1、unit3 my weekend plan复习课件unit3 my weekend plan复习课件Aims: My weekend plan1.知识目标:通过练习再次巩固 unit3的单词、短语、句型等。2.能力目标:通过练习提升听、说、写等各方面的 能力。3.情感目标:本节课将以比赛形式进行,在比赛中增加友谊,加强团结。Aims: My weekend plan2.能力目标:3.Task 1(任务一)玩转,热身赛!Task 1(任务一)玩转,热身赛!More+faster+better+right=more flags(多快好准=旗帜飘扬)PKMore+faster+better+righ
2、t=more Rules (规则)1.lets learn(page25,page27) 背诵接龙。小组成员按序号依次接龙。2.lets talk(page24)组内推选两名同学,表演对话。3.lets talk(page26)在对话中找出5个重点问题,抛给对手组回答。评价标准:1.少错者,胜!2.整齐者,胜!3.音高者,胜!Rules (规则)1.lets learn(page25翻滚吧,单词君!Task 2(任务二)翻滚吧,单词君!Task 2(任务二)Mike : What are you going to do ?Sarah :Im going to .Mike :What are y
3、ou going to do in your lesson?Sarah :Were going to in Renmin Park.Mike :Sounds great!Im going to tomorrow.Sarah : Have a good time!Mike :You too.I have to now .Bye.Sarah : OK.Bye. tomorrowdraw some pictures see a filmdo my homeworkhave an art lesson Tips(提示): 1.听对话填出所缺单词和短语并翻译。 2.Im going to (write)
4、 a letter to my friend tomorrow. We have to (do) our homework every day.Work1(活动一)writedoMike : What are you going to d Im John.My cousin Jack is going to v me next week.Were going to the c . Were going to see a film a space travel on n Wednesday. My friend Amy likes films about space travel, too. S
5、he has lots of c about space. And she tells me we should go on Tuesday, because its h price then.cinemanextcomic bookhalfvisitWork2(活动二) Tips(提示):1.根据短文文意和首字母提示写出所缺单词。 2.lots of + be going to +about可数名词复数动词原形地点名词comic books Im John.My cousin Jack i奔跑吧,对话!Task 3(任务三)奔跑吧,对话!Task 3(任务三)Pairwork对号合作乐趣多P
6、airwork对号合作乐趣多GroupworkMake a surveyin your group. Who number1 number2 number3 number4 Im going to see a film.Im going to watch TV.小组合作力量大GroupworkMake a surveyin your Number is . He /She is going to this morning. He / She is going to this afternoon. He / She is going to this evening. He / She is go
7、ing to tonight. He / She is going to tomorrow.Report秀秀我的新发现秀秀我的新发现序号姓名 Number is . Discussion(讨论) Discuss in your group, talk about how to write a good composition about weekend plan. 如果你想写出周末计划的佳作,你的文章应该包括哪几部分?Discussion(讨论) Weekend planWhereStructure(结构)Renmin Park,cinema,Supermarket、Be(am, is, ar
8、e) going to WhenWhat this morning,this afternoon,this evening,tonight,tomorrow,next week,on Sunday morning,、see a film,take a trip,go to the supermarket,buy a new comic book,draw pictures,wash clothes,go for a picnic,、 who, how, whyMood/feeling(心情/感受) Summary(小结)Weekend planWhereStructure(结构)壹周习作秀Ta
9、sk 4(任务四)壹周习作秀Task 4(任务四) The weekend is coming, what are you going to do this weekend? Tell us your weekend plan. ( 周末来临,这周末你打算做什么呢?你愿意分享给我们吗?)Writing展示我的真风采展示我的真风采 The weekend is coming, what拓展延伸Task 5(活动五)拓展延伸Task 5(活动五)Read the passage about Christmas Day and answer the questions below.1.When is
10、 Christmas Day ? 3.translate the sentence 2.Compelate the chart. With into Chinese.Reading People Activity People eatchildrenputPeople decorate更多机会助你胜Christmas Day is on 25th of December.Christmas puddingstheir stocking on their bedChristmas tree他们想从圣诞老人那里得到礼物。Read the passage about Christm Christma
11、s Day is on 25th of December. On that day , people eat Christmas puddings. At christmas Eve , children put their stocking on their bed. They want to get present from Santa Claus. People decorate Christmas tree. They are happy. Tips(提示): Christmas Day is on 25th of Christmas Day is on 25th of Decembe
12、r. On that day , people eat Christmas puddings. At christmas Eve , children put their stocking on their bed. They want to get present from Santa Claus. People decorate Christmas tree. They are happy. Rewrite 飞得更高 Tips(提示):Rewrite the passage you read just Now base on Read and Write on page28.(根据课本28
13、页的Read and Write 改写刚才读过的短文) Christmas Day is on 25th ofWeekend planWhereStructure(结构)Renmin Park,cinema,Supermarket、Be(am, is, are) going to WhenWhat this morning,this afternoon,this evening,tonight,tomorrow,next week,on Sunday morning,、see a film,take a trip,go to the supermarket,buy a new comic bo
14、ok,draw pictures,wash clothes,go for a picnic,、 who, how, whyMood/feeling(心情/感受) Summary(小结)Weekend planWhereStructure(结构) Christmas Day is on 25th of December. On that day , people eat Christmas puddings. At christmas Eve , children put their stocking on their bed. They want to get present from San
15、ta Claus. People decorate Christmas tree. They are happy. Rewrite 飞得更高 Tips(提示):Rewrite the passage you read just Now base on Read and Write on page28.(根据课本28页的Read and Write 改写刚才读过的短文) Christmas Day is on 25th ofYou must do(必做):1.Number 1-3 write a compisation about New Years Day plan.(70 words)2.N
16、umber 4-6 write some sentences about New Years Day plan.(6-8sentences)You can choose(选作)1.Share your plan in your and group.2.Watch a short view(小视频)about Chinese festivals and Western countries festivals in our QQ group.Homework:You must do(必做):Homework:unit3-my-weekend-plan复习课件知识讲解Thank you!Thank
17、you!unit3-my-weekend-plan复习课件知识讲解夺宝奇兵热身活动多快好准单词比拼对话赛跑写作激战Which group is best?123456夺宝奇兵热身活动多快好准单词比拼对话赛跑写作激战Which Christmas Day is on 25th of December. On that day , people eat Christmas puddings. At christmas Eve , children put their stocking on their bed. They want to get present from Santa Claus.
18、People decorate Christmas tree. They are happy. Tomorrow is . My family get together and eat Christmas puddings. I put my stocking on my bed this evening. I will from Santa Claus. My mother and father decorate Christmas tree. And we are .Christmas Dayis going toam going toget presentare going tohappy Christmas Day is on 25th ofWeekend planWho whenWhat Structure(结构)Be(am, is, are) going to I ,my friend ,my cousin, Amys father 、This morningThis afternoonThis eveningTonightTomorrowNext weekOn Sunday morning、See a filmTake a tripGo to the supermarke
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