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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、Mary got two dolls from her grandfather on her birthday, and she liked _ very much.AitBhimCherDthem2、There are about people in the village.Aeight hundredBeight hu

2、ndredsCeight hundred ofDeight hundreds of3、We are planning a Yangtze River Protection Day this weekend. Do you have any advice?Youd better signs around the school to tell all the students about that.Amake up Bput up Cset up Dshow up4、 Do you know the film Big Hero 6? Sure. I like it very much and I

3、_ it three times since it was on.AseeBsawChave seenDam seeing5、 What should we do to save electricity?We should_ the light when we leave the room.Aput onBswitch offCtake off6、一Mom, can I draw little sheep in a short time?一Dear, I think you can.Aso; soBsuch; soCso; suchDsuch; such7、He drove at such a

4、 high speed at the turning that the car almost went _the road.AonBalongCfromDoff8、I wont go to see the film tonight, because I _ my ticket.AlostBhave lostCwill loseDdidnt have9、Zhu Zhiwen used to be usual farmer . But now he is unusual singer, he can play piano very well.Aa, a , theBan, a, theCa, an

5、, theDthe, a, an10、_ exciting news! Weve never had such a long vacation before.AHowBWhat aCWhat anDWhat. 完形填空11、Some time ago one of my chairs had a broken leg. I 1 think there would be any difficulty 2 getting it fixed, as there were a lot of furniture shops near my home. So I left home one morning

6、 with the chair. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception(接待). But I was quite wrong. The man didnt even look at my chair.In the 3 shop though, the situation was just the same, and in the third and in the fourth.I entered 4 shop with a plan in my mind. I placed the chair on the floo

7、r and said to the 5 ,“Would you like to buy the chair ?” He 6 it carefully and said,“Yes, not a bad chair. How much do you want for it, sir?” “Twenty dollars, ”I said. “OK,” he said, “Ill give you twenty dollars,” I said. “Yes, I saw that. Its nothing.” 7 was doing according to my plan. “What will y

8、ou do with it?” I asked. “Oh, it willbe easy to 8 after the repair is done.” “Ill buy it,” I said. “What do you mean? Youve just sold it to me,” he said. “Yes, but Ive changed my mind.” “You 9 be crazy,” he said. Then, suddenly the penny drooped. “I know what you want,” he said. “We dont do repairs,

9、 not enough money 10 with too much trouble. But Ill fix this for you.”1Adont Bdidnt Cdo2Ain Bwith Con3Atwo Bsecond Ctwice4Aother Banother Cthe other5Acustomer Bshopkeeper Cagent6Asaw Blooked at Cwatched7ASomething BAnything CEverything8Abuy Buse Csell9Amust Bcan Cmight10Abut Band Cor. 语法填空12、(B) Com

10、plete the passage with the proper forms of given words.Zengzi was a famous thinker in Chinese history. His 1(teach) was Confucius (孔子). One day, Zengzis wife was going to the market to sell something for money without their son. The boy kept 2(cry) and shouting. She said to her son, “When I come bac

11、k, Ill kill our pig to make a meal for you.”But she didnt do as she said. “How can you cheat a child?” Zengzi said 3(serious) “The small child only 4(follow) the example of his parents. If you cheat him, he may cheat 5(other) like you.” Having said this, Zengzi raised the knife and killed the pig. 阅

12、读理解A13、Steven Jobs, the designer(设计者) of Apple Computer, was not clever when he was in school. At that time, he was not a good student and he always made troubles with his schoolmates. When he went into college , he didnt change a lot. Then he dropped out. But he was full of new ideas.After he left

13、college, Steven Jobs worked as a video game designer. He worked there for only several months and then he went to India. He hoped that the trip would give him some new ideas and give him a change in life.Steven Jobs lived on a farm in California for a year after he returned from India.In 1975, he be

14、gan to make a new type of computer. He designed the Apple Computer with his friend in his garage(汽车库). He chose the name “Apple” just because it could help him to remember a happy summer he once spent in an apple tree garden.His Apple Computer was such a great success that Steven Jobs soon became fa

15、mous all over the world.1Steven Jobs was not a good student in school because he _.Anever did his lessonsBwas full of new ideasCalways made troubles with his schoolmates2The underlined words “dropped out mean “_” in Chinese.A退学 B争吵 C迟到3Steven Jobs designed his new computer _.Ain India Bwith his frie

16、nd Cin an apple tree garden4Steven Jobs was famous for his _ all over the world.Anew ideas BApple Computer Cvideo games5From this passage we know _.ASteven Jobs didnt finish his studies in the college because he hated his schoolmatesBSteven Jobs liked traveling in India and CaliforniaCSteven Jobs li

17、ked trying new things and making new ideas become trueB14、If you want to travel to Singapore, here are two famous places of interest.Singapore Plant GardenJurong Bird ParkIn 1822, it was built at the foot of Government Hill and it was moved to its present place in 1859. Throughout the years, the gre

18、enhouses have become much larger. Today, the Garden is one of the most popular places to visit in Singapore. The best time to visit it is on a cool morning.Ticket prices: 210 yuan for adults; free for children under 12Opening hours: 8:00 am6:00 pm every dayJurong Bird Park is the greatest park in As

19、ia and comes first in our list of places to visit in Singapore. This park is home to more than 5,000 birds with 380 kinds from everywhere throughout the world. The Waterfall Aviary is the biggest in the center which is made up of 5 land woods with more than 1,500 African birds and has a 100feet manm

20、ade waterfall.Ticket prices: 180 yuan for adults;free for children under 12Opening hours: 6:00 am6:00 pm every day1What is the best time to visit Singapore Plant Garden?AOn a cold morning.BOn a warm night.COn a cool morning.DOn a warm morning.2Tom with his 9-year-old son wants to visit Jurong Bird P

21、ark, how much should they spend on the tickets?A180 yuan.B270 yuan.C360 yuan.D480 yuan.3The passage is most probably a/an _.AnovelBadvertisementCpoemDplayC15、News One: 29 October, 2015The government of China plans to end its one-child per family policy(政策) and instead let families have two children.

22、 The plan was announced Thursday after high-level meetings in Beijing.China,which has the largest population,made the one-child policy in 1980. The government allowed only a small number of couples to have two children for so many years. For example, some couples in the countryside could have two ch

23、ildren.News Two: 05 October, 2015The first of the 2015 Nobel Prizes has been announced. Swedens Nobel Prize committee (委员会) says the Nobel Prize for medicine will go to scientists from Ireland, Japan and China.William Campbell from Ireland and Satoshi Omura from Japan share the prize for their disco

24、very of the medicine avermectin. The Nobel committee praised their work on what it calls a “novel therapy.” The treatment fights disease caused by parasites(寄生虫).The prize for medicine is also going to Chinese researcher Tu Youyou. She discovered artemisinin. Artemisinin is a drug that has greatly m

25、ade the number of people who die from malaria(疟疾) smaller.News Three: 09 December, 2015Oil prices have fallen to their lowest levels since 2009.Brent crude oil, one of several kinds of oil on the world market, dropped below $40 a barrel(桶) on Tuesday. However, the main group of oil producing countri

26、es has been unable to reduce the oil production.1How long did Chinas one-child policy last?A38 years.B36 years.C25 years.D65 years.2Who got the Nobel Prize for medicine?ATu Youyou from China.BWilliam Campbell from Ireland.CWilliam Campbell from Ireland and Satoshi Omura from Japan.DWilliam Campbell

27、from Ireland, Satoshi Omura from Japan and Tu Youyou from China.3What is the price of Brent crude oil on Tuesday?A$40 a barrel.BOver $40 a barrel.CLess than $40 a barrel.DLess than¥40 a barrel.4What can we know from News Three?AThere is only one kind oil on the world market.BMain oil producing count

28、ries will produce less oil.COil prices on Tuesday are the lowest in history.DMain oil producing countries will still produce as much oil as before.5Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?AThe oil prices are the lowest in 2009.BThe artemisinin has saved lots of lives.CThere are t

29、he most people in China in the world.DOnly a small number of Chinese couples can have two children in China in the past few years.D16、 A passenger told an air hostess(空姐)that he needed a cup of water when the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring him the water soon.Twenty minutes la

30、ter,when the passengers ring for service sounded, the air hostess realized it at once. She was kept so busy that she forgot to bring him the water. Therefore, the passenger was held up to take his medicine. She hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he refused it.In the following hours on the

31、flight, each time the air hostess passed the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never paid attention to her words.When he was going to get off the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to hand him the passengers, booklet. She was very sad.

32、 She knew that he would write down sharp(苛刻的)words. But with a smile she handed it to him.Off the plane, she opened the booklet, and let out a smile, for the passenger put it: On the flight, you asked me if I needed help for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?Thats righ

33、t! It was the twelve smiles of the air hostess that moved the passenger.1Why did the passenger need a cup of water?ABecause he was thirsty.BBecause he would take medicine.CBecause the air hostess was beautiful.DBecause he was very nervous.2What does the underlined phrase “held up” mean “ ” .A支撑B举行C推

34、迟D举起3Why did the passenger refuse the water later?ABecause he was angry.BBecause he didnt mind.CBecause he was well now.DBecause he wanted some tea,4What would happen to the air hostess if the passenger wrote down sharp words?AShe would be thankful.BShe would lost her job.CShe would fight with the p

35、assenger.DShe would be happy to see that.5What can we say about the twelve smiles of the air hostess?AShe was silly.BShe was a good air hostess.CShe was sharp.DShe was shy.E17、 Evan was in his last year of middle school. He was living a hard life because his parents had just passed away. Only he and

36、 his old grandma who was 78 years old lived together. He didnt have many friends. Compared to his classmates, he was short and fat and he was not confident. His grades were poor and he felt that his life was going nowhere. However, he wanted to change himself so he could have a new start in high sch

37、ool.Evan went to his teachers. They told him that he should make small changes first. One of his teachers taught him to start with easier things. After that, Evan played sports every day during the holiday and started to eat healthier food to lose weight. He started talking to people more so he coul

38、d make more friends. He knew that he had to learn to communicate with others. He started to study more rather than crying all the time.On Evans first day of high school, he was a totally different person. His classmates couldnt believe how greatly he changed. Evan was now smart and outgoing. He also

39、 kept studying hard. Everyone wanted to be friends with him. Most important of all, Evan finally got out of his sadness from parents death and lived bravely and confidently.1Evans parents _ when he was in the last year of middle school.Awent to work in another countryBdiedCtravelled somewhereDfelt s

40、ick2Evan went to his _ for help.AteachersBparentsCgrandparentsDfriends3Here are some ways to help Evan change, which is Not mentioned?AStart with easier things.BPlay sports and eat healthier.CTalk to people.DJoin a music club.4_ wanted to make friends with Evan because of his great changes.ANo oneBS

41、omeoneCAll of his classmatesDSome of his classmates5Finally Evan didnt feel _ any more and learned to live confidently.AhappyBbraveCsadDcalmF18、 Most people may think that people who write computer code (代码) must be good at Maths and logical (逻辑的) thinking. However, people who write computer code sa

42、y that creativity is also important for writting code.Software developers (开发者) in the USA have created a game called Osmo Coding Jam. The game is designed to help children use the creative side of their minds when learning to code. Children can play the game on iPads.Tanya Dodge is the mother of tw

43、o children who play the game. According to her, these activities give her children important skills for the future. “Its an analytical (分析的) skill,” said Dodge.But the developers believe writing code is not just an analytical skill. “We want to explore the creative side of coding that I think is oft

44、en not as explored,” said Felix Hu, an Osmo engineer. Hu added, “The coolest part is that were teaching kids how to be creative with code and thats a really important thing that kids should get comfortable with because coding is creative.”Hu also sees many parents who feel that software code is a se

45、cond language that children need to learn to succeed in future jobs. Tanya Dodge agrees. She said, “l think youre going to have to understand the idea of coding will work well in the future.” Hu also explains that very often kids grow up not understanding how a computer works. He says by breaking it

46、 down to a lower level, kids can understand that the computer isnt as smart as they think it is.1What is Osmo Coding Jam designed for?ATraining kids logical thinking.BHelping kids learn to code fast.CHelping children learn Maths well.DHelping kids become more creative.2What does Tanya Dodge think of Osmo Coding Jam?AIt needs to be improved.BIt can help kids play well.CIt is of great help to toda


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