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1、Engineering Seismology (3)Main Characteristics and Attenuation of Ground Motionhttp:/www.cen.bris.ac.uk/civil/students/eqteach97/glossary.htmhttp:/www.cen.bris.ac.uk/civil/students/eqteach97/earth4.htm强地震动相当复杂,只能选择其主要的特征,地震动三要素:幅值(amplitude),最大值PGA、PGV、PGD,有效值EPA、EPV,均方根值Arms、Vrms、Drms,SI等;频谱特征:富氏谱(

2、Fourier spectrum)、反应谱(response spectrum)和功率谱(power spectrum)等;持续时间(duration),绝对持时(0.05g或0.1g)、相对持时(5%-95%)等。 The strongest earthquake motions that have been recorded to date have peak accelerations between 1 g and 3 g, where 1 g (= 980 cm/sec2) is the acceleration of the Earths gravity field, althou

3、gh records with such large peak values are rare. It is less clear what threshold of ground motion needs to be exceeded to be considered “strong motion”. Probably a logical level to choose would be about 10 cm/sec2, as the older strong-motion instruments (accelerographs) that traditionally defined th

4、e field are not able to resolve ground accelerations with amplitudes smaller than this. Modern digital accelerographs are much more sensitive, able to resolve peak accelerations to 0.1 cm/sec2 or smaller. People at rest are able to feel motions as small as 1 cm/sec2. In moderate magnitude earthquake

5、s, damage to structures that are not designed for earthquake resistance appears at accelerations of about 100 cm/sec2. 最大增量速度(IV)、最大增量位移(ID) 增量速度:加速度脉冲下的面积,实际上代表速度变化的增量,它与质量的乘积代表结构的动量或者相当于地震左右的冲量作用 增量位移:速度脉冲下的面积 可用来刻画近断层区域的地震动破坏势 RMSA 、RMSV、RMSD 均方根加速度、均方根速度和均方根位移定义为:其中:x(t)为地震动的加速度、速度或位移, Td为地震动的持时

6、。对于量度地震动的能量方面更为有效一些 AI阿里亚斯(Arias)烈度谱烈度(Spectrum Intensity) Sv为对应阻尼比为的相对速度反应谱,T为周期,常取为0或0.2,是一个客观的物理量,并不涉及任何宏观现象。 谱烈度也是一个从能量的角度表征地震动潜在破坏势的参数,因为Sv反映了弹性单自由度体系的能量需要,但谱烈度一个明显的缺点就是它没有考虑持时的影响,而持时对结构的累积损伤是很重要的。地震动反应谱(response spectrum)单自由度弹性系统在地震动作用下最大反应的绝对值与体系的自振特征(自振周期或频率和阻尼比)之间的函数关系 (日)大崎顺彦著,吕敏申、谢礼立译,地震动

7、的谱分析入门,地震出版社,1980反应谱的算法Response spectra describe peak time-domain response of a suite of single-degree of freedom oscillators to the seismic excitation. Response spectra play an important role in the development of engineering designs. The pseudo-relative velocity, PSV, is obtained from Sd by PSV =

8、(2/ To) Sd. The pseudo-relative acceleration, PSA, is obtained from Sd by PSA = (2/ To) 2 Sd. In general, PSA Sa and PSV Sv, although these different spectra can have different asymptotic properties at high and low frequencies. The spectra are usually computed for a range of damping, from h = 0% (un

9、damped) to h = 20% of critical. This range is used because most manmade structures are similarly lightly damped. A damping of h = 5% is the most likely to be reported. 拟反应谱(pseudo response spectrum)三联反应谱标准反应谱(normal response spectrum)动力放大系数 、 和标准化形式的设计谱(规范) 将阻尼比为5的加速度反应谱在周期0.10.5秒之间平均为一常值Sa,将阻尼比为5%的

10、速度反应谱在周期1秒附近平均为一常值Sv,则有效峰值加速度、有效峰值速度的定义如下: EPA=Sa/2.5, EPV=Sv/2.5 这样定义的有效峰值与真实峰值相关,但一般来说,并不等于、甚至不比例于真实的峰值。常数2.5是一个经验系数,其物理意义相当于大量地震动加速度反应谱的平均放大倍数。 峰值加速度与地震动过程中结构的最大内力无法直接联系,而有效峰值加速度则弥补了这个缺点,DurationDefinitionbracket duration(relative or absolute)Energy durationEngineering durationEffect to seismic r

11、esponse of structures The simplest of these is peak acceleration, which is easily obtained from the accelerogram. After records are digitized, it is common to obtain several additional parameters. Time domain parameters often include peak velocity and peak displacement. Duration of the strong shakin

12、g is generally considered important, but there is not a unique definition of duration. One simple approach is to measure the interval between the times when the peak acceleration first and last exceeds some threshold, usually 0.05g. The alternative approach namely to define the amount of time in whi

13、ch 90% of the integral of the acceleration-squared takes place. These two definitions lead to opposite results as distance increases. At large distances the peak ground motions decrease so that the interval duration goes to zero even though the ground was moving. On the other hand, the energy become

14、s dispersed, resulting in an increase in the time interval over which 90% of the total energy in the seismogram arrives. In the frequency domain, the Fourier amplitude spectrum and a class of spectra known as response spectra are generally determined. 其它参数位移延性能量(输入能量、滞回能量) 讨 论 如何用地震动的参数合理的表征地震动的潜在破坏

15、势(或对结构的破坏能力)? 评判的标准是什么?地震动的衰减 (GM attenuation)最简单的预测地震动的经验关系,其中震源的影响用震级表示,地震波从震源到场地的传播影响用距离来描写,场地的影响用场地分类来描写;将距离项分解为几何扩散和非弹性衰减两项。预测地震动的三种方法? The peak acceleration and other peak parameters can be described by a .ground motion prediction equation. as a function of the earthquake magnitude, distance f

16、rom the fault to the site, general site condition parameter, and sometimes other parameters. Peak acceleration is a commonly employed parameter for these regressions, but peak velocity, peak displacement, spectral amplitudes, and duration have also been modeled in this manner. Naturally the ground m

17、otion prediction equations do not exactly describe peaks of past earthquake ground motions. 地震动衰减关系的统计数据地震数据,M或M0,类型台站数据,距离,场地条件地震动观测数据和常规数据处理的成果地震动衰减关系的统计拟合方法 在确定衰减关系的系数时,最常用的统计分析方法是最小二乘法。由于数据的分布不可避免地存在病态,自变量之间总要有一定的相关性,在数据不很丰富时,一次个别地震中的数据占比例过大、一个场地的记录占比例过大等,都要有些办法处理。如加权最小二乘法、稳健回归法、一致加权最小二乘法。Boore和

18、Joyner(1981)提出了两步法,既将震级项和距离项分两步统计,以减少两者间的相关性对归结果的影响。 相对持时,随距离的增加而增大Because ground motion prediction equations are a key component of probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, it is clear that their development will be an important part of seismological research for some time to come.Until 1999, for lar

19、ge magnitudes and short distances the estimates from these equations were based more on extrapolation than on extensive amounts of data.In 1999, there were two significant earthquakes that contributed very important data at short distances. One was the Izmit, Turkey earthquake (August 17, 1999, Mw =

20、 7.6). In this earthquake, Anderson et al. (2000a) find that the peak accelerations on rock at near-fault distances were significantly below four different ground motion prediction equations. The other was the Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake (September 21, 1999, Mw = 7.6). Peak accelerations from this e

21、arthquake were significantly below three different recent ground motion prediction equations developed primarily from North American data but presumed to apply to the same tectonic environment. 缺乏强震记录地区的地震动衰减关系 从宏观烈度分析或者从地震台网导出的地震参数评定所考虑地区的地震震源和地震波传播 (衰减)特性,与已经提出经验的和理论的强运动衰减关系的世界其它地区加以比较辨别所考虑地区的构造环境

22、类型和发生的地震震源的断裂形式(即,板缘、板内,浅地壳、俯冲消减带、走滑等)从地震震源与所考虑地区最相似的地理地区选择若干衰减关系式若需要,根据与地区中有限的强运动数据的比较,调整选择的衰减关系式,评价和/或理论计算。利用现有可供使用的地震数据,可以研究理论衰减关系式。 最近几次大地震中强地震动表现的一些新特征 几十年间,研究人员发表了大量的地震动三要素,幅值、持时和谱特征的统计关系。随着记录的不断积累、研究的深入,发现这些地震动主要特征的变化相当复杂,受许多因素的影响。 震害经常显示出比用简单经验模型预测的大得多的不规律性,与地震震源过程、从震源到场地的地震波的传播和场地反应等方面有关。 在

23、1994年美国北岭地震、1995年日本阪神地震和1999年台湾集集地震中观测到的近断层的方向性效应、上盘效应、地壳波导效应、盆地边缘反应效应等都对地震动有重要的影响,又都牵涉到更复杂的震源机制、传播途径和场地条件的影响中的基础理论问题。近断层地震动 在近断层区域地震动幅值分布受断裂的几何形态影响很强烈。对于竖直的走滑断裂,破裂方向性效应对于给定的至断裂最近距离处地震动引起很强的空间变化。对于倾滑断裂,有两个主要的效应:破裂方向性效应和上盘效应。上盘效应主要是由断裂对上盘场地的更近引起的。从上盘一侧断裂的顶部边缘向更远处发生。破裂方向性效应是由于破裂传播和幅射模式效应引起的。上盘效应 (hang

24、ing wall effect) 一个倾斜断裂上盘的场地在总体上比下盘上最近距离相同的场地更靠近断裂面。这引起了上盘短周期地震动比下盘相同最近距离处更大。上盘对逆冲地震引起的短周期地震动增加了断裂因子的形式,一般比走滑地震的大1.3-1.4倍。 Abrahamson和Somerville发展了上盘效应经验型模型将上盘场地的地震动与下盘的远离断层破裂端部的区分开来。上盘效应在最近距离8-18千米处、周期范围0-0.6秒是最大的(达到1.45),在5秒降为1.0。 近断层方向性效应(rupture directivity effect) 在断层近场地区,影响地震动特征的一个重要因素是断层的破裂方向

25、。根据场地与断层的相对位置,方向性效应可以分为向前效应(forward)、向后效应(reverse)和中性效应(neutral),如果断层的破裂方向朝向场地或破裂方向与震源(hypocenter)和场地连线的夹角较小的话,场地的效应称为向前方向性效应;如果断层的破裂方向背离场地或破裂方向与震源和场地连线的夹角较小的话,称为向后方向性效应;如果场地与震源的连线几乎垂直于断层的破裂方向,称为中性效应。通常所说的“方向性效应”是指向前方向性效应,因为向前方向性效应产生的地震动对工程结构来说更为不利。 近断层方向性效应 断层破裂所产生的能量波在传播介质中以几乎等于介质剪切波速的速度向场地传播,使得断层产生的能量以非常短的时间到达场地,这样,在场地的地震动中将产生一个大的速度脉冲(通常发生在地震动的开始阶段)。近断层方向性效应 断裂上剪切位错的幅射模式使这个地震动的大脉冲朝向垂直于断裂方向,引起垂直于断层分量的峰值速度比平行于断层分量的峰值速度要大。近断层运动巨大破坏性在1994年北岭地震、1995年板神地震以及1999年集集地震中清楚地表现出来。在这两个地震中,记录到了大到175cm/秒,记录到的近断层脉冲的周期为1-2秒,大体相当于桥梁和中高层建筑物的结构自振周期,而许多这类结构在地震中破坏强烈。 地壳波导效应 (crustal w


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