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1、专题七 介词高考英语一轮复习(北京专用)课件:专题七-介词考点内容介词常见介词的用法及熟词生义及介词的搭配考纲解读命题规律趋势探究考点内容介词常见介词的用法及熟词生义及介词的搭配考纲解读命题1.北京近三年高考中介词的考点分布如下:2.近几年来,单项选择对于介词的用法及搭配的考查虽有所减少,但结合完形填空来说,此部分的考查并没有减少。3.考查介词时,既考查其基本含义,又考查熟词生义。命题规律1.北京近三年高考中介词的考点分布如下:2.近几年来,单项选介词的用法介词搭配2星2星考频分析命题趋势未来北京高考英语将更加注重在情景化的题干中考查介词的用法。突破方法近几年北京市高考重点考查介词辨析,主要考

2、查一些常用介词的基本用法,如at,in,into,for,to,of,on,with,about,by,over,across,through,from,beyond,among,against等词,平时要熟练掌握这些词的用法并运用这些词。介词的用法介词搭配2星2星考频分析命题趋势未来北京高考英语将考点知识全面总结考点知识全面总结考点一常考介词的用法一、方位介词1.图解方位介词考点一常考介词的用法如:Be careful.There is a heavy box over your head.小心,你头上方有个很重的箱子。The sun is above the mountain in the

3、 east.太阳就在东方那座山的上方。There are some stamps on the desk.桌子上有一些邮票。The position he pointed to was below the sea level.他所指的那个位置低于海平面。The little mouse is under the table,so it is not easy to find it.那只小老鼠在桌子底下,因此很不容易找到它。The Great Wall winds its way from west to east,across deserts,over moun-如:tains,through

4、 valleys,till at last it reaches the sea.长城从西向东越过沙漠,跨过高山,穿过山谷,蜿蜒而行,最后直抵大海。 用介词完成句子:The sunlight came inthrough(穿过)the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.The television isbeyond(不能)repair.2.at,in,on三个词均可和表示地点的词连用,表示“在处”。at用于指较小的地方,如在门牌号码前;in用于指较大的地方;on一般指与面或线接触的地方。如:tains,through valleys,t

5、ill at I was waiting at the bus stop.我当时一直在公共汽车站等候。Mr.White lived in Hong Kong for 20 years.怀特先生在香港生活了20年。Leave your things on the table over there.把你的东西放在那边的桌子上。I was waiting at the bus stop.3.in,on,to在方位名词前的区别三个词都可表示两地之间的方位关系。in表示在某范围之内;to表示在某范围之外;on表示“毗邻,接壤”。如:Jiangsu Province is/lies in the east

6、 of China.(在某范围之内)江苏省在/位于中国东部。Jiangsu Province is/lies to the southeast of Hebei Province.(在某范围之外)江苏省在/位于河北省东南边。3.in,on,to在方位名词前的区别 用介词in,to填空:Japan is/lies to the east of China.Beijing lies in the north of China.4.among,between二词均表示“在中间”或“在之间”。among指在三者或三者以上之间,而between表示在二者之间。有时between之后也可能出现三个或三个以

7、上的宾语,但这时所强调的仍然是其中每两者之间的相互关系。如: Well visit the town among/between the mountains.我们将游览那个群山环绕的镇子。 用介词in,to填空Near the cemetery between the trees,there is something that shines.在墓地附近,树中间,有闪闪发亮的东西。London is among the greatest cities in the world.伦敦是世界上最大的城市之一。5.in,on二词均可表示“在上”,描写两个物体的接触情况。on侧重于表面接触,而in侧重于

8、接触的深度。英语中的某些习惯表达中常用in或on。若打击某人的脸、眼、嘴、胸、腹等部位时,用in。而打击头、额、鼻、耳、颈、肩、腿等部位时,用on。表示树木本身生长出来的枝、叶、花、果等,在树上用on the tree;但表示树木本身以外的人或动物“在树上”,用in the tree,意指被枝叶遮掩其中。如:Near the cemetery between the We found a square hole in the wall.我们发现墙上有个方洞。 The teacher patted the boy on the head and comforted him.老师轻轻拍着那名男孩子

9、的头安慰他。There are lots of apples on the tree.树上有很多苹果。We found a square hole in the 用介词in,on填空:There is a map of the world on the wall.Birds are singing in the tree.6.across, throughacross和through虽然都可以表示“穿过”,但还是有区别的。across与on有关,意为:from one side to the other side of(sth.),表示动作在物体的表面进行,从一边到另一边。through与in

10、有关,表示动作从物体中间穿过。 【比较】 用介词in,on填空:此外,across与静态动词连用时表示“在(街、河等)对面”或“在(身体某部位)上”的意思。如:The school is across the river.学校在河的对岸。Its too tight across the back.背部太紧。 用介词across,through填空:My house is justacrossthe street.Water will be pumpedthrougha pipe.Do you think this shirt is too tightacrossthe shoulders?二、

11、时间介词1.at,in,on(1)at的用法表示时间点,时刻等,如:at 12:00,at noon,at night,at midnight,at dawn,at daybreak。表示较短暂的一段时间,可指某个节日或被认为是一年中标志大事的日子,如:at Christmas。 用介词across,t(2)in的用法表示在某个较长的时间内(如:世纪、朝代、年代、月份及泛指上午、下午和傍晚等),如:in the 1980s,in the Qing Dynasty,in October,in the morning/afternoon/evening。说明:当时间名词前有this,that,la

12、st,next,some,every等词限定时,通常不用任何介词。表示在一段时间之后,通常和将来时连用。如:Ill be back in an hour.我一小时后回来。(2)in的用法(3)on的用法用于表示具体的日子或一个特定的时间(如:某日、某节日、星期几等),如:on October the first,on a rainy day,on National Day。用于表示特定的上午、下午或晚上,如:on the eve of victory(胜利前夕),on the morning of January the third,on the afternoon of his arriva

13、l。(3)on的用法 翻译下列词组:在星期天上午 On Sunday morning(s) 在三月初 at the beginning of March 在儿童节on Childrens Day2.in,after (1)in的用法in表时间,常表示“在之内”,有时in还有“在之后”的意思,但表示此意时,必须具备两个条件:所在句子的谓语动词必须表将来;后面必须是一段时间。这两个条件缺一不可,否则用after或later。 翻译下列词组:(2)after的用法after表时间,意为“在之后”。通常“after+时间段”与过去时连用;“after+时间点”与将来时连用。如:My father wi

14、ll be back in three days.我父亲将在3天以后回来。My father will be back after three oclock.我父亲将在3点后回来。My father came back after three days/three days later.我父亲3天后回来的。(2)after的用法 用in,after填空:The 2022 Winter Olympic Games will be heldin4 years.He returnedaftera few days.3.for,from,sincefor后接时间段,表示行为或状态持续了多久;from后

15、接时间点,表示行为或状态的起始点,而不涉及其持续时间的长短;since后接时间点,不仅表示行为或状态的起始点,而且还强调该行为或状态从起始点一直持续到说话的时刻,因而常与延续性动词的完成时连用。如: Mr.Brown enjoyed the country life and lived there for almost fifteen years after his retirement. 用in,after填布朗先生喜欢乡村生活,退休后他在那里生活了差不多15年。My younger sister began to learn dance from the age of five.我的妹妹从

16、5岁开始学习舞蹈。Tom has been doing his homework since seven oclock.汤姆从7点开始就一直做他的家庭作业。布朗先生喜欢乡村生活,退休后他在那里生活了差不多15年。用for,from,since填空:Fromthen on she knew she would win.I lost my money and I have been worriedsincethen.I stayed at my uncles for5 hours, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.yesterday.三、工具、手段、方式介词1.by,in,on三个词都

17、表示旅行的方式。(1)不涉及交通工具的名词时用by,名词前不带冠词。如:by sea,by water,by land,by air等。(2)涉及交通工具的名词时用by,但名词需用单数,其前面不加冠词或任用for,from,since填空:何修饰语。如:by bike,by taxi,by plane,by ship/boat,by train,by spaceship等。(3)当旅行方式涉及特指的交通工具时,用on或in,名词前应有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等修饰语。如:travel to New York on this plane,leave on an early train,go to

18、 school on my bike等。说明:步行、骑马、骑骆驼均用on。如:on foot,on horseback/on a horse,on a camel。何修饰语。如:by bike,by taxi,by plan 同义句转换:(每空一词)He went to Beijing by car.He went to Beijing in his/a car.I prefer to travel by ship.I prefer to travel by sea/water.2.with,by,in,on,over,through这几个词均意为“用”,表示行为的工具、手段或方式。(1)wi

19、th用于有形的工具或某些身体器官之前,其后的名词多被冠词、物主代词等修饰。如:They are digging with a pick/spade. 同义句转换:(每空一词)他们正在用一把镐/铲挖。We see with our eyes,hear with our ears,and walk with our legs.我们用眼睛看,用耳朵听,并用腿走。(2)by,in,on,over,through等多用于无形的工具或方式手段之前。如:by hand,in ink,on the telephone,over the radio,through the telescope等。说明:使用语言、

20、原料、材料时用in表示,如:in English/Japanese;in blue ink表达“用方法/方式”时,所用介词分别为:in this/that/the same wayby means ofby this/that meanswith this/that method他们正在用一把镐/铲挖。 用by,over,in,on填空:In the morning I usually listen to the newsover/onthe radio.This toy is not machine-made.It is madebyhand.This form is to be fille

21、d in ink. 用by,over,in,o考点二常考介词的搭配1.介词 at短语at a high price以高价at birth出生时at ease舒适,自由自在at first起初,起先at first sight乍一看at hand近在手边;在附近at heart内心里;本质上at length终于;最后;详细地at present现在;目前at the latest最迟at rest静止;不动at will随意;任意at the mercy of在支配下;任由摆布at the temperature of以的温度at the speed of以的速度考点二常考介词的搭配at th

22、e price of以的价格at random胡乱地;随便地;任意地2.介词 by短语by and by 不久以后by day在白天by the day 按天(计)by means of用方式by mistake由疏忽所致by nature天生,生性by the side of在旁边/附近3.介词in短语(1)in+n.+ofin the face of 面对;由于 in fear of害怕in search of寻找;寻求 in possession of拥有at the price of以的价格in place of 代替in praise of称赞;歌颂in the form of以形式

23、in the hope of怀着的希望in the eyes of在看来in spite of(=despite) 尽管;不顾;虽然in support of 支援;支持;拥护in need/want/demand of 需要 in advance of 在的前面;在之前in/over the course of 在期间;在过程中in the direction of向着方向(2)其他in advance 在前面;预先in common 共有,公有in place of 代替in praise of称赞in doubt拿不准,不确定in exchange for作为交换in error 错误地

24、in fear在恐惧中in flower开着花in line排成一排,成一直线in love在热恋中in modern times现代in nature实际上in pairs成对地in particular 特别,尤其in peace平静地,平安地in person亲自,本人in safety很安全in season(水果等)应时的in secret 秘密地,私下in stock现有,备有in surprise惊奇地in tears 流着泪;含泪in that 既然;因为in the air 在空中;未定in the open air露天in doubt拿不准,不确定in exchange f

25、in or around附近,内外in the wild在自然环境下in vain徒劳,白辛苦 in a sense 从某种意义上说in any event 不管怎样,无论如何in brief 简言之;以简洁的形式in comparison with 与比较in chains上着镣铐,在囚禁中in force有效,生效,在实施中in hand 现有,在手头;在掌握中in high/low spirits 情绪高涨/低落in harmony with与协调in ones search for寻找;寻求in or around附近,内外in the wildin agreement with与一致

26、in response to作为对的回应in accordance with 与一致;按照,根据in addition to 除之外(还有)in preference to偏好,偏爱,更喜欢in preparation for作为的准备in principle原则上,理论上in print(指书)已印好;(指作品)已出版in relation to 关于,有关;与相比in ruins成为废墟,遭到严重破坏in silence沉默地,无声地,静静地in agreement with与一致in store贮藏着,准备着,就要到来in the first place首先,第一;原先in the me

27、anwhile同时,与此同时in the long run 从长远来看,最后in the world 究竟,到底;在世界上in touch with与保持联系;了解4.介词on短语on earth 在世界上,究竟on end直立;竖着on foot步行,徒步on no account 决不on business因公出差on hand现有(尤指帮助)on the contrary正相反on all sides在各方面,到处in store贮藏着,准备着,就要到来on ones own独立地,独自on average平均,按平均数on occasion偶尔,有时on behalf of 代表,为了

28、on the basis of 在的基础上on condition that 如果;在条件下on a large scale大规模(或大范围)地on board在船上;上船(或火车、飞机、公交车等)5.out of短语out of mind发狂out of breath气喘吁吁out of control不受控制out of question毫无疑问out of date过时out of ones reach某人够不着on ones own独立地,独自on average【比较】under control被控制 out of the question不可能up to date现代的,时新的wi

29、thin ones reach某人够得着6.介词under短语under control 被控制under treatment 在治疗中under repair 在修理中under discussion 在讨论中under construction 在施工中 under attack受到攻击 under consideration正在考虑中7.介词with短语with delight高兴地 with fear吓得 with satisfaction满意地 with difficulty困难地【比较】 with ease轻而易举地 with pride骄傲地 with pleasure(客气地接

30、受或同意)当然了;很愿意8.from.to.构成的短语 from beginning to end从头到尾 from head to foot从头到脚,浑身 from bad to worse越来越糟 from morning to night从早到晚 from time to time不时地 from place to place各处 from door to door挨家挨户地 from top to bottom整个地,彻底地 with ease轻而易举地 with pride骄傲 from cover to cover(指书)从头到尾 from hand to mouth勉强糊口 fr

31、om generation to generation一代一代地from day to day日复一日9.n.+prep.+n.短语(1)n.+by+n. side by side肩并肩地 step by step逐步地,稳步地 one by one一个接一个地 little by little一点一点地 day by day一天天地 from cover to cover(指书)从头到尾(2)n.+after+n. year after year年复一年地(3)n.+in+n. arm in arm臂挽臂地 hand in hand手牵手地(4)n.+to+n. heart to heart

32、坦率地 face to face面对面地 back to back背靠背地 shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地(2)n.+after+n.10.其他介词短语above all 首先,最重要的是according to 根据所说;按照all of a sudden 突然地,冷不防地all over the country 遍及全国apart from 除外(尚有)around the corner 即将来临,在拐角处for fear of 唯恐;以免for lack of 由于缺少for one thing 首先,一则for the benefit of 为了的利益for the

33、moment 暂时,暂且10.其他介词短语for the purpose of为了free of charge免费next to仅次于nothing but只是,仅仅of ones own属于某人自己的off duty 下班once in a while有时,偶尔,间或once upon a time很久以前;从前one after another相继,顺次or so大约over and over反复;再三for the purpose of为了over and over again反复不断,一再,多次regardless of不管,不顾through thick and thin不顾艰难up

34、 to 直到;从事于over and over again反复不断,一再,多次一、for与of后接不定式复合结构的逻辑主语1.It is+adj.+of sb.to do sth.=Sb.+be+adj.+to do sth.当形容词说明不定式逻辑主语的性质、特征时,用of。常见的形容词有:kind,good,nice,clever,stupid,foolish,considerate,polite,impolite,cruel等。如:It is kind of the teachers to help support the poor students.一、for与of后接不定式复合结构的逻

35、辑主语=The teachers are kind to help support the poor students.这些老师帮助支持贫困学生,他们真是太好了。2.It is+adj.+for sb.to do sth.当形容词说明不定式的性质时,用for。常见的形容词有:important,necessary,possible,impossible等。如:It is quite important for us to protect our environment.保护环境对我们来说相当重要。=The teachers are kind to help 用for或of填空:It is ve

36、ry kind of you to remind me.It is very necessary for the students to know scientific knowledge.It is possible for him to come here on time.二、on与in表示处于某种状态on用于表示动态,如正在从事某种活动或处于某种运动状态之中。如:on business在出差;on a visit在访问;on strike 在罢工;on sale 在出售;on show 在上映;on watch在站岗/放哨;on fire着火了;on vacation/holiday 在

37、度假。in 多用于表示静态状况,如安全、危险、健康、人的情绪等。如:in trouble 陷入困境;in danger 处于危险中;in silence 沉默地;in high/low spirits 情绪高涨/低落。 用for或of填空: 用on或in填空:The patients life is in danger.The president is on a visit.The house ison fire.答案inonon三、besides,except,but,other than,except for的区别1.用于否定句时,besides,except与but可相互替换。如:No

38、other students passed the difficult maths exam except/besides/but Lin Tao and Wu Dong.除林涛、吴东外没有别的学生通过那么难的数学考试。 用on或in填空:2.用于肯定句时的区别(1)except意为:not including除之外(不包括)。如:We all passed the exam except Tom.除汤姆没及格外,我们都及格了。(汤姆没及格)(2)besides意为:in addition to 除之外(还有)。如:She has other relations besides an aged

39、 aunt.她除了有一个年老的姑妈以外,还有其他亲戚。说明:besides在句中的位置较灵活,可放在句首,也可放在句中;而except 多放在句中。此外,except前几乎总有all,any,every,no及其复合词等,而besides前可用,也可不用,依句意而定。如:He answered all the questions except the last one.除最后一个问题没有回答外,其余所有问题他都回答了。2.用于肯定句时的区别I have a few friends besides you.除了你之外,我还有几个朋友。(3)except for表示“除了”之意,表示除去整体中的一

40、部分,它所叙述的事实或细节部分用来修正句子的主要意思。如:The composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.这篇作文写得很好,只是有些拼写错误。Your coat is good except for its color.你的外套很好,就是颜色不太好。说明:当except用于句首时,后面往往要加上for。如:Except for this,everything is in good order.=Everything is in good order except this.I have a few friends besid

41、es y除此之外,一切正常。3.except和but/other than都可接名词、代词、动名词、动词原形,可以互换;但except后接副词、介词短语、when从句等时,but/other than不可替换except。如:He has always been in high spirits except recently.除最近以外,他总是精神饱满。(副词)The window is never opened except in summer.除夏季外,这扇窗户从不打开。(介词短语)He has always been busy except when it is Sunday.除星期日外

42、,他总是很忙。(when从句)除此之外,一切正常。4.but,except后都可接that从句作宾语,此时but和except可以互换。如:I asked nothing from him but/except that he should write to me every other week.我对他并无其他要求,只要求他每两周给我写一封信。5.以上比较了except,besides,but作介词时的区别,另外,besides还可用作副词,意为“in addition;also;moreover;furthermore(而且,还有)”。如:I dont want to go;besides

43、,I am too tired.我不想去;再说,我太累了。This is my best suit;besides,I have two others.这是我最好的一套西服;我另外还有两套。4.but,except后都可接that从句作宾语,此时bu 用except,except for,besides填空:I know nothing about the young lady except that she is from Bei-jing.I dont mind picking up your things from the store.Besides,the walk does me g

44、ood.The car is nice except for the color.We all went to the park except Tom.Tom was ill in hospital.四、in与of表示比较范围这两个词均可引出一个可供比较的范围,适用于形容词和副词的最高级,指三者或三者以上的人或事物的比较。 用except,exin用于表示限定在某个范围内的最高级。of用于表示同一类人或事物中的最高级;用于同类两者之间的比较时,比较级前需加定冠词the。如:Mary sings best in the school.在这所学校,玛丽唱歌最棒。Of all the boys,Ja

45、ck runs fastest.在所有的这些男孩里,杰克跑得最快。Tom seems to be the more diligent of the two brothers.在这对兄弟中,汤姆好像更勤奋。in用于表示限定在某个范围内的最高级。 单项填空:( )He is the most famous all the stars.A.fromB.inC.ofD.at( )John is the tallest the students his class.A.of;inB.in;ofC.on;byD.by;on五、for与to接后置的间接宾语1.buy/cook/fetch/find/get/

46、make/order/save.+sth.+for+sb.2.bring/give/lend/offer/pay/pass/promise/read/return/send/show/tell/throw/write.+sth.+to+sb.CA 单项填空:CA六、形容词后的for与to英语中经常遇见一些形容词与介词for或to搭配。这种搭配非常灵活,现将几种常见的搭配情况简述如下:1.当形容词被副词too或enough修饰时,其后只能用for。如: The shirt is too large for me.这件衬衫对我来说太大了。2.当侧重于与别人比较,有“就而论”之意时,常用for。如:

47、Chinese is very difficult for me.I cant learn it.中文对我来说太难了,我学不会。3.当侧重于主观看法,有“依看来”之意时,常用to。如:Chinese is very difficult to me,but Ill try my best to learn it.依我看来,中文很难,但是我会尽全力学习的。六、形容词后的for与to4.如果无特定的语境,则用for或to都可以。这时主要看说话者的态度,若说话者侧重第二条所述,则用for;若说话者侧重第三条所述,则用to。如:The text is very easy to/for me.这篇课文对我

48、来说很容易。4.如果无特定的语境,则用for或to都可以。这时主要看说话 用介词for或to填空:These math problems are too difficult for me.Smoking will do harm to your health.This book is good for you.The manager seems very good to you.This book is not easy for me to read.The house is big enough for us two.七、of加名词相当于形容词of+great/much+抽象名词=very+

49、形容词;of+no+抽象名词=not+形容词。如: 用介词for或to填空:It is of great/much value.=It is very valuable.这非常有价值。The camel is of great help to the Arab.=The camel is very helpful to the Arab.骆驼对阿拉伯人来说很有帮助。It is of no use.=It is not useful.=It is useless.它没用。This matter is of much importance.=This matter is very importan

50、t.这件事非常重要。It is of great/much value.=It 八、with的用法with 在英语中用法繁多,在中学英语中也不例外,因此成为高考热点并不稀奇。其主要用法如下:1.表示“和在一起”、“由陪同”或“有在场”。如:Mr.and Mrs.Smith were there,with their family of three small children.史密斯夫妇带着他们三个年幼的孩子都在那儿。Would you like to go to the theatre with us?你愿意和我们一起去看戏吗?You cannot see Mr.Johnson at the

51、 moment,as he is with the manager.你此刻见不到约翰逊先生,因为他在经理那儿。2.表示两种事物之间的相应关系或齐头并进。如:With time passing by,they have grown into big boys and big girls.随着时八、with的用法间的流逝,他们都长成大小伙子和大姑娘了。Temperatures vary with the time of the year.温度随着时节而变化。3.表示“带有、带来、带走、携带”等,表伴随。如: The waiter arrived with a cup of coffee.服务员端着一杯咖啡来了。He came downstairs with his coat over his arm.


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