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1、.常见医学单词:BSLBloodSugarLevelanti-coagulationCHFCongestiveHeartFailureconstriction 收 缩RBC Red Blood Cell dilate / dilation舒 张WBCWhiteBloodCell negative阴 性Platelet 血小板positive阳 性Plasma/serum 血浆myocardium心 肌Consciousness意coronary artery 冠状动脉Hypoxia 缺 氧ventricle 心 室Osmotic pressure 渗透压atrium 心 房Colloid Os

2、motic pressure 胶体渗透压blood supply 血 供Spinal column 脊 柱BTbleedingtime 血时间Acidosis 酸中毒 Alkalosis 碱中毒CT clotting time 凝血时间Pulmonaryedema 肺水肿water-soluble 水溶性nervefat-soluble 脂溶性Oxygen 氧 气pulmonary arterial / vein 肺动/静脉Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳elastic 有弹性的Stomach 胃tissue 组 织Gastric contents 胃内容物aorta 主动脉Risk f

3、actor 危险因素exchangeskinlung 肺Dizziness 头 晕kidney 肾Nausea 恶心cardiacoutput 心输量Vomitperipheralresistancesystolic blood pressure 收缩压Enema 灌 肠diastolic blood pressure 舒张压Electrolyte 电解质normal range 正常范围Fluid and electrolyte imbalance 水电解质紊乱capillary 毛细血管BUN blood urea nitrogen 血尿素氮circulatory system 循环系统B

4、loodgas 血 气release 蛋白质blood volume 血容量Albumin 白蛋白bradycardia 心动过缓Glucose 葡萄糖tachycardia 心动过速Hemoglobin 血红蛋白valve 瓣 膜Sternum 胸骨forearm 前 臂Rib 肋 骨breast 胸部,乳房Liver 肝armpit 腋 窝Spleen 脾groin 腹股沟Pancreas 胰 腺prevent 预 防Iron 鉄bloodstream 血 流Calcium 钙fiber 纤 维Magnesium 镁acute 急性的Sodium 钠diarrhea 腹泻Potassium

5、 钾Antibody-antigen complex 抗原抗体复合物Bone marrow 骨 髓myocardial infarction Transplant 移 植low-grade fever 低 热Blurred vision 视力模糊chill 寒 战Spontaneous 自主的urticaria 风 疹Dysrhythmia 心律不齐inhibitor 抑制剂GI irritation 胃肠刺激inflammation 炎 症Intake and output入 量angioplasty 血管扩张术Hypokalemia 低血钾normal saline 生理盐水Hyperka

6、lemia 高血钾circulatory overload 循环负担过重Hypotension 低血压shortness of breath 气短Hypertension 高血压restless 烦躁不安Antihypertensive 抗高血压药rapid and thready pulse 脉搏细速Headache 头 痛orthopnea 端坐呼吸Urinaryretention 尿储留pallor/ cyanosisAngina pectoris 心 绞 痛 chest pain centralvenouspressure 舌下的Fowlers position 端座卧位Oral 口服

7、的Semi- Fowlers position 半座卧位Topical 局部的dyspnea 呼吸困难Calcium channel blocker 钙离子通道阻滞剂diuretics 利尿剂Mucosa 粘 膜impaired 受损的Orthostatic hypotension 体位性低血压pink and frothy sputum 粉红色泡沫样痰Hypoglycemia 低血糖yellow sputum 黄 痰Hyperglycemia 高血糖blood-streaked sputum 血丝痰Hypovolemia 低血容量mucoid sputum 黏液痰Hypervolemia 高

8、血容量breathing pattern 呼吸模式Preload and afterload (心脏的)前后负荷sterile 无菌的Dehydration 脱水container 容 器Uric acid 尿 酸cool clammy skin 皮肤湿冷Sign 体 征preventive 预防性的Symptom 症 状bronchitis 支气管炎Symptom free/ asymptomatic 无症状pneumonia 肺 炎Monitor 监 测concentrationchest 桶状胸Skinrash 皮 疹distended neck vein 颈静脉怒张Heparin 肝

9、素external irritant 外界刺激物Warfarin 华法林endocrinesystem 内分泌系统Hemorrhage 大血insulin 胰岛素Therapy 疗 法absorption 吸 收Alcohol 酒 精reabsorption 再吸收Anemia 贫 血shock 休 克Folic acid 叶酸trauma 外 伤Allergic reaction 过敏反应complication 并发症Bile 胆 汁compensatory 代偿的Bile acid 胆汁酸Cholesterol 胆固醇Obesity 肥胖症Stuffy nose 鼻 塞collectsp

10、utumandbloodspecimenforcultureandsensitivitytests本做细菌培养和药敏COPDchronicobstructivepulmonarydiseaseDiabetes Mellitus 糖尿病GestationaldiabetesKetoacidosis 酮症酸中毒Insulinresistant 碳水化合物Mechanism 机制,机理IDDM(Type1)insulin-dependantdiabetesmellitue 胰岛素依赖性糖尿病NIDDM(Type2)non-insulin-dependantdiabetesmellitue非胰岛素依赖

11、性糖病Glucose Tolerance Test 糖耐量试验Oral anti-diabetic medications 口服降糖药PVD peripheral vascular disease 外周血管病Arterioatherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化CAD coronary artery disease 冠心病CVD cerebral vascular disease 脑血管病Polyuria 多 尿Ulcer 溃 疡Gangrene 坏疽Fatigue 疲 乏Blurred vision 视力模糊Fasting blood sugar 空腹血糖2-hour post-pran

12、dial glucose 餐后两小时血糖Hemoglobin 血红蛋白Metabolic acidosis 代谢性酸中毒Respiratory acidosis 呼吸性酸中毒Ketonuria 酮 尿Sweet breath odor 烂苹果味呼吸Mental confusion 精神错乱Slurred speech 说话含糊不清Wound healing 伤口愈合Renal function 肾功能Renalfailure 肾 衰Uremia 尿毒症CreatinineUrea 尿 素Internal 内部的External 外部的Itching 痒BUN blood urea nitrog

13、en 血尿素氮Carbon dioxide combining power 二氧化碳结合力Urine gravity 尿比重Bleeding tendency 血倾向Injury 外 伤Patency 开放,通畅Bed sore 褥 疮Skin care 皮肤护理Paraplegia 截 瘫Pacemaker 起搏器Elevate 抬 高Pitting edema 凹陷型水肿Sodium-restricted diet 限钠饮食Interstitial space 组织间隙Extremity 四肢,肢端Deficiency 缺乏,不足Bloodtransfusion 输血GIirritatio

14、n 胃肠刺激Pleural space 胸膜腔Fluctuate 波 动Kink 弯曲,折住Water-seal chamber 水封瓶Subcutaneous emphysema 皮下气肿Airtight 密封的Sharppain 锐 痛Dull painpain 灼痛Radiating pain 放射痛各科室名称:medical departmentdepartment of internal medicine: 内科surgical department; department ofsurgery: 外 科department of obstetrics and gynecology :

15、 妇产科ophtalmology departmentdental department: 牙 科ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科urology department: 泌尿科dermatology department; skin department: 皮肤科orthopedic surgery department: 矫形外科traumatology department: 创伤外科plastic surgery: 整形外科anesthesiologydepartmentdepartment: 病理科cardiology department: 心

16、脏病科psychiatry department: 精神病科orthopedics departmentdepartment of cardiac surgery: 心脏外科department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科neurology department: 神经科neurosurgery department: 神经外科thoracic surgery department: 脑外科department of traditional Chinese medicine: 中医科registration office: 挂号处out-patient departmen

17、t: 门诊部in-patient department: 住院部nursing department: 护理部consulting room: 诊 室waiting room: 候诊室emergency room: 急诊室admitting office: 住院处operation room: 手术室X-ray department: 放射科blood bank: 血 库dispensary; pharmacy: 药 房ward: 病 房laboratory: 化验室牤Department of Nephrology 肾内科Department of Chemotherapy 化疗科Depar

18、tment of Radiotherapy 放疗科Department of Endocrinology 内分泌科Respiratory medicine 呼吸科Rheumatology 风湿科Hematology 血液科Geriatrics 老年科Neurology 神经科Oncology 肿瘤科Thoracicsurgery 泌尿外科Neurosurgery 神经外科Vascularsurgery 肠胃外科Hepatobiliarysurgery 肝胆外科Generalsurgery 普外科Orthopedics 骨 科Cardiovascular surgery 心外科Burns sur

19、gery 烧伤科Hand surgery 手外科Plasticsurgerysurgery 儿外科Obstetrics and gynecology 妇产科Stomatology 口腔科Ophthalmology 眼 科Infectious disease 感染科Dermatology 皮肤科Otorhinolaryngology(ENT) 耳鼻喉科Nuclear medicine 核医学科Psychiatry 精神科Medical rehabilitation 康复科Anesthesiology 麻醉科Radiology 放射科Ultrasonography 超声科Pain manageme

20、nt 疼痛科Pharmacology 药理科InternalMedicine 内 科常见护理英语 80 句常见护理英语 80 句一Receiving the patient(接待病人)How do you do? / Good morning! (初次见面时使用What can I do for you? /Can I help you? 您需要我帮助吗?Ill bring you to your bedside, please follow me. This is your bed. The toilet is over there. 卫生间在那边5.We supply hot water.

21、 我们供应热水Please wait a moment. let your doctor know. / inform your doctor. Mary is the nurse /doctor in charge of 医生Please let us know if you need any help. 您需要帮助时,请告诉我们.Smoking is not allowed here.这里不允许吸烟二.information collection (收集信息)Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? 您介意我问您几个问题吗?We need some

22、 information from youIs your tummy still sore? 您的肚子还疼吗?Does your pain come on after or before meals? 您的疼痛是在饭前还是饭后发作?Does it hurt to pass urine? /when I press here? 排尿时痛吗? 当我按压这儿时痛吗?Does your back ache? 您的后背痛吗? 16.Do your feet swell?您的脚肿了吗?Do you have a cough/fever? 您咳嗽吗? 您有发热吗?Do you bring up any sp

23、utum? 您咳痰吗?Is there any radiation of the pain? (to the (到肩部的)痛吗?How long have you had the pain? 您的痛有多长时间了?When did the pain start? /where is your pain? 疼痛从什么时候开始的什么地方疼痛?Are your periods regular? 您的月经规则吗?三Physical examination(查体)Will you please undress for medical examination? 请您脱下衣服做体检好吗?Take off yo

24、ur clothes, please. 请把衣服脱下来Lie down on the couch, please. /Just lie still on the couch and relax. / 请安静地躺在治疗床上,放松.Bend your knees, please. 请屈膝.Open your mouth and sayah 张开口, 说: 啊Beathe deeply, please./take a deep breath, I examine your tummy, please up your sleeves, please. 请卷起袖子.四Communication. (交流

25、)31.I am going to take your temperature./Please put the thermometer under your armpit. 我要测一下您的体温/请把体温计放在您的腋下.Let me feel your Ill test/take your blood pressure. 我要测量您的血压.Im afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood for blood sugar level. Ill take some blood from your arm now. 现在我要从

26、您的胳膊抽血.Dont take any thing by mouth after midnight until the blood is drawn tomorrow morning.半夜之后不要吃喝任何东西,明天早上抽血.Please bring a specimen of your urine/stool/sputum./ please collect your mid-stream specimen of urine.请留一份尿/便/痰的标本/请收集您的中段尿.Please have your blood and urine tests done. 请做一下您的血和尿试验.You ar

27、e going to have a CT-scan of your chest/head today. CT.You are going to have a chest X-ray this morning. 今天早上您要拍一个胸片.You are going to have a B-mode ultrasonic exam. Please keep your bladder full. 您要做BYou are going to have an gastric endoscopy tomorrow morning. Please dont eat or drinkanything after

28、12 o clock tonight. 明天上午您要做胃镜检查,今晚12 点之后,请不要吃喝任何东西。You are going to have urine catheterization now. 现在您需要导尿.Im going to do an ECG for you. 我要给您做心电图.Im going to put a gastrictube into your stomach, this isfor gastrointestinal decompression.我要放胃管到您的胃内,这是胃肠减压.We can feed you the necessary nutrients thr

29、ough the tube. Please swallow the tube as I put it down.我们通过胃管给您必要的营养.当我放管时,请做吞咽动作.Im going to make your bed. / well change the bed linen at once/我Ill apply a cold(hot) compress to your /热敷An operation will be done tomorrow/ an emergency operation must be done now.Will you please sign to give your p

30、ermission for your operation?/急诊手术. 同意手术请您签字好吗?Im going to shave your skin. / I going to do skin preparation for you.皮/我要给您做皮肤准备。Youre going to have a local/general/epidural anesthesia. 要给您做局麻/硬膜外麻醉.Are you allergic to any medication?/ going to do a skin test of penicillin for you./ If you feel itch

31、y or short of breath, pleaselet me know at once. Ill see the result in fifteen minutes. /Im going to do a tetanus hypersensitive test for you. 我要给您做青霉素皮试. 如果您感到痒或气短,请立刻告诉我./我十五分钟后看结果./我要给您做破伤风皮试.Im going to give you an intramuscular injection./intravenous infusion/hypodermic injection. 我要给您做肌肉/静脉/皮内

32、注射Im going to give you an enema to help you pass .我要给您灌肠, 帮助您排便The doctor will change your dressing. /The doctor will remove your stitches . 药/Im going to give you oxygen now. 我要给您吸氧57.Im going to give you 58. Im going to do bladder irrigation for you.我要给您做膀胱冲洗59.You have to rest in bed for at least

33、 one week 您至少要卧床休息一周.How are you today? How was your sleep last night? How is your appetite? 您今天怎么样?您昨晚睡得怎么样?您的食欲怎么样?生要给您换Did you pass motion yesterday? /Are your bowel movements normal? 昨 天 您 排 便 了吗?/您的大便正常吗?What color of your urine? 您的尿液什么颜色?How much urine do you pass each time? 您每次排尿多少? 64.You wi

34、ll have skin/cervical 颈部牵引Take more exercises. /Do some light work, have a happy outlook, avoid excitement and too much worry. Be careful not to stumble. 多做锻炼做一些轻体力活动,保持良好的心态, 避免兴奋和过度忧虑,小心不要摔倒You are going to have a blood results are normal.结果正常68.You are suffering from /Your disease was diagnosed a

35、s 您的病诊断为 69.You have to stop smoking and alcohol.您必须戒烟、戒酒五about medication and nutrition(关于药物和营养)70.Take two tablets three times a day after/before food.饭前/饭后服,每日三次,每次两粒. 71.Take the medicine with a lot of water.服用此药,要多饮水.Ill give you an injection twice a This medicine is used for preventing infecti

36、on/treating infection/relieving your pain/protecting your stomach/supplying nutrients/ bringing down your temperature/ intracranial pressure/stopping bleeding/这种药是为了预防感染/治疗感染/减轻疼痛/保护您的胃/提供营养/降低体温/降低颅内压/ 停止出血You should have a low fat/ low salt/ light diet/high caloric diet/high protein/soft diet/liqu

37、id food./高热量/流食的食物 75.Please take some more nourishing 1 What can do for you?你有什么事? 2May I help you?我能帮你什么忙?Please take a seat! please sit Wait a moment, Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起让你久等了 6It is not serious病情不严重7Dont worry There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。8You need a thorough examination

38、你需要做一个全面检查You will have to stay in hospital for several We think that you had better be hospitalized 我们认为你最好住进医院来。You should stay in bed for a few days. 你需要卧床几天You can keep on You can carry on with your work. 可以继续工作。You should be very careful for a week or two 这一两周内,你需要很注意。Try to relax and keep calm尽量放松保持镇静。Youll soon be all 1m sure this medicine will help you a great Feeling well again is a rather slow afraid. 恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程You will have to wait for twenty 20C


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