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1、高考英语读后续写之环境描写第2讲高考英语读后续写之1.声音特效-拟声词2.感官3. 否定描述高考英语读后续写之环境描写第2讲-共-17张优质课件1. The frozen snow crunched under our feet.冻结的雪在我们的脚下嘎吱作响。crunch v&n.嘎吱作响;嘎吱声2. Birds were chattering/twittering somewhere. 鸟儿在某处唧唧喳喳地叫着。 chatter/twitter/chirp v&n.唧唧叫;叽喳叫3. Wild animals started to roar/howl. 野生动物开始咆哮。 roar/ how

2、l v&n咆哮 4.The leaves rustled in the wind. 树叶在风中沙沙作响。 rustle v&n 发出沙沙的摩擦声5. The river gurgled and burbled.河水汩汩地流淌着。 gurgle v&n 发出潺潺流水声;潺潺声6. The thunder was rumbling in the distance.远处雷声隆隆。 rumble v&n 发出隆隆声 ;隆隆声7. The fragile little tree cracked and fell in the wild howling wind.这脆弱的小树啪地一下被狂风吹断了,倒在了地

3、上crack v&n.噼啪作响,折断一拟声词作动词1. The frozen snow crunched un1. They heard the twitter/chatter of birds among the bushes.他们听到树丛中鸟儿发出的叽叽喳喳声。2. The dog gave several fierce barks.狗汪汪吠了几声。bark v&n 狗吠3.The wolfs long howl paralyzed Mac.狼的长嚎声让他一动也不敢动。4. They heard a deep, distant roar of the lion.他们听到远处传来一声低沉的狮

4、子的怒吼。5. They heard a rustle in the bushes.他们听到灌木丛中一阵沙沙声。6. The gurgle of the stream soothed me.潺潺的流水声让我很放松。7.I heard the rumble of thunder in the distance.我听到远处的隆隆雷声。一拟声词作名词1. They heard the twitter/chat1. BOOM, CRASH! The wind was howling outside of my house. We were having a terrible thunderstorm.

5、 I was very scared.外面狂风呼啸,我们正经历一场可怕的雷雨,轰隆声不断。2. CRACK! The fragile little tree was broken in two by the wild howling wind.咔嚓一声,狂风把这棵脆弱的小树折成了两半。3. PITTER-PATTTER! I was disturbed by the annoying sound of the rain.淅淅沥沥的雨声扰乱了我的思绪。4. TICK-TACK! the sound of the old clock gave me the creeps.滴答滴答!这个老式落地钟的

6、声音让我毛骨悚然。一拟声词作感叹词1. BOOM, CRASH! The wind was h高考链接-2019年浙江高考题But no more helicopers came and it was getting dark again._参考答案:Jane stopped to find a place to rest. But the annoying rustle of the trees in the wind, the low gurgle of the stream and the distant roar of wild animals made it extremely ha

7、rd for her to fall asleep. 此处运用了拟声词作名词和排比的用法来凸显Jane在夜晚的孤独无助。高考链接-2019年浙江高考题But no more h视觉上enormous /gigantic/immense/vast 巨大的 tiny 极小的 small /little小的 sparkling/twinkling/glittering 闪闪发光的 dim昏暗的 dark黑暗的lofty高耸入云 steep 险峻的 deep深的 narrow狭窄的 winding 蜿蜒的feathery鹅毛般的 foggy雾蒙蒙的 misty 有雾的 sunny 有太阳的如:the

8、lofty mountains高耸的山脉 the dim light昏暗的灯光 the sparkling stars 闪闪发光的星星 the dark night 漆黑的夜晚 the feathery snowflakes 鹅毛般的雪花 one misty morning 一个有雾的早晨二.感官sight/touch/sound/smell视觉上触觉上hard 硬的 soft/gentle 轻柔的 burning/scorching火辣辣的 icy/freezing冰冷的biting刺骨的;bone-chilling刺骨的; warm温暖的;wet/damp潮湿的silky 丝滑的 shar

9、p尖锐的 rough 粗糙的 bumpy 崎岖不平的shaggy毛茸茸的; wooden木质的 如:the biting wind 刺骨的狂风 a little wooden jewelry box 小的木质首饰盒 the gentle breeze 轻柔的微风 a bumpy road 一条崎岖不平的小路触觉上听觉上low小声的 high大声的noisy 吵闹的deafening 震耳欲聋的howling 怒号的;猛烈的melodious 悦耳的gurgling 潺潺的(流水)如:the deafening applause 震耳欲聋的掌声 the gurgling stream 潺潺流淌的

10、小溪 the melodious voice 悦耳的嗓音 the howling wind怒吼的大风听觉上嗅觉上smelly/foul/stinky臭的;难闻的fragrant 清香的fresh 新鲜的sweet甜的strong强烈的choking 让人窒息的 如:the fragrant flowers 芳香的花朵 the fresh air 清新的空气 嗅觉上高考链接-2019年浙江高考题But no more helicopers came and it was getting dark again._参考答案: Jane sat on the damp潮湿的 grass and sta

11、red up at the pale 昏暗的stars in the vast sky, tears streaming down her dirty face. The bone-chilling刺骨的howling怒吼的 wind forced her to curl up. She began to regret fighting with her husband and miss his warm hug. 此处将触觉、视觉、听觉结合在了一起。高考链接-2019年浙江高考题But no more h To tell the reader what is not there is an

12、effect way of showing how unpleasant, comfortless a place is. 通过告知读者“没有”什么来凸显某地是多么的不舒适,令人不快。例1:I could see our ship, but it was wrecked and there was nobody near it.All my friends were dead. I was alive but in a strange wild country with no food, no water, and no gun.鲁滨逊漂流记这段文字通过四个否定nobody, no food,

13、 no water, no gun 来体现出鲁滨逊漂流在孤岛上的孤立无援。例2:There was no cushion, no carpet, no warmth, no light and no comfort. 这句话通过四个no的排比来体现出这个地方什么都没有,让人十分不舒适。例3:There was no light, no twitter of the birds and no little naughty stars in the sky. Everything was dead silent. Not a single sound or movement could be he

14、ard.三.否定描述 To tell the reader w高考链接-2019年浙江高考题But no more helicopers came and it was getting dark again._此处可以运用否定描述的写作手法来体现Jane的孤立无援如:Immediately, an absolute darkness ruled the forest. Jane was stuck in the middle of nowhere with no food, no water, no light, and more importantly, no warm hugs of he

15、r husband, Tom. Desperate and hopeless, Jane knelt down, tears streaming down her face.高考链接-2019年浙江高考题But no more he All brightness was gone, leaving nothing. We stepped out of the tent onto nothing. Sledge and tent were there, Estravaen stood beside me, but neither he nor I cast any shadow. There w

16、as dull light all around, everywhere. When we walked on the criso shadow showed the footprint. We left no track. Sledge, tent, himself: nothing else at all. No sun, no sky, no horizon, no world.否定描述请欣赏下面2段环境描写 All brightness was gone, l I seldom opened my door in a winter evening without hearing it;

17、 Hoo hoo hoo, hooner hoo, sounded sonorously, and the first three syllables accented somewhat like how deardo; or sometimes hoo hoo only. 象声词 运用所学知识续写207浙江高考读后续写第二段的环境描写部分。 We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. _Homework运用所学知识续写207浙江高考读后续写第二段的环境描写部分。参考答案: We dro

18、ve through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way. I looked out of the car window, winding蜿蜒的 rivers, fragrant香气扑鼻的flowers, warm breeze, gurgling 潺潺的streams, lofty高耸的 mountains, sunny beaches and deep valleys holding me entirely in their fasination. 本段运用视觉,嗅觉,触觉和听觉等感官描写来凸显风景的美。参考答

19、案: We drove through sever1.土地利用以绿地为主,绿地面积呈增加趋势;建筑面积增加最多,水域、其他用地、滩涂持续减少。2这篇新闻稿既有对难民群体的描写,又有对万布林大街难民个体的描写,真实地反映出灾难面前难民的焦虑紧张心态。3文中对万布林大街上一对老年夫妇的两段描写既营造了洪水逼近时紧张的气氛,又表现了灾民在洪水面前的沉着和镇定。4文中“现在是星期日的子夜时分”“现在是午夜”“现在,午夜过后”等时间词语既写出了作者不同时段对灾情的观察,又增强了新闻的现场感和真实性。5本文用平实的语言记录了自己的所见所闻,但个别地方也不乏生动形象的描写,以突出洪灾的可怖。6.结合上题,主


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