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1、2021 届重庆市一中高三上学期高考第二次适应性考试英语试卷祝考试顺利 (含答案)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面5 段关于话。每段关于话后有一个小题,从题中所给AB、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段关于话后10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.答案是 C。Where oes the conversation probably take

2、place?In a supermarket. B. In the post office. C. In the street.What i Carl o?He esigne a meal. B. He fixe a TV set. C. He took a test.What oes the man o?Hes a tailor. B. Hes a waiter. C. Hes a shop assistant.When will the flight arrive?A. At 18:20. B. At 18:35. C. At 18:50.How can the man improve h

3、is article?By eleting unnecessary wors.By aing a couple of points.By correcting grammar mistakes.第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5分)听下面5 段关于话或独白。每段关于话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段关于话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段关于话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。What oes Bill often o on Friay night?Visit his parents.

4、 B. Go to the movies. C. Walk along Broaway.Who watches musical plays most often?Bill. B. Aarah. C. Bills 听第 7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。Why oes avi want to speak to Mike?To invite him to a party.To iscuss a scheule.To call off a meeting.What o we know about the speakers?They are colleagues.They are close friens

5、.Theyve never met before.8 段材料,回答第1012题。What kin of camera oes the man want?A TV camera.A vieo camera.A movie camera.Which function is the man most intereste in?Unerwater filming.A large memory.Auto-focus.How much woul the man pay for the secon camera?950 euros.650 euros.470 euros.听第 9 段材料,回答第13 至 1

6、6 题。Who is Cliffor?A. A little girl. B The mans pet.C. A fictional character.Who suggeste that Norman paint for chilrens books?His wife.Elizabeth.A publisher.What is Normans story base on?A book.A painting.A young woman.What is it that shocke Norman?His unexpecte success.His efforts mae in vain.His

7、eitors isagreement.10段材料,回答第1720题。Who woul like to make small talk accoring to the speaker?Relatives.Strangers.Visitors.Why o people have small talk?To express opinions.To avoi arguments.To show frienliness.Which of the following is a frequent topic in small talk?Politics.Movies.Salaries.What oes th

8、e speaker recommen at the en of his lecture?Asking open-ene questions.Feeling free to change topics.Making small talk interesting. 第二部分阅读(共两节,满50分第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe Visitor Oyster carAVisitorOystercaristhecheapestwaytopayforasingleaultjourneyinLonon. Its

9、aplasticsmartcar.Youcanuseitonthebus,tube,tram,LR,LononOvergroun an most National Rail services. Its much cheaper thanbuying iniviual in some cases costing 50% less than the price of a regularpaper ticket.How to get a Visitor Oyster carYou can buy a car online. Your carwill be elivere bypost.The car

10、 costs 5 an you choose how much money you want to a to the car.This you can start using the car the moment you arrive in Central Lonon.How oes the Visitor Oyster car work?The Oyster car works ona pay-as-you-go system. You start by aingmoney to the car. Then you travel, the cost of the fare will auto

11、matically beeucte from your Visitor Oyster car. For example, if you a20 to thecar an make a tube journey of 2.30, you will have 17.70 left on the car.A few more points:A chil uner the age of 11 travels free when accompanie by an ault.Youll save more money if you use the tube several times. The Visit

12、or caris“cappe (给定上限)” at 6.80 per ay.Youll pay more uring peak times. Peak fares apply from Monay to (6:30am9:30 am; 4:00 pm 7:00 pm), except for public holiays.Reuse the Oyster car by aing creit at a tube station, Oyster ticket shoporVisitor Centre.Receive a iscount on the Thames Clippers River Bu

13、s services.What can we learn about the Visitor Oyster car?You cant use it uring public holiays.You can have it maile irectly to your home.You can get a free Oyster car if you orer online.You can receive a 50% iscount at any shop in Lonon.HowmuchmoneywillbeeucteifyoutakethetubefourtimesinaaywithaOyst

14、er car?A.2.30.B.3.40.C. can you a creit to your Visitor Oyster car?On the Internet.B. At a bus station.C. At a tube station. In convenience stores.【答案】1. B 2. C 3. C【解析】Visitor OysterCar值。【1 题详解】Yourcarwillbeeliverebypost.可知VisitorOysterB。【2 题详解】A few more pointsYoull save more money

15、if you use the tube severaltimes.TheVisitorOystercaris“cappeat6.80peray. 可知如果你乘几次地铁,你会节省更多的钱。VisitorOyster6.8C。【3 题详解】AfewmorepointsReusetheOystercarbyaingat a tube station, Oyster ticket shop or Visitor C。BIt was rush hour on the morning of June 1 in the West Texas city of San Angelo.Heather Santel

16、lano,36,was riving her white2012 Mazaon 、Harte Frontage Roa with her nine-year-ol aughter an ten-year- ol son in the back. Suenly, repickuptruckcutthemoff.Santellanoturnethewheelhartotheright,sening the Maza skiing off the roa an own an )that ene in a rop-off after about 50 feet. If int stop, it wou

17、l go airborne an plunge roa some 20 feet below.Then a bit of luck: As the car race towar the ege, its unercarriage got stuck on the cement lip of the embankment lege, stopping it col. The occupants, however, were far from safe. The car ha come to rest on top of a retaining wall, literally teetering(

18、摇摇欲坠)on the ege of isaster. One suen move by anyone insie coul sen it over.Jacob Roriguez watche the scene unfol from the Truck Repair Plant where works.Thenheanfourothermenrantothecar.Theyleapeontothetrunktobalance the weight as the terrifie kis in the back seat watche.Meanwhile,JulioVasquezanhisne

19、phew,MarcoVasquez,wererivingtotheirjabs at nearby Premier Automotive. Julio jumpe out of the car to help while Marco went to the shop, grabbe a heavy-uty ),an returne to the swinging car. He fastene the Maza to an P-350 truck that ha been riven over by one of the other rescuers. With the car secure,

20、 the group carefully opene the back oors an the chilren out.Buttheirepartureshiftethecarsweight,causingittoleanforwar.Thestillon-thetrunk,askeSantellanotojumpintothebackseattorebalancetheSheianthenincheoutthebackoor.Finally,themencarefullygotofftheEveryone was safe.What o we know about Heather Sante

21、llano?She was a careless river.B. She rove her twins to school.C. She ran into a pickup truck.Shemaeasharpturntoavoithetruck.What oes the author inten to o in paragraph 2?Stress the coming of goo fortune.B.escribethecarsangeroussituation.C. A some backgroun information. Explain why people came to th

22、e rescue.What is the most critical in the rescue process?Balance.B. Cooperation.C. Calmness. Gravity.Which of the following statements is consistent with the theme of the passage?Persistence will pay off. .B. One in trouble, all to help.、C. Many hans make light work. Love makes the worl go roun.【答案】

23、4. 5. B 6. A 7. B【解析】Heather Santellano崖边,摇摇欲坠,危机四伏,周围及路过的陌生人慷慨施救,最终脱险。【4 题详解】Santellanoturne thewheel hartothe right,seningthe Maza skiing off the roa an own an )that ene in a rop-off about 50 feet.50。【5 题详解】Onesuenmovebyanyoneinsiecoulsenitover. B。【6 题详解】推理判断题。综合第三段 They leape onto the trunk to ba

24、lance the weight.他们跳上后备箱来平衡重量,和最后一段. The men, still on-the trunk, aske Santellano to jump into the back seat to rebalance the weight.他们让桑特拉诺跳到汽车后座上来平衡重量, 以及中间的描写可判断,救援进程中最关键的是平衡。故选 A。【7 题详解】Heather Santellano摇摇欲坠,危机四伏,周围及路过的陌生人慷慨施救,最终脱险。故One introuble,allhelpB。CA rug esigne entirely by artificial in

25、telligence is about to enter clinical human trials for the first time. The rug, which is intene to treatobsessive-compulsive isorer ( OC)(强迫症),was iscovere using Al systems from Oxfor-basebiotechcompanyExscientia.Whileit woul usually take ahalfyearstogetarugtothisstageofevelopment,Exscientiasaysthat

26、bythe Al tools its taken less than 12 months.The rug, known as 1181, was create by using algorithms)to examine potential compouns (化合物),checking them against a huge atabase of parameters, incluingapatientsgeneticfactors.SpeakingtotheBBC,Exscientiachiefexecutive ProfessorAnrewHopkinsescribethetrialsa

27、sakeymilestoneinrugiscovery “ an note that there are “ billions” of ecisions neee to fin the right molecules)forarug,makingtheireventualcreationahugeecision.With Al, however, “the beauty of the algorithms is that they are unknowable, so can applie to any isease.”Weve alreay seen multiple examples of

28、 Al being use to iagnose illness an analyzepatientata,sousingittoengineerrugtreatmentisanobviousprogression of its place in meicine. But the Al - create rugs o bring about some relevant questions. Will patients be comfortable taking meicine esigne by a machine? How willtheserugsifferfromthoseevelope

29、byhumansalone?Whowillmaketherules for the use of Al in rug research? Hopkins an his team hope that these an a many other questions will be explore in the trials, which will begin in March.8.What is special aboutthe rug esigne by Al?A.Its abetter cure forOC.B.It has no sie effecton humans.C.Its evelo

30、pment takesless time. It oesnt nee clinical human trials.Which is a key factor in creating the rug accoring to Paragraph 2?A. Trials.B. Algorithms.C. Compouns. Molecules.How oes Hopkins feel about the way of rug creation?A. Optimistic.B. oubtful.C. isappointe. Puzzle.What can be the best title for t

31、he text?A. Meical Trials by AlB. An Example in Meical TrialsC. A Creation in Al evelopment. Al - esigne rugs to Be on Trial【答案】8. C 9. B 10. A 11. 【解析】Exscientia造这种药的关键因素,人工智能制造药物所带来的一些问题。【8 题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“While it woul usually take aroun four an a half years get a rug to this stage of evelopment,

32、Exscientia says that by using the Al its taken less than 12 months.”可知,虽然通常需要四年半的时间才能使药物发展到这个12C【9 题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段“Therug,knownasSP 1181,wascreatebyusingalgorithms (算法)to examine potential compouns),checking them against a huge atabase ofparameters,incluingapatientsgeneticfactors.SpeakingtotheBBC,Ex

33、scientia chief executive Professor Anrew Hopkins escribe the trials as a “ key in rug iscoverySP 1181Exscientia 首席执行官安德鲁霍普金斯教授在接受英国广播公司(BBC)采访时称,这些试验是“药物发现的关键里程碑”,所以算法是制造药物的关键因素。故选 B 项。【10 题详解】推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“WithAl,however,“thebeautyofthealgorithmsisthey are unknowable, so can be applie to any isease

34、.” 然而,关于于人工智能来说,“算法 优点在于它们是不可知的,因此可以应用于任何疾病。最后一段“Hopkins an his的team hope that thesean a great many otherquestions will be explore inthetrials, which will begin in March.”3的【11 题详解】E cientia的药物即将进入 床人体试 ”。故选 项。Womenwhoownctsaremor likelytohaveme alhealthproblemsankillthemselves becausetheyc beinfect

35、 byacommonpar ite(thatcanbecaughtfromlitter(猫砂), stuy has foun.Researchers foun women infecte with the Toxoplasma gonii (T. gonii) 地弓形虫), which is sprea through contact with cat waste or eating unercooke meat or unwashe vegetables, are at increase risk of attempting suicie.The stuy involve more than

36、 45,000 women in enmark. About a thir of the populationisinfectewiththeparasite,whichhiesincellsinthebrainanmuscles, often without proucing symptoms.The infection, which is calle toxoplasmosis(弓形虫病), has been linke to mental illness, such as schizophrenia(精神分裂症), an changes in behavior.The stuys sen

37、ior author octor Teoor Postolache, an associate professor of psychiatry(精神病学) at the University of Marylan School of Meicine in the Unite States, sai, We cant say with certainty that T. gonii cause the women to try tokill themselves, but we i fin a preictive association between the infection an suic

38、ie attempts later in life that eserves aitional stuies.octorAlbertReece,vicepresientofmeicalaffairsattheUniversityofsai,T.goniiinfectionisamajorpublichealthproblemarountheworl,anmany people ont realize theyre infecte. rPostolacheisaleaingexpertonsuicieneuroimmunologySuicieis a critically important m

39、ental health issue. About one million people commit an another 10 million attempt suicie worlwie each year. We hope that this typeof research will one ay help us fin ways to save many lives that now en too early in suicie.r. Postolaches research team at the University of Marylan was the first to a c

40、onnection between T. gonii an suicial behavior in 2009. He is cooperating researchersinenmark,GermanyanSweentoconfirmaninvestigatethewayleaing to this association.TheT.goniiparasitethrivesintheintestines(ofcats,anitisspreathrough their waste. All warm-blooe animals can become infecte through contact

41、 with Humans can become infecte by changing their infecte cats litter boxes, eating unwashe vegetables, rinkingwaterfroma pollute source,or byeating unercooke or raw meat.Notwashingkitchenknivesafterpreparingrawmeatbeforehanlinganotherfooitem also can lea to infection. Pregnant women can pass the pa

42、rasite irectly to unborn babies an are avise not to change cat litter boxes to avoi possible infection.Babies ont prouce antiboies to T. gonii for three months after they are so the antiboies present in their bloo represente infection in the mothers. scientists stuie anish health patients to etermin

43、e if any of these women attemptesuicie,incluing casesofviolentsuicieattemptswhich mayhaveinvolve guns, sharp instruments an jumping from high places.The stuyfounthatwomeninfecte withT.goniiwere oneanahalftimes morelikelyto attempt suicie compare to those who were not infecte, an the risk seeme to ri

44、se with increasing levels of the T. gonii antiboies.r Postolache note limitations to the stuy, such as the inability to etermine the cause of the suicial behavior.The finings were publishe online in the Archives of General Psychiatry.The common way which is less likely to be infecte with the isease

45、is.to eat unwashe meat or unercooke vegetablesto clean a place where a cat once live for a timeto pass the infection to her unborn baby uring a womans pregnancyto reuse kitchen tools which have been use to cut raw meatWhat is the consequence if a woman is infecte with the parasite in the passage?Hav

46、ing a high fever.oing eliberate self-harm.Keeping a epresse moo.Becoming ba tempere.What can be inferre from the passage?Women have a higher risk to be infecte by the parasite than men.The result of the research may help the scientists to fin ways to stop in avance.The scientists will continue their

47、 research into the possible connection.The risk of being infecte seems to rise with the ecreasing levels of antiboies.Whichofthefollowingstatementswoulprobablybethebesttitleofthepassage?Why are women more likely to commit suicie?Women shoul keep away from catsWays foun to eal with womens mental Are

48、women who own cats at a suicie risk?【答案】12. B 13. B 14. C 15. 【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇说明文,与猫长时间接触的人容易有精神方面的问题,文章关于此现象进行了说明并且分析了原因。【12 题详解】B“Researchers foun women infecte with the Toxoplasma gonii (T. gonii) parasite(刚地弓形虫), which is sprea through contact with cat wasteB【13 题详解】B 细节理解题。根据文章第五段“we i fin a prei

49、ctive association between the infection an suicie attempts later in life that eserves aitional stuies.”B【14 题详解】C 推理判断题。根据文章第五段“WecantsaywithcertaintythatT.goniicausethe womentotrytokillthemselves,butweifinapreictiveassociationbetweenthe infection an suicie attempts later in life that eserves aition

50、al stuies.”C【15 题详解】 主旨大意题。根据文章主题段第一段“Womenwhoowncatsaremorelikelytohavehealthproblemsankillthemselvesbecausetheycanbeinfectebyacommonthat can be caught from cat litter, a stuy has 考点:考查健康类短文阅读。【名师点睛】 推理题是在掌握文章大意基础上看出作者的“ 言外之意”(between the lines)。这既要求学生透过文章表面文字信息推测隐含意思,又要求学生关于作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展作正确的推理判

51、断,有些推断题要从文章结构的角度进行分析,才能推断出正确答案。因此,阅读时不仅要注重词、句的理解,而且还要分析语篇的组织结构。这类试题常以如下句式发问:What can you infer /learn/conclue from the passage? Whats the authors attitue towar?What oes the passage suggest?The author in this passage intens to。34Whatcanbeinferre from the passage?Women have a higher risk to be infecte

52、 by the parasite than men.The result of the research may help the scientists to fin ways to stop in avance.The scientists will continue their research into the possible connection.The risk of being infecte seems to rise with the ecreasing levels of the antiboies.根据文章第五段“We cant say with certainty th

53、at T. gonii cause the womentotrytokillthemselves,butweifinapreictiveassociationbetweeninfection an suicie attempts later in life that eserves aitionalstuies.”C注意表达情感(favorite、态度和观点的词语。第二节 (共5 小题;每小题2.5 分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选.Some stuents fin themselves constantly in trouble with atten

54、tion atschool.16If you have trouble paying attention, sitting still, an are constantly calle out by your teacher, you can still learn to follow the rules an channel your energy into becoming a better stuent. 17If you have trouble paying attention an staying on task, changing attitue can help a lot.

55、Try tuseyour imagination to make the task cooler anmorefun. It might soun stupi, but pretening your schoolwork is fun can actually make it fun.Take notes. One great way to keep yourself focuse on the class topics an lesson is to take notes. Even if youll be provie with a review, or you ont eventuall

56、yneetheinformationforthetest,ifyoustruggletopayattention,focus on writing own the important things the teacher says.18 Be prepare for class. stay focuse if you ont the supplies reay, an youre in your seat on time. Theres nothing worse for your classroomreputationthanforgettingyourmathtextbook,orhavi

57、ngtoaskforapencil or a piece of paper that you forget to bring.Get involve in the class iscussions.19Just raise your han if you the answer, an talk uring iscussions in class if theyre going on. 20Just like changing your attitue about enjoying your classes, making active choice can be an important fi

58、rst step in actually getting better graes.Motivate yourself to improve your graes.Use your imagination an ecie to like the topics.Taking notes can also help you improve your writing skills.If youre not active in class, make a change an try to answer questions.There are so many factors to make you un

59、focuse, an you arent alone!This will help you stay focuse an youll have something to refer to later.Seeing the results of your har work, you might become more confient at work.【答案】16. E 17. B 18. F 19. 20. A【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了学生在学校里总是注意力不集中应该怎么做。【16 题详解】Somestuentsfinthemselvesconstantlyintroublewit

60、hattentionatschool.(E.Therearesomanyfactorstomakeunfocuse, an you arent 承接自然,attention 和unfocuseE【17 题详解】Ifyouhavetroublepayingattentionanstayingontask,changingyourattitue can help a lot. Try to use your imagination to make the task cooler an more B. Use your imagination an ecie to like the topics.(


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