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1、International trade practices Future careercourse descriptionscoringTrade practicesRecommended websitescourse outlinescoringFinal exam60%class work20%performance10%Attendance10%Terms of commodityInternational cargo transportTerms of pricingInternational paymentMajor contentInternational trade termsE

2、xport and import contract establishment中国国际贸易网 中华人民共和国商务部 中国外经贸 中国贸促网 阿里巴巴 中国国际贸易发展网 国际商务桥 Recommended websitesNewspapers and magazines21st Century Business HeraldCaiJing MagazineTV ProgramsDialogueEconomic news broadcastHalf-hour economy Recommended programsWhat is international trade?International

3、 trade is the fair and deliberate exchange of goods and services across national ernational trade VS. foreign tradeInternational tradegenerally refers to the exchange of goods and services among different countries. It is the aggregate of the import and export of all the nations. Forei

4、gn trade refers to the exchange of goods and services of one country (region) with another country (region). It comprises two parts - import and export.Some terms need to knowVisible trade & invisible trade Visible trade: trade in goods Invisible trade: trade in servicesGeneral trade system& special

5、 trade systemGeneral trade system: statistics are collected based on country territorySpecial trade system: statistics are collected based on customs territoryValue of foreign trade& quantum of foreign trade(对外贸易额与对外贸易量)Value of foreign trade refers to the total amount of a nations foreign trade.Val

6、ue of international tradeQuantum of foreign trade can wipe off influence caused by price fluctuation, accurately indicating the actual change of foreign trade scale.Export trade, import trade, transit trade, entrepot trade(出口贸易,进口贸易,过境贸易,转口贸易)The degree of dependence on foreign tradeWhy trade with o

7、ther nations? International trade leads to more efficient and increased world production, thus allowing countries (and individuals) to consume a larger and more diverse bundle of goods. A nation possessing limited natural resources is able to produce and consume more than it otherwise could. the est

8、ablishment of international trade expands the number of potential markets in which a country can sell its goods. The increased international demand for goods translates into greater production and more extensive use of raw materials and labor, which in turn leads to growth in domestic employment. Co

9、mpetition from international trade can also force domestic firms to become more efficient through modernization and innovation.How do you think of free trade? 请问你是如何看待自由贸易的呢?How to measure international trade?The balance of trade is a nations relationship of exports to imports. A favorable balance o

10、f trade = trade surplusAn unfavorable balance of trade = trade deficitmeasurementThe balance of payment favorable balance of payments VS unfavorable balance of paymentsBarriers to international trade1. Socialcultural barriersLanguageCustoms and mannersReligionSolution: to think globally, but to act

11、locally2. Economic barriersExchange rateExtra costs International Trade TermsMeaning of trade termsRole of international trade termsInternational trade usagesMeaning of international trade termsDefinition: trade terms (price terms/delivery terms) are an important component of a unit price in interna

12、tional trade, standing for specific obligations of the buyer and the seller.They are abbreviations used to indicate the formation of the unit price and determine the responsibilities, expenses and risks born by two parties as well as the time of the passing the property in the goods. examples: US$75

13、0 per dozen CIF New York FFR1000 per M/T CFR Marseille Role of international trade termsNaming the exact point at which the ownership of the merchandise is transferred from the seller to the buyer.Defining the responsibilities and expenses of both the seller and the buyer.Simplifying negotiationsSav

14、ing time and costResponsibilities and expenses Responsibilities include:Carrying out customs formalities for the goodsObtaining the import or export licenseChartering a ship or booking shipping spaceMaking insuranceAsking for inspection Expenses comprise:FreightLoading and unloading expensesInsuranc

15、e premiumWarehouse chargesDuties and taxesMiscellaneous expensesInternational trade usagesWarsaw-Oxford Rules 1932Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade TermsWarsaw Oxford Rules 1932Warsaw Rules 1928 Contains 22 clauses concerning CIF contr

16、actsWarsaw Rules 1932 Based on Warsaw Rules 1928, contains 21 clauses concerning the nature, risks and expenses borne by both the seller and the buyer. Still in use.Six Common Used Trade TermsFOBCIF CFR FCACPT CIPFOB: Free on Board (named port of shipment) The sellers obligationsProvision of goods i

17、n conformity with the contractExport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesDeliveryProof of deliveryCosts and risks before the goods passing the ships railNotice to the buyerThe buyers obligationsPayment for goodsImport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesContract of ca

18、rriage and insuranceTaking deliveryTransport document or equivalent electronic messageRisks and costs after the goods passing the ships railCIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight (named port of destination) The sellers obligationsProvision of goods in conformity with the contractExport licenses, official

19、documents and customs formalitiesContract of carriage and insuranceDeliveryRisks before the goods passing the ships railNotice to the buyerProof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messageThe buyers obligationsPayment for goodsImport licenses, official documents and customs form

20、alitiesTaking deliveryRisks after the goods passing the ships railSeveral Issues about CIFCover of insurance Booking shipping space Unless otherwise provided in the contract, the seller is only responsible for chartering appropriate vessel to ship the goods to the port of destination along customary

21、 shipping line. The seller has the right to refuse the buyers requirements about the nationality, type, age, and classification of the ship.Charges of unloading Incoterms 2000 requires the buyer to pay for unloading the goods. However, there are three other derived forms of CIF: CIF Liner Terms; CIF

22、 landed; CIF Ex Ships HoldCFR: Cost and Freight (named port of destination)The sellers obligationsProvision of goods in conformity with the contractExport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesContract of carriageDeliveryRisks before the goods passing the rail of the vesselNotice to th

23、e buyerProof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messageThe buyers obligationsPayment for goodsContract of insuranceImport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesTaking deliveryRisks and additional costs after the goods passing the rail of the vesselDerived Forms of

24、 CFRCFR Liner Terms The unloading charges are included in freight that is paid by the seller.CFR Landed The seller is responsible for discharge of the goods and pays the cost, including lighterage and wharfage chargesCFR Ex-Ships Hold The buyer pays the cost for discharging the goods from the ships

25、hold.FCA: Free Carrier (named place)The sellers obligationsProvision of goods in conformity with the contractLicenses, official documents and customs formalitiesClearing for exportDelivery to the carrierProof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messageRisks and costs before deli

26、vering goods to the carrierThe buyers obligationsPayment for goodsContract of carriage and insuranceTaking deliveryNotice to the sellerRisks and costs after the sellers delivering goods to the carrierCPT: Carriage Paid to (named place of destination) The sellers obligationsProvision of goods in conf

27、ormity with the contractExport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesContract of carriageDeliveryRisks before delivering the goods to the carrier/first carrierNotice to the buyerProof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messageThe buyers obligationsPayment for good

28、sImport licenses, official documents and customs formalitiesTaking deliveryRisks after the goods delivery to the carrier/first carrierNotice to the sellerCIP: Carriage and Insurance Paid to (named place of destination) The sellers obligationsProvision of goods in conformity with the contractExport l

29、icenses, official documents and customs formalitiesContract of carriage and insuranceDeliveryRisks before delivering the goods to the carrier/first carrierNotice to the buyerProof of delivery, transport document or equivalent electronic messageThe buyers obligationsPayment for goodsImport licenses,

30、official documents and customs formalitiesTaking deliveryRisks after the goods delivery to the carrier/first carrierNotice to the sellerOther Trade TermsEXW Ex Works ( named place)FAS Free Alongside Ship ( named port of shipment)DAF Delivered At Frontier ( named place)DES Delivered Ex Ship ( named p

31、ort of destination)Other Trade TermsDEQ Delivered Ex Quay ( named port of destination)DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid ( named place of destination)DDP Delivered Duty Paid ( named place of destination)Case study中国A公司(买方)与美国B公司(卖方)于2009年3月20日订立了5000公斤羊毛的买卖合同,单价为312美元/KG,CFR张家港,规格为型号T56FNF,信用证付款,装运期为当年6个月,我公



34、求卖方退回货款?我某公司以CFR术语出口一批瓷器,我方按期在装运港装船后,即将有关交易所寄交买方,要求买方支付货款。此后,业务人员才发现忘记向买方发出装船通知。此时,买方已来函向我方提出索赔,因为货物在运输途中因海上风险而损毁。请问我方能否以货物运输风险是由买方承担而拒绝买方的索赔?某公司以CIF条件出口一批罐头, 合同签订后,接到买方来函,声称合同规定的目的港口最近经常发生暴乱,要求我方在办理保险时加保战争险,对此,我公司应如何处理?这批货物运抵目的港后,我方接到买方支付货款的通知,声称因货物在运输途中躲避风暴而增加的运费已代我公司支付给船公司,故此所付的货款已将此项费用扣除。对此,我公司应


36、对自己不利的变化,就以卖方所交的单据不全为由,要求拒收货物拒付货款。请问,买方的要求是否合理?此案应如何处理? 我国江苏某食品进口公司公司在某年3月与越南金兰市某出口公司签订了购买2350公吨咖啡豆的合同,交货条件是FCA金兰每公吨870美元,约定提货地为卖方所在地。合同中规定,由买方在签约后的20天内预付货款金额的25%作为定金,而剩余款项则由买方在收到货物之后汇付给卖方。合同签订后两星期内,买方如约支付了25%的定金。当年5月7日,买方指派越南的一家货代公司到卖方所在地提货,此时,卖方已装箱完毕并放置在其临时敞蓬仓库中,买方要求卖方帮助装货,卖方认为货物已交买方照管,拒绝帮助装货。两日后买

37、方再次到卖方所在地提货,但因遇湿热台风天气,致使堆放货物的仓库进水,300吨咖啡豆受水浸泡损坏。由于货物部分受损,买方以未收到全部约定的货物为由,仅同意支付40%的货款,拒绝汇付剩余的35%的货款。于是,买卖双方产生争议,经过协商未果,因此,买方于当年7月向中国国际贸易仲裁委员会南方某分会提出申诉。试问:(1)根据2000通则的规定,卖方的交货义务是否完成?(2)买卖双方孰是孰非?(3)仲裁机构将如何裁定? Terms of commodityStarting case韩国KM公司向我BR土畜产公司订购大蒜650公吨,双方当事人几经磋商最终达成了交易。但在缮制合同时,由于山东胶东半岛地区是大蒜

38、的主要产区,通常我国公司都以此为大蒜货源基地,所以BR公司就按惯例在合同品名条款打上了“山东大蒜。”可是在临近履行合同时,大蒜产地由于自然灾害导致欠收,货源紧张。BR公司紧急从其他省份征购,最终按时交货。但KM公司来电称,所交货物与合同规定不符,要求BR公司作出选择,要么提供山东大蒜,要么降价,否则将撤消合同并提出贸易赔偿。试问,KM公司的要求是否合理?Terms of commodityName of commodityQuality of commodityquantity of commoditypacking of commodity我国一进出口商出口苹果酒一批,国外开来信用证货物品名

39、为“Apple Wine”,我方为单证一致起见,所有单据上均用“Apple Wine”。不料货到国外后遭海关扣留罚款,因为该批酒的内外包装上均写的是Cider字样。How to describe a commodity name?By its main functionBy its raw material or major elements By its exterior appearanceBy commendatory termBy its workmanshipQuality of CommodityWays to describe qualityQuality of commodit

40、ySales by sampleSales by specification, grade or standardSales by brand or trademarkSales by description, drawing or diagram Sale by sellers sampleSale by buyers sampleSale by counter sampleSales by sample original sample (原样) / type sample (标准样品) keep sample (留样) / duplicate sample (复样) return samp

41、le (回样) / counter sample (对等样品) sealed sample (封样) reference sample(参考样品)relevant words about sample Sample NT002 Plush Toy Bear Size 24” “strictly same as sample” “quality to be about equal to the sample” “quality to be similar to the sample” How to use samples to describe qualitiesSales by specifi

42、cation, grade or standardSpecifications are detailed descriptions of the goods to be sold. They include composition, content, purity, strength, size, moisture, tension, etc. of the goods.Plain Satin Silk: Width Length Weight Composition (inch) (Yds) (m/m) 55 38/42 16.5 100% SilkSales by gradeThe sam

43、e kind of commodities with different specifications may be classified into different gradesFresh Hen Eggs , shell light brown and clean , ever in size Grade AA: 60 65gm per egg Grade A : 55 60gm per egg Grade B : 50 55gm per egg Grade C : 45 50gm per egg Grade D : 40 45gm per egg Grade F : 35 40gm p

44、er eggSales by standardThe specifications or grades that are laid down and proclaimed in a unified way by governmental departments or commercial organizations of a country.NF(Normes Francaises)法国标准DIN(Deutsche Industric Norman)德国工业品标准BSI(British Standard Institute)英国标准协会标准JIS(Japanese Industrial Sta

45、ndard)日本工业标准ISO9000(GB/T19000) ISO9000 质量管理与质量保证标准 ISO9001 设计开发生产安装与服务的质 量保证模式; ISO9002 生产与安装的质量保证模式; ISO9003 最终检验与试验的质量保证模式; ISO9004 质量管理与质量体系要素F.A.Q and G.M.QF.A.Q. means the quality of a product is offered on a basis that is equal to the average quality of the current group, recent shipment, etc.

46、G.M.Q. means a sound quality that is free from defects.Sales by brand or trademarkShichuan Preserved Vegetable. China Plum Wine. Shaoxin Hua Tiao Chiew. Jumbo Brand Chinkiang VinegarSales by description, drawing or diagramSome machines, apparatuses instruments and complete sets of equipment use the

47、relevant technical manuals, booklets of directions, drawings or diagrams to better describe the quality. 我出口公司与美商凭样成交一批高档瓷器。复验期为60天,货到国外后经美方复验后未提出任何异议。但时隔一年买方来电称:瓷器全部出现“釉裂”,只能削价处理,因此要求我方按原成交价赔偿60%的损失,我方接电后立即查看留存的复样,发现其釉下亦有裂纹。我方是否应赔偿?卖方对货物的品质担保义务联合国国际货物销售合同公约第三十六条第一款还规定,卖方应对货物在风险转移于买方时所存在的任何不符合同的情形承担

48、责任,即使这种不符合合同的情况是在风险转移买方后才明显表示出来。quantity of commodityUnit of measurementCalculation of weightMore or less clauseIssues when drafting quantity clause计量单位案例某出口公司在某次交易会上与外商当面谈妥出口大米10000公吨,每公吨USD275 F.O.B.中国口岸。但我方在签约时,合同上只笼统地写了10000吨(ton),我方当事人主观认为合同上的吨就是指公吨(Metric ton)而言。后来,外商来证要求按长吨(Long ton)供货。如果我方照证

49、办理则要多交160.5公吨,折合美元44137.5USD。于是我方要求修改信用证,而外商坚持不改,双方发生贸易纠纷。Unit of measurement 公制( Metric System) 英制( British System) 美制( U.S. System) 国际单位制(International System of Units) 度量衡 重量单位公斤市斤磅公制公吨100020002204.6英制长吨1016.0472032.0942240美制短吨907. 21814.42000Measurements and unitsUnit of measurement 1、按重量(weight

50、 ) 千克、公斤(kilogram , kg.), 克(gram , g.), 公吨(metric ton , m/t), 盎司(ounce , oz.), 磅(pound , 1b.), 长吨(long ton , l/t), 短吨(short ton , s/t), 公担(quintal , q.)2、按容积( capacity ) 升(liter , l.), 加仑(gallon , gal.) , 蒲式耳(bushel , bu.)3、按个数( numbers): 只(piece , pc.), 双(pair), 件(package , pkg.), 头 (head) 台、架、套(se

51、t), 打(dozen , doz.), 罗(gross , gr.), 令(ream , rm.), 包、 捆(bundle , bale) , 袋 (bag), 箱(case,c/s) , 盒(box ,bx.), 卷(roll/coil), 辆(unit)等4、按长度(length )计算: 码(yard , yd.) 米(meter , m.) 英寸(inch , in.) 英尺(foot , ft.) 厘米(centi-meter , cm.)5、按面积(area )计算: 平方码(square yard, sq.yd.) 平方米(square meter , sq.m. ) 平方英

52、尺( square foot , sq.ft. ), 平方英寸( square inch , sq.in. ) 6、按体积(volume) 立方米( cubic meter , cu.m.), 立方码( cubic yard , cu.yd. ), 立方英尺( cubic foot , cu.ft.), 立方英寸(cubic inch , cu.in. )Calculation of weightBy gross weightBy net weightBy conditioned weightBy theoretical weightNet weight= gross weight-tare

53、weightActual tare weightAverage tare weightCustomary tare weightComputed tare weight主要用于少数经济价值较高而水分含量极不稳定的商品,如羊毛、生丝、棉花等。Conditioned weight 公量公量 = 干量 + 标准水分量实际重量(1+ 标准回潮率) 1 + 实际回潮率=某公司出口羊毛一批,双方约定标准回潮率为10%,现有羊毛100公吨,经过测定,实际回潮率为8%,计算该批羊毛的公量为多少公吨?More or less clauseOptionQuantitypricePacking of commodi

54、ty无包装散装货 (bulk cargo / cargo in bulk )裸装货 (nude cargo ) 有包装运输包装 ( transportation packing / outer packing)销售包装 ( selling packing / small packing / inner packing / immediate packing )Transport package单件包装(single-piece packing): 箱(wooden case; crate; carton; corrugated carton ; 桶(iron drum ; wooden cas

55、k) 袋(gunny bag ;cloth bag ; plastic bag ; paper bag)捆包(bundle ; bale) 罐(can) 篓(basket) 瓶(bottle ; cylinder) 坛(demijohn ; carboy) 集合包装(muster packing): 集装箱(container) 托盘(pallet) 集装袋(Flexible container ) name of commodity trade mark marks of transport package producing country 1 shipping mark2 identif

56、ication mark3 indicative mark4 warning mark运输标志(shipping mark) LPSAN FRANCISCO NO.1/100Name of consignee or shipperdestinationPackaging number(件号)identification mark 94CL H08 合同号 ART.NO. : 904A 货号 COLOUR : NAVY/GREY 色泽 SIZE : 尺寸搭配 N.W. : 11.3KG 净重 G.W. : 16.4KG 毛重 MEAS. :45.55255.5cm 尺码 MADE IN CHIN

57、A 生产国别Indicative markHand with careFragileUse no hooksBottomKeep uprightThis side upDo not crushKeep on deckKeep flatWarning markNeutral packingNeutral packing is the one that makes no mention at all of the name of the country producing the goods and the name of the manufacturer on the commodity and

58、 the on the outer and inner packages.Why neutral packing is sometimes an option for many exporters?Rules of packing1.美国对木质包装材料要求美国海关边境保护局2006年7月5日全面执行于2005年9月16日生效的木质材料包装规例,所有以有关木质材料为包装(包括装货托板、装货箱、盒子、货垫、木块、垫木等)的货品均受影响(豁免除外)。 处理及标记规定:国际货物所使用的木质包装材料必须 (a)经过加热处理,最低木心温度为摄氏56度,最少需处理30分钟,或(b)以甲基溴进行薰蒸约16小时

59、。Regulations on packing material美国规定,为防止植物病虫害的传播,禁止使用稻草作为包装材料。海关一旦发现稻草包装材料,必须当场烧毁。日本、加拿大、毛里求斯及欧洲若干国家都禁用稻草、干草和报纸屑作为包装衬垫物。埃及禁用原棉、葡萄树枝、旧材料或易于滋生害虫、寄生虫的植物材料作为包装衬垫物。新西兰农渔部农业检疫所规定,进口商品包装严禁使用以下材料:土壤、泥灰、干草、稻草、麦草、谷壳或糠、生苔物、用过的旧麻袋和其也废料等作为进口商品的包装。菲律宾卫生部和海关规定,凡进口的货物禁止用麻袋和麻袋制品及稻草、草席等材料包装。澳大利亚防疫局规定,凡用木箱包装(包括托盘木料)的货

60、物进口时,均需提供熏蒸证明。 Regulations on packing words加拿大政府规定,进口商品包装上必须同进使用英、法2种文字。销往香港的食品标签,必须用中文,但食品名称及成份,须同时用英文注明。销往法国的产品的装箱单及商业发票须用法文。包装标志说明,不以法文书写的应附法文译注。销往阿拉伯地区的食品、饮料,必须用阿拉伯文字说明。销往巴西的食品,要附葡萄牙文译文。taboo数字:像有的国家数字上的禁忌也是包装设计所要注意的问题。如日本忌讳“4”和“9”这两个数字,因此,出口日本的产品,就不能以“4”为包装单位,像4个杯子一套,4瓶酒一箱这类包装,在日本都将不受欢迎;欧美人忌讳“1


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