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1、Module 8Unit 1Is it a monster?教学目标知识目标:1.能听、说、读词汇:or,no,know,kite,new,monster,help。2.能听懂并实际运用句型:“Is it a.?”,同时会用“Yes,it is./No,it isnt.”回答。技能目标:通过本模块的学习,学生能用英语对不确定的事物进行猜测,并对别人的猜测用“Yes,it is./No,it isnt.”来回答。情感目标:1.通过有关动物的单词、句型的学习以及情境教学,培养学生认真观察周围事物的习惯,以及主动关心他人并积极与他人进行交往的品质。2.培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。培养学生的自主学习能力

2、、参与语言交际的能力和团结合作的精神。教学重难点教学重点:1.掌握以下单词:or,no,know,kite,new,monster,help2.运用“Is it a.?”来猜测不确定的物品,并用“Yes,it is./No,it isnt.”来回答。教学难点:1.熟练掌握本单元的单词和句型,能在实际生活中灵活运用。2.创设英语情景,使学生正确运用一般疑问句询问物品的名称。教学准备PPT、单词卡片数张、礼物盒。教学过程(一)课前展示,热身激趣。 a song:Please stand teacher and the students sing the song sing the song and

3、 do the actions. some words and sentences.(What is that? Its a ball.) show.让学生到台前展示自己准备的内容。S1:How are you?S2:Im fine,thank s this?S1:Heres a present.S2:Thank you.(二)导入新知,呈现任务。T:All of you can sing it very I want to give you a ,there are two you tell me whats the difference between the two presents?(

4、引导学生说出一个是新的,另一个是旧的。)T:(展示 “new”单词卡片)Show the word card “new”.The teacher makes the students read one by :Listen carefully and s in the present?(The teacher plays the sound of cat.)Ss:Cat. and answer.【幻灯片展示】 (PPT show a cat kite.)T:Good,boys and !Whats this?S1:Kite.S2:Dog.T:Kite?Dog?What is it?And it

5、s our old friend Sams go and think what is it?A kite or a dog?(此处简单讲解or) about the answer and learn the new words:kite.T:Who can answer?S:Its a dog kite.T:Oh,s a dog kite.(在此教授本课新单词kite):The dog kite is interesting,OK?And just look at this! (幻灯片展示怪兽图片) Wow!Whats that?Ss:Monster!T:Yes,its a s terribl

6、e,OK?(简单教授monster)If you met the monster,what should you do?S1:打他。T:Oh,you are brave!S2:我会很害怕!T:I think Im afraid, we felt afraid,what shall we do?接下来,我们就一起去看看他们遇见了什么?让我们听录音并思考:当他们觉得害怕,他们呼喊的是什么?(听录音。)T:Who can answer my question?Ss:Help!T:Good!What does the word “help”mean?S:救命啊!T:Good!(在此处讲解、领读help

7、并板书) And I take you some pictures.如果你遇见了这些场景,你会怎样呼喊呢?(展示几幅表示危险场景的图,引导学生在危险的时候要知道用“Help!”进行呼救。):Now lets watch again and do they think?How do they ask and answer?他们都猜想了什么动物?他们是怎么问的?又是怎样回答的?With these questions,lets watch.T:Who can answer?What animal?S1:Cat.T:How to ask?S1:Is it a cat?T:Good!How to an

8、swer?S2:No,it isnt.(幻灯片展示书中的图片)T:Next.S3:Is it a dog?S4:No,it isnt!(幻灯片展示书中的图片)T:Go on.S5:Is it a monster?S5:Yes,it is.(幻灯片展示书中的图片)5.梳理提炼。T:Now boys and at the blackboard.当你遇见危险时你要呼救,要说“Help.”。当你要猜测某种东西时,你可以用“Is it a.?”询问。并用“Yes,it ,it isnt.”做答。Clear?(三)巩固训练,拓展提高。T:Boys and girls,put up your s read

9、after it.(在此处讲解dont =do not)T:You did a good job!(同学们找的真准确!)T:Now lets look at the blackboard.(幻灯片展示猫、狗、怪物三图)老师与一名学生示范读:“Is it a cat/dog/monster?No,it isnt./Yes,it is.”Can you do it as us?Work in groups.(给学生时间小组内操练,教师板书重点句。)(四)反馈展示,提升能力。 得到一份礼物,我们一起来猜猜看是什么。运用“Is it a.?Yes,it ,it isnt.”回答。T:Can you do it as us?Work in your groups.2.让学生抽卡片,让其他同学来问,运用“Is it a.?Yes,it ,it isnt.”(五)总结点评 激励进步。小组间汇报,教师深入小组内点评。小组推荐代表到教室前展示,全班猜测。教师点评,学生互评。给予奖励。Summary.T:Boys and have we learnt today?S1:今天我学会了新单词kite,new,or,know,monster。S2:今天我学会了用“I


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