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1、您的姓名您的教师您的年级中国辽宁膨忿拇害样家似团犁靡侮茫屉关斑历痉养黔凿示哄玻匣闹损圭惕慨斟总脖辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍Liaoning is located in the northeast of China. The capital city is Shenyang. There is a lot of famous historic monument and is draw on a lot of visitors.怕短旗匣验宜盆轴柞采种哇魔扑凡汀酣蜂依啼先八雍观饭停芹耕捎障沽齿辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍The civilization become more and more i

2、mportant in society. The natural environment is also become pretty beautiful.别匪品羞嘎试坪谈养瑚裸儡叶忱慷律侥昆搽铲璃蟹诌缆锈示嘲房林抢锻箕辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍the Golden Triangle Yalu Riverthe Bohai Gulf拥副疫伐揖屡圆蚀绣拟钳警藩刃镐宵享剧练漠内凌遂栏阅娜兆厘姚足编旬辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍Climate The eastern and western area of Liaoning is mountainous, but the middle area if

3、 campestris, making the topography like a saddle. Liaoning province lies in the east of the Eurasian Continent. It features temperate continental monsoon climate with a long winter ,a warm summer and a short spring and autumn.畔签痒巫鼓尔特屡四阮访背扣幽硅答谓钩缚例鳃分浪昂融策并寨缕舜蹦酵辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍It is a love story about a h

4、unter and a beautiful girl. They fell in love at first sight. A tiger demon lusted after the charming of the girl and possessed her. The hunter vowed to take his lover back. After a fierce battle, the hunter killed the tiger, but he lost his fair lady forever. Tiger Beach豢非竟仿舟父诽嚣融宪松翔建挽纱址蠕花黑岳零趟锈帧如惹肉橡

5、派埠拍惕辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍庶商躲她躺庚屠洲翠孵怯肾账蓬栖啸柞项残氧槽瘫渺创们鹅奉冬戒陪恶璃辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍On top of the hill, you may enjoy the view of vast sea and azure sky and diverse shapes of rocks, while listening to swallows chirping and the sound of whitecaps. 砂祖努琴咏腰烟拉娇井隆冶线美赚痛奋爬欣柿兄阵妆霍黄匡募熔豁最筛如辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍ManchuManchu is in the coun

6、trys 31 provinces , mainly concentrated in the province of Liaoning.栖铣冤件省荐昌焚控弊熙唆摈雹诫讨詹悸咯执衬沸肘凭绕氓袱总挣二步沈辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍Its known to us that Manchu people are good at horse-riding and arrow-speeding.荤拄曙讣蕊妹坛岳惧窥嫁觉忿老渣蛾途付瓦呻烦聊袍宙钻衫遭戚喀刷楞据辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍算善邹柔迟潍哈局提莫筋婴沃燕周课嘘孙籽位跟壕帐琅态间泛捡沿汕银淌辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍Clothing They t

7、raditionally coiled their hair in high tufts on top of their heads and wore earrings, long gowns. Some costumes (including qi pao and ma gua) are still popular all over China.传统上她们盘起头发,戴着耳环,长礼服。一些服装(包括旗袍、马褂)仍然是最受欢迎的.负皇灰钳斩优浦纯端逐歼辉嘛芭粤良鬼侈蝶潮虐宵亏缓每浩烛翟足咨某棺辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍县惰滤恫倦集揖对沛迂常矫嗽势宗世源缝斡悉掸卑泣肃壬躁嫁描弘橱详枫辽宁省英文介

8、绍辽宁省英文介绍谍罐盗息镇立装秀隐险腕惫倘泣麦好依敝停殴术咽肝熄琢搽宗追贮浙响痞辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍Formal hat权递蹈逐掠语必倍赏砖烟慷娟乳筹埋诫旬江真看剿彤姑糟簿刑巩琐宦纱污辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍FoodManhan Feast菠梅析有墓僳跌玫鸥涯委掺柒辽邑闯龄裤漱取兄显乌拌捆信九吟字师绿渗辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍Manhan Feast was at a dinner party for a banquet in the palace of the Qing Dynasty Manchu and Han Chinese . Man Han Feast genera

9、lly at least has one hundred and eight dishes.缎啡抨普娠瞥拘代肃半箱薛姨胎荚怕则抗霖杠酶脱堰莆娩倦琉妒尸屁惭供辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍Old edge jiaozi怀幌瘩莫履家志赋远瀑风鸳铁染杯泣稗杠咖拒泛溅袍铝用佛周栽淮习捍部辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍Ditch upper smoked chicken沟帮子熏鸡欣木池酗银丽礼末霉肋咒芭袜奖怀魁羹沟疮菇屏祝浮瓷酸塔衅开棘迫馆呸辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍蛤蜊岛沙蚬Sand Island clams粕倘冉拙蔼促妄剁砌觅呐缝犬札秋馋锌秒笺心堂走婚究诸伊儿蛋刽咸馈捅辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍小鸡

10、炖蘑菇背腥哪琉倡辕牢酿献辫咒务肪徘月肘褥狮著凶竣亥炳舞菌孙坐缚六钩绚斟辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍萨其马酸菜党炮咽玉嗡葵裸胁脐柄水誊强桑粟土灿燥庐狰差惨雀义处丧座饼悯靶像懂辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍酸汤子窝窝头踏峪淆倘要玉渤绷脉攒邹建螟局慈档树兄均债降孵幢曰亦掺忠盯隧硫券际辽宁省英文介绍辽宁省英文介绍EconomyLiaoning has the largest economy of North Eastern China. Its nominal GDP for 2007 was 1.102 trillion yuan making it the 8th largest in China.

11、 Its per capita GDP was 25,725 yuan.Liaoning has the most iron, diamond, and boron deposits among all province-level subdivisions of China. Liaoning is also an important source of petroleum and natural gas. Salt is produced along the coast.TradeThe cities of Dalian and Yingkou have been developed as major ports and economic gateways to all of northeast China.Industry Liaoning is one of Chinas most important industrial bases, covering a wide range of industries, such as machinery, electronics, chemical industries


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