1、Why should we learn history The longer you look back, the further you can look forward -Winston Churchill 1944 以史为镜,可以知兴替 -唐太宗 Taking history as a mirror, one can draw lessons from raises and falls of powers - Li Shimin(First Emperor of Tang Dynasty)Why should we learn history What is History of Med
2、icine什么是医学史 History of Medicine is an interdisciplinary study leading toward an understanding of the origination and development of medicine and influencing factors; and its impact on society and human being. What is History of Medicine什么About the courseElective:32 teaching hours,2 credit pointsSche
3、dule: Lectures + discussion History of human diseases 6h Origin and history of medicine 18h Student presentation & discussion 6hTest:Essay writingAbout the courseElective:32 teReference BooksRoy Porter :The Cambridge History of Medicine Cambridge University Press 1996,2006 revisedKenneth F. Kiple: T
4、he Cambridge World History of Human Disease The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge 2003Arturo Castiglioni:A History of Medicine (English translation), New York, J.Aronson 1975 11th EditionsFrederick Cartwright & Michael Biddiss: Disease & History Sutton Publishing 2000Internet /hmd, www.
5、historylearningsite.co.uk, /wiki/History_of_medicineReference BooksRoy Porter :TheTime ScheduleTime ScheduleTime Schedule (cont.)Time Schedule (cont.)History of Human DiseaseHistory of Human DiseaseHuman Evolution智人 直立人能人南方古猿humanlike primates Australopithecine (hominid genus Australopithecus )Human
6、 Evolution智人 直立人能人南方古猿huHuman EvolutionSince the first man emerges on the Earth,the man and its disease have been bonded inseparably.Human Evolution人类疾病史 History of Human Diseases The history of mankind is the history of its diseases Folke Henschen Since the first man emerges on the Earth, mankind a
7、nd its disease have been bonded inseparably.人类疾病史 History of Human DiseasWhat is disease疾病 Disease (dis-ease) an impairment of the normal state of an organism that interrupts or modifies its vital functions.To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always -Edward Livingston Trudeau What is dis
8、ease疾病 Disease (disSmallpox 天花 天花病毒 poxviridae othopoxvirus Infectious disease caused by virus: Papule-vesicle-pustule-scar (pockmark)Smallpox 天花 Retinoblastoma视网膜母细胞瘤Inherited disease caused by Rb(13q14)gene deletion (two alleles) 9RetinoblastomaInherited diseasHistory of human disease studies:The
9、natural history of disease (emerge, develop, outbreak, attenuate, eliminate) and the intervention of human activitiesThe geographical and historical distribution of human diseasesThe impact of human society on the development of disease, and in turns the impact of disease on the development of human
10、 society and human being itselfHistory of human disease studiPrehistorical Diseases Homo erectus“Turkana boy” of Kenya1.65 M yrs3.4 M yrsOsteosarcomaHomo habilis“Lucy” ofEthiopiaYaws, Treponema pallidumPrehistorical Diseases 1.65Prehistorical DiseasesRelated to gathering and hunting (hunter-gatherer
11、s):malnutritionparasitosisinjuryPrehistorical DiseasesRelated Disease in agricultural societyZoonosis (disease transmitted from animalstohumansor from humans to non-human animals)Epidemic of infectious disease Digestive air InsectsDomestication of animalsSettle down and domestication of animals Dise
12、ase in agricultural societ65 504635 2642 人畜共患病 ZoonosisOf the 1415 pathogens known to affect humans, 61% are zoonotic65 504635 2642 人畜共患病 ZoonosisPaleopathology Ancient Egypt Mummy PyramidPaleopathology Ancient EgypPaleopathologyPharaoh Ramses V died in1157 B.C from smallpox A louse found in a mummy
13、 of 3000 B.CPaleopathologyPharaoh Ramses V 血吸虫病 Schistosomiasis Schistosoma heamatobium in Africa,Mideast S. Japonicum in China,Phillipines S.mansoni in Africa,Latin America 血吸虫病 Schistosomiasis医学史简论ABriefHistoryofMedicine课件古病理学 PaleopathologyExamining mummywith CT scanner Calcification in bladder c
14、aused by schistosomiasis古病理学 PaleopathologyExamining mPaleopathologySchistosoma eggs discovered in a body of preserved ancient ladys body (in Changsha Mawangdui of Hunan Province, 165 BC)Autopsy also discovered coronary heart disease, biliary stones and eggs of other intestinal parasites.Paleopathol
15、ogySchistosoma eggs PaleopathologySchistosoma eggs were also found in another well-preserved body (167 BC) in Jiangling of Hubei . He also suffered from cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, pleuritis, and eggs of whipworm, tape worm, and Clonorchis sinensis etc. PaleopathologySchistCongestion of populatio
16、n, war and travelling result in outbreak and epidemics of infectious diseases CrusadesSilk roadMid age ParisCongestion of population, war Black death (plague) in 14th century Outbreak of plague epidemic in Europe 1346-1353(黑死病, black death), more than 25 million people died and the population of Eur
17、ope reduced by one thirdCaffa Black death (plague) in 流感暴发 The outbreak of influenza in 1918 Starting from Camp Funston, Kansas USA in spring of 1918 then spread worldwide, during 1918-1919 1 billion people (world population 1.7 b) infected and 25-40 million died, much more than killed in the 1st Wo
18、rld War, incorrectly called “Spanish flu”(Triple Alliance, Triple Entente) 流感暴发 TModern society : globalization leads to the speed of virus transmission spread as quick as that of the modern transportation (SARS 2003, N1H1 Flu 2009)流行Epidemics outbreak of infectious disease大流行PandemicsEpidemic sprea
19、ding across a large regionModern society : globalizationDisease in modern society 现代社会疾病 Environmental changes Demographic changes Life style changesDisease profile of modern society Medical technologyPolitical, economic, cultural and technical development in society EpidemilogicaltransitionDisease
20、in modern society 现代社Influencing factors to modern diseasesDemographic:degeneration disease, chronic non-communicable diseasesEcological and environmental:pollution and occupational diseasesDietary and life style:smoking, obesity, accident Stress and social pressure:depression and suicideProgress of
21、 medical technology: iatrogenic disease, brain death, vegetative stateInfluencing factors to modern Life Expectancy at BirthLife Expectancy at BirthAgeing of populationChina: Life expectancyNational 71.44 (2000) Zhejiang 77.29 (2010)Hangzhou 80.26 (2010,M77.98, F82.76)Ageing of populationChina: Li社会
22、老龄化的影响 Ageing of population World Life ExpectancyUS Life Expectancy1990-2050Life expectancyis the expected (in the statistical sense) number of years of life remaining at a given age.社会老龄化的影响 Ageing of populatiAgeing of populationLeading causes of death in US: comparison of 1990 and 1997Ageing of po
23、pulationLeading caInjury (9.1%)non-communicable disease (59.0%)World causes of death in 2000Communicable diseases, Malnutrition (31.9%)Total death: 55,694,000资料来源: 2001年世界卫生报告Injury (9.1%)non-communicable 医学史简论ABriefHistoryofMedicine课件Causes of death in different WHO regions: 2000AfricaMid-EastEuroS
24、E-AsiaW-PacAmerica255075%Communicable, malnutrition, perinatalNon-communicableInjury资料来源: 2001年世界卫生报告Causes of death in different WDeaths, by broad group, 2000World ChinaNoncommunicableconditions (33 million)Noncommunicableconditions (7 million)Injuries (1 million)Injuries (5 million)Communicable di
25、seases(1 million)Communicable diseases(18 million)Deaths, by broad group, 2000Ecological damageGlobal warming生态破坏-全球变暖Energy Consumption CO2 Emission Greenhouse effectGlobal WarmingEcological DamageDisease EpidemicsVector-borne infections Weather = Current state of the atmosphereClimate = average we
26、ather conditions* 10 yearsEcological damageGlobal warmiThe greenhouse effectGreenhouse gases:CO2 carbon dioxideCH4 methaneO3 ozoneN2O nitrous oxideH2OIncoming wavelength absorption 0.7 30 umThe greenhouse effectGreenhous医学史简论ABriefHistoryofMedicine课件Impact of climate changes on health40 year trend i
27、n dengue and temperature, SingaporeImpact of climate changes on hEcological damage-ozonosphere hole Ozonosphere absorb ultraviolet lights 40Life style related diseaseobeObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1985(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14%Obesity Trends* Among
28、 U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1986(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1987(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Tre
29、nds* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1988(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1989(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. Adul
30、tsBRFSS, 1990(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1991(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 199
31、2(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1993(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1994(*B
32、MI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1995(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1996(*BMI 3
33、0, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1997(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1998(*BMI 30
34、, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1999(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2000(*BMI
35、30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2001(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adu(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4”
36、person)Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2002No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2003(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. A
37、dultsBRFSS, 2004(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2005(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person) No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%29% 30% Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObe
38、sity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2006(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person) No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%29% 30% Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2007(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person) No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%29% 30%
39、 Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2008(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person) No Data 10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%29% 30% Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2009(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person) No Data 1
40、0% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%29% 30% Obesity Trends* Among U.S. AduObesity Trends* Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2010(*BMI 30, or 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4” person)Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adu医学史简论ABriefHistoryofMedicine课件 Obesity- Heavy burden for the society Obesity- Heavy burdenObesity: risk factor fo
41、r various disordersObesity: risk factor for vario肥胖与代谢综合症肥胖与代谢综合症Surgical treatment of obesitySurgical treatment of obesityLife style related diseaseaccident25million people died from traffic accidents since Karl Benz invented the first car in 1885About 500,000 people die from road accident every ye
42、ar in the worldDeath from road accident ranks 7 in China, 10 for the world, but it may become the 4th by 2030Life style related diseaseaccLife style related diseaseaccidentAccident is the number one cause of death for children under 14 in China accounting for 26.1% of all death.It is estimated 40mil
43、lion children suffer from accident and 3.35 m hospitalized 0.4m disabledFive leading causes: drowning, traffic accident, poisoning, falling and suffocationLife style related diseaseaccStress from modern society - depression现代社会的压力抑郁症WHO estimates: there are 120-200m people suffer from depression in
44、the world, it would become the second leading cause of death or disability by 2020The prevalence rate of depression is 6.1%9.5% for life time,about 13%20% has one or more depressive episodes or experiences in ones life timeStress from modern society - dStress from modern society - depressionDepressi
45、on is amental disordercharacterized by a pervasivelow mood, lowself-esteem, andloss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities, sadness, unhappy thoughts, apathy, and dejection. Up to 60% of all people who commit suicide have depression or another mood disorder. Stress from modern soci
46、ety - dStress from modern society - depressionSuicide rate in severe depression reaches 15, writers or poets are a high-risk population for suiciceErnest Hemingway l8991961Kawabata Yasunari Gu ChengSanmaoIris ChangXu ChiMikhail Sholokhov) FajeyevStress from modern society - dStress from modern socie
47、ty - depressionHigh risk population-entertainment circle陈百强 李恩珠 倪敏然陈宝莲 张国荣Stress from modern society - dDevelopment of medical technology iatrogenic disease 医源性疾病 Tetracycline teeth (enamel) Deaf by toxicated by aminoglycoside antibiotic (streptomicine, neomycine Kanamycine, gentamycine, Kasugamyxin
48、e) account for 50% of acquired deaf 聋Dance “Thousand-hand Goddess of MercyDevelopment of medical technolDevelopment of medical technology iatrogenic disease 医源性疾病Thalisomide, a sedative produced by ChemieGruenenthal, Germany in 1957 for sick of pregnant women.Up to 1959 more than 1m took the drug, i
49、n 1960 phocomelia (birth defect) increased which was related to the drug use during the pregnancy of the motherThe drug was banned in Nov 1961 but already 10000-12000 malformed infants born, 4000 died before 1y.phocomelia(海豹肢 Seals limb)Development of medical technolDescriptive studyDescriptive stud
50、yEco-epidemiological studyNumber of phocomelia casesDrug soldEco-epidemiological studyNumbeCase-control study2=69.40, P0.001, OR=93.5Case-control study2=69.40, P Cohort studyRR=175, AR=41.76% Cohort studyRR=175, AR=41.Animal experiments and interventionThalidomide induced limb defects in Rhesus monkeyThalidomide was banned in market in1961.Limb defect have become rare again since 1962Animal experiments and interveLessons to be learntAft
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