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1、 Unit AimsPassagesDialogues Unit AimsPassagesDialoguesUnit Aims全国英语等级考试第一级教程Unit2课件-课件Unit Aims)内容重点 (Language Focus))技能要求 (Skills)Unit Aims内容重点(Language Focus) 1.交际重点(Communicative Focus) 在与外国人的交流中能够比较流利地用英语介绍家和家庭情况,并且就一般话题与外国人进行交谈;告诉外国朋友自己的住房、家具、花园、家庭、家乡等;通过阅读,理解并学会表达以上信息。内容重点(Language Focus)2. 重点

2、训练词组 (Focal Expressions) do housework take care of on ones way must be get on well with try on have sth. done keep in touch with take interest in not any longer neithernor used to get married mean doing sth. 2. 重点训练词组 (Focal Expressions)3. 重点句型和习惯表达法(Focal Functions and Patterns) Where do you live?

3、Which floor is it on? What do you do? What kind of family do you have? Whats the matter? 3. 重点句型和习惯表达法 1.听力:听懂有关个人情况的简短文章和对话。 2.阅读:读懂有关人物介绍的文章,并回答问题。 3.写作: 改写句子:掌握有关句型和表达方式,利用所学语 法结构和句型改写句子。 书面表达:简要介绍个人情况,包括姓名、年龄、 职业、爱好和个人理想等。 4.口语:熟读对话与课文,背诵对话语句,并就课文 内容进行对话问答。技能要求(Skills)技能要求(Skills)Dialogue 1 Dial

4、ogue 2 Dialogue 3 Dialogue 4 Dialogue 1 Alice is describing her house to Jack.J: Where do you live, Alice?A: Well, my house is on the Maple Street.J: Maple Street? Its very quiet there, isnt it?A: Thats true. There are not so many cars.J: Which floor is it on?A: The third floor.Dialogue 1Alice is de

5、scribing her house J: Sounds nice. Does it face south?A: Well, the bedroom faces south, and the living room north. And theres a garden.J: Great. Do you often go to the garden?A: Yes. I take a walk there after supper every day.J: Is the living room large?A: Yes, its quite big. And there is a small ki

6、tchen and a bathroom. I even have a study there.J: Really? Thats wonderful.J: Sounds nice. Does it faceWhere is Alices house?2. Which room faces south?Its on the Maple Street.The bedroom faces south.CLOSEWhere is Alices house?Its on n. 声音 (指自然界一切声音); We heard a strange sound. Sound travels slower th

7、an the light.2. V. 听起来,似乎(后加形容词或介词短语); It sounds beautiful. It sounds like thunder. Your idea sounds reasonable.Sound 的用法CLOSE n. 声音 (指自然界一切声音); Sound 的用法CLPaul is discussing about doing houseworkwith Jane.J:Do you mean you take care of the baby?P: Thats right. I take care of Tom during the day.J: A

8、nd your wife goes out to work?P: Yes, Mary is the manager of a factory.J: And what do you do?P: Im a nurse. I work at No.1 Hospital.Dialogue 21Paul is discussing about doingJ: Oh. Tell me how you share the housework.P: Well, we had an agreement about housework in the morning, Mary does the breakfast

9、. Then she takes our son to school on her way to work. J: And you look after Tom?P: Yes. I feed Tom and then do the dishes.J: Who cooks dinner?P: I cook dinner every night. I enjoy cooking.J: Oh. Tell me how you share What does Mary do?2. Who does breakfast?Manager of a factory.Mary.CLOSE What does

10、Mary do?Manager of do 有关的短语 do some cleaning do sb. a favor do exercise do ones best do some shoppingDo housework 做家务CLOSE do 有关的短语Do housework 做家务CLO v. 意思是 What does this word mean? v. 打算 I mean to call on you tomorrow. v. 导致 Spending too much now will mean a shortage ofcash next year. v. 意味Becomi

11、ng a millionaire didnt mean an end to his money worries. Mean 的用法return v. 意思是Mean 的用法returnTake care of 照顾,照看 Take care of = look after/take charge of 照顾、照看= be careful of 留心、当心= be responsible for 负责The nurse takes good care of the baby She never takes care of her wording Will you take care of buy

12、ing the wine for tonights party? Take care of 照顾,照看 Take careWhat do you do? 你做什么的? What do you do? 一般提问职业。 (你的职业是什么?)= What do you do for living ?= May I know you occupation?= May I know your job ? 回答通常用:Im a student.Im a teacher.Im out of job right now. (我现在失业了,没工作)What do you do? 你做什么的? What dOn

13、ones way On 有关的短语:find ones way 达到目的find a way out 找出方法,找到出路make ones way 艰难前行lose ones way 迷路On the way 在路上In ones way 挡住某人去路In a way 在某种程度上By the way 顺便说一下By the way of 通过,经由On ones way On 有关的短语:enjoy 的用法 enjoy + sth. 享受 I enjoy my job. enjoy oneself = have a good time Did you enjoy yourself at pa

14、rty? enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 He enjoys swimming.enjoy 的用法 enjoy + sth. 享受Alice is talking about her family with Sammi.A: You come from a large family, Sammi, dont you?S: Yes, I have a sister and two brothers.A: Thats four children! It must be difficult to take care of everyone!S: I guess so. But we g

15、et along really well. What about you? What kind of family do you have?A: I have a sister. She is five years younger than I am.S: I guess it was nice to grow up with a baby sister.Dialogue 3Alice is talking about her fam How many children are there in Sammis family?4.CLOSE How many children are there

16、 i must 表示“必须” ,其否定形式为neednt; mustnt 表示 “不能” - Must I finish the work tonight? - Yes, you must. / No, you neednt. must 表猜测, “一定是” Janes light is on. She must be at home. must + have + V过去分词,表示对过去的猜测 They must have finished their homework.must be 一定是CLOSE must 表示“必须” ,其否定形式为neednt; get along well wit

17、h sb 与某人相处愉快、融洽 = get on well with sb. He cant get along with his classmates. get on with wth. 继续做某事 = go on with sth. Be quiet and get on with your homework.get along well with CLOSE get along well with sb 与某人Even is talking with his wife Julia in the living room.E: Whats the matter? You have tried

18、 on several dresses.J: My dear, I have been invited to a party tomorrow, but I have no idea what I should wear.E: I think, you should wear the light red dress I bought from Hong Kong. Your hair and shoes match nicely with that dress.J: But I cant wear that dress. You know.E: Why not?J: I have it was

19、hed and it wont be ready at that time. You forget it? E: Oh yeah! Maybe the white one is also OK.J: Good idea! Thank you for your good advice.E: You are welcome.Dialogue 4nextEven is talking with his wife Why has Julia tried on several dress?2. What does Evan suggest to Julia first?3. Why does Julia

20、 decide to wear the white dress instead of the light red one? Because she has been invited to a party.He suggested her wearing the light red dress.Because the light red one is being washed.CLOSE Why has Julia tried on severa whats the matter with you? = Whats wrong with you ? = What happened to you?

21、Whats the matter?CLOSE whats the matter with you?W 做名词 have a try “试一试” Why not have a try ? try to do sth. “试着做” Well try to finish the homework in time. try ones best “尽力做” Thank you . I will try my best . try onCLOSE 做名词 have a try “试一试”try onCL 火柴Wood can be made into matches. 比赛、竞赛They won the

22、football match. 相配、匹配 The napkins were a nice match for the tablecloth. 餐巾和桌布相配得很好。 The coat matches the dress. 外衣和裙子很相配 matchCLOSE 火柴matchCLOSE have sth. done 请人做某事I had my hair cut yesterday. have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事The teacher has us do exercises for the whole morning. have sb/sth doing 让某人/某物一直保持

23、The workers have the machine running all day. have 表示“有”I have a big family. have 表示“吃、喝”Have breakfast / lunch / dinnerhave sth. done CLOSE have sth. done 请人做某事have st Passage 1 Passage 2 全国英语等级考试第一级教程Unit2课件-课件Passage 1 American Family In the United States, most families have two or three children

24、, and there children, and there are also even larger families. Passage 1 Certainly, children live together with their parents.But when the children have families, they willmove out and have their own houses. Parentsusually keep in touch with their grown childrenand take great interest in their grand

25、 children. On holiday, members of the larger familygrandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins-oftenhave meals together.Certainly, children live toget Both Mother and Father can have a voice in the family, but not all families are run this way. Many families still live by the old rule that Fathers word

26、 is law. Both Mother and Father c Now, some mothers do not stay at home any longer. They also go out to work. Today, about 10 million American mothers with children under eighteen have jobs. In somefamilies, mothers have to work because thefather can neither find jobs nor make enoughmoney. In other

27、families, the mother may workto make more money working mothers have tolook for a cleaning woman one day or moredays a week to help with housework and lookafter the children. Now, some mothers do no keep in touch with = be in touch with 强调保持联系, 跟朋友道别时,可以说 “Keep in touch! get in touch with 强调从没有联系到有联

28、系 keep in touch with keep in touch with = be in take interest in 对感(产生)兴趣 Onlyafewyoungpeopletakeinterestinliterature.现在只有部分年青人对文学感兴趣。 interest 有关短语 show interest in 对 表现出兴趣 have interest in 对有兴趣 be interested in 对感兴趣take great interest in take interest in 对感(产生)兴趣 nolonger的用法 nolonger意为“不再”,通常放在行为动

29、词前,be动词的后面nolonger可用notanylonger代替Sheisnolongeramusiclover.Herfatherdied,andafterthatshenolongerwenttoschool.(shedidntgotoschoolanylonger) nomore / notanymore 表示数量或程度上“不再”Thereisnomorebread.Wesawhimnomore=Wedidntseehimagain. 谈到时间、强调今昔对比时,不能用nomore,而要用 notanymore,nolonger/notany/longer。 Notany longer

30、/no longer nolonger的用法 Notany longer/ either : 指两者中的任意一个。either.or.意为“或者或者;不是就是”之意。表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分 Either you or I can go there tomorrow.I either stay at home or go shopping. neither: 指两者中没有一个,全否定。 neither.nor.表示“既不也不”。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。 Neither you nor I can go there tomorrow.I neither stay

31、at home nor go shopping.neither.nor / eitheror either : 指两者中的任意一个。 neithe1. Do children always live with their parents?2. When will the children move out?3. What is the old rule?4. Why do mother have to work in some families?5. How many American mothers with children under 18 have jobs?CLOSENo.When

32、they have families, they will move out.Fathers word is law.About 10 million.Because father can neither find jobs nor make enough money.CLOSENo.When they have familiePassage 2 Both the Chinese family and the American family are smaller than they used to be. Most young Chinese parents have only one ch

33、ild while young Americans also wish to have fewer children than their parents do.Passage 2 Bot However, unlike the Chinese family, many young American couples think it is not easy to get along with their parents. They will leave their parents and have their own home once they get married. It is a sa

34、d thing indeed. However, unlike the Chinese Things are different in China. Both the young and the old admit the problems between them, but they will try to understand each other. Besides, sons and daughters in China still feel that they must take care of their parents while old parents cannot help wanting to do something for their busy children. So, it is still very common in tod


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