



1、v1.0可编辑可修改巴比伦空中花园英文介绍古巴比伦王国曾出现过一座漂浮在半空中的园林, 考古学家至今仍未能找到它的确实位置。事实上 , 大半描绘空中花园的人都从未涉足巴比伦, 只知东方有座奇妙的花园, 波斯王称之为“天堂” , 而在两相凑合下, 形成遥远的巴比伦梦幻花园。由于花园比宫墙还要高, 给人感觉像是整个御花园悬挂在空中, 因此被称为“空中花园”, 又叫“悬苑”。当年到巴比伦城朝拜、经商或旅游的人们老远就可以看到空中城楼上的金色屋顶在阳光下熠熠生辉。所以,到公元 2世纪 , 希腊学者在品评世界各地著名建筑和雕塑品时, 把“空中花园”列为“世界七大奇观”之一。从此以后 , “空中花园”更是

2、闻名遐迩。Hanging Gardens of Babylon English IntroductionBabylon Kingdom there had been a garden floating in the air, archaeologists haveyet to finditsexact location.Infact,most depictingthe Hanging Gardens ofBabylon,who have never set foot in, only knew that the East has a wonderful garden seat,the Pers

3、ian king known as paradise, and make do in the two-phase, the formationof distant Babylon dream garden. As the garden is even higher than a wall, givingthe impressionhangingin the airliketheImperialGarden, known as the skygardens,sometimescalledhangingCourt.Babylon then toworship,business ortourismf

4、orpeople far away can see the golden roof of the tower on the air in the sun shine.So, to the2nd centuryAD, theGreekscholars in thebuildingand tastingtheworldfamous sculptureswhen thesky gardensas SevenWonders of the worldone.Sincethen, the Hanging Gardens is famous.The Love Story Behind the Hanging

5、 GardensThere has been a beautifullove storybehind the buildingof the Hanging Gardens.The Hanging Gardens were builtby Nebuchadnezzar II,King of Babylon around 600BC. He marriedAmytis,the princessof Media. The beautifulprincesswas so adorable( 可爱的 ) that the king loved her very much. Not long after

6、their marriage, the1v1.0可编辑可修改princess became very frustrated and looked very sad. The king cared for his wifebut didn t know why she was unhappy.The princess told him that she was homesick(想家的 ). She said that there wereplenty of trees and flowers in her homeland(家乡 ), surrounded by mountains. Whil

7、ehere in Babylon,onlyendlessplainswere inview( 看得见 ) and even a smallhillcannot be found.How I wish to see the windingtrails( 小径 ) and mountains in my homeland!Then, the kingorderedto buildgardens to imitate( 模仿 ) the sceneryin Media,the homeland of Amitys.Gardens withthe appearance of a theatre,wat

8、erfalls,animals,fruits and plants were built. These were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.空中花园背后的爱情故事在建造空中花园的背后, 有着一个美丽的爱情故事。空中花园是由巴比伦国王尼布甲尼撒二世于大约公元前600 年主持建造。 他娶了米底的公主米梯斯为王后, 美丽的王后非常惹人疼爱, 国王对她宠爱有加。但婚后不久, 公主变得非常失落 , 看起来很伤心。国王关心她的爱妻但不明白其中缘由。公主告诉国王, 她非常想家。 她说 , 家乡米底山峦叠翠, 花草丛生 ; 而在这里只能看见一望无际的平原 , 连个小山丘都看

9、不到。我多么希望能看到家乡的盘山小道和山峦呀!于是 , 国王下令 , 模仿米梯斯家乡米底的景色, 在他的宫殿里, 建造花园。花园建造成露天剧场的形状, 里面有瀑布、动物、水果和花草。这就是古巴比伦的空中花园。Description of the Hanging GardensThe path to the Garden sloped (倾斜 ) like a hillside (山坡 ) and several partsof the structure( 结构 ) rose from tier( 层 , 阶梯 ) upon tier.On allthis,the earthhad been

10、piled( 堆叠 ),and was thicklyplantedwithallkindsof trees.Theirgreatsize and other charms (魅力 ) gave pleasure to the viewers. The water machinesraised the water from the river, although no one outside could see it.Fruitsand flowers.Waterfalls.Gardens hanging from the palace terraces(台2v1.0可编辑可修改地).Exot

11、ic(奇异的 ) animals.This isthe pictureof the Hanging Gardens of Babylonin most peoples mind. It may be surprising to know that they might have neverexisted except in the mind of the Greek poets and historians!空中花园的描述通往花园的道路象山坡一样倾斜着, 建筑物的几个部分一层一层地向上交错排列着泥土在这些上面堆积着并且浓密地种植着各种各样的花草树木, 它们以其巨大的身躯和其他一些魅力, 令观赏

12、者赏心悦目抽水的机器把大量的水从河中提升到花园中, 尽管没有人从外面能看到它。水果、鲜花、瀑布、花园高悬在宫殿的阳台上, 奇异的动物, 这是大多数人想象中的巴比伦空中花园。让人吃惊的是, 空中花园除了在希腊诗人和历史学家的头脑中出现过外,可能从来就没有存在过。The Water Supply System of the Hanging GardensThe most amazing part of the Hanging Gardens is their water supply system. Asrainfall was quite rare in Babylon and the reli

13、cs of the Hanging Gardens were farfrom the Euphrates River, it is believed that there must have been plenty of watersupply devices in the gardens. Slaves pushed the handles of the gear wheel (齿轮 )on and on to lift the water to the highest tank. Then, the water form the highesttank would flow into th

14、e gardens through the artificial waterways (人工河道 ).空中花园的供水系统巴比伦空中花园最令人称奇的地方是供水系统, 因为巴比伦雨水不多, 而空中花园的遗址亦远离幼发拉底河, 所以人们认为空中花园应该有不少的供水设备。奴隶不停地推动着齿轮的把手 , 把地下水运到最高一层的储水池。然后, 储水池中的水再经人工河道流入花园之中。The Maintenance of the Hanging GardensAnotherchallengeof the Hanging Gardens is the maintenance( 保养 ) of the garde

15、ns.3v1.0可编辑可修改Itis impossibleon forordinarybuildingsto maintainfora long timewiththe flushof the water. Blocks were rare on Mesopotamia plain, so it was believed that theblocksused forbuildingthe Hanging Gardens,which containedreeds,pitch( 沥青 ),and tiles( 瓦片 , 瓷砖 ),were differentfrom the ordinaryblo

16、cks.Somedocuments evenfigured out that layers of lead(铅 ) was added to the blocks to prevent the waterfrom penetrating into the foundation.空中花园的保养另一个难题是空中花园的保养。对于一般建筑物来说, 要长年经受河水的侵蚀而维持保养下来是不可能的。由于美索不达米亚平原(Mesopotamian plain)没有太多石块, 因此人们相信空中花园所用的砖块与一般石块不同, 它们中掺入了芦苇、沥青及瓦。还有文献指出石块中被加入了一层铅, 以防止河水渗入地基。It

17、 was not until the twentieth century that some mysteries about the HangingGardens were revealed (揭示 ). Archaeologists (考古学家 ) are still struggling togather enough evidences before reaching the final conclusions about the location,the irrigation system, and their true appearance of the Gardens.直到二十世纪, 围绕着空中花园的一些不解之迷才被揭示出来。在得出关于花园的地理位置、灌溉系统和真正面目的最终结论之前, 考古学家们仍在努力地收集足够的证据。结束语 :公元前三世纪菲罗曾记述“: 园中种满树木, 无异山中之国, 其中某些部份层层叠长, 有如剧院一样 , 栽种密集枝叶扶疏, 几乎树树相触


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