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1、开放英语语2复习习资料-形成性性考核册册说明:1期末考考试复习习范围原原则上是是主教材材+白色色的形成成性考核核册+蓝蓝色的复复习指南南,但是是根据以以往的试试题来看看,试题题主要集集中在白白色的形形成性考考核册+蓝色的的复习指指南上,所以以请大家家务必熟熟记这两两本书上上的所有有题目。2 这里里是形成成性考核核册上的的四次作作业,答答案已经经核对过过了,但但是如还还有出入入的话,请请以文件件名为开放英语(2)形成性考核册参考答案中的答案为准。3 如有有问题请请直接发发邮件至至 HYPERLINK mailto:wuddaniiel1633.coom wuddaniiel1633.coom ,

2、或电话话联系我我。Goodd luuck!温州电大大 武德德力20100年122月开放英语语2期末末考试题题型部分内容题型题量分值各部分总总分I交际际用语简短对话话判断题(正正/误)5210II词词汇与结结构单句或简简短对话话选择题(三三选一)20240III 句型型转换句子根据要求求转换句句型5315IV阅阅读理解解 2篇对话话或短文文选择题(三三选一)5220判断题(正正/误)52V英译译汉句子翻译句子子5315总计45100开放英英语(22)形成成性考核核册开放英语语(2)作作业1第一部分分 交际际用语(共计110分,每每小题22分)1-5题题:阅读读下面的的小对话话,从AA、B、C三个

3、个选项中中选出一一个能填填入空白白处的最最佳选项项,并在在答题纸纸上写出出所选的的字母符符号。1. SShalll wwe ssee a mmoviie ttoniightt?- SSee youur llateer.A. RRighht B wwronng2. wwhatt woouldd yoou llikee too drrinkk, mmadaam?- CCan I hhavee a glaass of whiite winne?A. RRighht BB wrrongg3. Whhen didd yoou ffirsst ccomee too Chhinaa?-100 yeearss

4、 aggo.A riightt BB wrrongg4. DDo yyou likke yyourr joob?- IIm a nnursseA riightt B wroong5. WWhatt arre yyou goiing to do thiis eevenningg?- II weent theere witth ssomee frrienndsA. rrighht B wwronng第二部分分 词汇汇与结构构(共计计40分分,每小小题2分分)6-255题:阅阅读下面面的句子子,从AA、B、C 三三个选项项中选出出一个能能填入空空白处的的最佳选选项,并并在答题题纸上写写出所选选的字母

5、母符号。6Toodayy iss buusy. Leetss diiscuuss it _ neext weeek.A. ssomeetimmes B. somme ttimees C. somme ttimee7.A: Im ssorrry tto hhavee keept youu waaitiing. B: Ohh, nnot at alll, II _ hheree onnly a ffew minnutees.A. hhavee beeen B. waas C. willl bbe 8.Hiis ggranndfaatheer iis vveryy heealtthy. Hee _

6、drrinkks _ssmokkes.A. bbothh,annd B. neeithher, noor CC. nneittherr, oor9.Ass shhe _ thhe nnewsspapper, Grrannny _aasleeep.A. rreadd wwas falllinngB. wwas reaadinng feellC. rreadd ffelll10.TThe boook wwas rattherr exxpennsivve, butt I bouughtt itt _.A. aany wayy B. anyywayy C.eveen tthouugh11.TThe b

7、usses, _ weere fulll oof ppeopple, cooulddntt goo veery fasst.A.thhat B. whiich C. thheree12. I hhavee noo iddea whoo sttolee hiis wwalllet. Itt _ aanyoone.A. ccoulld hhavee beeenB. sshouuld havve bbeennC.muust havve bbeenn13. Marry ssaidd shhe _ aall oveer tthe worrld.A.haad bbeenn too BB. hhas gon

8、ne tto CC. wwentt too14.MMaryys fattherr iss veery pleeaseed _ heer.A. wwithh B. att C. forr15. Youud bettterr haave youur hhairr _ beeforre ggoinng tto yyourr frrienndss weeddiing.A. ccutttingg B. cuut C. to cutt16. He stooppeed _TV wheen tthe dinnnerr waas rreaddy.A. wwatcchinng BB. tto wwatcch C.

9、 waatchh17. Nicce wweattherr,_?A. ddoessntt itt BB. hhasnnt it C. isnnt it18. Mikke ooffeeredd too heelp andd soo _Joohn.A. ddoess CC.diid19. Marry ttoldd Liittlle TTom nott_ aall thee mooneyy.A. sspennd B.sspennt CC. tto sspennt20. A: Havve yyou finnishhed youur hhomeeworrk?B: _.A. NNo, I ddid

10、nnt. B. No, I havvent ffiniisheed. C. Noo, II haavennt.21.HHe uusedd too _ vveryy haard wheen hhe wwas youung.A.woorkiing BB. wworkk worrk22.HHe hhas _ goone outt.A. jjustt B. noow C. sooon23.WWe eenjooy _ verry mmuchh, bbecaausee itt iss goood to ourr heealtth.A.sswimmBB. tto sswimm C. swwimmm

11、ingg24.MMarcch tthe 8thh iss _ Daay.A.Woomanns B. Wommens C. Woomenns25.AA coonceert willl bbe hheldd inn thhe sschoool halll _ 4 ppm _ Tueesdaay.A.onnatt B.iiniinCC.aatoon第三部分分句型转转换(115分)26-33026. Timm diidnt sstayy inn thhe mmeettingg. HHe lleftt thhe ooffiice. ( 用inssteaad oof 将将两句练练成一句句)Tim leff

12、t tthe offficee innsteead of staayinng iin tthe meeetinng.27. Wheere is thee reestaauraant? (用用askked改改写成间间接疑问问句)He aaskeed wwherre tthe resstauurannt wwas.28. Thaat ccineema is verry nnicee. TThe ticcketts aare quiite exppenssivee.(用用butt连成一一句)Thatt ciinemma iis vveryy niice butt thhe ttickketss ar

13、re qquitte eexpeensiive.29. Hes ggonee too Shhangghaii. HHess neegottiattingg a neww coontrractt.(用用动词不不定式连连成一句句)Hess goone to Shaanghhai to neggotiiatee a neww coontrractt.30. He diddntt ruun ffastt. HHe ddidnnt cattch thee buus. (用enooughhtoo 连成成一句)He ddidnnt runn faast enooughh.第四部分分 阅读读理解(共共计200

14、分)26330题:阅读下下列短文文,从AA、B、C三个选选项中选选出一个个正确答答案,并并在答题题纸上写写出所选选的字母母符号。(共计计10分,每每小题22分)Maryy beegann pllayiing thee viioliin wwhenn shhe wwas onlly ssix.Herr faatheer ccamee accrosss aa reeallly oold insstruumennt aat hhis aunntss hoousee, aand he brooughht iit bbackk hoome witth hhim. Maary lovved it andd

15、 immmeddiattelyy trriedd too pllay it. Affterr a feww moonthhs sshe beggan to havve llesssonss. SShe gott onn veery welll wwithh thhe vviollin. Whhen shee waas aabouut eelevven, shhe bbegaan tto hhavee leessoons. Shhe rreallly neeededd a bettterr viioliin. Onee daay sshe toook ppartt inn a conncerrt

16、, andd a mann weent up to herr paarennts andd taalkeed tto tthemm abboutt heer. He saiid tthatt shhe hhad reaal ttaleent andd poointted outt thhat shee neeedeed aa beetteer vviollin. Whhen he fouund outt thhat theey ccoulldnt aaffoord onee, hhe ooffeeredd too buuy oone forr heer. Latter, whhen shee

17、waas aabouut 116, shee seet uup hher ownn grroupp. Shee naamedd itt affterr thhe mman whoo gaave herr thhe vviollin shee caalleed iit EEriccSouund.31. Marryss faatheer _.A. bbougght thee viioliin ffromm a shoopB. bborrroweed tthe vioolinn frrom a ffrieendC. ggot thee viioliin ffromm hiis aauntt32. M

18、arry bbegaan tto nneedd a bettterr viioliin wwhenn shhe wwas aboout A. 110 B. 11 C. 1233. Thee maan aat tthe conncerrt ttoldd Maarys ppareentss thhat A. sshe hadd reeal tallenttB. hher voiice wass veery gooodC. sshe neeededd a bettterr teeachher34. Marry wwhenn shhe wwas 16.A. ggradduatted BB. sset

19、up herr owwn ggrouup C. haad aa neew vviollin35. EriicSooundd waas tthe namme oof A. MMaryys vviollin B. Maarys mmusiic ggrouup C. Marrys ffrieend36-440 阅阅读下列列短文,根根据短文文内容判判断句子子是否正正确。Tim: Heelloo. WWherre hhavee yoou bbeenn? YYou loook hhot.Xiaooyann: YYes, I am. Ive beeen tto tthe tennniss cllub. Iv

20、e hadd a tennniss leessoon.Tim: Hoow ddid youu maanagge?Xiaooyann; Noot ttoo baddly. Ive nevver plaayedd teenniis bbefoore.Tim; Doontt yoou pplayy teenniis iin CChinna?Xiaooyann: NNo. We donnt plaay mmuchh. IIvee pllayeed ttablle ttennnis a llot. I plaay qquitte wwelll, bbut Ivve nneveer ttrieed tte

21、nnnis.Maryy: WWoulld yyou likke aa drrinkk?Xiaooyann: YYes, plleasse. Couuld I hhavee a fruuit juiice, plleasse? Havve yyou eatten yett、Maryy: NNo. We havvent.Xiaooyann:I hhad a ssanddwicch bbefoore I pplayyed, buut IIm verry hhunggry noww. IId likke tto eeat.Tim: Leetss goo too Frranccoss.36. Xiaao

22、yaan hhas hadd a tennniss leessoon.A. RRighht B. Wroong37. Shee haas hhad a llessson at thee puubliic ttennnis couurtss.A. RRrigght B. Wrrongg38. Shee haas pplayyed a llot of tennniss inn Chhinaa.A. RRighht B. Wrrongg39 SShe hass eaatenn a sanndwiich befforee shhe pplayyed.Righht B. wroong40 MMaryy

23、annd TTim havvent eeateen yyet.Righht B wwronng第四部分分翻译(共共计300分)41-445题:英译汉汉。将下下列英文文句子翻翻译成中中文,并并将答案案写在答答题纸上上。(共共计155分,每每题3分)41. Allthooughh itt iss veery enjjoyaablee, tthe fillm iis ttoo lonng.尽管电影影非常有有趣,但但是太长长了。42. SSanddy iis wwearringg a lonng, blaack, siilk dreess.桑迪穿了了条黑色色的长丝丝裙。43. II neeed to

24、be at thee aiirpoort by 6.000 oocllockk.我得在六六点前到到达机场场。44. II muust havve lleftt thhe ccameera in a sshopp.我一定是是把相机机丢在那那家商店店里了。The acccounnts, whhichh arre iin aa biit oof aa meess, haave to be reaady forr neext monnth.帐目现在在有点乱乱,必须须要在下下个月清清理好。学习记录录卡2时态比较较:现在完完成时VVS一般般过去时时选择合适适的时态态完成下下列句子子:Ispooke(spe

25、eak) wiith Maxx laast nigght.Havee yoou eeverr beeen (bee) tto CChinna?I haave alrreaddy sseenn ( seee) tthe fillm.时态连用用:过去进进行时+一般过过去时翻译下面面两句话话:1.I havve ddrviing aloong thee mootorrwayy whhen my carr brrokee doown. 我在高速速公路上上驱车前前行时,车车子抛锚锚了。2. WWhille II waas hhaviing a ccup of teaa, ssomeeonee sttol

26、ee myy waalleet.我在喝茶茶时有人人偷了我我的钱包包。 “两者者之一”、“两者都都”和“两者都都不”:从eittherr/eiitheer oof/ eiitheeroor;neiitheer/nneittherr off/nneittherr nnor; bbothh/ bbothh off/ botthaand中选词词填空。The neww weeb ppagee caan bbe eeithher bluue oor rred.新的网网页可以以是蓝色色的,也也可以是是红色的的A: WWhicch oof tthe twoo boookss doo yoou llikee?两

27、本本书你喜喜欢哪本本?B: NNeittherr off thhem, thhankks.两两本都不不喜欢。Bothh thhe EEifffel andd thhe CCorccordde hhavee emmaill faacillitiies. Eiiffeel和 Cooncoordee酒店都都有收发发电子邮邮件设施施。“自己做做”还是“让别人人做”:翻译含有有havve/gget sthh doone句句型的句句子I haave thee caar sservviceed eeverry tthreee mmontths.我每隔隔三个月月让人维维护一下下汽车。I amm geettii

28、ng thee TVV reepaiiredd toomorrroww.明天天我得修修一下电电视。写出所有有的反身身代词:单数 mmyseelf,youurseelf,himmsellf,herrsellf,itsselff 复数ouurseelvees,youurseelvees,theemseelvees介词用来来描述地地理位置置(unnit225,uunitt29)、表示示移动方方向(uunitt26):the hottel is surrrouundeed bby ffiellds andd wooodss.这家家旅店周周围是田田地和树树林。My hhomee iss faar ffr

29、omm thhe ccithh ceentrre.我家家离市中中心很远远。he wwalkks ttowaardss thhe wwinddow.他向向窗户走走去。Theyy weent dowwn tthe roaad.他们们沿着小小路走下下去。Beijjingg iss ann hoours ddrivve ffromm Tiianjjingg.从北京到到天津乘乘车要一一个小时时。Chenngduu iss noorthhwesst oof CChonngqiing.成都都在重庆庆的西北北方向。开放英语语(2)作业2第一部分分 交际用用语 (共计110分,每每小题22分)1-5题题:阅读读

30、下面的的小对话话,从AA、B、C三个个选项中中选出一一个能填填入空白白处的最最佳选项项,并在在答题纸纸上写出出所选的的字母符符号。1. Helllo, Xiiaoyyan. Hoow wwas thee paartyy? Hii, JJackk. WWe hhad a ggreaat ttimee A.riightt B wroong2. HHow aree yoou ffeellingg toodayy? Id rrathher staay aat hhomee.A.riightt B wroong3.Hoow oold aree yoou Yess, II amm.A. rrighht B

31、. wroong 4. Caan II geet yyou sommethhingg too drrinkk? Yess, ppleaase. A cocca-ccolaa foor mmeA. rrighht BB wrrongg5. Hoow ccan I bbookk a cheeap hottel? If I wweree yoou, Idd phhonee a traavell aggenttA riightt BB wrrongg第二部分分 词汇与与结构(共共计400分,每每小题22分)6-255题:阅阅读下面面的句子子,从AA、B、C 三个个选项中中选出一一个能填填入空白白处的最

32、最佳选项项,并在在答题纸纸上写出出所选的的字母符符号。6.Saallyy iss loookiing forr a neww joob. Shee haas bbeenn booredd _ hher jobb ass a seccrettaryy.A. bby B. froom CC. wwithh7. AA: _ my glaassees?B: YYes, I saww thhem on youur bbed a mminuute agoo.A. DDo yyou seee BB. WWoulld yyou seee CC. HHavee yoou sseenn8.Ann apppliic

33、attionn foorm willl bbe ssentt too yoou _.A. oon rrequuestt B. on a rrequuestt C. in reqquesst9.I wass waatchhingg TVV _ tthe tellephhonee raang.A. wwhille BB. wwhenn C. sinnce10.TTheyy naamedd thhe iislaand _ iits disscovvereer.A. aafteer BB. iin CC. tto11.CCoulld yyou pleeasee teell us whaat kkind

34、d off woork _ yyou havve ggot expperiiencce?A. aat tthatt B. in whiich CC. wwhicch12.YYou cann reememmberr whhat youu doo iff yoou _.A. ttakee a diaary B. keeep aa diiaryy C. makke aa diiaryy13.TThiss moorniing I hhad my finngerr _ wwhenn I wass prrepaarinng bbreaakfaast.A. ccutttingg BB. tto ccut C

35、C. ccut14.AA: TThannk yyou forr leendiing me youur ddicttionnaryy.B: YYoure wellcomme. Butt coouldd yoou _ too mee toomorrroww?A. ggivee itt baackBB. ggivee baack it C. gett baack15.HHe iis rreallly goood mman, _?A. ddoessntt hee B. isnnt he C. woontt hee16.IIm goiing to buyy Maary a bbirtthdaay ggi

36、ftt. DDo yyou havve _ iin mmindd?A. sppeciial sommethhingg B. sppeciial anyythiing CC. aanytthinng sspecciall17.MMy ffathher tolld mme _ hiss trrip to Xinn Jiiangg.A. oof B. abboutt C. wiith18.IIvee allwayys eenjooyedd _.A. sswimmminng BB. tto sswimm C. swwim19.WWe uusedd too _ bbicyyclees tto ggo t

37、to wworkk.A. rridee B. riddingg C. too riide20.DDont _ hhim. Hee iss wrritiing a llettter noww.A. ddistturbb too B. dissturrb C. diistuurbiing21.AA caar hhit herr whhen shee waas wwalkkingg _ tthe roaad.A. tthrooughh B. accrosss C. onn22.AA: HHavee yoou ttypeed tthe lettterr foor mme?B: _.A. YYes, I

38、 havve. B. Yess, II doo. C. Yees, Ivve ddonee.23.WWe hhaveentt seeen succh aa beeauttifuul ffilmm _.A. ssincce ffourr yeearss BB. ffor thee paast fouur yyearrs CC. ffourr yeearss aggo24.MMy ppareentss haave _ beeen to thee Grreatt Waall. A. aas yyet B. soomettimee C. nevver25. Shiirleey _ a bbookk a

39、bboutt Chhinaa laast yeaar bbut I ddont kknoww whhethher shee haas ffiniisheed iit.A. hhas wriitteen B. wriite C. waas wwrittingg第三部分分句型转转换26. I wwentt shhopppingg. II neeedeed aa neew ppairr off shhoess. I weent shooppiing beccausse II neeedeed aa neew ppairr off shhoess.27. “Caan yyou phoone me la

40、tter, Suusann?”ssaidd Daavidd.Daviid aaskeed SSusaan tto pphonne hhim latter.28. Imm a teaacheer aand shee iss allso a tteaccherr.Im a tteaccherr annd sso iis sshe.29. Hiss neeighhborr heeardd thhem. Thhey madde aa nooisee.His neiighbbor heaard theem mmakiing a nnoisse.第三部分分 阅读读理解(共共计200分)31-335题:阅读

41、下下列短文文,从AA、B、C三个选选项中选选出一个个正确答答案,并并在答题题纸上写写出所选选的字母母符号。(共计计10分,每每小题22分)Daviid: Whaatss haappeenedd abboutt thhe ttickketss?Xiaooyann; Ive gott thhem. Suusann haas jjustt giivenn thhem to me. Shhe ccolllectted theem oon hher wayy too woork thiis mmornningg.Daviid: Andd thhe ootheer aarraangeemennts?Xia

42、ooyann;Shee reeserrvedd rooomss att thhe CConccordd, aand shees colllecctedd myy viisa. Ive askked Elaainee foor tthe lisst oof ppartticiipannts andd Ive picckedd upp thhe hhanddoutts ffromm Deebbiie.Daviid: Hass Suusann boookeed aa taaxi?Xiaooyann; I donnt knoow. Illl aask herr too boook onee. WWe

43、nneedd too bee att thhe aairpportt byy 6.00. Whhat aboout thee coonfeerennce? Haas SSusaan ffixeed tthe timme?Daviid: Ivve ttoldd heer nnot to worrry aboout thaat. I sspokke tto MMax in Parris lasst nnighht mmyseelf. Evveryythiings rreaddy, so theeres nnothhingg foor SSusaan tto ddo nnow. Hee haas h

44、had thee fooldeers preeparred. I havve ttoldd hiim tthatt I wannt aa twwo-hhourr meeetiing witth GGuyAnd Rosse, butt wee doontt neeed to fixx thhe ttimee unntill wee geet ttherre. Shaall we havve lluncch ttogeetheer?Xiaooyann; Yees, letts. Ive gott soome thiingss too doo, bbut Illl ffiniish theem bb

45、y 112.330.Daviid: Ok. Im iin aa meeetiing unttil 1.000, so Illl ccomee too yoour offficee affterr thhat.31. Sussan _ thhe ttickket thiis mmornningg.A. bbookked B. goot C. losst32. _ haas ppreppareed tthe hanndouuts forr Xiiaoyyan.A. EElaiine B. Deebbiie C. Sussan33. We havve tto bbe aat tthe airrpor

46、rt bby _.A.7 B55 CC634. Davvid willl hhavee a toww hoour meeetinng wwithh_.A. GGuy andd Roose B Maxx CC. XXiaooyann35. Davvid wonnt be freee ffor lunnch unttil_.A. 11.000 B.12.30 C 2.00036-440 题题:阅读读短文,并并选择Xiaooyann,Im thooughht yyoud llikee too knnow whaat hhas happpenned to youur rrepoort aboout i

47、mpprovvingg thhe wwebssitee.Lastt weeek I hhad a mmeettingg wiith dessignnerss. II gaave theem aa coopy of youu reeporrt aand I ttoldd thhem thaat wwe nneedded to havve tthe webbsitte rredeesiggnedd.Ivee haad tthe firrst pagge ssimppliffiedd.I haave askked theem tto mmakee diiffeerennt ttoo.The coll

48、ourrs aare noww diiffeerennt ttoo.Therre aare morre ffuncctioons, ass yoou ssugggestted, soo thhat cusstommerss wiill be ablle tto ttrannsfeer ffundds tto aan aaccoountt inn annothher bannk.Custtomeers alsso ffindd acccesss ssloww, sso IIm getttinng iit sspeeededd upp.Im goiing to makke aa prreseent

49、aatioon aabouut tthesse cchanngess att the Parriscconffereencee annd wwoulld llikee too taalk to youu abboutt thhat. Thhesee arre ssomee thhinggs II caan ddo mmyseelf, buut II woouldd liike youur hhelpp wiith somme ttechhniccal asppectts. I mmustt geet ssomee sllidees mmadee tooo, andd woouldd liike

50、 youur oopinnionn aabouut tthemm.Havee yoou ggot timme ffor a ccofffee on eittherr Weedneesdaay oor TThurrsdaay mmornningg?Daviid.36. Davvid hadd a meeetinng wwithh thhe ddesiigneers yessterrdayy.A. rrighhtB wroong37. Davvid hadd maade thee icconss laargeer.A. rrighht BB. wwronng38. Thee sppeedd off

51、 acccesss hhas beeen mmadee quuickker.A. rrighht B. wroong39. Davvid is goiing to makke aa prreseentaatioon iin PPariis.A. rrighht B. wrrongg40. Davvid wouuld likke ssomee heelp froom XXiaooyann.A. rrighht B wwronng41-445题:英译汉汉。将下下列英文文句子翻翻译成中中文,并并将答案案写在答答题纸上上。(共共计155分,每每题3分)41. WWe hhavee ennouggh m

52、moneey tto iimprrovee thhe wwebssitee.我们有足足够的钱钱改进网网站。42. DDo yyou takke aafteer yyourr mootheer oor ffathher?你像你的的母亲或或父亲吗吗?43. II haave to movve oout of my rooom oon FFridday beccausse FFrannco hass goot aanottherr teenannt.我周五得得从房子子里搬出出来,因因为佛朗朗哥又招招了一位位房客。44. OOne of thee biiggeest spoortiing eveent

53、ss inn thhe wworlld iis tthe Olyympiic GGamees.奥运会是是世界上上规模最最大的体体育赛事事之一。45. IIt wwoulld bbe ggreaat tto ssee youu too caatchh upp onn alll oour newws.到时见了了面咱们们把这些些日子发发生的事事聊一聊聊,会多多开心啊啊。开放英语语(2)作作业3第一部分分 交际用用语 (共计100分,每每小题22分)1-5题题:阅读读下面的的小对话话,从AA、B、C三个选选项中选选出一个个能填入入空白处处的最佳佳选项,并并在答题题纸上写写出所选选的字母母符号。1. A

54、rre yyou reaady to ordder? Yess. IIlll haave a ssteaak, pleeaseeA. rrighht B wwronng2. Iss thheree a bannk nnearr heere? Yees. I ssaw himm thhis morrninng.A. rrighht B wwronng3.Whhen didd hee goo too Ammeriica Twwo yyearrs aago.A. rrighht B wwronng4. I wennt tto aa faashiion shoow llastt niightt. Wh

55、ho ttookk awway my boook?A. rrighht B wwronng5.Haave youu beeen to Ameericca、 Ive nevver beeen ttherre bbut I hhopee too goo thheree inn thhe ffutuure.RighhtB wroong第二部分分 词汇与与结构(共共计400分,每每小题22分)6-255题:阅阅读下面面的句子子,从AA、B、C 三个个选项中中选出一一个能填填入空白白处的最最佳选项项,并在在答题纸纸上写出出所选的的字母符符号。6Toom hhelpped herr mootheer _t

56、hhe ccookkingg.A. ffor B. onCC. wwithh7I wass my to schhooll whhen I ssaw thee accciddentt.A. oon, wayy BB. iin, wayy CC. oon, timme8A: iis aat tthe dooor?B: IIt mmustt bee ouur nnew neiighbbourr, MMrs Jonnes. A. WWhatt B. Whhichh CC. WWho9Itt ss a lonng wway to gett thheree. TThiss iss wee sttartte

57、d so earrly.A. wwhy B. whhat C. howw10AA:I hhaveentt eaatenn alll dday. B: Youu _bbe vveryy huungrry.A. mmustt B. shoouldd C. havve tto11II doontt waant to wattch_.A. aanytthinng ssad B. soometthinng ssad C. saad aanytthinng12. I aam ggoinng tto _ aa fllat neaar tthe commpanny IIm worrkinng aat.A. h

58、hiree BB. bborrrow C. reent13FFoottballl iis sso ppopuularr thhat it is plaayedd mmoree thhan 20 milllioon ppeopple in morre tthann 1440 ccounntriies.A. witth B. byC. forr14.TThe boyy iss weeariing a _T- shiirt.A. bbagggy llongg B. loong bagggy CC. bbagggy bblacck15. Theey aare friiendds oof _. Plle

59、asse bbe nnicee too thhem.A. mmy B. miine CC. II16.GGuillin is thee weest of Chiina.A. tto B. at C. inn17. Mr smiith hass _ ggonee ouut tto mmeett ann olld ffrieend.A. jjustt B. oncce C. yeet18. He lovved _ basskettballl wwhenn hee waas yyounng.A.dooingg BB.pllayiing C. goiing19.AA: _ onee iss yoour

60、ss, JJuliie? BB: TThe bluue oone witth fflowwerss onn itt.A. WWho BB. WWhatt CC. WWhicch20. Shee _ too toown lasst wweekk.A. ggoess B. wennt C. haas ggonee21.GGet up! Maary. Toom hhas caalleed yyou thrree timmes thiis mmornningg.A. yyet B. alrreaddy C. neeverr22. _ stoole hiss caamerra wwhille hhe i


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