1、第一章 名 词第一部分 语法强化1第一章 名 词第一部分 语法强化1目录自我检测名师点拨真题再现强化训练2目录自我检测名师点拨真题再现强化训练2自我检测一、写出下列名词的复数形式1. map _2. toy _3. day _4. boy _5. house _6. class _7. box _8. watch _9. brush _10. dish _11. country _ 12. family _13. baby _14. library _15. life _16. wife _17. leaf _18. thief _19. piano _20. photo _mapstoysd
2、aysboyshousesclassesboxeswatchesbrushesdishescountriesfamiliesbabieslibrariesliveswivesleavesthievespianosphotos3自我检测一、写出下列名词的复数形式1. map _21. tomato _22. potato _23. hero _24. man _25. woman _26. child _27. foot _28. tooth _29. mouse _30. Chinese _31. Japanese_32. Englishman _33. Frenchman _34. Fren
3、chwoman _35. American _36. Canadian _37. dollar _38. pound _39. sheep _40. deer _tomatoespotatoesheroesmenwomenchildrenfeetteethmiceChineseJapaneseEnglishmenFrenchmenFrenchwomenAmericansCanadiansdollarspoundssheepdeer421. tomato _31. Japane二、翻译下列词组1. 两条建议 _2. 你哥哥的书 _3. 教师节_4. 学校的大门 _5. 两个女医生 _two pi
4、eces of adviceyour brothers bookTeachers Daythe gate of the schooltwo women doctors5二、翻译下列词组1. 两条建议 _6. Jim和Tom共同的房间 _7. Kate和Mary各自的妈妈 _8. 今天的报纸 _9. 问题的答案 _10. 成功的关键_Jim and Toms roomKates and Marys motherstodays newspaperthe answer to the questionthe key to success66. Jim和Tom共同的房间 _名师点拨考点广东省卷近5年中考
5、统计情况20162017201820192020可数名词及其单复数 不可数名词 名词所有格 名词辨析7名师点拨考点广东省卷近5年中考统计情况20162017201一、名词的种类专有名词普通名词国名、地名、人名、月份、节日、团体、机构名称可数名词不可数名词个体名词集体名词抽象名词物质名词China, Mary, January, Sunday, Womens Day, the Great Wallbook, student, teacher, penfamily, class, team, groupsuccess, health, beauty, educationrain, rice, sn
6、ow, corn, water, milk*特别提醒(1)专有名词中每一个单词的首字母必须大写, 但其中 的虚词, 如冠词the的首字母一般不大写。8一、名词的种类专有名词普通名词国名、地名、人名、月份、节日(2)抽象名词是不可数名词, 但在以下两种情况时可以作可数名词: 第一种情况:表示情感、情绪的词,强调具体的人或事时常将抽象名词具体化使用,可以作可数名词。如:抽象名词,不可数名词抽象名词具体化,可数名词surprise吃惊、惊奇a surprise一个令人吃惊的人或事success成功a success一个成功的人或事beauty美a beauty美人;美好的东西pleasure愉快、乐
7、趣a pleasure一个乐趣9(2)抽象名词是不可数名词, 但在以下两种情况时可以作可数名第二种情况:一些词组中可以作可数名词。如:have a rest(休息), catch a cold(感冒), have a good time(玩得开心), live a happy life(过幸福的生活)等。10第二种情况:一些词组中可以作可数名词。如:have a re二、名词的数 1. 规则的名词复数形式序号规则例词1一般情况直接在词尾加-smapmaps, seatseats, girlgirls2以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的名词, 在词尾加-esclassclasses, boxbo
8、xes, watchwatches, dishdishes3以-f或-fe结尾的名词, 变f或fe为v再加-esleafleaves, thiefthieves, knifeknives, wifewives4以辅音字母加y结尾的名词, 变y为i再加-espartyparties, familyfamilies, storystories, citycities11二、名词的数序号规则例词1一般情况直接在词尾加-smap序号规则例词5以元音字母加y结尾的名词,加-stoytoys, boyboys, daydays6以辅音字母加o结尾的名词一般加-esheroheroes, potatopot
9、atoes, tomatotomatoes外来词或缩写词,加-spianopianos, photophotos, kilokilos7以元音字母加o结尾的名词加-sradioradios, bamboobamboos, zoozoos12序号规则例词5以元音字母加y结尾的名词,加-stoyt*巧学妙记 以-f或- fe结尾的名词变复数的口诀:小偷无妻生活难, 自捡树叶来做饭 (thiefthieves 小偷, wifewives 妻子, lifelives 生活, leafleaves 树叶)忽见一狼藏架后, 拿刀把它劈两半 (wolfwolves 狼, shelfshelves 书架, k
10、nifeknives 刀子, halfhalves 半) 13*巧学妙记 以-f或- fe结尾的名词变复数的口诀:132. 不规则的名词复数形式序号情况例词1常见不规则变化manmen, womanwomen, footfeet, goosegeese, toothteeth, childchildren, mousemice 2单复数同形sheepsheep, deerdeer, fishfish3通常以复数形式出现trousers, clothes, thanks, chopsticks, glasses, noodles, fireworks, jeans, dumplings, con
11、gratulations4一些集体名词形式上为单数,意义为复数people, police142. 不规则的名词复数形式序号情况例词1常见不规则变化m序号情况例词5部分集体名词既可以作单数(指整体)也可以作复数(指成员)class, family, couple, group, team6表示“某国人”加-sAmericans, Australians, Germans, Romans, Europeans单复数同形Chinese, Japanese以-man或 -woman结尾的改为 -men或-womenEnglishmen, Frenchmen, Frenchwomen15序号情况例词5
12、部分集体名词既可以作单数(指整体)也可以作序号情况例词7合成名词或名词作定语时将主体名词变为复数boy friends, girl students, housewives, policemen将两部分变为复数women singers, men scientists, women doctors, men workers8以-s结尾, 但实际上是单数或不可数名词physics, mathematics / maths, the United States, news*巧学妙记 表示“某国人”的名词变复数口诀: 中日不变英法变,其他国家加-s。16序号情况例词7合成名词或名词作定语时将主体名词
13、变为复数b*特别提醒(1)集体名词people(人), police(警察)总是用作复数, 因此不能说a people, a police, 但可以说a person(一个人), a policeman(一个男警察)。 (2)集体名词看作整体时, 谓语动词用单数;若看作整体的各个成员时, 谓语动词用复数。如: Sallys family is a big one in the small town. 萨利家是那个小镇上的一个大家族。 My family have a good time in Tibet. 我们全家人在西藏都玩得很开心。(3)特别注意由man, woman构成的复合名词单复数的
14、问题。如:a man teacher(一个男教师), two men teachers(两个男教师)。17*特别提醒173. 既可用作可数名词(C)又可用作不可数名词(U), 但 词义不同的词单词词义glassC玻璃杯U玻璃roomC房间U空间chickenC小鸡U鸡肉fishC鱼U鱼肉exerciseC习题U锻炼experienceC经历U经验183. 既可用作可数名词(C)又可用作不可数名词(U), 但 单词词义lightC电灯U光changeC变化U零钱timeC次, 倍U时间orangeC橙子U橙汁;橙色workC作品U工作lifeC生命U生活19单词词义lightC电灯U光chang
15、eC变化U零钱time少数不可数名词的复数形式表示特殊的意义:单词词义单词词义time时间times时代sand沙子sands沙滩paper纸papers论文, 试卷单词词义单词词义hair头发hairs毛发wood木材woods树林glass玻璃glasses眼镜20少数不可数名词的复数形式表示特殊的意义:单词词义单词词义ti4. 不可数名词及量的表达、名词的修饰词初中阶段学过的不可数名词water, tea, milk, orange, rain, snow, weather, juice, fruit, coffee, food, salt, rice, meat, bread, hom
16、ework, housework, money, knowledge, news, information, chalk, progress, traffic, oil, air, ice, wood, paper, advice, health, music, fun, trouble, pollution, waste数词量词of名词不可数名词:a piece of paper, a piece of wood, a piece of bread, three bottles of orange, two glasses of water, four cups of tea, ten ba
17、gs of rice可数名词: a bag of apples, two boxes of eggs214. 不可数名词及量的表达、名词的修饰词初中阶段学过的不可数much, little, a little, a bit of等只能修饰不可数名词Ill give you a bit of advice. There was little beef in my fridge.I dont like winter because theres too much snow and ice. There is less and less pollution on the earth.many, se
18、veral, few, a few, a couple of, a number of, hundreds of, thousands of, millions of等只能修饰可数名词The boss has to cut the cost of his company this year. So he hires(雇佣) fewer and fewer workers. A number of patients died from COVID-19.Thousands of visitors choose to travel in China instead of travelling ab
19、road. 22much, little, a little, a bit a lot of, lots of, plenty of, enough, some, any, no等既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词Is there any water in the bottle? Yes, there is some. Are there any lives on Mars? No, there arent any. I have a lot of hobbies. We dont have enough money and energy.*特别提醒:对可数名词的数量提问要用how many
20、;对不可数名词的数量提问要用how much。23a lot of, lots of, plenty of, ( )1. Do you know the woman who is looking over the patient? Yes, she is one of the best_ in our hospital. A. woman doctor B. women doctors C. woman doctors D. women doctor( )2. What good_! I have passed the test to get a drivers license. A. adv
21、ice B. fact C. news D. report【即学即练】BC24( )1. Do you know the wom( )3. There are many kinds of flowers in the garden. They are in different_. Look! Some are red, and some are yellow. A. size B. sizes C. color D. colors( )4. A group of _ are talking with two_. German; Frenchmen B. Frenchmen; GermansC.
22、 Frenchman; German D. Germans; Frenchman( )5. What can I do for you, Sir? _, please. A. Two pair of socks B. Two baskets of appleC. Two pairs of sock D. Two baskets of applesDBD25( )3. There are many kin三、名词所有格 名词所有格表示一个名词与另一个名词之间的所有关系或所属关系。名词所有格分为两种:一是由名词词尾加s构成, 二是由“of名词”构成。前者多用于有生命的东西,后者多用于无生命的东西。
23、26三、名词所有格261. s所有格的构成不以-s结尾的名词, 词尾加sthe boys father, Jacks book, Mothers Daythe childrens toys, womens rights(权利)以-s结尾的名词, 词尾加the teachers room, the twins motherDickens novels, Charles job, the Smiths house, Teachers Day表示各自的所属关系时, 各名词末尾均须加sJapans and Americas problems, Janes and Marys bikes271. s所有
24、格的构成不以-s结尾的名词, 词尾加sthe表示共有的所属关系时, 在最后一个词末尾加sJone and Wendys friend, Jane and Marys father表示“某人的家、店铺等”, 所有格后名词省略my uncles, the doctors, the Greens28表示共有的所属关系时, 在最后一个词末尾加sJone an2. s所有格用于无生命东西的名词时的用法1用于表示时间的名词后todays newspaper, five weeks holiday, yesterdays homework, 25 minutes walk, half an hours dr
25、ive 2用于表示国家、城市等地方的名词后the countrys plan, the worlds population, Chinas industry3用于表示距离、价格等的名词后a miles journey, five dollars apples292. s所有格用于无生命东西的名词时的用法1用于表示时间的3. of所有格的用法用于表示无生命东西的名词后:如the legs of the chair, the cover of the book等。 用于表示有生命东西的名词后,尤其是有较长定语时:如the books of the students sitting near the
26、 window。4. 双重所有格的用法 如:a friend of my fathers, several classmates of Toms, a friend of mine等。303. of所有格的用法30*特别提醒有少数名词(如:key, answer, entrance, ticket, solution等)常用 “to”表示所属关系。如:the answer to the question 问题的答案 a ticket to the football match 足球赛的门票31*特别提醒31( ) 1. _ mothers work in the same hospital.
27、A. Tim and Peters B. Tims and Peter C. Tims and Peters D. Tim and Peter( )2. Every morning Mr. Smith takes a_ to his office. A. 20 minutes walks B. 20 minutes walk C. 20minutes walk D. 20minute walk 【即学即练】CD32( ) 1. _ mothers wo( )3. September 10th is_. A. Children Day B. Teachers Day C. Teachers Da
28、y D. Womens Day( )4. Look at the big and clean room. Its _. A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucys and Lilys C. Lucys and Lily D. Lucy and LilysBD33( )3. September 10th is_四、名词辨析1. work和job work“工作”,多指体力的或脑力的努力或活动,为不可数名词;job“工作,职业”,多指为换取报酬而进行的日常活动,为可数名词。A teacher has much _ every day, such as preparing for class
29、es, checking homework and talking to students. 一个老师每天都有很多工作,例如备课、检查作业及和学生谈话。She is looking for a _ as a reporter in Beijing. 她正在北京找一份记者的工作。【即学即练】workjob34四、名词辨析A teacher has much _2. cook和cooker cook n. “厨师”, v. “烹饪”; cooker “厨具”。He is the best _ in our town. 他是我们镇最好的厨师。 My _ is broken, so I have to
30、 go out for dinner tonight. 我的厨具坏了, 所以今晚只能出去吃饭。【即学即练】cookcooker352. cook和cookerHe is the best _3. problem和question problem总是与“困难”相联系,通常指客观上存在的等待解决的问题,尤其指比较棘手的难题;question总是与“疑问、质问、询问”相联系,通常指人主观上产生的需要得到解答或解释的问题或疑问。He had some _ walking after he broke his leg. 他伤了他的腿后走路有点困难了。 I always ask a lot of _ in
31、 class because I think its good for my study. 我总是在课堂上问很多问题, 因为我认为这对我学习很有好处。【即学即练】problemsquestions363. problem和questionHe had some4. sound, voice和noisesound指自然界各种各样的声音;voice指人的嗓音;noise指噪音。Can you hear the _ of opening the door? Will there be a thief? 你能听到开门的声音吗?会不会有贼呢? The loud _ makes me annoyed! 那
32、嘈杂声令我觉得很烦! Mary has a sweet _. She can sing very well. 玛丽有甜美的嗓音。她唱歌唱得很好。【即学即练】soundnoisevoice374. sound, voice和noiseCan you h5. road, street和wayroad指具体的公路、马路;street指街道;way指道路、途径。Be careful when you cross the _. 当你过马路的时候要小心。 Excuse me, can you tell me the _ to the library? 不好意思, 请问你能不能告诉我去图书馆的路? Ther
33、e are many flowers on both sides of the _. 在街道的两旁有很多花。【即学即练】roadwaystreet385. road, street和wayBe careful 6. home, house和familyhome指家,包括住处和家人;house指房子、住宅;family指家庭、家庭成员。I dont want to be away from _ for too long. 我不想离家时间太长。 My _ is not very big but it is very comfortable. 我的房子不是很大, 但很舒服。 I have a hap
34、py _. 我有一个快乐的家。【即学即练】homehousefamily396. home, house和familyI dont w7. population, people, person population 指人口;people指具体的人,总用作复数;person指具体的一个人。China has a large _. 中国有很多人。 Chinese _ are friendly. 中国人很友好。Mary is an honest _. 玛丽是一个诚实的人。【即学即练】populationpeopleperson407. population, people, personC8. am
35、ount和numberamount, number都指数量、总量, amount后接不可数名词, number后接可数名词。He wants to borrow a(n) _ of money from me. 他想从我这里借一笔钱。 A(n) _ of fans are waiting for the pop star at the airport. 大量粉丝在机场等那个明星。【即学即练】 amountnumber418. amount和numberHe wants to bo五、名词在语法选择中的运用 语法选择考查名词主要会从名词的数,不可数名词,名词的所有格以及名词的词性辨析四个方面去设
36、题考查。解题时可以根据名词的语法规则去确定,也可以根据句子结构确定。42五、名词在语法选择中的运用42(2020广州9题 )The bandit(山贼) takes one book and shouts, “Next time I want_!”A. some money B. any moneyC. some moneys D. any moneys1根据语法规则确定【解析】观察四个选项可知,本题考查some和any的区别,some 用于肯定句;any用于否定句和疑问句;以及考查不可数名词的用法。money为不可数名词,后面不能加s;根据语法规则可知选A。A43(2020广州9题 )The
37、 bandit(山贼) t The young man lives a poor and sad life. So he wants to ask the old wise man for _. Aan advice B. advices C. many advices D. some advice【解析】观察四个选项可知,本题考查不可数名词advice的用法。不可数名词前面不能加an或many, 后面不能加s;根据语法规则可知选D。D44 The young man lives a poor aIn the words of the Chinese thinker Laotzu:_ of a
38、 thousand miles begins with a single step. A. trip B. trips C. a trip D. many trips【解析】根据题干中动词begin的形式为单数形式,从而确定trip使用单数形式, 根据语法规则可知选C。C45In the words of the Chinese t(2020南海区二模38题 )One day I took the plant out again. Wow, I was very surprised to find that there were many little roots at the _ end.
39、Aplant B. plants C. plants D. plants2. 根据句子结构确定【解析】观察四个选项可知,本题考查名词单复数和名词的所有格。分析句子结构可知,所填词前有限定词the,所填词后有名词end,所以确定所填词应为名词所有格,根据上一句the plant可知植物为单数,由此可知为单数名词的所有格,故选C。C46(2020南海区二模38题 )One day I toAfter he graduated, the famous _ Thomas Edison asked him to work in his lab but George refused. Ainventor
40、B. invention C. invent D. invented【解析】观察四个选项可知,本题考查invent的词性辨析。inventor为名词“发明家”;invention为名词“发明,发明物”;invent为动词“发明”;invented为动词过去式“发明”,分析句子结构可知,所填词在形容词之后,且后有专有名词Thomas Edison解释,所以用名词且根据常识Thomas Edison为发明家,由此可知选A。A47After he graduated, the famouThere used to be no _ at all in the countryside. Apolluti
41、ng B. pollute C. pollution D. polluted【解析】观察四个选项可知,本题考查pollute“污染”的词性辨析。polluting为动名词;pollute为动词;pollution为名词;polluted为动词的过去式,分析句子结构可知,所填词位于限定词no之后,所以选用名词,由此可知选C。C48There used to be no _ ( )1. (2015广州)At that moment he made the girl his own private _, giving her and her family many riches. A. music
42、B. musical C. musician D. musically( )2. (2013广州)The biggest _ is that in Japan, only girls and women give chocolates to boys and men, but in the US boys and girls give cards or small gifts to all of their friends. difference B. differences C. different D. differently【即学即练】CA49( )1. (2015广州)At that
43、( )3. By now Jack showed his great _. “OK,” he shouted. A. anger B. angrily C. angry D. angering( )4. However, for Valentines Day, different countries have different _. A. celebrate B. celebrated C. celebration D. celebrations( )5. For example, when an animal dies, it becomes another _ food. Aanimal
44、 B. animals C. animals D. animalsADC50( )3. By now Jack showed六、名词在短文填空中的运用考点广东省卷近5年中考短文填空考查名词情况20162017201820192020 可数名词及其单复数13/11不可数名词/11 短文填空考查名词主要会从名词的数(5年6考),不可数名词(5年2考),名词的所有格(暂时未考)等方面去设题考查。解题时可以根据上下文和分析句子结构去确定,有些也可以根据固定搭配去确定。51六、名词在短文填空中的运用考点广东省卷近5年中考短文填空考查(1)在动词或介词后作宾语(2020广东70题 )They wanted
45、 to raise _ to help their friendsIn a week, it made $52. Although it was only a little money1. 句子结构与上下文判断法【解析】由下文提及的赚了52美金,尽管钱少,可知他们想筹钱去帮助他们的朋友,故该空为不可数名词money。money52(1)在动词或介词后作宾语1. 句子结构与上下文判断法【解析(2019广东75题 ) In the village, there were many paintings of _, such as cats and birds. 【解析】由下文提及的例子猫和小鸟可知,
46、这些画与动物有关,且该空前没有one或者an,故用复数名词animals。animals53(2019广东75题 ) In the village(2)其前有名词修饰,在句中作宾语(2017广东78题 )the two brothers have to go to the school _ to borrow books for their scientific projects【解析】由下文提及借书可以推测他们去学校图书馆,且该空前有名词school修饰,所以用单数名词library。library54(2)其前有名词修饰,在句中作宾语【解析】由下文提及借书可以(3)其前有形容词修饰,在句中
47、作宾语(2017广东77题 )“If we dont make a change, our family will become strangers to each other!”They have to make many _. For example, 【解析】由上文“如果我们不作出改变,我们一家人将成为彼此的陌生人”可知他们必须作改变,有many可确定该空用名词复数形式changes。changes55(3)其前有形容词修饰,在句中作宾语【解析】由上文“如果我们(4)其前有限定词(冠词、量词、数词、形容词性物主代词)(2020广东71题 ) They wanted to raise mo
48、ney to help their friends. Then she came up with an _. 【解析】由上文他们想筹钱去帮助他们的朋友可知,她想出了一个好的主意,且该空前有an,所以用idea。idea56(4)其前有限定词(冠词、量词、数词、形容词性物主代词)【解(2016广东75题 ) He took off her shoes and put her _ into the water. After that, he began to wash them carefully. 【解析】由上文张先生帮他妈妈脱掉鞋子,后文提到,放在水里仔细为母亲洗可以推测是洗脚,后文有代词th
49、em,可确定用名词复数形式feet。feet57(2016广东75题 ) He took off he2固定搭配判断法(2019广东79题) From them, Grandpa Huang learned to live a long and happy _. 【解析】本题考查固定搭配live a life,意为“过的生活”,故该空为life。life582固定搭配判断法【解析】本题考查固定搭配live a l(2017广东80题) they find that they can spend more time talking over meals, playing sports and d
50、oing all _ of activities together. 【解析】本题考查固定搭配all kinds of,意为“各种各样的”,故该空为kinds。kinds59(2017广东80题) they find that1. (2015广东)Every year thousands of tourists from all over the world come to visit this place of _ in China. 2. (2014广东)Later, I worked in a small _, serving the guests, cleaning up the ta
51、bles, washing the dishes and sweeping the floors. 【即学即练】interestrestaurant601. (2015广东)Every year thousan3. Mr. Jackson always lives a healthy life. He keeps good _: getting up early in the morning, doing exercise before breakfast and never staying up late. 4. Lily has a good _. She wants to be a fa
52、mous singer in the future. 5. Jack is such a good _ that he is popular among his students. habitsvoiceteacher613. Mr. Jackson always lives a 真题再现()1. (2020湖北)Hows Mr. Clarks small company?Quite good. It has grown to become a _ in the international trade. A. rule B. duty C. power D. signC解析:句意:克拉克的小公
53、司怎么样?非常好。它已经在国际贸易方面成为一个有影响力的机构。rule规则;duty职责;power力量;sign标志。根据“has grown”“in the international trade”可知此处用名词power表示有影响力。故选C。62真题再现()1. (2020湖北)Hows Mr()2. (2020江苏)Maria is always full of _ because she takes exercise every day. A. energy B. talent C. humour D. wealthA解析:句意:玛利亚总是充满着活力因为她每天锻炼。energy活力;
54、talent才能;humour幽默;wealth财富。根据“she takes exercise every day”每天锻炼,可知她充满着活力,用名词energy。故选A。63()2. (2020江苏)Maria is alway()3. (2020辽宁)Jim, I have _ in finishing so much work. Dont worry. I can help you. A. ability B. success C. experience D. difficultyD解析:句意:吉姆,我很难完成这么多工作。不要担心,我可以帮助你。ability能力;success成功;
55、experience经验;经历;difficulty困难。根据下面的答语中“I can help you”可知,说话人表示他有困难,使用的句型是have difficulty in doing sth. “做某事有困难”。故选D。64()3. (2020辽宁)Jim, I have _()4. (2020浙江)Lucys father works in No. 1 Hospital. He is a _. Ateacher B. doctor C. postman D. policemanB解析:句意:露西的父亲在第一医院工作,他是一名医生。teacher老师;doctor医生;postman
56、邮递员;policeman警察。根据句中“No. 1 Hospital”可知,露西的父亲在第一医院工作,所以他是一名医生。故选B。65()4. (2020浙江)Lucys father ()5. (2020重庆)Would you send me some _ of yours? I miss you very much!A. magazines B. photos C. money D. adviceB解析:句意:你能给我寄一些你的照片吗?我非常想你!magazines杂志;photos照片;money钱;advice建议,根据“I miss you very much!”可知非常想念对方,
57、由此推断把照片寄过来,故选B。66()5. (2020重庆)Would you send()6. (2020天津)In China, we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck. Thats interesting! I want to know all the Chinese _. A. traditions B. sentences C. notices D. problemsA解析:句意:在中国,我们用红纸做红包,因为红色意味着好运。很有趣!我想知道所有的中国传统。traditions传统;sentences句子;no
58、tices通知;problems问题。根据前句句意“在中国,我们用红纸做红包,因为红色意味着好运。”可知在中国用红纸做红包是一种传统习俗,所以此处应填“传统”,其他选项语意不通。故选A。67()6. (2020天津)In China, we ()7. (2020贵州)How much _ do we need to make a banana milk shake?A. bananas B. apples C. coffee D. milkD解析:句意:做一份香蕉奶昔我们需要多少的牛奶。bananas香蕉;apples苹果;coffee咖啡;milk牛奶。根据前面疑问词为how much,后面
59、只能接不可数名词;后半句做香蕉奶昔,可知,应使用牛奶。故选D。68()7. (2020贵州)How much _()8. (2020江苏)Many teenagers want to be _ like Zhong Nanshan when they grow up. A. writers B. engineers C. doctors D. inventorsC解析:句意:很多青少年长大后都想要成为像钟南山那样的医生。writers作家;engineers工程师;doctors医生;inventors发明家。根据空后“like Zhong Nanshan”和常识可知,钟南山是一名医生。故选C
60、。69()8. (2020江苏)Many teenagers()9. (2020江苏)A robot served us dinner last night. Dont you think we are living in amazing times?I cant agree more. The _ makes our lives easier and happier. information B. technology C. discovery D. competitionB解析:句意:昨晚一个机器人为我们提供晚餐。你不觉得我们生活在一个令人惊奇的时代吗?我非常同意。科技使我们的生活更轻松更
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