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1、高中英语_TheStoryofanHour教学课件设计The Story of an HourWhat time does the hour in the title The Story of an Hour begin and what time does it end?The hour begins when Louise hears that her husband is dead and ends when she dies after her husband comes back alive.2022/10/2The Story of an HourWhat time What ha

2、ppens in the hour?2022/10/2What happens in the hour?2022/Ending?Was the storys ending unexpected, or were you prepared for it? What elements in the story foreshadow(预示) this ending?the authors ability to “fool” the casual readers2022/10/2Ending?Was the storys ending Ending?What do the doctors say ab

3、out her death?The joy that kills.Do you agree with the doctors?What kills Louise, in the authors eye? How do you know?2022/10/2Ending?What do the doctors sayEmotional journey(para3)Mrs. Mallards first response?not the same as many womenOther women: a paralyzed inability to accept it.Mrs. Mallard: we

4、epWhat do the two different responses mean?Why does the author use the word “storm”?2022/10/2Emotional journey(para3)Mrs. MEmotional journey(para4)How does she feel after she locks herself in the room?exhaustedboth physically and mentally2022/10/2Emotional journey(para4)How doEmotional journey(para5

5、)scenery outside the windowthe new spring lifethe delicious breath of rainpeddler selling waressinging notessparrows twitteringblue skyopen windowusual signs? What atmosphere do these descriptions create?2022/10/2Emotional journey(para5)scenerEmotional journeyWhat is the purpose of using these descr

6、iptions?Show a happy and cheerful circumstanceReveal the characters emotionMake a striking contrast with the death of her husbandWhat is her emotion in this stage?2022/10/2Emotional journeyWhat is the pEmotional journey (para6)her statement(状态)?motionless; dull starepuzzlementWhat does she look like

7、?She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength.2022/10/2Emotional journey (para6)her sEmotional journey(para7)How does her emotion change?expecting fearfullyWhy fearfully?2022/10/2Emotional journey(para7)How doEmotional journey(para8)eyes: keen and

8、 brightpulses: beat fastblood: warm and relax her bodyWhat is her emotion in this stage?JoyIs she comfortable about this emotion?2022/10/2Emotional journey(para8)eyes: husbandDoes her husband love her?kind, tender handsnever looked save with love upon herWell-protectedWhy is she not happy?2022/10/2h

9、usbandDoes her husband love hEmotional journeyHer joy continues.Which paragraph shows the climax(高潮) of her joy?2022/10/2Emotional journeyHer joy contiTranslation (para 14)She was drinking a very elixir of life through that open window.她正在透过打开的窗户畅饮这生命的甘露。She breathed a quick prayer that life might b

10、e long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long.她祈祷着长寿,而就在昨天,她一想到长寿就不寒而栗。2022/10/2Translation (para 14)She was dReasonWhat kills Louise?the loss of joy / great disappointmentFeel a tone of irony?2022/10/2ReasonWhat kills Louise?2022/9Tone: IronyHer sister and fri

11、end try hard to protect her from a heart attack, but she dies from that.She wants freedom, she dies. She dies anyway.She dies not because of her husbands death but his coming back.Nobody understands her or even knows the real reason why she dies.She is introduced as Mrs. Mallard, nobody cares about

12、her first name and she is only entitled by marriage.2022/10/2Tone: IronyHer sister and frieHistorical background“The Story of an hour” was published in 1894, when marriage was considered a sacred institution. Divorce was quite rare in the 1800s and if one was to occur, men were automatically given l

13、egal control of all property and children.2022/10/2Historical background“The StorKate Chopin(1850-1904)Kate Chopin was an American author of short stories and novels. She is now considered by some to have been a forerunner of feminist authors of the 20th century.Kate Chopin(1850-1904)Kate ChoFeminis

14、m means:FreedomPursuing gender equality in man-dominated societyFeminism means:FreedomKates attitudepessimistic2022/10/2Kates attitudepessimistic20222019考试说明原文6. 理解作者的意图、观点和态度每篇文章都有一个特定的写作目的,或是向读者传递某个信息,或者愉悦读者,或是讲授某个道理。而这些信息通常并不是明确表达出来,而是隐含在文章之中。因此,读者需要在理解文章总体内容的基础上,去领会作者的言外之意。2022/10/22019考试说明原文6. 理解作者的意图、观点和态度2022Happy Goddesss day!2022/10/2Happy Goddesss day!2022/9/282022/10/22022/9/28Ways to get the characters emotion and the authors writing purposea careful readersurroundingsinner thoughtsactioncolored wordssocial backgrounda


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