外研版六年级英语上册-Module 7 培优检测卷附答案_第1页
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1、外版年英上 Module 7 优试时间:40 钟满分: 分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分听力部分(30 )一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词。 分)( like( it( A. body( let( hairB. B. itsB. copyB. B. C. luckyC. itsC. boyC. getC. here二、听录音, 判断下列句子与你所听内容是(T)否(相符。 (5 分) ( your ( What it ( ( Elephants ( The snake gets frightened!三、听对话, 根据所听内容将图片标号写在人名下的括号内。(10 分) B. C. D. 1

2、. Sarah( ) Mike( ) John( ) 4. Lucy( ) 5. Li( ) 四、听一段独白, 完成表格。 分 2. _ chickens pandaslike1. _ the sun3. _ rice5. _dont like the flute _ 笔试部分(70 )五、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 分)( B. flute / 7( ( lucky( its( panda 六、选词填空。(5 分)B. B. B. myB. C. C. C. C. dangerous at 1. _ photo. a of my family.2. Cats but dogs like

3、 to_ 3. The in winter.4. Its now. itll tomorrow.5. eat Wow! I dont_ it!七、单项选择。 分)( We use hands_. B. to write writing( The for _ a day. hour( It can _ very high.B. hours C. hours B. C. ( The _ room. out B. out with C. out of( We give books _ in B. to C. at( They _ TV ( We _.B. watch C. sun B. the su

4、n ( The children dont like _. sheeps B. sheepes C. sheep( My a cake for me. / 7 B. making ( Thank _ OK. B. of course. C. You welcome. 八、读一读, 猜一猜, 选一选。(10 分( big. It a long and four legs. It water. it?( It has long short tail. It 胡萝卜) It can fast.What ( our good friend. It can help people cross(穿过) t

5、he road. What it?( It likes bananas. It climb It has a long tail. it?( fat. It likes eating bamboo. Its body black and white. What isit? B. C. D. 九、给下列问句选择合适的答语。(10 分)( What it ( ( What do bears like do winter?( your ( Is it a chameleon? Yes, it B. It meat.C. no! My CD!D. It says snakes cant hear.E.

6、 like to in winter.十、阅读短文, 选择正确答案。 分A 鸽子 bird. You have Some white some are They like corn(玉米, 谷类). dont like meat.A dove likes to in a house. like doves. make home / 7for a window. fly out of their in They come back in the fly long hours. take far away( 遥远地. tie a letter to dove take letter home. H

7、ow Do like now?( What do like to eat? Bamboo. B. Corn.( Where do usually a house for In B. a window. C. In of ( Where a dove stay in the In its house. B. C. the window.( What dove do us? Sing for us. B. Play C. Send a message for us.( When doves fly of their In B. In C. At midnight.十一、阅读材料, 完成下列各题。

8、分材料一Animal: kangaroo(袋鼠Country: leaves(树叶Colour: brownHas two short 前腿 strong hind legs(后腿 far材料二Animal: pandaCountry: Colour: Has swim, climb 材料三Animal: / 7Country: 泰国) Colour: grey(灰色的)Has long a tail four strong legs (一根据材料内容选择正确答案。(8 分)( The kangaroo the US( The panda B. China B. brown and yello

9、w C. ( The kangaroo has two strong B. strong hind legs C. strong ( The kangaroo can_. (二根据材料内容回答问题。(4 分) 5. does B. jump C. a _ 6. Can panda swim?_ (三根据材料三补全下面的短文。(8 分) are elephants. 7. _ 8. _ They 225 kilos a day. 9. _ 10. _ They are very runners. / 7 优试听力材料:一、1. Lucky dogs. They are 2. Its nose i

10、s very long.3. The 4. The girls get 5. The cant 二、1. your eat music?2. does it 3. Sheep like grass.4. We dont like fish.5. The gets 三、1. Whats your favourite I like They are very beautiful.2. you like the Mike?No, I I like dogs. They like playing with children. 3. you, I like birds. can fly high in

11、sky.4. Whats your favourite Lucy? I like They clever 5. do like, Li? I like pandas. They are so they 四、The are very interesting. Lets have a The pigs sleeping they like The snakes like the They dont like flute. the flute like the grass. The is food. They dont like vegetables. The chickens is They do

12、nt like bamboo. The pandas like eating. eat for twelve hours day. like 答案:一、1. 2. B A 5. B / 7二、1. T T F 5. T三、1. A D 4. B 四、1. sleeping 2. 3. grass 4. 五、1. 2. B3. A4. 5. A点拨: A、B 动词, 是名词。点拨: A、 是名词, B 是副词。点拨: B、 是名词, A 是形容词。点拨: A、B 形容词性物主代词 动词。 点拨: B、 是形容词, A 是名词。六、1. Look at eat 3. sleep 4. 七、1. B 点拨: useto do 意思是“用做某事”。2. 3. A 点拨: 情态动词 后面接动词原形。4. 点拨: 固定搭配 out of 思是“从 中出来。5. B 点拨: to 意思是“把某物给某人。 6. A 点拨: like doing sth. 意思是“喜欢做某事”7. B 点拨: 世界上独一无二的事物前加定冠词 。8. 点拨: sheep 的复数形式是 。9. A 八、1. A E D 4.


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