



1、山西省阳泉市十第一中学高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Liu Xiang was so fast in the race that no one could _ him. A. run for B. run against C. run at D. run after参考答案:B2. The only wish of the hit-and-run driver after being arrested was to _ apologize to the victims family for his misdeed.A. completelyB. gradually C. sec

2、retlyD. sincerely参考答案:D3. If the bike is broken again, youll have to pay to _ .A. get it repaired B. have it repair C. have repaired it. D. get it repair参考答案:4. Was this museum_you visited last week?A where B 不填 C the one D when参考答案:C5. Is there any possibility _you could pick me up at the airport?N

3、o problem.A. that B. when C. whether D. what参考答案:A6. Where did you get to know her? It was on the farm _ we worked. Athat Bthere Cwhich Dwhere 参考答案:D略7. It was raining hard at that time, , we had to leave as soon as possible.A.However B.Until C.But D.While参考答案:A8. Some people like to do the shopping

4、 on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful _in the market.Abatteries Bbaskets Cballoons Dbargains参考答案:D9. The evening dress Mary went to the wedding ceremony was made by a famous tailor.A. with which B in whichC. on which D of which参考答案:B10. The ballon Li Mings father has just bought him is

5、_ mine. A. as three times big as B. three times the size of C. three times big as D. as three times the size of参考答案:B11. I have been to quite a few restaurants, but I can say this one is _.A. good B. better C. the better D. the best参考答案:D考查形容词。根据比较范围 quiteafewrestaurants很多餐馆可知这里要用形容词的最高级,句意是我去过很多餐馆,

6、但是我可以说这家是最好的,good的最高级是best,且最高级前要加the故选:D12. Grown-ups are _ good decisions but sometimes they make mistakes. A. supposing made B. supposed making C. supposed to makeD. supposing to make参考答案:C22. It is reported that the police will soon the case of the two missing children. A. look after B. look out

7、 C. look into D. look around参考答案:C略14. With _ she needed _, she left the supermarket happily.A. all, buying B. something, to be bought C. all, bought D. everything, to buy 参考答案:C15. The book store is _ the street, but we have to go there _ the underground passage. A. over; through B. across; through

8、 C. across; across D. through; across参考答案:B考查介词。句意:书店在街对面,但我们必须穿过地下通道去那里。across“横过(强调在表面穿过),在对面”;through“穿过(强调从中间穿过)”;over“跨过,在空中”。故选B。16. What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it.A. the way B. in the way thatC. in the way D. the way which参考答案:A试题分析:句意:让我吃惊的,不是他说了什么,而是他说话的方式让我吃惊。notbu

9、t,连接两个并列结构,意为“不是而是”what he said名词性从句,相当于一个名词的内容,but后也应是一个名词,名词性短语或名词性从句来与其并列。way后定语从句一般用in which来引导,可以用that代替in which, that可以省略,选A。二、 书面表达17. 书面表达(30分)下面是一个中学生给某报编辑写的一封信,仔细阅读并就信的内容以编辑的名义给此中学生写一封120词左右的回信。Dear Editor,I am an active girl, and I speak and laugh loudly in the classroom, like a boy. I do

10、nt care about small matters. On the contrary, my neighbour, the girl who sits next to me, speaks quietly and dare not do the things I often do. I can understand this.What I cant stand(忍受) is that she often gets angry with me about small things. How can I get along with her?Your sincerely,Sunny参考答案:略

11、三、 阅读理解18. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项How to Become Cleverer Once a boy came to ask a fisherman how to become cleverer, because his mother always called him “foolish boy”. “Thats easy,” answered the fisherman. “I know one way to make you become cleverer.” “Really?” “Of course. It is said a f

12、ish head is good for brain. If you eat one, youll become cleverer indeed. Pay only three pounds for one fish head.” The boy paid him three pounds and the fisherman cut off a fish head and handed it to him. A raw fish head is not goodnot even for a hungry boy to eat but the boy ate it up in two gulps

13、. “Do you feel anything?” asked the fisherman. “Not in my head,” said the boy. The boy lay on the ground and thought. “One whole fish costs only two pounds. I had paid him three pounds for the fish head. Why couldnt I have the whole fish for soup, a head for brain and one pound left over?” He jumped

14、 up and shouted at the fisherman. “You thief! You are fooling me!” The fisherman laughed, saying, “The fish head works now, you see.”51. The boy ate up the raw fish head only in two gulps, because he _.A. enjoy it B. wanted to taste itC. took it as a good medicine D. was a foolish boy52. The boy came to the fisherman in order to _.A. buy a fish head B. ask the fisherman a questionC. buy a whole fish D. A and C53. The boy paid three pounds. He should have had _.A. a whole fish B. a


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