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1、医学科研论文撰写How to write a medical paperSpeaker: Huafeng Liu, Ph.D.医学研究论文的种类原创性研究论文(Original paper)字数限制约30005000个短讯 (Short Communication)字数限制约500800个 评论(Comments, Opinion)字数限制约500800个致编辑函(Letter to Editor)字数限制约300500个 综述 (Review)字数一般约5000个系统评价(Meta analysis)字数限制约30005000个个案报道(Case report)How to write an

2、 original paper原创性研究论文 Original Research Paper字数限制约30005000个参考文献数、图与表的数目皆有一定限制所报导的研究须符合实证科学的逻辑,能为此领域提供有价值的新知识或讯息要得出一个结论,提供支持结论所必须的数据(结果部分),并对之进行阐释(讨论部分) What is the topic? 主题Why you carried out the research? 立题依据What have known/unknown? 背景What you wanted to resolve? 目标How you did it? 材料与方法What you h

3、ave gained at last? 结果与结论A paper like a story!The basic content of a paperTitle (标题)abstract (摘要)key words (关键词)introduction (引言)Methods (方法)results (结果) Including tables,figures and figure legenddiscussion (讨论)acknowledgements (致谢)disclosure (声明)references (参考文献)TitleSpecialists said: Many people w

4、ill read the title of your paper, but not read the entire paper,or even the abstract.Is central subject of a paper Very important A good Title Creative (有创造性) Abstractive (有吸引力) Accurate(正确) Complete(完整) Specific(具体) Unambiguous(清晰) Concise(简练)Troubleshooting of the Title Too many words (字数太多) Ambig

5、uous(含糊不清) Boring(主题无聊) Nothing new(没有新意) Using Abbreviation or chemical formula (缩写词、化学式)复合感染法联合5/6肾切除制作IgAN肾小球硬化模型的建立及其评价 (语法错误)肾糖颗粒对糖尿病肾病大鼠肾脏的保护作用及病理形态的影响 (内容重复,不简练)金雀异黄素对晚期糖基化终末产物刺激大鼠系膜细胞氧化应激反应的保护作用 (模糊不清,字太多)慢性肾脏病患者血清TGF1与纤维化指标的相关性研究 (相互包含,不够具体)肾炎康复片对肾脏细胞外基质作用及机制研究 (不够具体,无新意太泛)Bad titleThe cont

6、ents of a Abstract Introduction/Backgroud: Problem,hypothesis,and objective(15%)Methods:Research design、method and statistics(15-20%)Results:the important discover(50-55%Conclusion:The significance of your discover(15%)A good abstractFollowing the guidline of the journalHang out together(自成一段),clear

7、, including keywords,no abbreviation,no refrencesIs a independent part of a paperIncluding specific dataAccurateReadable and logicalIntroduction/Backgroud/Aim 重点在于研究目的和要解决的问题 ( 15%)The slit diaphragm (SD) of podocyte impairment contributes to massive proteinuria and progressive glomerulosclerosis in

8、 many human glomerular diseases. The aim of the study was to determine if thiazolidinedione (TZD) reduce proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) by preserving the structure and function of SD.Methods研究是怎样设计的?采用了哪些技术?使用何种统计学方法?(15-20%) Adriamycin-induced FSGS r

9、at models were employed. Urinary protein content was measured dynamically during the experiment. Additional biochemical parameters in serum samples were measured after the animals were killed. Glomerular sclerosis index (SI) and podocyte foot processes fusion rate (PFR) were evaluated. The protein a

10、nd mRNA expressing levels of nephrin, podocin and CD2-associated protein (CD2AP) in glomeruli were assessed by immunohistochemistry and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, respectively. The density of podocytes was also evaluated after anti-Wilms tumour-1 immunohistochemical staining.R

11、esults最重要的发现是什么?(50-55%) Rosiglitazone treatment partially reduced proteinuria, but did not significantly affect the serum levels of triglyceride, cholesterol, albumin, glucose, urea nitrogen and creatinine in Adriamycin-induced FSGS rats. Glomerular SI and podocyte foot PFR were significantly atten

12、uated byrosiglitazone treatment. Rosiglitazone prevented the reduction of nephrin, podocin and CD2AP protein expression induced by Adriamycin, however, the mRNA expression levels of these SD-related markers did not change significantly. Rosiglitazone therapy did not reverse Adriamycin-mediated reduc

13、tion of the density of podocytes.Conclusion结果为什么重要?意义?(15%) The study data suggest that TZD are promising therapeutic agents on FSGS, and the mechanism may be mediated in part by directly protecting the structure and function of SD.不合格IntroductionBeginning the storyWhat have known? What is still unc

14、lear or unkown? The aim/ hypothesisThe definition of the research problem A large body of research over the past decade revealed that . It is well known that Introduction 未知的方面为研究提供理论依据确定问题所在或突破口尽量精简参考文献数量避免使用其他研究者的名字省略不必要的细节Introduction 提出假设为研究提供理论依据确定问题所在或突破口尽量精简参考文献数量避免使用其他研究者的名字省略不必要的细节 . PPAR-g

15、 expression was increased in podocytes in renal sclerotic status.6 All these results suggested that TZD may be promising pharmacological agents in podocytopathy therapy. Introduction 说明研究目的陈述你研究的特定问题,以及你如何回答这个问题或者假说“In this study, we” or “To answer this question, we”It was employed in the present st

16、udy to determine if TZD can protect the structure and function of SD to attenuate proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis in FSGS.写Introduction注意事项研究目的必须清楚陈述背景知识:要有针对性,勿离题,勿写成综述如果为实证研究,则必须要有假说 如果是报导性的文章,报导的动机与其独特性要交代清楚。不合格的前言MethodsA complete and detailed description of what was done. The methods must be

17、 described in enough detail to permit the experiment to be reproduced by other investigators.Usally you write this part firstThe contents of Methods 材料:实验材料,实验对象(动物和人类) 方法:实验设计、实验目的和手段 统计分析How to write Methods临床研究(clinical trail)患者群体资料实验方案(分组、对照)每个方案采用的方法数据分析实验室研究材料/动物样本制备操作步骤数据分析何谓临床测试(Clinical tra

18、il)? 临床测试针对自愿参与的个人,在人权与伦理规范下,进行与人类健康相关的研究,探讨与人类疾病有关的问题,以寻找能增进人类健康与生活质量的方案Clinical trail -研究设计例:“The study was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled designed to compare” 声明遵守相关伦理规定的内容“The protocol was approved by the IRB of each participating hospital”要提供伦理审查委员会(IRB)实验设计编号或临床试验编号Clinical tra

19、il -研究方案描述被研究的人群的特征提供纳入和排除标准对于随机研究,说明如何做到随机化;对于多中心研究,说明研究是如何分布的说明你的项目的目标样本大小及主要和次要观察终点 可使用表格(如病人特征)和图片(如多中心试验)进行说明Clinical trail -研究方案对照组(control group; placebo)单盲(single blind);双盲(double blind)任意编组(randomly allocate)多单位(一个以上的医学机构)副作用(Side effect) 或不良影响(Adverse effect)随访(follow up)退出人数与原因(withdrew)流

20、失人数与原因(missing data)Trials should be registered in one of the following trial registries:现网站上一些公共注册资源可为大家使用,其中一部分还是免费为注册者开放的。/ (Clinical Trials) .au (Australian Clinical Trials Registry) (ISRCTN Register) http:/www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/index.asp (Netherlands Trial Register) http:/www.umin.ac.jp

21、/ctr (UMIN Clinical Trials Registry) Clinical trial 的伦理问题任何与人体相关的研究与文章,一般杂志要求遵守CONSORT的规范、通过伦理委员会(Institutional Review Board; IRB),并获得受试者知情同意书(Inform Consent)When reporting randomized controlled trials, please adhere to the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials,临床试验报告统一标准 ) statement (

22、) Declaration of Helsinki (1964)ParticipantsEighteen hemiplegic inpatients suffering from stroke were recruited from the X University Hospital. Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) . (3) orthopedic or . This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of X University Hospital. All s

23、ubjects signed an informed consent. Experimental research -研究方案描述所有的材料(药物、培养基、缓冲液,气体、受试者,仪器/设备等等)如果方法学还没有很好的建立,说明并给出细节或参考文献BALB/c male mice (68 weeks old) were used. The animals were purchased from . The mice were housed in . The standard mouse diet and water were given ad libitum. 实验动物范例 Materials

24、and Methods Patients. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical College. Kidney tissue specimens were obtained from Extraction of urinary proteins. Urinary proteins were extracted from as described previously. Cell culture and treatment

25、. Human proximal tubular HK-2 cells (ATCC, Virginia, USA) were maintained Plasmid transfection and small interfering RNAs. HK-2 cells were transfected with tfLC3 plasmid or siRNA-BECN1 as described previously Animal experiments. 40 male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 160-250 g were randomly divided in

26、to Transmission electronic microscopy. Kidney tissue specimens from human or rat, as well as HK-2 cells were fixed Immunofluorescent and immunohistochemical study. Immunostaining analysis for tissues or cells was conducted Statistics Analysis描述所使用的统计方法详细说明所使用的电脑软件特殊的或复杂统计方法需要解释和引用参考文献为最终环节,非常重要!应尽早咨

27、询统计学专家!Statistical analysisThe FA from normal and lesion sides is expressed as the mean standard deviation. Comparisons on the same patients normal and lesion sides, as well as characteristics of white matter involvement, were performed by a mixed model considering the repeated measure, and multiple

28、 comparisons between white matter involvement were adjusted using the Bonferroni method. Statistical calculations were performed using SAS version 9.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA.), with a significance level of 0.05.ResultsTo present what you have found, not just collect the data!You should see th

29、rough the appearance to the essence ,not just present the data mechanically!About the Results 作用:陈述实验结果,展示支持结果的数据 内容:结果和数据 组织:时间顺序或者从最重要的开始 一般使用小标题 要有一致性:结果、讨论和摘要内容的一致性How to write a good Results 每段落一个结果/主题 简洁有序 再次简要提及方法和材料 使用过去时态 给出明确的比较 提供适当的统计学细节 用图片和表格列出详细数据,文字描述少而精 可适当进行总结,但不要深入讨论每段落一个结果/主题Resu

30、ltsAutophagic vacuoles are increased in TECs from patients with minimal change nephrotic syndrome.Urinary proteins overload triggers autophagic response in culture TECs. We then employed a protein overload model of cultured TECs.Urinary proteins overload increase autophagic activity in TECs. As show

31、n in Fig. 2D and 2E, exposure to 2-8 mg/ml urinary proteins or 8 mg/ml HSA .ROS-dependent autophagic induction accounts for the autophagy activation. It was reported that ROS was .Autophagy activation protects TECs from urinary protein-induced injury. It is conceived that Results Autophagic vacuoles

32、 are .in nephrotic syndrome. In this study, we firstly utilized immune-fluorescent technology (简要提及方法)to examine the expression of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3)-II (a key marker of autophagy) in TECs. As shown in Fig. 1A and 1B, compared to the control, there were (使用过去时态)sign

33、ificantly more LC3-II positive dots seen in renal TECs from patients with minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) (P0.01). (提供适当的统计学细节)续: Similar to LC3-II immunostaining, the number of autophagic vacuoles was also increased significantly in renal proximal TECs of MCNS patients when compared to the

34、 controls (Fig. 1D)(明确对比).用图片和表格列出详细数据,文字描述少而精Figure 1. Quantitative change of autophagic vacuoles in TECs from MCNS patients.(A and B) Immunofluorescent staining of LC3 and the scoreofLC3-IIexpression in renal tubuli of MCNS patients or controls. Scale bar, 50 m.(C and D) Ultrastructural images of

35、autophagic vacuoles in MCNS patients and the controls. TEM images showed the representative initial/early (AVi) and degradative/late (AVd) autophagic vacuoles (C). There were more autophagic vacuoles in TECs from MCNS patients than controls (D). Red arrows indicate autophagic vacuoles. Scale bar, 50

36、0 nm (C) and 2 m (D), respectively.* indicates P 0.01 To rule out the possibility that the increase . at various concentrations. The results revealed that LPS exposure did not affect LC3-II biosynthesis even at a relatively high dose that was about 20 folds higher than the measurable threshold of 0.

37、025 EU/ml, while the LPS level in urinary protein extracts was lower than the measurable threshold in our samples (Fig. 2G). (透过 现象观看本质,而不是只是简单的陈述)These data suggest that LPS is not a major factor in urinary protein-induced autophagic response in present study.(适当进行总结) Results -Tables and figures 临床

38、研究的第一个表经常是受测者的基本数据, 例如Demographic data; Baseline information 图表的安排必须与结果的文字描述完全吻合 呈现最主要、能充分支持结论的数据,内文重点描述 图表中主要的讯息或发现 所有图表皆需要能自我阐释 除非是描述性图表,否则所有数据皆应该有统计结果 图的X-轴与Y-轴要标示要清楚,不要忘了单位DiscussionTo expoud the significance of your finding回答引言提出的问题,说明结果如何支持你的假说陈述研究结果的重要性解释研究结果的发现、关系和影响你的结果是如何与本研究领域或研究主题现有的知识相符

39、 (一致性),不符,或 新颖性。How to write DicussionTo expoud the significance of your finding回答引言提出的问题,说明结果如何支持你的假说陈述研究结果的重要性解释研究结果的发现、关系和影响说明你的结果是如何与本研究领域或研究主题现有的知识相符 (一致性),不符,或 新颖性How to write the disussion at the begining首先展示最有力的证据,这是所有人都期待看到的东西(众望所归)以你的研究结果的重要意义开始不要以背景信息开始不要重复引言中的信息不要以概述开始Discussion In the present study, we found that urinary protein exposure resulted in the accumulation of autophagic vacuoles in TECs in vivo and in vitro. However, . How to write the discussion at the middle对你的结果做出解释,构思新的概念或机制说明你的结合如何与文献相符,文献如何支持你的发现或者答案基于结果讨论可能的机制按重要的程度排序与其它研究结果、你或其他人先


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