1、高中英语词汇教学第1页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四第2页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四第3页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四一、高考英语试题和教材中 有关词汇的数据第4页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四2007-2010年高考山东卷词汇数据年份全卷词量不同词量有效词量200743151266903200843411279930200943591320949201044271337959第5页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四20072010年高考山东卷和全国卷单项填空词汇
2、考查统计年份山东卷全国卷题量权重题量权重2007533%213%2008533%213%2009533%320%2010427%17%第6页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四人教版教材对课标词汇的覆盖谢家成 何安平 (2008)课标词汇百分比课标八级百分比总 词 数*3398920教材呈现287184.5%56961.8 %未 呈 现52715.5 %35138.2 %呈现一次2497.3%12213%呈现两次2236.6%909.8%仅在活动手册中呈现34810.2%12613.7%*3398:课标词汇表中明列的全部词汇数为3432+58个附表词汇=3490第7页,共8
3、7页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四高考中出现但课标未收的相对高频词(高考试题中大多没有加注)crisis (9次),issue (39次), claim (14次), solution (23次), solve (37次)第8页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四二、高考各题型怎样考查词汇?1. 各题型均在语境中考查词汇,即在语言运用的层次上考查。2. 单项填空和完形填空对词汇的考查较为直接,针对某些词或短 设考点,考生答题时须进行不同的语境假设。 例:2010 第31题 Your house is always so neat how do you it
4、with three children? A. manage B. serve C. adapt D. construct (破折号前为信息词语)3. 其他题型对词汇的考查较为间接,大多不针对某些词或短语设 考点。(猜测词义和翻译句子除外) 第9页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四三、学生词汇学习中存在的主要问题1. 词汇学习方法单一,大多习惯于背词汇表。2. 不善于区分重点词汇和非重点词汇,平均 用力。3. 过于依赖中文释义理解词义。4. 不善于通过语境猜测词义。5. 词汇运用能力差。6. 对听说读写对词汇的巩固和强化作用认识 不清。第10页,共87页,2022年,5月
5、20日,11点10分,星期四四、提高词汇教学效率的途径1.针对不同级别或频度的词汇采取 不同的策略。第11页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四认知词汇和运用词汇 认知词汇(recognition vocabulary) 重点掌握音、形、义 运用词汇(production vocabulary) 除掌握音、形、义外,还要掌握用法 第12页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四词汇的用法词性词法功能句法功能构词(派生、转化、合成)与其他词的搭配不同语境中的含义语用特征 第13页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四高频词与低频词第14页,共
6、87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四第15页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 1. 针对不同级别的词汇制定不同的教学目标 五星级 960个 四星级 892个 三星级 964个 二星级 840个 一星级 847个第16页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四beyond 高考词频:34 第17页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四第18页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四对不同词汇的处理方法从词频考频的角度 高频词 低频词从词汇属性的角度 义 音、形 用法第19页,共87页,2022年,5月20日
7、,11点10分,星期四2. 以教材为中心进行听说读写训练要特别重视听的训练 听使词汇在大脑中留下语音形象,缺少 语音形象很难记住单词的词义、拼写、 用法等。(心理语言学) 听说读写四项技能中,听最能增强语感, 对其他语言技能的提高至关重要。 第20页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 Rivers says, “ of the time adults spend in communication activities, 45 per cent is devoted to listening, only 30 per cent to speaking, 16 per cen
8、t to reading, and a mere 9 per cent to writing.”第21页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 Listening also assists the students reading ability. Therefore, it is certainly a skill that cannot be neglected. It is even more difficult than speaking in the sense that though one can control what he says, he can har
9、dly control what others say.第22页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 河北省取消听力后,高考英语成 绩逐年下降。可见,听力训练的 作用不可忽视,听力训练不仅仅 是能提高听力水平。 吉林省不考听力。东北师大附中 两名英语得满分的学生说非常 受益于大量的听力训练。第23页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四口头造句,练习所学的词汇、句式等问答练习朗读、背诵、复述课文第24页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 加大课外阅读,通过阅读巩固 扩大词汇量 第25页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,
10、星期四默写课文、改写课文、缩写课文等第26页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四3. 听说读写相互结合听和说的结合 如:听后重复听和写的结合 如:听后写读和写的结合 如:回答问题、写内容提纲第27页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四4. 按分类法复习词汇 按话题分类 第28页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四语义场理论语义场又叫词汇场,主要探究词汇之间的聚合关系,认为要构成一个完整的词汇系统,语言系统中的词汇在语义上或语言结构上就必须是相互联系的。语义场是单个词和词汇整体之间的现实存在。运用语义场理论记忆词汇比按字母顺序记忆效率提
11、高一倍。第29页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四动物宠物:cat, dog, goldfish, parrot, rabbit等野生动物:bear, dolphin, giant panda, kangaroo, squirrel, tiger, camel, fox, giraffe, lion, monkey, polar bear, tortoise, wolf, zebra等鸟类:crane, seagull, sparrow, swan, eagle等第30页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四语义场延伸 onlineInternet, w
12、ebcomputer (再形成多个语义场)与计算机用途相关的: drawing and designing, playing games, searching for information, sending and receiving emails, word processing, writing computer programs等;与计算机设备相关的: keyboard, mouse, screen, disk, processor, printer等;与计算机类型相关的: microcomputer, minicomputer, personal computer等;与计算机操作相关
13、的: input,output, store, operate, turn on/off等;与计算机运行相关的: software, hardware, password, data等。第31页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 看:gaze, glance, glimpse, look, notice, observe, peer, see, stare, witness Yesterday I glanced (匆匆一看) out of the window and noticed (注意到) a man observing (观察) a house opposite
14、 through a telescope. I thought I glimpsed (瞥见) a woman inside the house. Then I saw (看见) someone else peering (仔细看) into the window of the same house. I gazed (凝视) at them wondering what they were doing. Suddenly the first man stopped staring (注视) through his telescope. He went and hit the other on
15、e on the head with the telescope and I realized that I had witnessed (目击) a crime. (说明:glimpse,peer,gaze是非课标词汇,但高考中出现过)第32页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 按功能意念分类第33页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 喜欢:adore, appeal to, attract, be fond of, care for, enjoy, fall in love, fancy, keen on, like, love Dear Ann
16、a, It was great to hear from you after so many years. Im eager to tell you that I have a boyfriend called Tom. Weve known each other for three years. I quite liked (喜欢) Tom when we first met, but I didnt fancy (倾慕) him at all. He invited me out and I really enjoyed (享受) spending time with him. I was
17、 attracted (吸引) by his stories of his travels around the world. Moreover, we were both very keen on (热衷) sailing. Soon I realised I had fallen in love (爱上) with him. His sense of humour really appealed to (吸引) me. Now, three years later I absolutely adore (爱慕) him. Hes a very caring (关心别人的) person,
18、fond of (喜爱) animals and small children. Hes always loving (满怀爱意的) towards me and the people he cares for (关心). I hope well worship (爱慕) each other as much as we do now. Do write again soon and tell me about how you are! Love Jude 第34页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 按语言结构分类第35页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,
19、星期四 常见的名词后缀:-er / -or, -ee, -(t)ion / -sion / -ion, -ist, -ism, -ness, -ment, -ity, -hood, -shiper / -or用来表示从事某一活动的人:actor, butcher, carpenter, director, editor, educator, engineer, messenger, player, reporter, tutor, volunteer, er及ee的意思形成对比,分别是“做某事的人”和“某行动的接受者或经历者:employer / employee-(t)ion / -sion
20、 / -ion是用来把动词变成名词:accommodation, acquisition, addition, administration, admission, affection, ambition, application, association, attention, attractionist及-ism用于个人的职业或者信念及主义:Buddhism, chemist, communism, dentist, journalist, novelist, physicist, pianist, socialist, socialism, violinistness用来把形容词变成名词
21、:business, darkness, happiness, illness, kindness, sadness, sickness, weaknessment: achievement, advertisement, apartment, appointment, argument, arrangementity: ability, authority, nationality, opportunity, possibility, priority, quantity, responsibilityhood: : childhood, neighbourhood, ship: frien
22、dship, hardship, ownership, relationship, scholarship, spaceship第36页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四动词句型后接双宾语的:后接不定式作宾语的:后接-ing作宾语的: 后接不定式和-ing作宾语的:后接it作形式宾语的:后接复合宾语(宾语名词形容词副词介词短语不定式-ing过去分词)的:第37页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四5.练习题型应多样化第38页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四第39页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四第40页,
23、共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四第41页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四第42页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 八、书面表达。(2010 福建改编) 假设你是李华,福建省某中学高中学生,今年暑假将前往澳大利亚参加主题为“WATER FOR LIFE”的交流活动。请你以参访代表的身份,根据以下图片提示,用英语写一篇发言稿。 . 将发言稿中可能用到的关键词译成英语。 1. 短缺 (n) _ 2. 全球变暖 (phrase) _ 3. 环境污染 (phrase) _ 4. 人口 (n) _ 5. 有效的 (adj) _ 6. 储
24、备 (v) _ 7. 资源 (n) _ 8. 回收利用 (v) _ . 以下是发言稿的主要内容,根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。 1. As we know, the global water shortage is becoming increasingly _ (严重) mainly due to _ (全球变暖), _ (环境污染) and the ever-increasing _ (人口). 2. _ (一个有效的方法), I think, is to _ (科学地储备水源以作将来之用). 3. Its everyones responsibility to make good use
25、of water, such as _ (在我们的日常生活中循环用水和节约用水).第43页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四九、选出与划线词语意思相近的选项。1. This is a red-letter day for me. I received a check for my magazine article for the first time. A. a hard day B. a happy day C. a dark D. a popular day2. Sales began to drop and the company was soon in the r
26、ed. They had to sell the building. A. in debt B. in red color C. well off D. money-making3. They caught him red-handed while he was putting the ring in his pocket. A. having red hands B. having bleeding hands C. after the fact D. on spot4. The car war between the United States and Japan is a white w
27、ar. They are competing for the car market fiercely. A. a war which is white B. a war which benefits for both C. a war without fire and shoot D. a war without loss第44页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四If you leave the club, you will not be _ back in. (2009 全国 II)A. received B. admitted C. turned D. moved T
28、o turn your weakness into strength, consider taking hands-on learning or training. (2009 浙江 任务型阅读) Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still _ the traditional customs. (2008 湖北)A. perform B. possess C. observe D. support 6. 结合语境练习熟词生义 第45页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四7.应注意的几个问题注重词汇的比喻义
29、、引申义等。注重词的各种搭配。注重词汇预制块。词汇与语法结合。做适当的翻译练习。尽量用英语释义。第46页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四有关词汇学习的名言 语言知识和语言运用共生共存,互为基础与前提,相互促进。(Krashen, 1982) 如果把一个单词的形式及其功能特征的综体置于一个完整的词汇环境中来学,学起来就比较容易。(Carter, 1999) 学生至少需要与词汇接触516次才有可能掌握一个词汇。(Nation, 1990)第47页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 在语境中运用词汇是词汇学习的高级形式,因语境中的单词包含了所有属性。 一
30、个生词在课文中出现,只能学到它的一个词义,而在不同语境中出现才会掌握其多种词义和用法。 在同一个语境中记一个单词10次不如在10个不同语境中各记一个单词一次。第48页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四第49页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四高考英语听力测试与高中英语听力教学第50页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四一、近年高考英语听力试题的 有关数据第51页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四(一)话题年 份第一节第二节Text 1Text 2Text 3Text 4Text 5Text 6Text 7Te
31、xt 8Text 9Text 102010周末计划T恤衫价格周日活动银行营业时间宾馆服务租房子旅行归来电话留言交通事故校园参观2009购物住宿邀请活动工作确认座位购物个人经历学校生活机场趣事2008天气人物演员论文工作照看婴儿空气污染旅行借车课程2007喝茶接人开会购物旅行歌手生日礼物找工作新居上班语言学习2006买票登机交通送电脑穿衣打电话住宾馆工作接待访客婴儿学话2005购物报告礼物室友找人加班换工作业余爱好出行家人关系第52页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四(二)考点年 份理解主旨和要义获取事实的具体信息对所听内容作出简单推断理解说话者的意图、观点和态度20101
32、1452009135220082104420071134220061082200521242第53页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四(三)答案分布年 份答案邻近分布答案总数分布ABC2010BBABC ACAAB CACCB BCBCA6772009 CBACA CBACB CBBCC ACABB5782008 BACAB ACCAA CCBBC ABBAC 7672007 BABAC CACBB ACABB CABCC6772006 BCAAC CAACA BBABB CABBC7762005 BACBC ABABC ACABA ACBBC776第54页,共87页,2
33、022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四(四)录音年 份词数累计时间(一遍)平均语速第一节第二节合计2010157692849533153wpm2009122639761419176wpm2008116575691447145wpm2007130511641427144wpm2006160660820532148wpm2005138627765515146wpm第55页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 二、高考英语听力试题考查要点第56页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 (一)理解主旨和要义What are the two speakers t
34、alking about?What do we know about the man/woman?What can we learn from this conversation?What can we learn from what the speakersaid?第57页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 2010年第17题 What is the talk mainly about? A. The history of the school. B. The courses for the term. C. The plan for the day.第58页,共87页
35、,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四(二)获取事实性的具体信息 When will / did / does ? Where is the man / woman going? Who is the man / woman / speaker? What is the man / woman going to do? Why does the man / woman ? How does / will the man / woman ?第59页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四(三)对所听内容作出简单推断Where / when does this conver
36、sation take place?Where is / are the man / woman /speakers?What is the relationship between the twospeakers?第60页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四2009年第2题Where are the speakers?A. In a restaurant.B. In a hotel.C. In a school.2007年第10题What is the relationship between the speakers?A. They are friends.B. The
37、y are strangers to each other.C. They are husband and wife.第61页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四(四)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度What does the man / woman think of / feel about ?What does the man / woman suggest?What do we know about the man /woman?What was / is the purpose of ?第62页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四2009年第3题Wh
38、at does the woman mean?A. Cathy will be at the party.B. Cathy is too busy to come.C. Cathy is going to be invited.第63页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四三、高考英语听力试题的外部特征第64页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四 题干和选项简短 答案分布均匀 各选项的答案总数接近于平均值 邻近题的答案尽量避免重复 选项排列有规则 各选项的语言结构一致 第65页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四三、高中英语听力训练第6
39、6页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四(一) 影响听力理解的因素主观因素:语言能力心理素质记忆能力听力策略2. 客观因素:听力材料听力试题听力录音第67页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四(二) 听力教学建议养成良好的听力习惯保持良好的心态学会用英语思维边听边记录带着问题积极地听2. 选好听力训练材料3. 精听和泛听相结合第68页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四4. 掌握听的微技能 听前(Pre-listening) 听时(While-listening) 听后(Post-listening)5. 提高短时记忆能力6. 考场上
40、心理状态的调整第69页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四(三) 听力训练题型示例第70页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四理解识记 示例一 Listen and write down the words you hear. 1. _2. _ 3._ 4. _ 5. _ 录音稿: Listen and write down the words you hear. 1. recognise 2. apologise 3. variety 4. steadily 5. announcement 答案: 1. recognise 2. apologise 3
41、. variety 4. steadily 5. announcement第71页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四理解识记 示例二 Listen and choose the right word from the words given according to each explanation. confusing, offer, apply, curious, require 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _ 录音稿: 1. W: to make a formal request for sth, usually in writing 2. M: havi
42、ng a strong desire to know about sth 3. W: difficult to understand 4. M: to need 5. W: to say that you are willing to do sth 答案: 1. apply 2. curious 3. confusing 4. require 5. offer 第72页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四理解识记 示例三Listen and choose the right word according to each explanation. 1. A. hideB. f
43、reezeC. retire2. A. predictB. guaranteeC. solve3. A. protectB. protestC. declare4. A. pretendB. involveC. purchase录音稿:Listen and choose the right word according to each explanation.1. W: to stop work at the end of ones working life2. M: to promise that sth will certainly happen or be done3. W: to ke
44、ep sb or sth safe from harm, damage, or illness4. M: to behave in a particular way, in order to make other people believe sth that is not true答案:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 第73页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四灵活运用 示例一Listen and write down the missing words. 1. W: An Italian or a Chinese meal? M: Its up to you.
45、It doesnt _ _ _ _ me. 2. M: I _ some _ _ out the experiment. W: You can turn to Mr Smith for help. 3. W: Whats the road like? M: Its quite busy _ _ ours. 4. M: What did Lucy call me for? W: She wanted to know if _ _ anything _ for tonight. 5. W: Whats your plan for this weekend? M: I _ _ _ soccer ra
46、ther than _.录音稿:(略)答 案: 1. make a difference to 2. have; difficulty carrying 3. compared with 4. there was; planned 5. prefer to play; swim 第74页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四灵活运用 示例二Listen and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). ( ) 1. The news soon spread.( ) 2. Well se
47、t off in five minutes.( ) 3. This suggestion will end the argument.( ) 4. He likes to be called “Doctor Khee”.( ) 5. I like cooking for myself instead of eating out.录音稿:Listen and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. W: The news soon got around.2. M: Well be on the a
48、ir in five minutes.3. W: This suggestion will lead to an argument.4. M: He likes to be referred to as “Doctor Khee”.5. W: I prefer cooking for myself to eating in a restaurant.答案:1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 第75页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四灵活运用 示例三Listen and choose the sentence that is closest in meanin
49、g to the one you hear.1. A. I hope you will come back soon. B. I look forward to your next visit. C. I hope you will get well soon.2. A. The old man experienced two world wars. B. The old man passed by the war areas twice. C. The old man fought in both world wars.3. A. He is studying maths now. B. H
50、e is making progress in maths. C. He is very good at maths. (4, 5 略) 录音稿:Listen and choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one you hear.1. I hope you will soon recover.2. The old man went through two world wars.3. He is getting along well with his maths. (4, 5 略) 答案:1. C 2. A 3. B (4,
51、 5 略) 第76页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四灵活运用 示例四Listen and make a choice to make the sentence closest in meaning to the one you hear. 1. They are _ a new house on our street. A. looking forB. setting upC. calling at2. I still cant _ why they did so till now. A. find outB. look intoC. speak out3. He wa
52、s _ interested in fiction movies. A. not at allB. not a littleC. very much (4, 5 略)录音稿:Listen and make the best choice to make the sentence closest in meaning to the one you hear.1. W: They are putting up a new house on our street.2. M: To this day I still cant make out why they did so.3. W: He was
53、not a bit interested in fiction movies.(4, 5 略)答案:1. B 2. A 3. A (4, 5 略) 第77页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四TEXT 将每单元的主课文缩写为 120-150词的短文。根据内容设 置最佳题型,如填空题、简答题、表格题、排序题选择题、判断题等。 作用: -理清课文脉络,概括课文内容,便于记忆 -反复收听、跟读、熟记,积累写作素材 -培养逻辑思维能力第78页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四Text 示例一Listen and complete the form. 第79页,
54、共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四Text 示例二第80页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四Text 示例三第81页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四Text 示例四第82页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四Text 示例五第83页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四Text 示例六第84页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四Listen and choose the best response. (twice 3 minutes)1. A. Yes, good ide
55、a. B. Sure, go ahead. C. No, forget it. 2. A. Never mind. B. Yes, please. C. Not at all.3. A. Yes, help yourself. B. Yes, go on. C. Yes, indeed.4. A. Here you are B. Sorry, its taken. C. Never mind5. A. Of course not. B. It doesnt matter. C. Yes, please. Function 示例一 录音稿: 1. W: Could I ask you a rat
56、her personal question?2. M: Do you mind if I record your lecture? 3. W: Do you think I could borrow your bicycle?4. M: Is it OK if I take this seat? 5. W: Do you mind my using your dictionary for a while? 第85页,共87页,2022年,5月20日,11点10分,星期四Function 示例二Listen and write down the missing words. (twice 4 m
57、inutes)1. M: _ _ _ to wash the dishes.2. W: Do you think you could _ _ _ _ a bit3. W: May I open the window to let in some fresh air? M: _ _!4. W: Could you leave us your telephone number? M: Yes, its 54229738. W: OK. _ _ _.5. W: What were the things you had to deal with when you first arrived in Pa
58、ris? M: Well, _ _ _, I had to learn the language of the country I would be living in for quite a while. _ _ I looked around for a place to live in.6. M: Now please allow me to introduce you to some of our school rules here. _, we are expected to be neatly dressed when at school. _, we should never b
59、e late for class or leave school before it is over. _, when you are walking on the road, please remember to keep to the right.录音稿:1. M: Its your turn to wash the dishes.2. W: Do you think you could keep the noise down a bit?3. W: May I open the window to let in some fresh air? M: Go ahead!4. W: Could you leave us your telephone number? M: Yes, its 54229738. W: OK. Ive got it.5. W: What were the things
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