1、跨文化语境中的话语认知模第1页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三一 引言:关于文化文化 (Culture, culture) 认知文化 (cognitive culture) 习俗文化 (normative culture) 物质文化 (material culture)翻译跨文化交际 intercultural communication cross-cultural communication 言语交际 verbal communication第2页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三二 关于认知模式的研究1. 认知模式的研究 Gernsbache
2、r,structure building model Kinschi,construction integration model2. 翻译研究中的话语模式研究 Nidas dynamic equivalence model Analysis - Transfer - restructure Dynamic equivalence model Desliles model 第3页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 本文作者以 Beaugrande & Dressler话语语言学研究为基础,从翻译的文化语境来探讨话语认知模式第4页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点4
3、6分,星期三三、话语的成构标准 Introduction to Text Linguistics话语语言学导论 Beaugrande & Dressler对话语的定义 “话语被定义为一个交流事件,它应符合话语成构的七条标准。如果这七条标准未得到满足,话语就无法交流。” (Beaugrande & Dressler,1981:3)第5页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 话语成构的七个标准:(comprehensive) 衔接(cohesion)/ 连贯(coherence); 意图(intentionality)/ 可接受性(acceptability); 信息度(inf
4、ormativity) 情景性(situationality) 互文性 (intertextuality)第6页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 1/ Intention covers what speakers intend. (Dijk,1997:53) Intention are perceived in communication, the translator, in addition to being a competent processor of intention in any SL text, must be in a position to mak
5、e judgments about the likely effect of the translation on TL reader /hearers. (Hatim & Mason,65)第7页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 1a/Its very cold here? ( The speakers intention: Would you please shut the window?) An utterance or sentence must have an expectation from the writer/translator and his rea
6、ders. To the translator,it is the illocutionary force, and to the reader is the perlocutionary force.第8页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 2/ INFORMATIVITY: The degree of unexpectedness which an item or an utterance displays in some context. 2a. Sadam H is still alive. 2b. 人固有一死。 第9页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点4
7、6分,星期三 2b 人固有一死.# 2c 人固有一死, 或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛.第10页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 2d. The next day he discovered the lake. It was a small, low hill about five miles inland that first attracted his attention. It looked like a place from which they could spy out the land and where they could camp at least for
8、the night. 第11页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三3/ Cohesion: the requirement that text cohere grammatically and lexically. (H&M,239) 3a. Core six apples and put them into the fireproof dish. 第12页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 3.b(白嘉轩)娶头房媳妇时他刚刚过十六岁生日。那是西原上巩家村大户巩增荣的头生女,比他大两岁。(陈忠实白鹿原)第13页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点
9、46分,星期三 4/ Coherence: The requirement that texts hang together conceptually. 4a. Jack fell down and broke his crown. 4b. John is late. He is always late. 第14页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 4a. Jack fell down and broke his crown. ? 4c. Professor Zhang met visitors and broke his leg. 第15页,共63页,2022年,5月2
10、0日,10点46分,星期三 5/ Context of situation: the relationship between the function of an utterance and its context now includes participants in speech events, the action taking place, other relevant features of the situation and the effects of the verbal action. 第16页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 5a Slow Ch
11、ildren At Play 5b Slow children are at play.# (弱智儿童在游玩。) 5c Slow! Children are at play! (慢!儿童在游玩!)第17页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 6/ INTERTEXTUALITY: A precondition for the intelligibility of texts,involving the dependence of one text as a semiotic entity upon another. The other text could be a pri
12、or independent text, in which case intertextuality is the appropriate term. 第18页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 6a/5c 慢!儿童在游玩! # 6a 慢 儿 童 在 游 玩第19页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 6a The cry of the butterfly The Cry of the B u t t e r f l y Gone With the Wing Butterflies are magical, wondrous-and threatene
13、d第20页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 Double intertextualities: 1. The Call of the Wild ( Jack London) 野性的呼唤 2. Gone with the Wind ( Margaret Mitchel )飘、乱世佳人第21页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 6b 蝴 蝶 的 呼 唤 _ 飘 逝 逝 蝴蝶迷人,绚丽灿烂 可正面临危险第22页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三4.1a 蝴 蝶 的 呼 唤 _ 飘 逝 逝 蝴蝶迷人,绚丽灿烂 可正面临危险第23页,共
14、63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三Intertextuality in advertisements1. Broadway in New York2. A bus in Taibei3. In Los Angeles第24页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三第25页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三第26页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三第27页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 7a Q: Why dont you have classes in your school today?
15、A: SARS is rampant. The Situation tells that many places are infected with SARS. The students are asked to stay at home. The school will not open until the infection has been totally controlled. Though B does not answer As question, yet the texts are of acceptability. ) 第28页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,
16、星期三四 话语标准的不足话语语言学概论没有再版,没有修订版不是因为该学科已经消亡,而是因为: 1.认知和心理分析模型的复杂性; 2.建立一门话语研究的新学科,必须具有自己的学术范式和指称,这是因为其目标的性质使然; 3.语言晦涩,可读性不强; 4.跨文化交际的功能未得到充分的考虑; 5.分析话语的七个标准存在方法和技术上存在的不足第29页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 衔接(cohesion)/连贯(coherence) 意图(intentionality)/可接受性(acceptability) 信息度(informativity) 情景性(situationali
17、ty) 互文性 (intertextuality)第30页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三Beaugrande 和 Dressler对话语七个标准分析,并非完全是动态的和系统的,相反,按照他们的排列和分析,七项标准的内在联系被割裂和削弱了。在本节中,作者提出一个话语的建构模式,以期对跨文化交际中的话语进行动态的分析。第31页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三五 话语认知模式及其在跨文化翻译中的应用第32页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三1 增加了传讯者与受讯者;2 文本总是处于互动之中,传讯者与受讯者的角色是不断变换的, t
18、urn-taking可以用来解释;3 意图性摆在首位,如何一个交际行为都是意图性的,它是决定交际成功与否的首要因素;火箭图形用来说明人类交际有如火箭发射,将卫星送出去, 平安进入轨道运行才算成功;框内要素为话语本体部分,框外要素为话语外部的制约部分第33页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 创苹记 第六天第34页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三1/ 创苹记 / 第六天意图:成功登陆台湾,艺术地,大批量地销售苹果日报信息度:苹果与禁果之别:后者让你发现一个你全然不知的国度连贯:创世纪, 第六天 (圣经题材,主题 )情景性:钟丽缇从从红苹果中涌出 =
19、伊甸园(Eden) 隐喻, 劲爆的新闻互文性:百老汇广告图片可接受性:好的报纸永远是受欢迎的,具有创世纪意义的报纸尤其如此,衔接: 创苹记- 苹果日报, 创苹记-创世记第35页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三第36页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 2/ Mannin (保健水的品牌) 水氏物语 杯水瘦身 The Story of the Water (The Story of the Stone)Just One Drop, Slim and Slender 第37页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三意图:销售保健水信息度
20、:一杯水就可苗条衔接:水氏-杯水连贯:一饮便瘦,这就是客官该要听的水的故事互文性: 水氏物语 =(日本)源氏物语(林文月译) 杯水瘦身 = / + 杯水车薪 情景性:一个人皆偏肥的世界可接受性:一个做梦都想要苗条的群体第38页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 水氏物语 杯水瘦身 The Story of the Water (The Story of the Stone) Just One Drop, Slim and Slender第39页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三3/The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 篱笆物语 (
21、汤姆刷墙记)(On a Sunday morning, Tom was whitewashing the fence whileanother boy Ben passed by and was eating an apple.) Tom surveyed his last touch with the eye of an artist;then he gave his brush another gentle sweep and surveyedthe result as before. Ben ranged up alongside of him. Tomsmouth watered fo
22、r the apple, but he stuck to his work. Bensaid: “Hello, old chap, you got to work, hey?”第40页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 Tom wheeled suddenly and said: “Why, its you,Ben! I warnt noticing.” “Say-Im going in a-swimming, I am. Dont youwish you could? But of course youd druther work wouldnt you? course
23、 you would!” Tom contemplated the boy a bit, and said: “What do you call work?” “Why? Aint that work?” Tom resumed his whitewashing, and answered carelessly:第41页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 “Well, maybe it is, and maybe it aint. All Iknow is, it suits Tom Sawyer.” “Oh, come now, you dont mean to let
24、 on thatyou like it?” The brush continued to move. “Like it? Well, I dont see why I oughtnt tolike it. Does a boy get a chance to whitewash afence every day?”第42页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 That put the thing in a new light. Ben stopped nibbling his apple. Tom swept his brush daintilyback and forth
25、-stepped back to note the effect added a touch here and there - criticized theeffect again. Ben watching every move,and gettingmore and more interested, more and more absorbed. Presently he said: “Say, Tom let me whitewash alittle.” Tom considered-was about to consent; but he altered his mind:第43页,共
26、63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 “No,no;I reckon it wouldnt hardly do, Ben. Yousee, Aunt Pollys awful particular about thisfence - right here on the street, you know but if it was the back fence I wouldnt mind andshe wouldnt. Yes, shes awful particular aboutthis fence; its got to be done very careful; Ire
27、ckon there aint one boy in a thousand, maybetwo thousand that can do it the way its got to Be done.”第44页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三 “Nois that so? Oh come, now; lemme just try. Only justa little. Id let you, if you was me, Tom.” “Ben, Id like to, honest Injun; but Aunt Polly-well, Jimwanted to do i
28、t, but she wouldnt let him; Sid wanted to doit, and she wouldnt let Sid. Now, dont see how Im fixed,and anything was happen to it ” “Oh,shucks;Ill be just as careful.Now lemme try. SayIll give you the core of my apple.” “Well, hereNo, Ben, now dont. Im afraid“ “Ill give you all of it.” Tom gave up t
29、he brush with reluctance in his face but alacrity in his heart. 第45页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三人物:Tom 和 Ten背景:星期天早上,work 与 play意图性:面子,以苦力交换苹果/ 策略:欲擒故纵信息度:刷墙是艺术活动,it suits Tom Sawyer,衔接:重复work(5),fence(4),like(3)连贯:“Hello,you got to work,hey?” “Why, it is you.I was not noticing.”互文性:语句平易,用词简单,容易上口情景
30、性:小孩的认知能力,单纯和幼稚可接受性: lemme just try;youd druther work第46页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三例4: 咏蟹诗原文:薛宝钗:桂霞桐阴坐举觞,长安涎口盼重阳。眼前道路无经纬,皮里春秋空黑黄。酒未敌腥还用菊,性防积冷定须姜。于今落釜成何益?月浦空余禾黍香。 曹雪芹红楼梦第38回 第47页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三杨宪益译:We sit, cups raised, in the shades of osmanthus and Wu-tung;Mouths watering, for the Dou
31、ble Ninth we pine;It crawls sidewise because the ways of the world are crooked,And, white and yellow, harbours a dark design.第48页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三Wine wont purge the smell without chrysanthemums,And ginger is needed dyspepsia to prevent,What can it do now, fallen into the cauldron?On the
32、moonlit bank all that remains is the millets scent. 第49页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三霍克斯译: With winecups in hand, as the autumn day ends,And with watering mouths, we wait our small friends.A straightforward breed you are certainly not,And the goodness inside you has all gone to pot-第50页,共63页,2022年,5月
33、20日,10点46分,星期三For your cold humours, ginger, to cut out your smellWeve got wine and chrysanthemum petals as well.As you hiss in your pot, crabs, dye look back with painOn that calm moonlit cove and the fields of that grain?第51页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三罗按语:第一联杨以osmanthus和Wu-tung译桂树和梧桐,两英词判若冰火,不具互文
34、条件。再者,诗人不会同时坐在两棵树下。乃能指与所指之故也。坐于梧桐树下,置身于桂香之中,能更好地体现作者之意图。第二句的mouth watering 与for the Double Ninth缺乏内在联系,语义连贯性不强。西人读the Double Ninth,必不知其所云,若作注,则诗意荡然无存。霍译将重阳改成秋末(the autumn days ends),意味不及原文深长,算是不可为而为之。然省略梧桐和桂树,等于省略了中国诗歌的意象;第二联第一句,杨译”it” 指代不明,实为原诗所困。原诗未有出现蟹字。霍译采取变通手法,”you”既可回指前面的“our small friends”,又可
35、后指“crabs”, 可谓左右逢源。但若我们将杨和霍的翻译回译成汉语,再把它们同薛宝钗的原诗及贾宝玉和林黛玉的诗放在一块比较,我们就会发现,霍译亦不理想。策略误解,导致语体不适,有违意图性和情景性。此处,霍之神来之笔,光辉顿失。第52页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三回译1: (杨宪益)举起酒杯,我们坐在桂花梧桐树下,盼望重阳(的蟹),口水流馋;它横行皆因这世界是如此,黄白之中塞充黑色的杂质;没有菊酒又怎能驱腥?没有生姜又怎防积食;掉进了铁锅, 你还有何能,月下河岸, 空有禾黍飘香.第53页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三回译2:(霍克思)酒杯在
36、手,秋已走到尽头, 小朋友快来哟,我们口水在流;你当然不是直来直去的动物, 体内精华全已灌注在锅中;用生姜来防止你的冷性,用酒和菊花来驱赶你的味腥;当你在锅中丝丝作响,蟹喲,你只有徒然的回想,宁静的月光下,稻黍飘香。第54页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三语译1 (罗)酒杯在手,梧桐阴里桂花香,重阳盼蟹,口流涎水三尺长;为何一昧横行,惟其泾渭不明,肚中充斥黑黑黄黄。美酒菊花除蟹腥,生姜最宜防冷性。一任你掉进烹锅,空悲叹,月下河湾,稻黍飘香。第55页,共63页,2022年,5月20日,10点46分,星期三Poem by Bao-chai桂霞桐阴坐举觞,长安涎口盼重阳。眼前道路无经纬,皮里春
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