneaking out of the houseCtheir madness about parentsDtheir losing in computer games4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ABlog makes t

45、eens angry with parents more easilyBBlogging is more interesting than keeping a diaryCBlog is the best place for teens to learn what happensDBlog helps teens make friends with the same hobbies5What is the writers opinion about teens blogging?ATeens must be careful with their bloggingBTeens can share

46、 only happiness on the blogCTeens should stay in touch with friends by blogDTeens had better make public views on the blogF18、John was a poor man in a small village. He tried to grow as many vegetables as possible in his yard, so he didnt have to buy so many in the market.One evening, John was readi

47、ng in his room. All of a sudden, he heard a noise in his yard and he looked out of the window. A white bull (公牛) was eating his vegetables. That burnt him up. He at once went out with his stick and ran after the bull. However, he was too old to catch it. When he got back, he found that most of his v

48、egetables were ruined (毁坏).The next morning, while John was walking near his house, he saw two white bulls. They looked very much like the one that had eaten his vegetables. He was carrying his stick with him, so he at once began to beat the two bulls with it. As neither of them looked more like the

49、 bull that had eaten his vegetables than the other, he beat both of them very hard.The owner of the bulls saw that and shouted, “Hey! Why are you beating those poor animals like that? What have they done?”“You keep out of this!” John shouted back, “Thats a matter between me and one of the two bulls.

50、 _”The owner couldnt even say a word.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。1The underlined words “burnt him up” most probably mean _.Acalled him backBdrove him madCcheered him up2Before John heard a noise in his yard, _.Ahe was reading in his roomBhe was looking through his windowChe saw a white bull eating his vegetables3J

51、ohn beat the two bulls with his stick because _.Athey had eaten his vegetables in his yardBneither of them looked like the bull that had eaten his vegetablesChe didnt know which of the two bulls had eaten his vegetables4Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?AJohn grew as many vegetables as possible to save money.BThe next morning John was walk


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