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1、高考词汇记忆第1页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五abandon: You must abandon somking.abandon oneself to doing sth. 沉溺于aboard a plane 登机go/ study abroad both at home and abroad 国内外abolish old customs 废除旧俗an abrupt chang 骤变during/in ones absence 某人不在时be absent from 缺席A child has absolute trust in his mother.第2页,共11

2、2页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五be absorbed in 专心于absorb light/ knowledge 吸收知识Your idea is very absurd. 荒谬的 = ridiculous I wish to have money in abundance. be abundant in = be rich inThis is abuse of medicine. 滥用She must come from the south, for her strong accent gave her away.第3页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期

3、五The local library is accessible to the public.All the citizens have access to the library.This book is easily accessible to beginners.Will you accompany me to the hospital?accomplish ones purposean account of the accidentopen an account at a bankon account of = because of第4页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分

4、,星期五In his work, he accumulated much experience.accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 指责某人做了某事 = charge sb. with (doing) sth.be accustomed to = be used to doing sth.acknowledge defeat 承认失败acknowledge doing sth. = admit doing sth.have an acquaintance with sb. 与某人相识acquire a bad habit 养成坏习惯acquire a knowledge of

5、 French第5页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五acute pain 剧痛Air pollution is an acute problem.adapt the the story for the film 把小说改变成电影adapt oneself to sth. adapt to add to.add to add upadd up to第6页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五be addicted to 对上瘾,沉溺于in addition 而且 in addition to 除之外 be adequate to the demand 满

6、足需求 be adequate to ( doing) sth.adjust the errors 校正错误adjust oneself to (doing) sth. 使自己适应admire sb. for his courage 钦佩gain /obtain admission to a club第7页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五admit ones mistakesadmit (to) doing sth.adopt a new methodones adopted sonin advancemake an advancegain/have an advant

7、age over 优于,胜过take advantage of 利用第8页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五advise doing sth advise sb. to do sth. advise that sb. should do sth.advocate ( doing) sth. 拥护I dont advocate young people smoking.have an affection for/towards sb. 喜欢某人afford (to buy) a car be afraid of doing sth 担心be afraid to do sth

8、.不敢place/put sth. on the agenda 把某事提到日程上来第9页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五agree on/ to/withreach/come to/arrive an agreementtake aim at 瞄准achieve ones aim 达到目的aim at 瞄准, He treats all the students alike.be allergic to 对过敏allocate duties to certain persons第10页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五allow doing sth

9、. allow sb. to do sth.allow for 考虑到第11页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五ample ample evidence / room amuse We were all amused by/at his foolish behaviour.amusing = funnyanchor 锚anecdote 奇闻,异事angle 角 vs. angel 天使 vs. ankle脚踝 be angry with sb. about/at sth. Hell be angry to find that nothing has been done.m

10、ake an announcement第12页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五be annoyed at 被惹恼the annual school sports meetingFloods cause damage anuually.the answer to the questionantique 古董 be anxious about sth. 担忧 be anxious for sth. 渴望得到 = long forAnyhow, I must finish this job today.I dont know whether its lost or stole

11、n; anyway, its gone. 无论如何,总之第13页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五Apart from a few words, I dont know any French.apologize to sb. for sth. offer / make /accept an apologyapparent = obvious sth. appeal to sb. 对有吸引力appendix 附录lose ones appetitehave a good appetiteThe long walk gave him a good appetite.第14页,

12、共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五 apply theory to practice 运用 apply for a job 申请appoint 约定,委派,任命make / fix an appointment with sb. 约某人keep/break an appointment 遵守/违反约定 appreciate sth. 感激,欣赏appreciate doing sth. 喜欢做某事I would appreciate it if you could do sth.The time is approaching when we must be on board

13、. 接近,逼近第15页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五appropriate = suitable=proper be appropriate for My parents dont approve of my smoking. apron 围裙 arbitrary 随心所欲的,专横的 arch 拱形物,半圆形 Whats the area of your school? argue with /against sb. about/on sth.argue sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事argue sb. out of doing sth. 说服

14、某人不要做某事第16页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五That question didnt arise.I arose early in the morning. take sb. in ones arm 拥抱 arm in arm 手挽手arm ourselves with knowledge 用武装 take up / lay down arms 拿起、放下武器join the army; serve in the army make arrangement forbe under arrest 第17页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五 o

15、n sbs arrival 某人一到 On your arrival of Foshan airport, please inform me. Ill pick you up. arrive in Foshanarrive at the museumThe firefighter arrived on the scene only 5 minutes after the fire broke out.arrive at a decision/conclusion She is good at the art of making friends. 艺术,技巧第18页,共112页,2022年,5月

16、20日,0点15分,星期五 an article of clothing/ furniture 物品 an a_ satellite/ leg / smile 不自然的微笑 He is ashamed of his failure.stand aside 靠边站We spent most of our fortune buying the apartment, but we still set aside some money for decoration.aside from = apart from 除之外rtificial第19页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五a

17、sk (sb.) for sth. 要求得到ask sb. to do sth.Did he ask you for help? He is fast/sound asleep. 睡得很香。He is sleeping fast. a sleeping baby I felt sleepy in class because I had stayed up late the night before.第20页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五This is just one aspect of the problemtake on a new aspect = lookas

18、sist sb. with sth.assist sb. in doing sth.assist sb. to do sth.When he was almost drowned and cried for help, no one came to his assistance.第21页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五Red is usually associated with danger. 联想,联系 (link, connect)He has been found associate with some criminals. 交往Lets assume the s

19、tory to be true. = suppose 假设Assuming that / On the assumption that you won a lottery, what would you do? astonish = surprise astonishment第22页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五a friendly atmosphere 氛围,气氛She attached a stamp to the envolop and mailed it. 把粘上、固定The high school is attached to Southern China

20、Normal University. 附属于a heart attack 突发心脏病Without any anti-virus program, my computer is under attack.第23页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五attain/obtain/gain knowledge 得到attempt to do sth.attempt at sth./ doing sth.The prisoner attempted an escape but failed.Jimmy attempted to win the first prize.Jimmy a

21、ttempted at winning the 1st prize.I was absent from your party because I had to attended (on/to) my sick mother.第24页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五 pay / devote attention toattract / draw ones attention He took a friendly/ hostile attitude towards/ to us.apply all available means 千方百计第25页,共112页,2022年,5

22、月20日,0点15分,星期五1. Obamas autobiography sold well after it came out / was published.2. He wears /is wearing/ is dressed in / is in / has on a school uniform. a suit of a set of furniture, false teeth, cardIs the girl _ red a new comer?School boys and girls mustnt _ necklaces.When I went in, I saw her

23、_ herself before the mirror.第26页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五3. We were deeply impressed by the beauty of the West Lake.The beauty of the West Lake left/gave us a deep impression.4. His parents both died last year and left him ( to be) an orphan. His parents both passed away last year, leaving him an

24、 orphan.Leave the door open.His illness left him weak.What he said left me thinking deeply.第27页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五5. In her opinion,/ Based on her opinion, Tom wont pass the exam/test. Tom will fail (in) the exam. according to the report/ broadcast6. The new railway will benefit the village

25、rs. will be beneficial to will be of benefit to will do good to will be good for The villagers here will benefit form the new railroad.第28页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五第29页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五我醒来发现她已经走了。I awoke to find she had gone.喧闹声吵得大家都睡不着。The noise was keeping everyone awake.第30页,共112页,2

26、022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五表示“直到才”时,可以互换。Dont open the door _ the train stops.I will wait _ he comes to my help.before 的其他用法:He had left the room before I could say good bye to him. “不等就” “还没来得及就”It was quite some time before he found the elephant. “一段时间之后才”We had walked a long way before we found some wat

27、er.It wont be long before we meet again. “不多久就”第31页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五strike, hit, beat strike: to hit sb./sth. hard or with force to hit sb. with your hand or a weapon 通常表示“打一下、打若干下”,不一定都是有意的; hit 指“打中”或“对准来打”,“敲打或打击对方的某一点”。 beat 1)着重“连续地打击”。如:殴打或体罚;2)指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方;3)“心跳”。第32页,共112页,2022

28、年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五beat the shore /drum /wingsIn the end their army was beaten.He used to beat her black and blue.When he was running on the playground, a football hit him on the head.The child ran into the road and was struck by a car.She struck him in the face.The clock has just struck twelve.第33页,共

29、112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五1) a bit和a little在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级时可以互换,表示“一点儿”的意思。 The speaker spoke up a bit/a little so as to make himself heard more clearly. 2) 在否定句中,not a bit = not at all not a little = very much / extremelyShe is not a bit tired. =She is not tired at all.She is not a little tire

30、d. = She is very tired.第34页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五3) 修饰名词时, a little a bit of There is a little / a bit of food left for lunch. U第35页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五第36页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五1. She _ her nose on a very small handkerchief. 擤鼻涕2. I have to get my front tires _ _.打气3. The worker

31、s are expecting a large Christmas _. 津贴4. I have _ 3 seats on the plane. 预定5. Pompeii used to be a _ Roman city. 繁荣的6. Do you need a passport to cross the Scottish _? 边界7. You neednt bother _ (meet) me.第37页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五8. The people welcomed the returning soldiers from the _ of their

32、heart.9. The baby likes to _ up and down on the bed. 弹跳10. We must put _ to your spending. 限度,界限11. The ship is _ for Hongkong. 发往12. This wall marks the _ of the school grounds. 边界13. The old man was _ with old age. 弯腰14. He has got football on the _ and he talks of nothing else. 一直想着第38页,共112页,202

33、2年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五15. He climbed up the tree and hid among the _. 树枝 品牌16. Whats your favorit _ of sports wear.17. Its hard to break _ _ the bad habits. 18. His health broke _ because of hard work. 身体垮了,控制不住情绪19. Jim cheated on the test, but finally he went to the teacher and made a clean _ of it. 2

34、0. They were almost _ when they stopped running. 上气不接下气第39页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五21. My aunt made a _ visit here. 简短的22. He is a _ scientist. 卓越的23. I wish I could bring you _ (see) from my point of view. 24. A phone call brought him _ (hurry) to Guangzhou.25. He brought _ a quallrel between h

35、is parents.第40页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五1. She blew her nose on a very small handkerchief.2. I have to get my front tires blown up. His death was a terrible blow to us.3. The workers are expecting a large Christmas bonus.4. I have booked 3 seats on the plane.5. Pompeii used to be a booming Roman

36、city.6. Do you need a passport to cross the Scottish border?第41页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五7. Sorry to bother you with all this. Meeting new people bothers her. Dont bother about meeting me. You neednt bother to meet me.8. The people welcomed the returning soldiers from the bottom of their heart.9.

37、 The baby likes to bounce up and down on the bed.11. We must put bounds to your spending. 限度,界限12. The ship is bound for Hongkong. The ship is homeword bound.第42页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五13. This wall marks the boundary of the school grounds.14. The old man was bowed with old age.15. He has got f

38、ootball on the brain and he talks of nothing else.16. He climbed up the tree and hid among the branches.17. Whats your favorit brand of sports wear.18. We mustnt break the law. Its hard to break away from the bad habits.19. His health broke down because of hard work.第43页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五2

39、0. She broke down and sobbed aloud.21. Jim cheated on the test, but finally he went to the teacher and made a clean breast of it.22. The were almost breathless when they stopped running.23. My aunt made a brief visit here.24. He is a brilliant scientist.25. I wish I could bring you to see from my po

40、int of view.26. A phone call brought him hurrying to Guangzhou.第44页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五27. He brought about a quallrel between his parents.第45页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五1. The witness brought _ fresh evidence(提供,提出).2. The river is 30 feet _ (宽).3. He brushed _ (经过,掠过) me in a rude way.4.

41、Our household _预算 is $30 a week.5. Dont build too many hopes _ his helping you. 依赖第46页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五6. They have built _建立 a good reputation.7. I will not _负担 you with my troubles.8. She had a _急切的 desire to be an actress.9. He _烧到 his finger lighting a cigar.10. She was bursting _ (sh

42、ow) what she could do.第47页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五11. He buried himself _ his work.12. Its really no _不关你事 of yours where I spend my summer holiday.13. _ _要不是 the storm, we should have arrived earlier.14. You will have _ _ yourself to blame.只有你自己15. Bread and butter _ my favorite.16. Perhaps she

43、 _(recover) by now.17. You cant calculate _ fine weather.第48页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五18. When the streets are full of melting snow, you cant (help) _ get your shoes wet. 只能19. Data of this kind _可能 be valuable.20. Titiles should be written in _大写.第49页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五1. The witness br

44、ought _ fresh evidence(提供,提出). forward /up I was brought up by my aunt.2. The river is 30 feet _ (宽). broadstreet, meadow, shoulder, mind, views3. He brushed _ (经过,掠过) me in a rude way. past/against4. Our household _预算 is $30 a week. budget5. Dont build too many hopes _ his helping you. 依赖 on第50页,共1

45、12页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五6. They have built _建立 a good reputation. up Good food builds up the body.a bunch of flowers/grapes/letters/newspapers/children7. I will not _负担 you with my troubles. burden8. She had a _急切的 desire to be an actress. burning9. He _烧到 his finger lighting a cigar. burnt10. She

46、was bursting _ (show) what she could do. to show第51页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五11. He buried himself _ his work. in12. Its really no _不关你事 of yours where I spend my summer holiday. businessIn April, I had to go to Cambridge on business.13. _ _要不是 the storm, we should have arrived earlier. But for14

47、. You will have _ _ yourself to blame.只有你自己 nobody but15. Bread and butter _ my favorite. is16. Perhaps she _(recover) by now. has recovered17. You cant calculate _ fine weather. on 第52页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五18. When the streets are full of melting snow, you cant (help) _ get your shoes wet. 只

48、能 butI had no choice but to tell the truth. I could do nothing but tell the truth.19. Data of this kind _可能 be valuable. can20. Titiles should be written in _大写. capitalsYou cant be too careful to cross the street.She got _ a car and left.Lets play _.第53页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五27. He brought ab

49、out a quallrel between his parents.28. The witness brought up fresh evidence.30. The river is 30 feet broad.31. He brushed past/against me in a rude way.32. Our household budge is $30 a week.33. Dont build too many hopes on his helping you.第54页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五34. They have built up a goo

50、d reputation.36. 37. I will not burden you with my troubles.38. She had a burning desire to be an actress.39. He burnt his finger lighting a cigar.40. She was bursting to show what she could do.第55页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五41. He buried himself in his work.43. Its really no business of yours wher

51、e I spend my summer holiday.44. Burt for the storm, we should have arrived earlier.45. You will have nobody but yourself to blame.第56页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五47. Bread and butter is my favorite.48. Perhaps she has recovered by now.49. You cant calculate on fine weather.51. When the streets are f

52、ull of melting snow, you cant (help) but get your shoes wet.52. Data of this kind can be valuable.53. Titiles should be written in capitals.第57页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五1. Hes careless _ money matters.2. He didnt carried out his promise to us. carry out a plan/ an experiment/ a policy/ ones order

53、. 3. I found myself completely carried _ by his vivid performance.4. The old pictures carried me _ 35 years to my wedding day.5. I expect my son to carry _ the family tradition.第58页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五6. Despite a long struggle we succeed in carrying most of our plans _.7. The artist _ a bea

54、utiful boat from that old piece of wood 雕刻.8. I keep an umbrella here in case of rain. in case it should rain.9. I just _投掷 a glance at the headlines.10. In the opera John was _ 扮演 as Hamlet.11. Id like to wear _ 便服 clothes.12. There was a terrible _ 灾难 in which many people died.第59页,共112页,2022年,5月2

55、0日,0点15分,星期五13. The farmer caught the boys _ (steal) his apples.14. I _ 赶上him before he had gone far.15. As the wood is wet it wont _ _ 着火.16. Helen groups all people into two _ 类, those she likes and those she dislikes.17. TV programmes usually _迎合 for/to all tastes.18. He _宴请 for 200 guests at the

56、 party.第60页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五19. Cattle _ (be) allowed to graze on the village.20. What caused him _ (change) his mind?21. Use _小心 in crossing streets.22. My parents always caution me _ 不要开车太快.23. Parents are invited to atttend the graduation _仪式.第61页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五24. He is c

57、ertain/sure to return. = It is _ that hell return.25. I cant say _ certain when he will arrive.26. There has been _一定量的 improvement in his health.27. A birth/marriage/health/death /graduation _证书28. The bridge was supported by heavy iron _链条 hanging from two towers.第62页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五29

58、. The father challenged his son _ a game of chess.30. He accepted his friends challenge to swim across the river.31. Louis was the world boxing champion last year. = Louis won the _ of boxing last year.32. You should try your best as long as there is a chance _ youll win.第63页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分

59、,星期五33. The magician changed the scarf _ a pigeon.24. Could you change this fifty pence _ five tens for me, please?25. You should changed your soiled clothes _ clean ones.26. Her moods are as changeable as the weather.27. When I went upstairs to change, I couldnt find my new clothes.28. I had to cha

60、nge from a train to a bus for part of the journey.第64页,共112页,2022年,5月20日,0点15分,星期五29. Read _章节 1 to 5 of the textbook. The choir chanted in the background.30. The room was _ _ 一团糟 when the burglers had left.31. He was charged by the saler _ theft.32. How much do you charge_ a haircut?33. Our school


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