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1、Unit 7Activities for Promoting Childrens Emotional Development促进儿童情感发展的活动 Unit 7Activities for PromotiPractice for Childrens English Teaching SkillsPractice for Childrens Englis1、Read the language for classroom management.(1)午睡的时间到了。Its time for bed. / Time to take a nap.(2)脱衣服。Take your clothes off

2、.(3)衣服叠叠好。Fold your clothes nicely.1、Read the language for classr(4)钻被窝。Get under the cover. / Tucked in.(5)闭上眼睛。Close your eyes.(6)不要蒙住脸。Dont cover your face.(7)轻轻的。Be quiet, please.(8)起床了。Get up. / Time to get up.(4)钻被窝。Get under the cover. / (9)穿衣服。Put on your clothes.(10)理床。Make the bed.(11)扣好纽扣

3、。Do up the buttons.(12)动作快!Hurry! / Buck up!(13)梳头。Comb / Brush your hair. 2、Play the following gameThe GrandfatherNumber Game(爷爷数字游戏) Let children sit in a circle and teacher will give all of them a number card. One child will be the Grandfather and says, “When the grandpa died, he left twenty cups

4、 of rice.”The one who has number 20, should stand up and answer, “Why 20?”The child of Grandfather will ask, “So, how many?” This child with number 20 can give any number he/she likes. The one has the number should stand up and continue to ask.2、Play the following gameThe For example:A: When the gra

5、ndpa died, he left twenty cups of rice. (the child who has number 20 answers)B: Why 20?A: So, how many?B: What about 2? (the child who has number 2 says)C: Why 2?B: So how many?C: What about 3?(and so on.)For example:3、Read the following story.When the Bluebird Sings(当蓝鸟唱歌时)I wake up in the morning

6、when the bluebird sings. “Good morning,”I say to the big gray squirrel.I brush my teeth. I get dressed. I eat my breakfast. I go out to play. I fly my airplane and play ball.Soon its time for lunch! What a big sandwich!3、Read the following story.WhGrandpa takes me to the store in the afternoon. I pa

7、y the cashier all by myself. Grandpa reads me a story, while the red bird listens in the afternoon.Before I know it, its time for dinner, a bath, and time to brush my teeth again!I get into bed and fall asleep until morning, when the bluebird sings.Grandpa takes me to the store 4、Read the following

8、rhymes.The Man in the Moon(月亮里的人)The man in the moon,Looking out of the moon and says,Now Im getting up, All babies go to bed.4、Read the following rhymes.TRound the Clock(二十四小时)Round the clock the hours go,Sometimes fast and sometimes slow.Tell me what the two hands say,They will tell the time of da

9、y.Eight oclock, its time for bed.Come with me you sleepy head.Round the Clock(二十四小时)Wee Willie Winkie(威卫利 云克)Wee Willie WinkieRuns through the town.Upstairs and downstairs,In his night gownRapping at the window,Crying through the lock.“Are the children in their beds?Now its eight oclock.”Wee Willie

10、Winkie(威卫利 云克)WeA Brand New Day(新的一天)Its time to say good-dye and youll be on your way.Youll come again, Ill see you soon.Tomorrow is a brand new day!A Brand New Day(新的一天)Its tim5、Read the following chantGo to the Town(进城去) Sunday, Sunday, lets have fun.Monday, Tuesday, run, run, run.Wednesday, Thur

11、sday, up and down.Friday, Saturday, go to the town.5、Read the following chantGo t6、Sing the following songs.Tick, Tock(嘀答嘀答)What Day Is Today?(今天星期几?)6、Sing the following songs.Tic幼师英语Unit-7-促进儿童情感发展的活动课件criticaladj.决定性的, 关键性的; 批判的achievevt.完成, 达到adjustvt.调整, 调节separationn.分离, 分开criticalReligionn.宗教

12、, 信仰resolvev.决心, 决定, 解决conflictn.斗争, 冲突nurturevt.养育, 教养sensitiveadj.敏感的, 灵敏的outcomen.结果, 成果conceptn.观念, 概念enhancevt.提高, 增强ReligionsensitiveCommunicate v.沟通, 交流 routine n. 常规, 日常事务tend vi.趋向, 往往是 relieve vt.减轻, 解除tension n.紧张, 不安situationn.情形, 境遇varietyn.多样性, 种种 Communicate v.沟通, 交流varietyn.多样性, 种种 s

13、electvt.选择, 挑选stretchv.伸展, 伸长alternativen.可供选择的办法、事物anxiousadj.担忧的;急切的messyadj.凌乱的, 麻烦的empathy n.同理心, 移情作用,同感integratevt.使完整,使完善,使一体化 varietyn.多样性, 种种 幼师英语Unit-7-促进儿童情感发展的活动课件Activities for Promoting Childrens Emotional Development Early childhood is a critical time for children to achieve a growing

14、 sense of self and an appreciation for others in their surroundings. Affective and aesthetic experiences help children to adjust to separation from home, gain self-confidence, and achieve competence. Teachers respect and value children; in turn they feel proud of themselves. Activities for Promoting

15、 Child Children begin to appreciate different religions and cultures. Teachers support opportunities for children to make choices and to resolve conflicts. Teachers encourage emotional development with nurturing and sensitive behaviors and experiences. When you respond to the children as individuals

16、, as members of families, and as a group interacting with your early childhood setting, the possible outcomes will lead to children acquiring emotional development skills. Children begin to appr Children who feel valued and capable begin to develop significant concepts of themselves. Opportunities i

17、n school settings further enhance positive self-concepts within the environments that encourage children to explore and communicate. When children know what to expect, they respond more effectively both to routine and to changes Children who feel valued a Specific activities, such as water play and

18、finger painting, tend to relieve tension and build skills that help children to handle new situations. A variety of activities allow children to select experiences when they are ready. For example, stretching exercises not only contribute to the development of self-esteem but also offer an alternati

19、ve for children who feel anxious about “messy activities”. Specific activities, su You will enhance childrens self-esteem by modeling behaviors to encourage empathy and problem-solving skills. Experiences that come from the childrens interests and needs integrate learning. You will enhance children1

20、. Early childhood is a critical time for children to achieve a growing sense of self and an appreciation for others in their surroundings. 幼儿时期是儿童获得不断增长的自我意识感和对周围人欣赏的关键时刻。critical adj. 决定性的, 关键性的; 批评的, 批判的e.g. We are at a critical time in history. 我们正处在历史的关键时刻。 We must inherit in a critical way. 我们要

21、以批判的方式继承。1. Early childhood is a critic2. help children to adjust to separation from home, 帮助儿童调整离家的心情。 adjust to v. 调整, 调节 e.g. My eyes havent adjusted to the dark yet. 我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。Animals adjust themselves to their environment. 动物能调节自身去适应生活的环境。2. help children to adjust t幼师英语Unit-7-促进儿童情感发展的活动课件Te

22、achers support opportunities for children to make choices and to resolve conflicts. 教师支持着儿童做选择和解决冲突的机会。45. interacting with your early childhood setting. 与你的幼儿教育环境进行互动。5Teachers support opportunities6. the possible outcomes will lead to children acquiring emotional development skills. 可能的结果会导致儿童获得情感

23、发展的技能。 lead to v. 导致, 引起; (道路)通向, 通往e.g. Heart failure led to her fathers death. 心力衰竭导致她父亲的死亡。The street leads to the supermarket. 这条街通向超级市场。6. the possible outcomes will7. Children who feel valued and capable begin to develop significant concepts of themselves. 感觉被重视和有能力的儿童开始发展重要的自我观念8. Opportuniti

24、es in school settings further enhance positive self-concepts within the environments that encourage children to explore and communicate.在鼓励探索和交流的环境中,学校里的机会进一步增强了积极的自我观念。 7. Children who feel valued an9. tend to relieve tension and build skills that help children to handle new situations. 易于减轻紧张情绪,建立

25、帮助儿童处理新环境的技能。 (1)tend to do sth. v. 易于做某事, 倾向去做某事 e.g. Old people tend to get fat. 老年人容易发胖。 I tend to prefer have a holiday at seaside. 我往往更喜欢在海滨度假。 9. tend to relieve tension an(2) tend to / towards sth. v. 倾向于,有助于 e.g. He tends towards my opinion on this matter. 在这件事上他倾向于我的意见。 This policy tends to

26、 the improvement of economic results. 这一政策有助于提高经济效益。(2) tend to / towards sth. 10. a variety of 种种;各种各样的10. a variety of 种种;各种各样的11. stretching exercises not only contribute to the development of self-esteem but also offer an alternative for children who feel anxious about “messy activities”. 伸展运动不仅

27、有助于自尊的发展,而且为对“复杂活动”感到担忧的儿童提供了一种选择。 be anxious about 为而忧虑 e.g. There is no need to be anxious about his health. 没有必要担心他的健康。 Tom seems to be anxious about the test coming up. Tom似乎对即将到来的考试感到担忧。11. stretching exercises not 12. by modeling behaviors to encourage empathy and problem-solving skills. 用示范行为

28、鼓励移情和解决问题的技能。 12. by modeling behaviorsHow anAllowanceHelps Children Learn About Money Many children first learn the value of money by receiving anallowance.The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not verycostly.How anAllowanceHelps Childr The amoun

29、t of money that parents give to their children to spenddiffers from family to family. Timing is anotherconsideration. Some children get aweeklyallowance. Others get a monthlyallowance. In any case, parents shouldmake clearwhat the child is expected to pay for with the money. At first, young children

30、 may spend all of theirallowancesoon after they receive it. The amount of money that p If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within abudget. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the nextallowance. Theobjectis to show young people that abudgetde

31、mands choices between spending and saving. Older children may be responsible enough to save money for larger costs, like clothing or electronics. If they do this, they wil Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home.

32、These jobs are anormalpart of family life. Paying children to do extra work around the house, however, can be useful. It can even provide an understandingof how a business works. Allowances give children a chance to experience the things they can do with money. Many people who haThey can share it in

33、 the form of gifts or giving to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want. Or they can save and maybe even invest it. Saving helps childrenunderstandthatcostlygoals requiresacrifice: you have to cut costs and plan for the future.They can share it in the form Requiring children to save part of theirallowancecan also open the door to future saving and investing. Many banks offer services to help children and teenagers learn about personal finance. A savings account is an excellent way to learn about the power ofcompoundinterest. Requiring children to save Compoun


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