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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、Look at the rules. Passengers _ smoke on the bus.AmustBcanCmustntDneednt2、 Mr Wu, must I finish this exercise today? No, you_. You can hand it in tomorrow afternoon.

2、Ashouldnt Bdont have to Cmustnt Dcant3、Read it aloud _ the whole class can hear you clearly.Aso thatBifCwhenDalthough4、He remembered _ the windows, but theyre open now.AclosedBcloseCclosingDto close5、Why didnt you go to the party last night? Because I _.Awasnt invited Bdidnt invite Chavent invited D

3、am not invited6、Mom always tells me that nothing can be learned _ hard work.AwithBbyCforDwithout7、-Hurry up, Stephen! Lets cross the street as quickly as possible.-No, you_. Dont you see that the traffic lights are still red?AcouldntBwouldntCmustntDneednt8、 Where is your teacher? He _ the library. H

4、e _ the library for an hour.Ahas gone to; has been toBhas gone to; has been inChas been to; has been inDhas been to; has gone to9、Do you often play _ basketball with your friends? No, I dont like sports. I often play _ piano in my free time.Aa; theBthe; /C/; theDthe; a10、I still remember the time _w

5、e spent together happily.Aon whichBwhenCthatDwhat. 完形填空11、 I have never taken cooking classes. I learned cooking 1 my mother because she was really 2 in teaching me. Do you know why? When my mother got married, she didnt know anything about cooking. My grandmother never allowed her 3 in the kitchen.

6、My mother did not start to cook 4 she was twenty-five. At the beginning, it was very hard for her. So she had to take cooking classes to prepare our meals. After 5 that experience, she decided to teach me to do some cooking 6 she didnt want me to have the same experience. I remember when I was seven

7、 7 old, I often stayed in the kitchen and watched her cook. I always helped her. Sometimes we prepared meals that my mother already knew 8 to make them, and sometimes we prepared them from recipes. Nowadays, I am really thankful for that experience. Because I dont need any help to cook a meal. I can

8、 cook for 9 or for a group of people. It doesnt matter.I will teach my children and I dont want them to have the same experience 10 my mother. If one day I am not with them, I want to be sure that they can also eat well.1AbyBtoCfromDafter2AinterestingBinterestedCinterestDinterests3AstayingBstayedCto

9、 stayDstay4AifBafterCsinceDuntil5AhavingBhaveCto haveDhad6AsoBbecauseCalthoughDbut7AyearsByearsCyearDyears8AwhereBwhatCwhenDhow9AmyselfBmeCmineDI10AsoBasCsuchDof. 语法填空12、五、用所给动词的正确形式填空。Mrs. Wilson is my neighbor (邻居). She 1(work) at a post office and she meets lots of people every day .She is friend

10、ly to everyone and likes 2(help) others . She is over fifty years old, but she looks very young(年轻). She always buys many beautiful clothes. She always says, ”Old people still want3 (be) beautiful!” Yesterday she 4 (have) a trip . She went to a farm. She 5(see) many interesting things and she 6(take

11、) some photos . Look, she7(show) her pictures to us now . 阅读理解A13、Medical experts say most Americans do not get enough sleep. They say more Americans need to take a napthat is to rest for a short period in the middle of the day. They give people advice to sleep lightly before continuing with other a

12、ctivities. The experts say naps might improve health by reducing pressure.Some European and Latin American companies have supported the idea of napping for many years. They ask people to leave work, go home and have a nap before returning. In the United States, some companies let workers rest simply

13、 in their offices. They believe this can help workers make fewer mistakes and also increase the amount of work that a person can do.Sleep experts say it is likely that people make more mistakes at work than at other times. They say people should not carry out important tasks when they feel sleepy. A

14、nd they say the best thing to do is to take a nap. About twenty minutes of rest is all you need. Experts say this provides extra energy and can increase your effects until the end of the day. But experts said that a nap should last no more than twenty to thirty minutes. A longer nap will put the bod

15、y into deep sleep and waking up will be difficult.1Whats the best way to increase workers effects?ATalking with friends.BDoing relaxing exercises.CLaughing, smiling and crying.DHaving a rest for twenty or thirty minutes.2What will happen to the workers if they keep out working without any rest?AThey

16、 will get a lot of money.BThey will fail in their jobs and even cause a lot of trouble.CThey will live a happy life in the future.DThey will feel better after finishing every day jobs.3The meaning of the underlined word “reducing” in the first paragraph is .A加大 B缓解 C产生 D制造4The passage mainly talks a

17、bout .Ataking a nap during a dayBthe disadvantages of taking a napCAmericans who dont have a nap during the weekendsDthe advantages of deep sleeB14、The Story Starter, Jr.now provides 194,480 story starters for kids.The original Story StarterClick here for your story starterYour story starterThe ghos

18、t was walking on the mountain topWrite down your story starter line to start your story or.Click on the icon again for a different story starter.The Story Starter was created by Joel Haffner on February 25, 2003 and last updated on May 25, 2017Copyright 2003-2015 Joel Haffner All rights Reserved.The

19、 Story Starter was selected as one of the top 101websites for writers by Writers Digest Magazine in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 20171What is The Story Starter, Jr.?AA website.BA newspaper.CA storybook.DA guidebook.2The Story Starter, Jr. is most suitable for _.AparentsBchildrenCteachersDwriters

20、3Which of the following may you find if you click on the icon again?AThe ending of your story.BThe review of your story.CThe starter of your story.DThe main body of your story.C15、 Paul awoke to the sound of the alarm clock. Normally, this would be followed by feelings of worry about the day ahead.

21、But today was different. Today he couldnt wait to go to school.He rushed to his desk and picked up the old jam jar which contained a colorful butterfly. It had taken him hours to catch and now it was going to be part of his biology presentation for school.While most of his classmates would be showin

22、g drawings of insects or animals taken from textbooks, Paul planned to present something different - a live creature. This was sure to get him the highest grade in the class.Paul sat at his desk admiring the insects beautiful red and yellow wings. He had made air holes in the jars lid, and added lea

23、ves for the butterfly to eat. It might be in a glass prison but at least it was being well cared for, Paul thought as he left for school.Paul entered the classroom early, and put the jar in his desk. Biology was the first lesson after lunch and he wanted his presentation to be a surprise. After taki

24、ng the jar from his bag, he noticed the butterfly was very still. Its wings moved very slowly and its color seemed to have faded too. Probably just a little tired from the trip in the bag, Paul hoped.Throughout the morning, Paul secretly checked on the insect. Each time it seemed a little stiller, i

25、ts color a little duller. Something was wrong. When the lunch-bell rang, he waited for his classmates to leave before opening the jar. The butterfly was still alive, but only just.He took the jar to the bathroom and sprinkled a few drops of water on the butterflys head. The cooling effect was instan

26、t. The butterfly came to life again and Paul barely managed to replace the lid before it flew out. But rather than pleasure, the sight of the revived butterfly crashing against the jar, desperate for freedom, made Paul feel guilty. He was being cruel for a mark.As he walked back to class, feeling as

27、hamed, the bell went again. It was time for Biology. He walked over to the window, opened the jar and set the butterfly free. A moment later the biology teacher entered. Paul,your presentations first today.Sorry sir, the boy replied,” I forgot all about it.1What can we guess about Paul from the pass

28、age?AHe often caught animals.BHe did not usually enjoy school.CHe was a very clever student.DHe was sometimes quite cruel.2Why was Paul confident that his biology project would receive a high grade?ABecause biology was his favourite subject.BBecause his project idea was popular.CBecause he had spent

29、 much time preparing.DBecause his butterfly was real and very colourful.3The underlined word revived in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to _ArefreshedBreturnedCreplacedDrelieved4Why did Paul finally free the butterfly?AIt was time for class.BIt was no longer very active.CHe felt ashamed at his act

30、ions.DHe forgot about the presentation.5In what order did the following event take place?a. Paul took the jar to the bathroom and sprinkled a few drops of water on the butterflys head.b. Paul walked over to the window, opened the jar and set the butterfly freec. Paul planned to present something dif

31、ferent in the Biology presentationd.Paul entered the classroom early, and put the jar in his desk.e.Throughout the morning, Paul secretly checked on the insectAd-c-b-e-aBd-b-c -a-eCc-d-e-a-bDc-d-a-e-bD16、 You may have heard about the woman who spent a year living on just a pound a day. But in German

32、y, a woman named Heidemarie Schwermer has given up using money completely. Her decision probably has something to do with her experience as a penniless refugee during the Second World War(WWII).After the war, she led an ordinary life. She worked as a teacher for many years, and then she became a psy

33、chotherapist. But her memories of what it was like to have nothing stayed with her and she decided to do something about it. She came up with the idea of an exchange network which allowed people to exchange things and services without using money. Even though the program turned into a great success,

34、 she wanted to do something crazier. So she made the decision to leave her home and close her bank account. At first her daughters thought their mother had made an awful mistake. But gradually, they have gotten used to her unusual lifestyle.Heidemarie sleeps on peoples sofas and wears second-hand cl

35、othes people dont need anymore, Shops give the food they cant sell, and she knows she could always go to a soup kitchen ( a place where food is offered to the hungry for free or at a very low price).People are interested in learning more about Heidemaries experiences, so she has written several book

36、s about her life. she has given away the money she madeoften to complete strangers.1Which of the following correctly describes Heidemaries experiences?A teacher A psychotherapist refugeeABCD2What can we learn about Heidemaries exchange network?AShe made a lot of money from it.BIt was born out of her

37、 WWII memories.CIt was not successful in the beginning.DShe started it with the help of her daughters.3What was Heidemaries daughters attitude toward her decision of giving up using money at first?AThey supported it.BThey didnt care about it.CThey partly agreed with it.DThey thought it was wrong.4Wh

38、ich paragraph describes Heidemaries unusual lifestyle?AThe first paragraph.BThe second paragraph.CThe third paragraph.DThe fourth paragraph.5Whats the best title for this text?Aa difficult decision.Ba life without money.CA wonderful exchange program.DA German woman and her books.E17、Now, it may be d

39、ifficult to predict the future, but many people believe that we will live on Mars by the year 2100. Our own planet, Earth, is becoming more and more crowed and polluted. Well, what problems will we need to solve before we prepare to go to Mars?First of all, transport should be much better. At presen

40、t, humans need to spend months going to Mars by spaceship. However, by 2100, spaceship can travel at half the speed of light. It might take us two or three days to get there!Secondly, humans need food, water and air to live. Scientists should develop plants that can be grown on Mars. These plants wi

41、ll produce the food, water and air that we need. However, there is no answer for all the problems now.There is also a problem for us to live on Mars. Mars attracts us much less than the Earth does. This will be dangerous because we could easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space there. We

42、will have to wear special shoes to make ourselves heavier.In some ways, life on Mars may not be better than that on the earth today. Food will not be the same meals will probably be in the form of pills and will not be as delicious as they are today. Also, space travel will probably make many people

43、 feel very uncomfortable.1So far, how long will it take us from the earth to Mars by spaceship?ATwo or three days. BA few days.CA few months. DA few years.2According to the passage, which of the following is wrong?AA special plant which can produce water, air and food should be needed on Mars.BWe ma

44、y go to Mars when transport is much better and faster.CWe can jump higher than on the earth on Mars.DFood on Mars will be much better to eat.3Which looks like life on Mars according to the passage?AWe can wear the shoes that we like to wear.BWe can drink easily and conveniently.CWe can walk faster t

45、han on the earth.DWe can boil food to eat.4Why do we want to live on Mars?ALife on Mars is more interesting than that on the earth.BThe earth is becoming dirty and crowded.CThe journey to Mars is very interesting.DThe scientists want us to do that.F18、In the world, football is the most popular sport

46、. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and drew a big picture called “Dream World Cups” for a few

47、days in Japan. The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags of all the countries that would take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground i

48、n Yokohama. Some football teams would have games there.Are you a football fan? The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football. Teenagers like playing and watching football. Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the wal

49、ls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.1If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, it must have_.Amany football fansBa very good teamCmany football playerDa big playground2The next World Cup will be held in_.A2006B2007C2005D20043From the p

50、assage, in the picture children drew many things except_.Apeople playing footballBpictures of some football starsCa sunny skyDflowers4In “Dream World Cup”, the children drew the flags of some countries_.Ato show their love for their own countryBto tell the people their storiesCto show their good wis


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