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1、2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、I study five days _ week and on Sundays

2、 I often play _ football.A/;theBthe;theCthe;aDa;/2、To make your DIY work perfect, youd better get all the tools ready _ you start.AsinceBbeforeCwhenDafter3、I didnt see you at the party yesterday. Why? Because I _ for an important person at that time.Awas waiting Bis waiting Cwill wait4、 Many city pe

3、ople their bikes to work every day. I think its a good idea.Aride Brode Cwill ride5、Many people do not realize the importance of health _ they have fallen ill.AuntilBwhileCwhenDafter6、The bridge between the two islands is_one in Suzhou.AlongBlongerClongestDthe longest7、Hi, Jack! What about playing s

4、occer after school?Id love to, but its my grandfathers _ birthday and we will have a celebration.AninetithBninetiethCnintieth8、No one teaches _ French. He learns by himself.Ahe Bhim Chis Dhimself9、Do you know _? Im going to visit him.Sorry, I dont know.Awhere does Mr Li liveBwhere did Mr Li liveCwhe

5、re Mr Li livesDwhere Mr Li lived10、Smoking can _ lung cancer. You had better give it up.Awork on Blead to Ctake away Dput out. 完形填空11、 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(共10小题,计10分)I love volunteering in my free time. I once 1 on a farm in France for a month during my summer holiday. On the

6、farm, I 2 fifteen horses and sheep. I found I was a terrible “father” ,but I was quite 3 that I made some great friends and also 4 my French. In fact, you 5 go to other countries to volunteer. Ive had lots of volunteer experiences at home, too. Helping others makes us feel good but volunteering can

7、6 other good things, too. I once volunteered in a clothes shop so I could fill my wardrobe(衣柜) 7 lots of nice cheap clothes.Volunteering is really fun, 8 my favorite part of volunteering is sharing stories. My 9 on the farm gave me many funny stories to tell. Talking to volunteers from different cou

8、ntries also helped me 10 more about the world.1AworkedBstudiedCmade2Alook forBlook atClook after3AhappyBworriedCunlucky4AimprovedBunderstoodCdecided5AshouldntBneedntCcant6AchangeBrefuseCbring7AonBwithCfor8AbutBexperiencesCcompetitions9AshowsBexperiencesCcompetitions10AteachBlearnCimagine. 语法填空12、One

9、 sunny afternoon Bernard Shaw was having a walk in the quiet field. The air was fresh and the view was beautiful. While he 1 (walk), a bike rider ran into him. Mr Shaw 2(fall) to the ground. The rider was very sorry. He got off his bike 3(help) Mr Shaw get up. Luckily, Mr Shaw 4(not hurt). Im so sor

10、ry! said the rider. Oh, no, said Bernard Shaw. I should 5 (say) sorry. Im sorry for not 6 (give) luck to you. Mr Shaw looked at the puzzled rider and added, If you killed me, you know, you would be famous all over the world. 阅读理解A13、My house is made of wood, glass and stone. It is also made of softw

11、are.If you come to visit, youll probably be surprised when you come in. Someone will give you an electronic PINto wear. This PIN tells the house who and where you are. The house uses this information to give you what you need. When its dark outside, the PIN turns on the lights nearest you, and then

12、turns them off as you walk away from them. Music moves with you too. If the house knows your favorite music, it plays it. The music seems to be everywhere, but in fact other people in the house hear different music or no music. If you get a telephone call, only the nearest telephone rings.Of course,

13、 you are also able to tell the house if you want something. There is a home control console (控制台), a small machine that turns things on and off around you.The PIN and the console are new ideas, but they are in fact like many things we have today. If you want to go to a movie, you need a ticket. If I

14、 give you my car keys, you can use my car. The car works for you because you have the keys. My house works for you because you wear the PIN or hold the console.I believe that several years from now on, most new homes will have the systems that Ive put in my house. The systems will probably be even b

15、igger and better than the ones Ive put in today.I like to try new ideas. I know that some of my ideas will work better than others. But I hope that one day I will stop thinking of these systems as new, and ask myself instead, “How did I live without them?”1The writers house is NOT made of _.Abricks

16、Bwood Cglass Dsoftware2What does the passage mainly discuss?AHow to develop a new system. BThe function of the PIN.CA home for the future. DEasy life in the future.3What is the writers purpose of writing the fourth paragraph?ATo let readers know why his ideas are new.BTo explain what the functions o

17、f the PIN and the console are.CTo explain the importance of the PIN and the console.DTo let readers know how special his house is.4The writers new house is different from ordinary ones mainly because_.Ait has your favourite music following youByou can make a telephone call anywhereCthe writer is abl

18、e to change his new idea into practiceDit has been controlled by computers5What is the writer most likely to be according to the passage?AAn IT expert. BA famous engineer.CA game player. DAn experienced teacher.B14、Sometimes, you might not finish drinking your glass of water before you go to bed. Yo

19、u might want to drink it the next morning. But have you ever wondered if it is still safe to drink?“If you have clean water in a clean glass, youre fine to drink it for a day or two,” Kellogg Schwab from the Johns Hopkins University Water Institute in the US told Time.But you may find that it tastes

20、 strange. Thats because after about 12 hours, the carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the water in your glass, slightly lowering its pH level.Also, there might be more microorganisms in your water if you leave it out overnight. Microorganisms grow more quickly at room temperature. These microorgan

21、isms can stick to your glass. They can make you get sick more easily. But as long as you clean your glasses very often, this will not be a problem.In countries like the US and UK, people often drink water directly from the tap . This is OK however, tap water cannot be stored for a long time. Most ex

22、perts say that tap water has a shelf life of six months, according to Zane Satterfield from West Virginia University, US. After six months, there is less chlorine in the water and bacteria start to grow. Youd better not drink the water otherwise you may get sick.What about plastic water bottles? Sch

23、wab said people should be careful with them. If you leave a bottle of water under the sun or in a car for a long period of time, the plastic produces a chemical called BPAThis chemical can cause heart disease and cancer.1According to the passage,the water in the glass tastes strange after about_.A12

24、 hoursB2 hoursCa day and a nightDtwo days2Why does the water taste strange after a night?ABecause there is less chlorine in the water.BBecause the glasses are dirty after a night.CBecause the plastic produces a chemical called BPADBecause the carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the water , lowerin

25、g its pH level.3The underlined word “ microorganisms” in the fourth paragraph probable mean “_”A漂浮物B微生物C抗生素D废弃物4Which of the following is not true?AYou may get sick more easily after you drink the water overnight.BIts not a right way to leave a bottle of water under the sun for a long time.CMany peo

26、ple drink water directly from the tap because of no bacteria in the running water.DKellogg Schwab advised us to drink clean water in a clean glass for a day or two.C15、Price: $ 14.9 Number of pages: 127Storyline: Bean and her best friend, Ivy, decide to create their own camp. They think up all the a

27、ctivities and, of course, they make the rulesRecommendation: Id give this book a 10 because I love the characters. They are funny and creative.Price: $ 15.9 Number of pages: 128Storyline: Zoe and Alices mother might just have the coolest job ever. She saves great pyrenees dogs(大白熊犬)Recommendation: I

28、d give this book an 8 because it is a little sad. I think kids who love animals and a good story will really like it.Price: $ 12.9 Number of pages: 192Storyline: A dog lives in an empty pipe under Highway 16. He has four dog friends. One day, they decide to go on an adventure to steal the food from

29、a human familyRecommendation: Id give this book a 9. It is funny. I was laughing out loud at all the funny scenes.Price: $ 15.9 Number of pages: 160Storyline: After their parents are killed in a car accident. Jayna and her elder brother Rob are each others only family. Soon, Rob goes off to serve in

30、 the navy.Recommendation: Id give this book a 9. Im interested in romantic novels and science fiction, but not so much in historical fiction. Gingersnap really changed my opinion.1_ has the most pages.AIvy and Bean Make the RulesBWhite Fur FlyingCStick DogDGingersnap2White Fur Flying _.Atells us abo

31、ut the life of four dogsBis a historical fictionCis a book about saving dogsDshows us the camp life3Tom wants to buy a copy of Ivy and Bean Make the Rules and a copy of Gingersnap. He should pay _ for the two books.A$ 14.9B$30.8C$ 12.9D$15.9D16、Scene 1On a wild mountain, two goats met on a rock just

32、 over a high cliff (峭壁). The rock was so narrow that there was neither room for them to pass each other nor to turn round and go back.One of them with great care laid himself down on the narrow rock, pressing as close to the rock as he could. Then the other goat gently and softly stepped over his fr

33、iend, till, safely past him, he could lightly get away.The goat that had lain down then drew himself up, safe and free to leap again from rock to rock, and eat the sweet grass on the hills.Scene 2Two other goats met on the banks of a wild, rushing stream. They found there was a tree across the strea

34、m. It formed a bridge from one side to the other.They stood for a moment with one foot on the tree, each thinking that the other would draw back. But neither of them would give away, and they met at last on the middle of the narrow bridge!They then began to push and fight with their horns (犄角), till

35、 at last their feet slipped, and both the goats fell into the stream, and were lost in the waters!Both might have been saved if either of them had known how to give way to another at the right time.1(小题1)How did the two goats in Scene 1 manage to get away from the rock?AOne goat turned around and we

36、nt back.BOne goat jumped over the other and walked away.CThey stood there and passed the rock carefully together.DOne goat lay down on the rock so that the other could first leave.2(小题2)Which of the following shows the right order in Scene 2?a. Their feet slipped and fell into the stream.b. They met

37、 on the bank of a rushing stream.c. A tree fell across a stream and formed a bridge.d. They pushed and fought with their horns.e. They met on the middle of the narrow bridge.Ab-c-e-a-d Bb-c-e-d-aCc-b-e-d-a Dc-e-b-d-a3(小题3)What can we learn from the passage?AMany hands make light work.BActions speak

38、louder than words.CDont put all your eggs in one basket.DBeing kind to someone is never a waste.E17、AChoose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)Caroles Cooking JournalMonday, April 6This month, we had to choose an optional activity. Should it really be called “optional” if you have to do it? Unfortunat

39、ely, I waited until the last minute to sign up. Many of the activities were already full, but I made a decision to join the Cooking Club because at least that way I would get a snack to eat.Tuesday, April 7It was the first time to be here. Like many of my ideas, joining the Cooking Club made sense a

40、t first but was turning out to be a disaster. Most people have been in the club for more than a year, so they already know what theyre doing. And since they all know each other, they werent exactly interested in a newcomer.Thursday, April 9What a terrible day! How could I know that if a recipe says

41、to beat cookie batter (糊), you couldnt do it with your fists (拳头)? I thought the other kids would never stop laughing. And it was not easy to get cookie batter off your clothes.Friday, April 10I have more funny things in Cooking Club. Now I know that chocolate mousse is a dessert and it isnt spelled

42、 m-o-o-s-e. “Mousse” and “Moose” (驼鹿) sound exactly the same. So I dont think my question about whether vegetarians(素食者) can eat chocolate mousse was really that silly.Monday, April 13One of my bright ideas worked out for a change! Everyone laughed when I handed out the chocolate “moose” cookie that

43、 I made yesterday, but this time I was laughing, too. The peanut butter antlers(鹿角) were a_Were even planning to bake more cookies for the school food festival next week.1Carole chose the Cooking Club because _.AShe liked making different kinds of food.BCooking club was the only activity she could c

44、hoose.CShe could get some food in the Cooking Club.DIt was not open to the students until the last minute.2How did Carole feel when she joined the club for the first time?AExcited.BFrightened.CPleased.DLonely.3Why did the writer beat the cookie batter with her fists?ABecause she was upset about bein

45、g in the club.BBecause she misunderstood a cooking recipe.CBecause she didnt know how to use tools.DBecause she was laughed at by other kids.4What did Carole think of mousse at beginning?AShe thought eating mousse was silly.BShe thought mousse was a kind of animal.CShe thought mousse didnt taste goo

46、d.DShe thought only vegetarians can eat mousse.5The underlined word “huge hit” is the closest in meaning to “ ”.Agreat successBsweet dessertCbig disasterDbeautiful decoration6How long has Carole been in the Cooking Club according to the journal?AAbout one week.BAbout one month.CAbout two weeks.DAbou

47、t two months.F18、How could we live without the Internet ? Thats how most of us keep in touch with friends, find homework support, research a cool place to visit, or find out the latest news. You can use it to do research for school, find out what movie is on near you, check out a college youre think

48、ing about, or find a job or volunteer opportunity. Almost anything you can think of has a website about it .Youve probably heard stories about people who get into trouble in chat rooms. Because users can easily_, you may be cheated in the chat room. Everyone in the chat room looks like wearing a mas

49、k(面具). Chat rooms often attract people who are interested in more than just chatting. They will sometimes ask visitors for information about themselves. The information might be about their families, or where they live. It shouldnt be given away.Usually, the people who request personal information l

50、ike home addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses use the information to do some illegal (违法的) things. This might harm a persons or familys well-being.Of course, the Internet is home to millions of places you can and should visit. However, remember to protect yourself while online.1The first paragraph is mainly about _of the Internet.Athe advantage Bthe safetyCThe interest Dthe trouble2Which cant the Internet do for you according to the passage?AFind out the latest news.BResearch a cool place to visit.CDo homeworkDGet information of your school


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