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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、The 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing.Awas heldBwill be heldCis heldDwill hold2、All the people in Zhenjiang need to work together to make our city more beautif

2、ul. Thats it. .AMany hands make light workBPractice makes perfectCWhen in Rome, do as the Romans doDA friend in need is a friend indeed3、She usually has _ egg and some porridge for _ breakfast.Aan; theBan; Ca; theDa; 4、-Why didnt you cry for help when you were robbed (被抢劫)?-If I opened my mouth, the

3、y might find my four gold teeth. That would be _!AbadBmuch worseCworstDthe worst5、Can you help me with my English? .AThats no excuseBNot reallyCCertainlyDYoure welcome6、The girl _ an English song in the next room is Toms sister.Awho is singingBis singingCsangDwas singing7、Is it _ to do some shopping

4、 in that supermarket?Yes. I pass by it on my way home from work.Acheap Bconvenient Ccrowded Dexpensive8、-Could you tell me ?-Next Monday.Awhen you will go to BeijingBwhen will you go to BeijingChow will you go to Beijing9、- David asked_ in China.- Of course not. Chinese usually shake hands with a la

5、dy as a greeting.Awhy he can greet a lady by kissing herBWhy he could greet a lady by kissing herCWhether he can greet a lady by kissing herDWhether he could greet a lady by kissing her10、Look at my new jeans. My mother gave _ to me for _ birthday.Ait; meBthem; myCthey; mineDits; I. 完形填空11、完形填空(共l5小

6、题;每小题l分。计15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Joe Azougar was walking his dog when a bear appeared suddenlyWhen it came up,the first thing my dog did was 1 me and attack the bear, Azougar said from his 2 in Lady Minto HospitalThen Azougar ran into his house and began to 3 his neighbors,warning them what

7、 was going onAs I looked around I saw the bear pull my dog into the 4 And to my great sadness,the dog was killed, he saidThen suddenly,the bear 5 and it broke through the houses back windowAzougar began throwing things at the bear and making loud noisesThen he stood on a chair to make himself look m

8、uch 6 It seemed as if the bear was very 7 , said Azougar“I thought my best chance was to run outside 8 someone could find meAzougar began running,but the bear 9 himIt had four paws on top of me, he said“Then,it 10 my body and tried to bite my stomachThat gave me just a few 11 to turn into and protec

9、t my headThe bear began to pull Azougars body“By that time I could feel my body becoming 12 , Azougar saidLuckily,two women,who were 13 ,saved himTheir car was such a(n) 14 thing in the bears eyes,that it ran quickly into the woodsI am just thankful to those two angels that saved me in time, he said

10、People,who have lived here for 20 or 30 years,said they had 15 seen anything like this, said AzougarHe is the first one,and he hopes that he will be also the last oneNow Im planning to move somewhere else once I come out of hospital1Aprotect Bfollow Cleave Dstop2Aoffice Blab Cbed Ddesk3Acalm Bvisit

11、Csave Dcall4Awater Bfire Cwoods Dgrass5Aran away Bcame back Cgave up Djumped up6Alarger Bkinder Csmaller Dcleverer7Asick Blazy Cbored Dhungry8Aever since Bso that Ceven if Das if9Aate Bforgot Ccaught Dchanged10Aturned over Bput up Ccut off Dpoured into11Adays Bhours Cminutes Dseconds12Awarm Blifeles

12、s Cstrong Dhealthy13Awalking by Brunning by Cdriving by Dcycling by14Afunny Binteresting Cmodern Dfrightening15Asometimes Bonce Cnever Doften. 语法填空12、Dear editor,Last week I 1 (visit) our zoo, and I was very surprised 2(find) hardly anyone there. Zoos are important places .They are like living textb

13、ooks for young people. They provide homes for many endangered animals and help to educate the public about 3(care) for them. If we 4(not support) our zoos, they 5(not have) enough money to take care of so many fine animals. I urge all of your readers to visit our wonderful zoo soon.Sincerely,Animal

14、Friend. 阅读理解A13、ZUOAN SHOE SHOPDear friends,There are different kinds of female shoes in our store, including high-heeled shoes, low-heeled shoes and flats. This weekends, all the shoes are on sale. You will get each pair shoe at 20% discount.Time: 9:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. on March. 3rdIf you want to kno

15、w more information, you can call Mr. Tian ator come to our website www. zuoan. com. Come and see for yourself!1How many kinds of shoes in ZUOAN SHOE SHOP?AtwoBthreeCfour2The meaning of the under-lined word is _.A平地B平顶屋C平底鞋3How long does the sale last?A11 hoursB12 hoursC13 hours4If you w

16、ant to buy a pair of shoes cost 180 yuan on March 3rd, you can pay _ for it?A144 yuanB180 yuanC36 yuan5You can get more information by _.Acalling Mr. TianBcoming to www. zuoan. comCboth A and BB14、Three Little KittensThe three little kittensThey lost their mittens and they began to cryOur mittens we

17、 have lost.What? Lost your mittens? You naughty kittens!Then you shall have no pie!Meow meowNow you shall have no pie!The three little kittensThey found their mittens and they began to cryOh mother dear see here see hereOur mittens we have found. Put on your mittens you silly kittens.And you shall h

18、ave some pie!Meow meow oh, let us have some pie!The three little, kittens put on their mittensAnd soon ate up the pieOh mother dear we greatly fear.Our mittens we have soiled. Soiled your mittens? You naughty kittens! Then they began to sigh.Meow MeowThen they began to sighThe three little kittensTh

19、ey washed their mittens and _ them out to dryOh mother dear do you not hearOur mittens we have washed. Washed your mittens? Then you are good kittens.Lets all have some pie!Meow MeowLets all have some pie!1What happened to the kittens mittens at first?AThey were broken.BThey were lost.CThey were tak

20、en away.DThey were hidden.2The best word for the blank is _.AhungBhangedCfoundDlost3What is the song mainly about?ADangerous war.BInteresting games.CDelicious pie.DGood manners.C15、Sometimes people come into your life and you know at once that they were sure to be there. They serve some sort of purp

21、ose, teach you a lesson or help find out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be: your classmate, neighbor, teacher, long-lost friend or even a real stranger. But you know that every moment they will affect (影响) your life in some serious way.Sometimes things hap

22、pen to you. At the time they may seem terrible, painful (痛苦的) and unfair. But later you realize that without getting over those difficulties you would have never realized your further ability and strength. Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck.The peo

23、ple you meet affect your life, and the successes and failure (失败) you experience, create who you are. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.Enjoy every day even every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for

24、 you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and really listen. You should set your sights high, hold your head up, tell yourself you are a great one and believe in yourself.You can make your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go o

25、ut and live it.1The people we meet .Aall know where to find us Bserve us on no purposeCwont become our neighbor Dwill change us in some way2From the passage, we know that bad things can make us .Aterribly meet bad luck Brealize our further abilityCfind no serious success Dpossibly enjoy every moment

26、3The underlined word poignant in the passage means .A平淡的 B明显的 C深刻的 D艰苦的4Which is the best title for the passage?ACreate Your Own Life BHold Your Head UpCPeople You Meet in Life DThings Happen to YouD16、Are you interested in these Jobs?Video game testerWould you like a job that lets you play games? M

27、itch Ellis works for a video game company. A lot of teenagers want his job because he plays video games four hours a day! Hes the one who tests the games to make sure they work. Mitch loves his job because its exciting!Dog walkerWould you like a job that lets you work with animals? Do you want one t

28、hat lets you be outside a lot? Amy Carson walks three dogs, three times a day, five days a week! Dogs are playful and fun, so her job is never boring. Climbing guideMany people want work that lets them travel. Are you active and healthy? Are you someone who likes to hike and climb mountains? Join us

29、! Paulo Costa is a climbing guide. He helps people climb mountains. He travels all over Brazil and gets paid for it!Book sorterDo you love books? Can you work on Sunday night? The library is looking for someone who can help sort (分类) books and put them back on the shelves. Before Thursday, send an e

30、-mail to Janet Chen (Janet. chen) if you are interested. 1Who works as a dog walker?AAmy Carson.BMitch Ellis.CPaulo Costa .DJanet Chen.2If you are active and healthy, youre wanted to be a _.Avideo game testerBdog walkerCclimbing guideDbook sorter3The library needs someone to work _.Aon Thursday nigh

31、tBbefore ThursdayCbefore SundayDon Sunday nightE17、A TRIP TO SINGAPOREChild: Aged from 3 to 12根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。1What can you see at Night Safari ?ADifferent kinds of animalsBKinds of butterfliesCDifferent birds2If Johns parents takes him and his two younger sisters, one aged 5, the other aged 13, to

32、 Jurong Bird Park, how much will he pay?A$63 B$49 C$423. Mother and father take their 5-year-old child to _ with the least money.AUndersea WorldBButterfly ParkCNight Safari4. You can visit _ after 10:00 pm.AUnderwater WorldBButterfly ParkCNight Safari5. Which of the following is TRUE according to th

33、e information above?AUndersea world opens for the longest time among all these four.BYou take the bus on the Yellow Line to the zoo to see the dolphin.CButterfly Park has the worlds largest collections of butterflies.F18、Imagine that you are the first person ever to see Hawaii. What would be the fir

34、st thing you would set foot on?The beach, naturally. There are hundreds of miles of beaches on the twenty islands of Hawaii. These islands cover 1,600 miles and are about 2,300 miles west of California. Most of them are covered with fine white sand. They are thought to be among the finest beaches in

35、 the world.Another wonderful thing about the beaches of Hawaii is the water temperature. The year-round average (平均)temperature of the water at the famous Waikiki Beach is 230C!The same is true of air temperature. In fact, there are no real seasons in Hawaii. There is a difference of only two or thr

36、ee degrees between the hottest day of summer and the coldest day of winter. Thats why the Hawaiians dont have a word for weather in their language.Perhaps the nicest thing about Hawaiian beaches are the waves. The earliest settlers (定居者) in Hawaii, the Polynesians, quickly learned how much fun it wa

37、s to ride the waves. They developed a sport which is now very popular on the islands called body surfing. You go out into the ocean, wait for a big wave to come towards you, jump on it, and ride it all the way to the beach.Now imagine once again that you are the first person ever to set foot in Hawa

38、ii. What do you think would be the second beautiful thing you would notice?Would it be those strange triangles (三角形状物) rising out of the water hundreds and hundreds of meters high? What are those beautiful things? They are volcanoes (火山), of course. These volcanoes are not just a part of the islands

39、. They made the islands at first. Because of them the islands are still growing.The most famous volcano on Hawaii is Mauna Loa. It is the worlds most active volcano. It has been erupting (喷发) for thousands of years. Even when it isnt erupting, smoke comes out of the earth from a thousand little hole

40、s.In 1950 Mauna Loa erupted for twenty-three days. That erupting produced the greatest amount of lava (熔岩) in modern history. In 1960 it erupted again. That time it added a kilometer of beach to the island. Because Mauna Loa has erupted so often, it has become the biggest (but not the tallest) mount

41、ain in the world.These volcanoes could be dangerous to the population of Hawaii. In fact, Hilo, the second largest city in Hawaii, is built just under Mauna Loa. The volcano could erupt at any time. Most people believe that it will erupt sometime in the next twenty-five years. But the people of Hilo

42、 do not seem worried. They live with the danger as part of their lives.1According to the passage, what are the two most beautiful things in Hawaii?AWaves and cities.BBeaches and language.CVolcanoes and beaches.DVolcanoes and people.2Which is NOT the reason why the Hawaiians dont have a word for weat

43、her in their language?AThere are no real seasons in Hawaii.BThe temperature of the water at one of the beaches is always 230CCThe Hawaiians feel almost the same in the hottest day and coldest day.DThere is not much difference in air temperature all the year round in Hawaii.3It can be inferred that _ according to the passage.Avolcanoes are more active because the area of the island is enlargingBthe visitors to Hawaii can probably see more than one active volcanoCMauna Loa is the tallest mountain in th


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