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1、【行业精品资料】印刷式薄膜太陽能電池2Table of Contents 一、公司簡介二、全球太陽能產業概況三、薄膜太陽能供需市場現況與趨勢四、薄膜太陽能技術概況五、生產技術及本钱分析六、印刷式薄膜太陽能電池技術延展七、營運測算及財務預測八、未發展方向與挑戰3公司簡介4印刷式薄膜太陽能技術是一種創新技術 Hong Kong Renewable Venture Company Limited.以下簡稱:HKRVCL绿色能源产业部主要由Mr. Thomas Wang 和Mr. Karl Arsh 及相關人員所組成,致力於民用,商用和工業用太陽能電力產品的研發、製造。 印刷式薄膜太陽能技術由Mr.

2、Karl Arsh所發明,Karl Arsh先生捷克人,在1991年12月25日蘇聯解體前是捷克的科學家,在大學裡任職教授,並發明坦克用即走即射的移動式炮彈發射定位系統及磁力起重系統與磁力升降系統等。蘇聯解體後在捷克成立太陽能實驗室,並組成太陽能技術研究團隊,該研究團隊,於1999年研發出非晶矽銅銦硒鎵(CIGS)蒸鍍及濺鍍兩種滾印製程生產技術,此技術更延展為現今世界各廠家所採用的非晶矽銅銦硒鎵(CIGS)生產技術,但此技術在生產過程中有良率不穩定現象產生,且電池板間切割組合不易,因此該研究團隊經過不斷的改进而形成現在最新的“印刷式薄膜太陽能電池技術。5太陽能技術團隊跨國界的合作伙伴 Mr.

3、Karl Arsh太陽能技術研究團隊,在1999年技術團隊分成了三組團隊:第一組團隊在美國,主要以非晶矽銅銦硒鎵(CIGS) 蒸鍍或濺鍍滾印製程 生產技術為主要技研,後延展成現今各廠家所採用的非晶矽銅銦硒鎵 (CIGS)生產技術。第二組團隊留置原太陽能實驗室,主要以銅銦硒鎵(CIGS)原料的粉塵技 術為主。第三組團隊既是本印刷式薄膜太陽能技術團隊,技術團隊前往加拿大成立 薄膜太陽能實驗室,主要以印刷式薄膜太陽能銅銦硒+鎵(CIS+G)技術 研究為主,並於2000年結合歐州及俄羅斯實驗室技研人員共同為印刷式 薄膜太陽能持續深入創新研究。6印刷式薄膜太陽能電池製程技術的催生 技術團隊於2000年研


5、墨制程交由原捷克實驗室生產製造,印刷制程技術則由设在加拿大的薄膜太陽能實驗室在美國提出發明專利申請(發明專利申請案號:US 61/026,624 )。本公司於2021年2月發表穩定的油墨混合及印刷生產技術,已擁有薄膜太陽能電池生產技术。7INDIGO SOLAR製程技術生產設備印刷技術設備是採用印刷網印設備,與德國海德堡印刷網印設備公司取得合作,研製出符合印刷式薄膜太陽能電池制程技術的生產設備。海德堡印刷網印設備公司的技術服務人員普及全球。在印刷和出版領域的最大服務網路確保其設備的服務無處不在。海德堡擁有一支4000多人的技術服務團隊。這些受過高水準培訓的人員會為印前、印刷、印後提供全方位的服

6、務。他們從事具有高度專業水準的維修工作,但這並不非工作的全部他們還可以安裝設備,對印機進行日常保養預防性維護,提供規劃服務和熱線諮詢及遠端服務。因為該公司擁有先進的技術、全球服務機構的最優組織結構和暢通的資訊交流管道,所以作為海德堡的客戶,將受益於海德堡的全球技術服務經驗。本公司於2021年6月已從海德堡印刷網印設備公司共同研製出符合印刷式薄膜太陽能電池制程技術的自動生產設備,設置部份的關鍵性自動生產設備於公司。 8INDIGO SOLAR 製程技術的後續研發技術 公司技術團隊並不以此成果而自滿,各實驗室研究團隊更致力於遠紅外線波段的受光轉換電能的研究,期待能將 SOLAR制程技術在不增加本钱

7、太多的制程下,能讓光電的轉換效率增至12.516%。過去三十年來,我們參與了對非晶矽(a-Si),銅銦硒(CIS)和碲化鎘(CDTE)三種光伏技術的研究。儘管這三種設備我們都可以製造,但我們決定只提供非晶矽 SOLAR 制程技術以印刷模式生產光伏產品,因為一般的非晶矽生產技術良率不佳,且鎘被證明可致癌。因此,公司集中研究以鎵鎵可提高半導體的效率為添加劑的混合材料,創建了整套印刷式薄膜太陽能技術,並設計和製造了相關生產設備,並實地操作生產。 9全球太陽能產業概況101112131415161718薄膜太陽能供需市場現況與趨勢192021222324薄膜太陽能技術概況25262728光電產品的測試

8、標準光電產品的電力性能一般用STC作為標準。條件包括強日光(每平方米1000瓦輻照,1.5安培太陽能光譜分佈) ,以及25攝氏度電池溫度。然而在強陽光下,獨立模組的運行溫度可超過大氣溫度28攝氏度,屋頂上裝的產品其運行溫度會更高,因此光電產品的運行溫度達到55攝氏度缺乏為奇。因而不同技術的溫度係數成為一個重要問題。電力係數永遠是負值,因為隨著溫度的增高,產品的功率降低。非晶矽的係數為-0.17%/C,晶矽為-0.5%/C。這意味著在55C時,相對於其STC等級,非晶矽失去5%的效率,而晶矽喪失15%。因此儘管非晶矽的STC效率較低,但在現實運作中,非晶矽範本根本可達到晶矽的效率。在暗光下,非晶


10、柔和的電流電壓曲線,促成了非晶矽總體上的優越性能和易用性。這在許多用戶的正面報告中都有反映。2930薄膜太陽能電池的種類非晶矽(Amorphus Silicon, a-Si)微晶矽(Nanocrystalline Silicon,nc-Si, or Microcrystalline Silicon,uc-Si) CIS/CIGS(銅銦硒化物) CdTe(碲化鎘) GaAs Multijuction(多接面砷化鎵) 色素敏化染料(Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell) 有機導電高分子(Organic/polymer solar cells) 313233353637383940CI

11、GS薄膜太陽能電池未來的發展各型太陽能電池的市場需求將與日遽增,且各技術皆以低本钱和提高光電轉換效為研究方向。其中又以薄膜太陽能電池為現階段最具有取代矽晶太陽能電池的可能。薄膜太陽電池中,CIGS是目前具有最高效的電池之一。現階段CIGS電池主要產技術仍以真空製程技術為主,但難以克服大面積及低本钱的問題。 CIGS非真空製程技術雖具有低本钱以及提高材使用的優點,但各方式具有難以克服的關鍵問題皆仍待解決。如CIGS晶成長等。CIGS電池技術瓶頸CIGS薄膜太陽能電池雖具有高效、低本钱、大面積與可撓性等潛優勢,但還有許多需要克服的問題接踵而:製程複雜、技術選擇百家爭鳴,且供應相當分歧,各站並無制式

12、化設備放大製程之均質性佳,變化大 dopant ratio thin window layer Low Voc resulting in increased area loss 系統化的研究與實驗據十分缺乏 許多關鍵點無定,如:組成成分、結構、晶界、各層間之介面等 關鍵原的缺乏 銦元素也是一項潛在隱憂,銦的天然蘊藏相當有限,國外曾計算,如以效10的電池 計算,人如全面使用CIGS光電池發電供應能源,可能只有光景可用。41印刷式薄膜太陽能光伏產業運用4243444546474849太陽能光電(Photovoltaic, PV)太陽能光電(Photovoltaic, PV)的特點太陽光電 = 光+

13、 電(Photovoltaic = Photon +Voltaic) 將光能直接轉換為直電能,無需燃、無轉動組件、無污染、無噪音 壽命長久達二十以上 外型尺寸可隨意變化,應用廣泛 太陽光發電可依需求達到分散及小設置,為所有再生能源當中最獲得,且最具實用及效能的能源太陽能是太陽內部連續不斷的核聚變反應過程產生的能量。地球軌道上的平均太陽輻射強度為1,367km/m。地球赤道的周長為40,000km,從而計算出,地球獲得的能量可達173,000TW。在海平面上的標準峰值強度為1KW/m,地球外表某一點24h的年平均輻射強度為0.20KW/m2,相當於有102,000TW的能量,儘管太陽輻射到地球大

14、氣層的能量僅為其總輻射能量約為3.751026W的22億分之一,相當於每秒鐘照射到地球上的能量就相當於500萬噸煤。現今全球發電27來自燃煤,60來自石油及天然氣,兩者都屬於高排碳能源。如果某種乾淨能源,發電本钱與煤碳石油形成黃金交叉,以市場規模之大,其商機實在難以估計,太陽能發電就是就可達成此一目標的選項。太陽能產業中主流為結晶矽,占太陽能市場約八成,而薄膜太陽能則為快速成長的後起新星。50薄膜太陽能議題薄膜太陽能具有以下優點: 制程:從基板到模組為連續整合性生產線,不需要電池模組製造,製造本钱較低。 透光性See-through:因透光性質且重量輕,可與建材結合成一體成型的太陽光電產品 B

15、IPV,如大樓玻璃帷幕,不影響大樓外觀,也不佔用面積,在地狹人稠的城市及公共 建築,如車站、體育館等極具優勢。 可撓式:可應用在帳棚、窗簾、服飾等軟性物品上,也可製成各種顏色。 長效性:因電洞與電子傳遞距離較短,光吸收效率高,對光照度要求相對低,且無結晶矽在 高溫下轉換率降低之缺點。故薄膜太陽能較不受環境影響,累積發電量也較高。非晶矽a-Si或堆疊式微晶矽Tandem、蒸鍍滾印製程或濺鍍滾印製程的銅銦硒化鎵 CIGS薄膜太陽能業者雖然不斷提高本身的轉換效率,但這些低本钱背後,其實隱藏了 許多一般人所忽視的議題。其背後隱藏的議題是:產出良率為什麼不能提升? 產出良率難提升的主要原因,是難以有效控

16、制太陽能電池在蒸鍍滾印製程或濺鍍滾印製程各 個點的均勻性,造成同1 個面板中在不同的位置可能出現轉換效率極高或極低的情況,導致 轉換效率難以掌控,這因素使得產出良率受到考驗。一體成形的薄膜則沒有分類的機會? 在蒸鍍滾印製程或濺鍍滾印製程上,其基板是採用玻璃窗,所以1 個電池就相當1 個模組, 不能裁剪,所以技術挑戰反而更高,尤其要在同1 個模組內維持誤差不大的轉換效率,幾乎 是廠家所共同面臨到的問題,也影響了產出良率。51 從20072021年六月以前籌設的非晶矽a-Si或堆疊式微晶矽Tandem、蒸鍍滾印製程或濺鍍滾印製程的銅銦硒化鎵CIGS薄膜太陽能業者,一直為著上述兩個問題尋找 解決方法

17、及更新的技術而苦腦著。且為了尋找解決方法更投注了比原先投注的資金更大,原技術提供方亦無法提供解決方法,相對的產出本钱持續升高,已不是原先所預期的製造本钱為每瓦 1 美元或者更低了。SHIS SOLAR 印刷式薄膜太陽能專案專案是新的銅銦硒+鎵CIS+G制程技術,採用了新的元素混合在銅銦硒鎵中,用印刷的方式附著在薄如X光片的膠捲上,如印報紙般的方式連續產出。在制程中是可以設計成可程式的(電池板的大小可預先規劃)、連續性的(固定的大小可連續接續)或產出後再利用剪裁的方式依市場需求剪裁大小。在新的制程技術中採用一層一層的印刷式塗層,今日印刷技術的成熟及塗層厚薄的優良控制,造就了我們的良率,我們不再有

18、產出良率為什麼不能提升及一體成形的薄膜沒有分類的機會的問題,我們的印刷式薄膜太陽能專案專案才可能達到製造本钱為每瓦 0.7 美元或者更低。521_ The Size of the Panel : Size: up to 100 cm x 1220 cm cm = centimeterThickness: 1.5 mm to 5 mm (depending on finishing) mm = millimeterCost per Watt:Production cost per Watt: Min US$ 0.70Cost per Watt in US$ is reflecting Asia

19、China prices in 2021 and they are subject to change to reflect changes in commodity and overhead prices without notice. 2_Manufacturing Procedure:為了確認生產滾印的太陽電池板的可行性,我們首先需要理解生產過程。 網版印刷技術是一非常成熟的技術, 是將微細墨水透過網版的網目濡染到一個底層上的過程 。這個底層可能是塑膠、玻璃、紡織品、乙烯樹脂、木頭、金屬、軟木等等。 實際上網版印刷的最大的優勢是它可以印刷在任何類型材料上使用。 面板是在一個密閉的空間經過

20、一事先規劃好的網版,轉印網版上的圖案到底層的生產過程。下圖是一個網版印刷過程的圖解。 53本公司SHIS SOLAR 生产本钱541_Products Specification:Description of the product, with figure of what material we will use. how long lasting. etc.2_Manufacturing Procedure:In order to determine the feasibility of producing screen-printed Solar Panels we need to fi

21、rst understand the production process. The screen-printing process has been around for many of years and is simply the process of squeezing ink through a series of mesh screens onto a substrate. This substrate can be plastic, glass, textiles, vinyl, wood, metal, cork, etc. In fact the biggest advant

22、age of screen-printing is that it can be applied on almost any type of material. The screen is produced through a process that involves “burning the image onto a screen in a dark room. Below is a graphic representation of the screen-printing process.Manufacturing Procedure 55The Screen Printing Proc

23、essScreen-printing provides the most vibrant results over any other printing techniques, because of ink deposit that is 5-10 times greater than other printing technique. It is a trough transfer process that utilizes a stencil as the medium for depositing the ink to the substrate. With the aid of a s

24、queegee, the ink is transferred trough the prepared stencil to the material beneath it.The Screen Printing Process56To print the solar panel as it would have 5 print stations and 7 dryer stations. As each layer of ink is laid down the ink would have to be dried and baked prior to the next layer bein

25、g applied. Once all layers have been laid down and dried, the final product would have the contact wires attached and the entire panel would be laminated to protect it from scratching and environment.The Processing Order3_The Screen Printing Process:面版印刷過程面版印刷提供最震撼的效果,是優於其他的印刷技術,因為比其他印刷技術大5-10 倍的墨水存

26、量。為了把墨水轉印到底層,是運用一張蠟紙為中間媒介,這是一個單位面積的轉換過程。在一隔離蠟紙的媒介下,將墨水有規劃性的轉印到下面的基材上。網印太陽能電池板,它的工序有5個網印程式及7個乾燥程式。 因為墨水轉印到每層時,墨水就必須被烘乾,然後才能再轉印下一層。 一旦每層被轉印完畢且作最後烘乾程式後既為最終的半成品, 這個最終的半成品在接續上電極及導線再用預設規劃的膠膜封裝既成為成品, 膠膜封裝是為保護它以防手的觸摸及環境的污染。5758 1_Printing positive electrode 2_Drying positive electrode 3_Printing membrane 1

27、4_Drying membrane 1 5_Printing PV solution 6_Drying PV solution 7_Baking PV solution 8_Printing membrane 2 9_Drying membrane 210_Printing harvesting wire and negative electrode11_Drying harvesting wire and negative electrode12_Baking to stabilize cell Steps in producing solar panel on printing media

28、4_Progarm:1).網印電極層。 2).確定烘乾電極層。 3).網印第1層膜層。4).確定烘乾第1層膜層。 5).網印 PV 油墨。 6).確定烘乾PV油墨。7).烘烤 PV油墨。 8).網印第2層膜層。 9).確定烘乾第2層膜層。10).網印區間導線及負電極層。 11).烘乾區間導線及負電極層。 12).烘烤使太陽能電池穩定。5960Steps before and after printingSteps before printing:Soaking of printing media for 4 hours. Steps after printing:Attaching conta

29、cts with heat press solderingProtection /encapsulation by laminationDye cuttingTesting Packaging and shipping Schematic sectional view of compound semiconductor solar cell 5_Schematic sectional view of compound semiconductor solar cell: 1.熱縮固定樹脂保護層的 2.負電極 3.負電極膜層(累積自由電子將游離的電子跳越到光電化合物溶液蓄積) 4.活性層(半導體光

30、電化合物溶液) 5.確定的膜(允許正電荷游離到正極) 6.正電極膜層。 7.基材(如耐熱乙酸鹽、玻璃纖維、FILM、玻璃等等)611.Attaching contacts with heat press soldering.接焊接極性導線2.Protection /encapsulation by lamination.封裝保護膜3.Dye cutting.染切4.Testing .測試5.Packaging and shipping.包裝及裝運6_Steps before printing:Soaking of printing media for 4 hours. 7_Steps afte

31、r printing:6263 Schematic sectional view of compound semiconductor solar cell:A: Protection layer of a scratchproof thermosetting resin / laminate.B: Current collecting negative electrode.C: Negative membrane (allowing charged free electrons to discharge to harvesting electrode and discharged electr

32、ons to return to photovoltaic solution).D: Active layer (compound photovoltaic semiconductor solution).E: Positive membrane (allowing positive charge to discharge to positive electrode).F: Current collecting positive electrode.G: Printing substrate (heat-resistant acetate, fiberglass, laminate, glas

33、s, etc.)Schematic sectional view 64The Comparative Table between our products and Nanosolar & Terrasolar:Nanosolar:They are trying to get production up now. They are sold out until 2021. They have a roller printing and we use screen-printing. Similar hi bred solution but the efficiency of our produc

34、t will be better. Even if they do get up to full production of 300 mw per year they are only filling 1% of the market. In addition they are $500 million in debt. Our facility will be debt free in one year. Cost of our production is as good or better that any other company.Terrasolar:They use CIGS so

35、lution for making panels with roller system. Lower efficiency then our product. Once again the market is so huge that there is very little concern about market saturation and competition at this point. Everything that is made will be sold out in advance and our advantage is that our facility will be

36、 debt free in one year. The Comparative TableCopyright Canada INDIGO SOLAR INC 2021, All Rights Reserved. 65生產設備所耗電力序號設備名稱需用電壓 V需用電力 W11st printing station22080021st dryer (double UV)220100032nd printing station22080042nd dryer (double UV)220100053rd printing station22080063rd dryer (IR & Xenon)3805

37、,20074th dryer (convention)3805,20084th printing station22080095th dryer (double UV)2201,000105th printing station220800116th dryer (double UV)2201,000127th dryer (convention)3805,20013Pressure heat contacts2201,500141st laminator2201,500152nd laminator2201,500163rd laminator2201,50017Dye cutting220

38、80018Cutter22080019Small printing machine22080020dryer (double UV)2201,00021dryer (IR & Xenon)3805,20022dryer (convention)3805,200231st air Compressor220800242nd air Compressor22080025Exposure unit3804,50026Screen cleaning system2201,00027Ink mixer (3pc)220500(eash)總 (W / hour) 計50,000總 (kw / Hour)

39、計5066生產設備列表序號設備名稱採購價格1In line screen printer with 5 printing stations and 7 dryers LI-001125321 station screen printer with 2 dryers235,000.0035 process control computer microscopes (min 400 x)20,000.0044 control cameras (3CCD HD, 3CMOS HD, IR, night vision)18,000.0052 spectrometers90,000.0062 micro

40、scopes (min 1,000 x)48,000.007Exposure unit and rest for screens preparation equipment LI-00112548Film printer (to produce films for screens)22,500.009Miscellaneous (screens, squeegees, screen cleaners, etc.)50,000.00103 IR dryers21,000.0011Contacts pressure & heat welder39,500.00123 laminators LI-0

41、1136213Dye cutting machine28,500.0014Trimmers8,500.0015Compressors3,000.0016Ink mixers16,000.0017Printing solution equipment(glove box, stirrers, nitrogen generator, etc.)65,000.0018Computers (Mac & PC)63,000.0019Software50,000.0020Testing equipment100,000.0021Shipping equipment50,000.0022Consulting

42、100,000.0023Miscellaneous100,000.00總 ( 美元) 計 67SUMMARY OF NREL TEST REPORT #2K0448 BY MR. STEVE RUMMELExecutive Summary:Two (2) identical samples were sent to NREL for testing by Mr. Subrata Chatterjee. The samples were marked as A-01 and B-01. Several tests were performed by NREL. The tests conduct

43、ed are listed below:Outdoor IV System per Si Ref. Cell 294278LACSS IV System per Spectrum: IEC 60904Spire 240A IV system per Spectrum: IEC 60904LACSS Dark IV SystemThe results of all the above tests are summarized by Test Report #2K0448. In measuring the dimension of the panel Mr. Rummel used inside

44、 edge to inside edge and therefore included area greater than the actual solar cell area. In the attached report the numbers appearing in Red are corrected number. Using these corrected dimensions the efficiency of the panels was calculated as 9.423%. The measurement system uncertainty is measured a

45、s +/- 5%. This would translate higher efficiency as 9.894% and the lower limit as 8.951%. In the absence of prior experience with printed Solar PV module, NREL treated these panels as an Amorphous Silicon module.For commercial purposes these panels can be considered to have a nominal efficiency of 1

46、0%. Similar panels manufactured by others have reached 8% efficiency to date. This in simple terms would mean that Wp (Watt Peak) of the panels is 100 W per Sqm. This number nominally matches what the inventors have claimed. In simple terms these panels will convert 10% of the light energy striking

47、them. For outdoor condition the power density of light from the sun is considered as 1000W/Sqm.Therefore the test results are considered satisfactory and coincide with the assumptions made in the Financial Analysis for grid connected solar array systems.Note:The efficiency of the panels does not aff

48、ect the financial model directly as panels are sold as $/Wp, except the lower the efficiency more the area needed to generate the same amount of power. Since these panels are flexible they can be mounted on curved surfaces therefore increasing the sun-striking surface for the same footprint. This ma

49、kes up partially for the lower efficiency compared to Silicon Wafer panels that are rigid but can reach an efficiency of 17%. 產品測試68Requester:Jeff DalgarnoPrepared By:JNKalilu Holdings Ltd.Date:December 15, 2005AreaTemp.VocIscFFVmaxImaxPmaxAper. h(cm2)(C)(V)(A)(%)(V)(A)(W)(%)Ophir Ltd. a-PoStIo/a- P

50、oStIo:Ge moduleA-0112/01/05SPIRE 240A top cell 5 09.924.7 23.38 0.3722 56.3 16.82 0.2969 4.9949.7912/01/05LACSS SpectroLab X200 top cell 509.925.1 23.47 0.3834 58.1 16.64 0.2981 4.9609.7311/17/05SOMS OUTDOORS 991 W/m2 509.925.5 23.13 0.3786 55.9 16.43 0.2878 5 .0029.81 Normalized and Spectrally Corr

51、ected SOMS data top25.50.3794B-0112/01/05SPIRE 240A top cell 509.925.423.280.369856.816.890.28924.8859.5812/01/05LACSS SpectroLab X200 top cell509.925.223.470.378257.616.940.29835.0539.9111/17/05SOMS OUTDOORS 999 W/m2 509.925.823.380.373256.216.530.2976 4.984 9.77 Normalized and Spectrally Corrected

52、 SOMS data top25.80.3786 SampleDescriptionAperture areaTotal area(#)lengthwidtharealengthwidtharea(cm)(cm)(cm2)(cm)(cm)(cm2)Alla-PoStIo/a- PoStIo:Ge module30.916.5509.935.119.7691.5 產品測試69SUMMARY OF NREL TEST REPORT #2K0448 Samples are visually identical ans should be a-PoStIo/a-PoStIo:Ge modules an

53、d were assumed to be of listed material.Total area is the outside edge of device to outside edge of device.Aperture area was measured from edge to edge of lamination material.Aperture area was used in the efficiency calculation.Estimated total uncertainty in the NREL Spire measurement efficiency is

54、5%.Spire 240A measurements were taken with the Peak circuit installed, and running on new NREL software.The SPIRE 240A monitor calibration was set assuming top cell current limiting, to 114.41 using the NREL a-Si check module G1 with an M=1.027, the calculated M if middle cell limited =1.003 or M=1.

55、051 if bottom cell limited.Estimated total uncertainty of the NREL Large Area Continuous Solar Simulator measurements is 5%.The LACSS monitor calibration was set assuming top cell current limiting, to 121.35 mV using the a-Si reference cell sn#S21 with an M=0.9405, the calculated M if middle cell li

56、mited =1.068 or M=1.194 if bottom cell limited.Estimated total uncertainty of the NREL Outdoor measurements is 5%.NREL Outdoor (SOMS) measurements was normalized to 1000W/m2 and spectrally corrected using an M=1.047 (top cell) for 11/17/05, M=1.014 for middle cell or M=0.994 for bottom cell.Outdoor

57、sample temperature is measured on the back surface and may not represent the actual junction temperature.NREL Outdoor (SOMS) measurements are not corrected for temperature.Dark IVs are included.產品測試70產品規格TYPE-ASPIRE top cellcharacteristicsSympol-Avalueunit面积Area509.9(cm2)测试环境温度測Temp24.7(C)开路电压Voc23.

58、38(V)开路电流Isc0.3722(A)填充因子FF (Fill Factor )56.3(%)最大电压Vmax16.82(V)最大电流Imax0.2969(A)最大功率Pmax4.994(W)转换效率Aper.h9.79(%)TYPE-BLACSS SpectroLab X200 top cellcharacteristicsSympol-Bvalueunit面积Area509.9(cm2)测试环境温度Temp25.1(C)开路电压Voc23.47(V)开路电流Isc0.3834(A)填充因子FF(Fill Factor )58.1(%)最大电压Vmax16.64(V)最最大电Imax0.

59、2981(A)最大功率Pmax4.960(W)转换效率Aper.h9.73(%)7172生產本钱測算油墨物料本钱生產本钱:每月8MW產能Printing solutions (“inks”) productionUS$ 0.52油墨物料成本(W)人民幣 $ 3.5464Panel (printing) productionUS$ 0.2753生產成本(W)人民幣 $ 1.877674產品類別 單、多晶矽非晶矽銅銦鎵硒 CIGS 銅銦硒鎵CIS+G參考廠商旺能綠能、益通NanosolarSHIS單一生產線年產量(W) 15 MW30MW30MW48MW單一生產線投資費用2000萬USD4000萬

60、USD6000萬USD3600萬USD單一生產線月產能(MW/M)1.25 MW2.5 MW2.5 MW4 MW效率(%) 12 14 %6.0 10 %8.0 10 %9.0 10 %日(日光)受光角度90 度60 90 度60 90度45度日(日光)受光時數6 7 hour7 9 hour7 9 hour11 hour日(日光)感光效率 (%)12 14 %6.0 11.8 %8 .0 11.8 %10.514.38 %產品單位成本 美元/W2.62/W1.71/W1.2/W0.8/W75產品本钱最低: 生產速度快,因此產品本钱降低,每一條生產線每月可生產4MW的產品,本钱為70美分, 是


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