



1、山西省长治市屯留县第四中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. _ on his past mistakes, Ted realized that he had stayed around the wrong people.A. To reflect B. Reflecting C. Reflected D. Being reflected参考答案:B2. It is often _ that human beings are naturally equipped to speak. A. said B. to say C. saying D. being said参考答案:A解析:考

2、查的是固定句型(it is +Ved +that从句)。It is said that 据说。 这道题很是简单易选。3. Weifang you see today is quite different city from what it was 10 years agoAThe;a B;a CThe; DA;a参考答案:A略4. In China, it is a traditional _to show respect to ancestors during the Qingming Festival. A.belief B.custom C.strength D.principle参考答

3、案:B5. Not far from the shopping mall, there was a amazing garden, _ the owner was a mean man refusing every child to enter it.A. its B. whose C. which D. of which参考答案:d略6. If better use is _ your spare time, youll make greater progress in thatAspent Btaken Cmade of Dused of参考答案:C略7. The point is tha

4、t you should be happy with what you already have and not risk losing it by being_and trying to get more.A.cautious B. considerate C. sensitive D.greedy参考答案:D【知识点】形容词句意为“你要因为所拥有的而高兴,不要贪婪冒着失去的危险想获取更多的”8. When he unwrapped the box, he saw a large diamond _ like a rose. A. looked B. shaped C. appeared D

5、. formed参考答案:B略9. Henry, what do you think of the movie Mission: Impossible 4? _I wish to watch it again AIt couldnt be worse BIt couldnt be better CI cant agree more DI think it a waste of time参考答案:B10. Whats the matter with you? After the long walk, my legs _ and I couldnt even take one more step.

6、 A. gave out B. wore out C. ran out D. tired out参考答案:C略11. front A. fond B. wolf C. govern D. combine参考答案:C12. Our parents and teachers keep telling us to be active and creative. However, repeated classes and homework have made up our daily , which makes everyone dull Jack.A. regulation B. reference

7、 C. routine D.incident参考答案:C13. The teacher gave me a piece of paper_.A to write on B to be written on C to write in D to be written参考答案:A14. No _ he was taken ill,considering that he had been overworking for years.Awonder Bidea Cmatter Dhope参考答案:A。考查名词的用法。no wonder意为“怪不得”,后接that从句等,根据句意,可以排除其他项。15.

8、 “Without Chinese toys, kids around the world _ not have so much happiness.” said an European Union official.A. wouldB. shouldC. willD. shall参考答案:A16. Statistics show that men have _ as women do for every mile they drive. A. serious accidents as twice many B. twice as many serious accidents C. twice

9、 serious accidents as many D. serious accidents as many twice 参考答案:B二、 书面表达17. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。On Christmas Eve, seventy-three-year-old George selected his food carefully. Skim milk was $2.99, white bread, 89 cents with a 10-cent discount. Leaving the cashier, he calculated that he had

10、 saved 80 cents today.At the exit, the wind reminded him of his gloves. “Where are they?” Not in the coat pockets. Not in the grocery bag either. He was sure he was wearing them when he entered the store. He clearly remembered putting them into the pocket of this coat. George made a second thorough

11、search of all his pockets, again including the grocery bag. Now he was sure they must have been dropped somewhere inside the store.Old George had bought the black leather gloves at a 25% discount, for just $35.00, ten years ago. They were soft and warm and very durable. He had taken care not to let

12、a drop of water or rain touch his expensive gloves, so they looked like new. Losing this favorite possession was almost like losing a child to him.George, calm on the outside but nervous inside, re-entered the store. He followed the same route he had walked before, starting at the bread counter, to

13、the milk section, the corner where salt and sugar were placed, then the rest of the store. Several minutes of anxious searching turned out to be in vain. He asked the customers whether they saw a pair of black leather gloves, but they said no. Then he went over to the cashier without hesitation to a

14、sk if she had received any lost gloves, but only received the same answer. His heart grew heavier.“Society has changed, people have changed,” he murmured to himself. “Years ago, if somebody picked up something lost, they would give it back. Now a good action is lost.”Yet he did not give up hope. He

15、started to stare at anybody wearing black gloves to see if they looked like his. The first two persons he saw did wear gloves, but one was womens and the other not black.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:Suddenly, he found a man l

16、ooking like a lawyer, _Paragraph 2:During the whole holiday, he was always thinking whether to buy a new pair. _参考答案:Possible version 1Suddenly, he found a man looking like a lawyer, wearing black leather gloves. Abrupt as it might seem, George came up without hesitation and asked if they were his,

17、but there came a disappointing answer. On second thought, he realized nobody would be so foolish as to wear them right inside the store. He had no other alternative but to ask the cashier to keep them in case the lost gloves were found. Then he dragged his legs towards the exit.During the whole holi

18、day, he was always thinking whether to buy a new pair. After all, in deep winter, he could not do without gloves. Finally poor George decided to buy another pair of leather gloves. With the last ray of hope, he stepped into the store again. No sooner had he opened the door than the cashier told him

19、there was indeed one such pair as he lost. after examining them carefully, he was wild with joy, expressing sincere gratitude and saying to himself that a good action was never lost. (150词)Possible version 2Suddenly, he found a man looking like a lawyer, wearing a pair of black leather gloves. The s

20、ame color1 and the same style. He felt a dull flush of anger creeping up his face. Without hesitation, he dashed to the man, grasped his hand and started to have a wild argument. But his rage began to fade when he noticed the gloves still had the price tag on them. Suddenly, embarrassment came domin

21、ating him. After profuse apologies, he paced out speechlessly with hands in his coat pockets, frustrated and desperate.During the whole holiday, he was always thinking whether to buy a new pair. Sorrow kept clouding his heart day and night. Just as he was to give up, a call from the store lit up his

22、 hope again. His gloves was found by a customer, and was now at the cashiers! His face was brightened with excitement. With hands trembling, he exclaimed, “I do know a good action is never lost!”(143词)【分析】本文是一篇续写故事。【详解】本文是一篇记叙文。73岁的老人George于圣诞节除夕夜在超市购物的过程中丢失了他珍视的宝贝手套。沮丧焦急之余他将自己浑身上下找了个遍,没有找到。随后回到超市按着

23、原路一寸一寸地寻找,还是没找到。前往柜台询问,也无果。于是他感叹了这个社会诚信和善心的泯灭。同时开始查看人们身上是否戴着他的手套,搜寻无果后,他沮丧地回家了,内心充满了对社会的失望感。节后,他决定重新买一副手套。抱着侥幸心理最后一次回到那个超市,结果却意外地在失物招领处找到了他的手套。文章主旨是想强调社会诚信及善心依然存在。文章情节曲折,结构完整,语言优美,描写生动,适合作为续写的素材。亮点分析:本文运用了倒装句Abrupt as it might seem,。第二段提供了联系方式系,文中还运用了状语从句:No sooner had he opened the door than the ca

24、shier told him there was indeed one such pair as he lost. after examining them carefully, he was wild with joy, 非谓语动词以及定语从句expressing sincere gratitude and saying to himself that a good action was never lost. 本文中还运用了许多固定短语如so foolish as to ,had no other alternative but to ,With the last ray of ,was

25、wild with等,给文章增添了魅力。三、 阅读理解18. Elizabeth Freeman was born about 1742 to African American parents who were slaves. At the age of six months she was acquired, along with her sister, by John Ashley, a ealthyMassachusettsslaveholders. She became known as “Mumbet” or “Mum Bett.”For nearly 30 years Mumbet

26、 served the Ashley family. One day, Ashleys wife tried to strike Mumbets sister with a spade. Mumbet protected her sister and took the blow instead. Furious, she left the house and refused to come back. When the Ashleys tried to make her return, Mumbet consulted a HYPERLINK /cpro/ui/uijs.php?adclass


28、309%2Ehtml&urlid=0 t _blank lawyer, Theodore Sedgewick. With HYPERLINK /cpro/ui/uijs.php?adclass=0&app_id=0&c=news&cf=1001&ch=0&di=128&fv=18&is_app=0&jk=484bcf2c762512a2&k=his&k0=his&kdi0=0&luki=2&n=10&p=baidu&q=zzjmingcpr&rb=0&rs=1&seller_id=1&sid=a21225762ccf4b48&ssp2=1&stid=0&t=tpclicked3_hc&td=1

29、838191&tu=u1838191&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbnjxw%2Ezx98%2Ecom%2Fenglishreading%2Fgkyd%2F201406%2F14309%2Ehtml&urlid=0 t _blank hishelp, Mumbet sued(起诉) for her freedom.While serving the Ashleys, Mumbet had listened to many discussions of the newMassachusettsconstitution. If the constitution said that all peo

30、ple were free and equal, then she thought it should apply to her. Eventually, Mumbet won her freedom- the first slave inMassachusettsto do so under the new constitution.Strangely enough, after the trial, the Ashleys asked Mumbet to come back and work for them as a paid employee. She declined and ins

31、tead went to work for Segdewick. Mumbet died in 1829, but HYPERLINK /cpro/ui/uijs.php?adclass=0&app_id=0&c=news&cf=1001&ch=0&di=128&fv=18&is_app=0&jk=484bcf2c762512a2&k=her&k0=her&kdi0=0&luki=8&n=10&p=baidu&q=zzjmingcpr&rb=0&rs=1&seller_id=1&sid=a21225762ccf4b48&ssp2=1&stid=0&t=tpclicked3_hc&td=1838

32、191&tu=u1838191&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbnjxw%2Ezx98%2Ecom%2Fenglishreading%2Fgkyd%2F201406%2F14309%2Ehtml&urlid=0 t _blank herlegacy lived on in her HYPERLINK /cpro/ui/uijs.php?adclass=0&app_id=0&c=news&cf=1001&ch=0&di=128&fv=18&is_app=0&jk=484bcf2c762512a2&k=man&k0=man&kdi0=0&luki=5&n=10&p=baidu&q=zzjmingc

33、pr&rb=0&rs=1&seller_id=1&sid=a21225762ccf4b48&ssp2=1&stid=0&t=tpclicked3_hc&td=1838191&tu=u1838191&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbnjxw%2Ezx98%2Ecom%2Fenglishreading%2Fgkyd%2F201406%2F14309%2Ehtml&urlid=0 t _blank many descendants(后裔). One of her great-grandchildren was W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the founder of the NAA

34、CP, and an important writer and spokesperson for African American civil rights.Mumbets tombstone still stands in theMassachusettscemetery where she was buried. It reads, in part: “She was born a slave and remained a slave and remained a slave for nearly thirty years. She could neit HYPERLINK /cpro/u


36、F201406%2F14309%2Ehtml&urlid=0 t _blank herread nor write, yet in her own sphere she had no superior or equal.”9. What do we know about Mumbet according to Paragraph 1?A.She was a slaveholder B. She was born a slaveC. She had a famous sister D. She was born into a rich family10. What did Mumbet lear

37、n HYPERLINK /cpro/ui/uijs.php?adclass=0&app_id=0&c=news&cf=1001&ch=0&di=128&fv=18&is_app=0&jk=484bcf2c762512a2&k=from&k0=from&kdi0=0&luki=1&n=10&p=baidu&q=zzjmingcpr&rb=0&rs=1&seller_id=1&sid=a21225762ccf4b48&ssp2=1&stid=0&t=tpclicked3_hc&td=1838191&tu=u1838191&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbnjxw%2Ezx98%2Ecom%2Fen

38、glishreading%2Fgkyd%2F201406%2F14309%2Ehtml&urlid=0 t _blank fromdiscussions about the new constitution ?A. She should always obey her owners orders B. How to apply for a jobC. How to be a good servant D. She should be as free and equal as whites11. What HYPERLINK /cpro/ui/uijs.php?adclass=0&app_id=

39、0&c=news&cf=1001&ch=0&di=128&fv=18&is_app=0&jk=484bcf2c762512a2&k=did&k0=did&kdi0=0&luki=6&n=10&p=baidu&q=zzjmingcpr&rb=0&rs=1&seller_id=1&sid=a21225762ccf4b48&ssp2=1&stid=0&t=tpclicked3_hc&td=1838191&tu=u1838191&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbnjxw%2Ezx98%2Ecom%2Fenglishreading%2Fgkyd%2F201406%2F14309%2Ehtml&urlid=0 t _blank didMum bet do after the trial?A.She chose to work for a lawyer B. She found the NAACPC. She continued to serve the Ashleys D. She went to live with H


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