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1、20/20中东呼吸综合征(MR)、H9亚型等禽流感等RNA病毒所致流行性疾病中西药结合治疗新良法中国湖北省浠水县妇幼保健院 陶新 联系电话: 中东呼吸综合征(A病毒致病近期发病危重,世界上发达国家虽然多有较好的预防措施,但是世界各地尚无治疗良法,本人从禽流感及中东呼吸综合征等RN病毒致疾病的病理生理学角度探索出治疗禽流感及中东呼吸综合征等RNA病毒致病中西药结合治疗新良法,现将中东呼吸综合征(、H9亚型等禽流感等RN病毒所致流行性疾病中西药结合治疗新良法告诉世人旨意现在和今后帮助大家消除对中东呼吸综合征(、H7亚型等禽流感等A病毒所致流行性疾病的恐惧并在中东呼吸综合征(、HN9亚型等禽流感等R



4、7亚型等禽流感等RNA病毒致病早期病人好像没什么感觉,但是到了到1天病情突然加重,大部分病人还是呼吸衰竭,因为它侵犯的主要部位是肺部,其次是小血管、肺、肾等脏器,导致肺部氧合能力差,机体多脏器功能衰竭。、中东呼吸综合征、N9亚型等禽流感等RNA病毒致病发病急、病情危重、致死时间短,危重症救治很困难。5、目前没有特异性预防疫苗,更无特异性杀H7N亚型禽流感病毒及中东呼吸综合征等RN病毒药物.6、中东呼吸综合征、H亚型等禽流感等RNA病毒致病病毒属于RN病毒,RNA 病毒疫苗的无交叉免疫作用,如甲型流感疫苗对其无保护作用。7、近几年多地送检近千份样品,其中N9禽流感及中东呼吸综合征阳性样品:包括鸡

5、样品、鸭样品、环境样品、鸽子样品、骆驼样品。阳性样品的广泛性,飞禽移动的不确定性极其危害人类,要知道已有报道人未与禽类接触而发病的可怕性.8、人类经历年甲型H11流感流行先是恐慌后则轻视这个过程,导致人们对7N9亚型禽流感及中东呼吸综合征等流行病防治易麻痹大意,导致疾病潜在性危害极大。 9、人类目前对禽流感及中东呼吸综合征的防治措施不科学性和中东呼吸综合症和H7N9亚型禽流感高致死性导致人类不科学高额代价(盲目耗费大量人力、物力、财力)防治中东呼吸综合征及7N9亚型禽流感发病。1、随着气候的变化,时间的迁延,不排除禽流感病毒及中东呼吸综合征病毒的毒力、侵袭力发生进一步增强或变异给人类带来更大的

6、灾难。目前中东呼吸综合征、H7亚型等禽流感等RNA病毒的毒力、侵袭力可能弱于SARS病毒。二、中东呼吸综合征及H7N9亚型等禽流感等等R病毒致病并不可怕1、人感染的中东呼吸综合征及H7N9禽流感病毒等等A病毒,是全球首次发现的新亚型流感病毒。2、中东呼吸综合征病毒及禽流感病毒等等病毒属于RN病毒的正黏病毒科,禽流感病毒属正粘病毒科甲型流感病毒属。此次出现的为人感染H79禽流感病毒,该病毒为新型重配病毒,其内部基因来自于92禽流感病毒,属RNA病毒。 、RA病毒感染一过性、自限性感染性发病:SARS 病毒、甲流、季节性流感病毒、乙型脑炎病毒、出血热病毒、麻疹病毒、腮腺炎病毒、人禽流感病毒、西班牙


8、大多数为一次性破坏组织细胞,只有艾滋病病毒除外,因为它是亲合机体免疫系统T细胞的,故而它是反复破坏机体免疫系统的,而机体免疫系统也无能力杀灭它。6、RNA病毒大多数在短期内被机体免疫系统一过性破坏而不是反复发病、反复破坏人体组织细胞:SARS 病毒、甲型H病毒、季节性流感病毒、乙型脑炎病毒、出血热病毒、麻疹病毒、腮腺炎病毒、人禽流感病毒、西班牙流感病毒、中东呼吸综合征病毒等等,它们致机体发病后常在所致疾病病愈前病毒检查转阴。只有艾滋病病毒不转阴。7、大多数RNA病毒致病治愈并不需要特异性针对RNA病毒治疗,仅仅需要早期针对疾病的病理生理变化治疗即可治愈。如季节性流感、SARS、出血热病、乙型脑








16、源消毒、隔离。 五、目前中东呼吸综合征及7N9亚型禽流感等RA病毒所致疾病的治疗误区1、早发现、早治疗不到位:中东呼吸综合征及79亚型禽流感等早期症状轻微,类似上感易忽视,让H7N亚型禽流感中东呼吸综圀人上呼吸道及肺部得以生长繁殖。7N9亚型禽流感中东呼吸综合征等病毒早期与人上呼吸道及肺部疫反应不能及早阻止,一旦全面发生疾病后果严重。2、过分重视中东呼吸综合征及H7N9亚型禽流感等抗病毒治疗,忽视中东呼吸综合征及H7N亚型禽流感等异常免疫反应防治:暂无特效抗中东呼吸综合征及H7N9亚型禽流感病毒药物,异常免疫反应一旦全面发生疾病后、错误重视中东呼吸综合征及79亚型禽流感等免疫增强剂治疗,免疫增


18、发挥中西医结合治疗疾病优势,作为任何一名医务工作者,我们必须应尽自己职责大胆工作,进行大胆临床探索。Resirsydrom(S) in he MdlEast, uch as H7N9 styp ian ifluenzaR vrsepideic diseaecsd byombination of Cnee adester med treatment of thew ana ubeiprovinc xishui onty materityand child caretoxin el:Resiratory sdrome in th MddlEas (MES) nd vian influenza RA

19、irus ptogenic rcent nset critcall ill,te eveloed counrs i the ord though threemany godpeveiomes,buttere have ben no reatmenlaw loverhewold,I am fm avianlu,d heMilEastn the pahhsiology o A virss ause dsese suh sresirtoysyndo ersptive o eplo he teamentof avian lu, and the Midleast rpiraoy me RNAvirus

20、thoenicombinatio of Chnes westernmedicne reatment o th nw la,sucha respiratr syndome (ER) ino theMddle Es, uch aH9styavianinfenz panemicauebRNA viuses such smbinatio hinese andernedicine tretentof te e awwill tl te rld no and nthe future t help yuelime resrtor ydo (S) in the MiddlE, suc s N9subtype

21、aianinfuez panemccusdby NA viruse uch a fear aresratory syndom (MER) in th ile Est, such as H79 ubyeavia iflna RA vu prevetion and curmeasure suh s playsthis rle, foryourcoment nd referene.Respiratoy yndroHsuye ainflenn te ddle Estan so on RA ius iorl andause gat a, seere disesan death cas aincresed

22、 dramticllyRespiatry synrme nthMiddle Eastan H7Nia flu vrs RNA viu is he wrs firs diovery of he new RNAviruses, w annot rle out the Mleat uchas espatorysyndromeand7 type avian infueza R virusnftivit, inave stngerpossbility, we mut face up o the ited undstnof h rus forhumaein an the errle t vu.Tsave

23、pepe les rduce te wlescy asoon as possileforhe Mdle East respirato ynrom n H7N9ubtype ofavan infunz RA virusescaus disses suh spanic, in rdr to prevn he pesent n thefure preeno an cntrol mn tpefRN vus ahognic cause un toes,deia o lng o h us cause acut iseae fo many yersChinee andwmeiie ombned clinic

24、al researrotocols, for thetratmenspiratory ydrom and avian influenza NA vrusinth MiddleEast.A, h Mide East, respirtoy ydrome, Hsubtype avian infuenza RA vrsssc as preentsituation anthe evrity the isease1, espratory syndom theiddeEast, such as N9 subypeavnfuenza RN vsat preset although e incdce is no

25、t high,bu ts mortlity is tallr, death fomll ges, HN9 suype aan flueza,sh as heMidle Eas deathsfrm rpiroy yndomesh asRNA vius pathgenic caracteristis f smokingheaily ale-dminatd and igh。2, thMdle s, resitory sndome and 7N sbe avian lueza iruspathgecinfectious strong (cn be transitted ycotac trnmissin

26、,ipirtory sydro iheMilEast and s on inuth Kr asee one f te id gneation, furgeeration transmision.) ,but ole,toman peopl cntact it pry opportuty: ntrpesna reaions arnecsa,ling birs, pultry idfo groud runni,human eings can detro pou thec is the ship o eeset,animlsare mny new inecious iseaseoutbreaks3,

27、 respiratry dromein the Middle Est,sch s H7N ubpevninuenzaRNA irus dsese earl tients ifts not flig,but in o 11a nditin suddeny incasd, mot pties or espiatorfaiue, becuse it is infringemt f ainparts of the un,flw y sa bloo vssl, lung, kiand other organs, cause ungoxygeion ailty is poor, he by mcviser

28、 unctio falre.4, repiatydre ite Middle Et,suchas HN9utyeavan inflen RA virudisease et ut and riti conditon,he letha time shrt,citiclly i tretent i difficlt。5, therei o spific vacinegaist, d o ifc kill HN9subtype o ianinfluena virus nd RNA viruss suh repiraory snde toth Midd East。6, Midle Eat, respit

29、ory synrom and 7N9subtypeian inflnza RNA viru atogenic virlon t RNres, RNA vrus vacci ithou rss immunitynction, uch s /H1Nfu vaccin fprotection7 r orewere early thousad spes recent yea, incluing 7N9 aa inluenza nd eiary ndrome posiive mpes in teidleEs, nldin ampes fhienand ducksapl a envirmenal ampl

30、e, pigs, aelamplsThe ucerinty of the universalty positivsampes, birds ove tremel har humn, t kowpeoplecntact with bir n it hasbeen reordinhe terribl diee。8, thehma experienc in 2009 afterte /1N1fuamic first nc,lokdon n ti process,o encurgepeopl o H7 ubtp o avan influenz and rtrysyndromein h Midle at

31、 and so onepidm preveto ad control parlysi, otntiaharmtht mayause diseas.9, cy n rd lu uma riraory synrrevention andcntrl measus no sienic and hMiddle Eastn the Midle ast espiratoryndom nd high letha H7N9 sbtypeavia nluea in huans is ot scientific n higost (bn cst a lo o mnpoer andmteril resoand fna

32、ialresurces) prevntio and reatment o rspry yndrmein the ddleEast 79 subtf avan influenza ifecin.10, s ecim hanges,hetme delay, o ntre out the poisonous force f avia inluenza viusand repiratr syroe iru in tdle Eat, resivit frthe enhanc r mutaion bringreae dsaste tohuan bens. Terirtory syndrme in teMi

33、dleEt, suchas HN btype ian inluena RNA vr vulence, aggressemay be weaker tha the SARS virus.Secnd, epirysyndrme andH9 ubtye avlua i h MideEast ds onRNA virus sno teib1, theMidde astpopear infected wit repiratory syndoe and H7N9 avia lu vruRA vrus, e wrld irst dscovryof newsubtypenfa vru., raoy syevi

34、rus n avia inuenza viruss in te MiddleEstandso on vru belngto NA visare ticky, avannflu vrss hatar sticky vrus 1n1 lu ius genea. Th mergece hman infecion H7N9n lu vrs, the virus virus fo new heavy,ad its nernal nesm N2 an nluezaires, RNAvise., RNA vus ineion for acte transet, mos self-lmtiginfious d

35、isease, AS,h1n1 d eanafluvrs, Japane encephalitis irus, heorrhgcervius,meass, mup irus, man bird l ius, Spansfluvirus and o onInflenza virus and rspiratory yndrmein the Mddle Eas ansoon virusi transient,selflimiting ifctiou dsess。4, NAvrs on wer mostly a ln-asngimunity: SRS,sine flu, emrrhaicfever,

36、mump, eals, ecehatis b, ndso on。 RN ius iseasemstly slfimted iseae As og asthrough e onseof crisis, man pateith nspecil treaten stil c ecover, ava inflenarus nd reirory ydme ntheMidde Eatandso onvirudisease. Today,n tepry not found IRN virus infecion h manbody toobtai thei w mmunity, IDS cancome on

37、er ndover again.,or RNAvirs nd ws obrved n mot of t odys immesye todestroyffnity of huan tissueel by the virs: nal ifuez vs,Japansecepalt viru,hemorhgcfevr viru,meales, umP。us,hum bi flu irus, the Spaish u rus, rpraory yndme irus in the M Eastnd o。 NA virad abnrma iuneostor oneme amagtis ells in the

38、 oy, nlyexepte AS vru, causei is the ffiity of cells,the odys imu systm, sot is rddamage o the odys immune ssem, ad the bys mun sstemals a o abilit kiltMost, RNA irs in the sor ter s the bodys immune sstem tranetfar ather a a disas, repeated vr and ovr ain etroyd bhuma tisue cls: th SARS vir, te HN1

39、 i, ssonal inuenza viruses, Jnes enephalitis virs, hmorhic fver virus, measle, mmps virus, hun flu viu, the Spaih fus, resprtoy yndrme vrsin he Mddle stand soo,theyauseth bdisseoftencause by the dsease iru befor rcverng ater ckOnly tADS virus did nt tun.7,most t RNAirusdeaecur des nt eciic reatt r R

40、NA viru,just nedeary pathogca phygicalhanges for treaen ane curd。 Like seasonal l, SAS, hmorhagcfeve, apaeseeephalitis, /h1n1 fd so n。8, whaver ay flena virus variatn, puscacange o Rs, along sw do no andn he future arly undstndig of is pthgensi, ery knw its atoloial psiolgychang, earyianosiso thedsa

41、e fo vulnerale grups byclinil symptms st, folwe by RNA vrus etectn, early tramef te dises mid is ierce medicne: ntiiru, immnosppessintrpy, early tootectvlnrable grops rly isla th patient, and elmine thpathgeni,early tocut off theransissin wy, we all an vercome mst of th RA ru.High spcifiity offfecti

42、ve vaccie reeac and xtensio, of curs, isry mean to pevt inectiou dieaseT,the Middle ast, respirtory sydrome an subype ofavan influena (mos actethogenic)RNA vru andposblepathgeesis ad ischaracterisc, eMiddl East, reratory sydomeand 7N sbtyp of avia nfluna andoher inical anifesttionad SRS, infena a(H1

43、N1)ad aonl fu hgl smlar: oth onymtom, igh fever, seve pnumoia,acut respirar alure。H7N sutype f avia inluenad theddleas rspiatry synrme pathogenis characerticshold be siilarto SARS,nflenzaa (H1N1),tc.2, teMiddEs, rspiatry synrome and vian ifluzairs (ost acut athenc) RNA irsinecio he the vir that ause

44、 an vuse have close copaionwith h correspndgas, tisses, celsdissale dmagstoms andsin。 Suc a uper respratrytacnftin,pnumnia, enepltis,diffusentrascular ratii (hemorrhaic ever), mums, etc. Ad ts omplcation: falure,hart failure, enalfailre, cerebraldema, shck, e。3, hv fniy toth upper respirtoy trat and

45、 lngs ofNA viru, they once nadito he lung tsu leds to thr kindf peumoia: aspirtionpnunia vius, mmunity pneumni nbcteialpneuma.4, u tissue dmage mmunity pnunia i notN9ubtye of vnflenza and riratory syndome viru such su aagdirtlyrultsinhe Mddle Eas,isth oteriy H7N utyp virusbo for the s of imune atck,

46、 iuscaused y H7N ubtpeof avin influeza vir and resatory yndrmevrs infectio suc as Midle East tof the imnallergy(an aleg) damage o ormal tss,an a serie of chiamge dy reaction, eaue ofthe virus nd bonhusndlngtissue ffinty is tog, antgenic pecificity is highe.5, as eal kow, te oys immunefuninis lw, wea

47、k sik, lngterapiaion of re drgwith less ciical a hemhagcdisease ARS iseas, ad eonganwithstrong muniy to acusee aemorhgi feve diseaseadSRS iease(maybe its vrsex isetremel sron imue reaco),thesame 7sbtype of avian influenzaand reprat srome in te iddle Eat s als le to teeahs ofa lare nubr of infected i

48、n the elderly (ehaps the virus imune reactivitysrnr)., long-termsmoes plgm couh unotasil, eauslog-tem smks tracheal brochumosacliaon he ephell els e to the ry. Wen the spum isot easy t proce H7N9 stye o aiainflnza n spia sndoe vir shaselygglmeratin in teMidde Etn the lns7, weve t face forthe treteto

49、 such dieassn only fr its anormalphhysoogic crrect recover fromxsng, lot f, threa fac,we wat o exploe ndiscover iner link ndlaw of hikd of disase ad rtmenFour, e MideEast, respira syndromea7N9 ubte of aian nfluza nd thMile Est espatory syrome ausedbyNA vrsesdiseasessuchasne mthoso rtin ad cotrolof C

50、hinesand esterndicine1, anvira tremen: takeaequte fuls soo as posible, ecau t is is dstroyed by te odysimun ll or non phnno。(1), esern edicine atvreatmnt, wtr medcin avaab palmr amivi, mifluand releza, iterfero (espiraory syndome n h Mide Esand subtyeof vianinlueavirus is one ofthem,alsohemgglutin a

51、nd neuramiidse), bt should payattento tothe e ofpalmer praivir, amndreleza, dru istacead ide efet.(2), Chnese medicineanviraltretmeanb dretlyoad-spctrumantivira onuced inerferonof broad-ectu tviral sbstancessuhs taditioal Chineemdicine。(3), 抭 bacteitetment: ftervirus ineion such sncrt bacterl ifetio

52、, oadspectrum抭 lement。, early o es effective remoe rus (sutum os a lagbero vius a eproducto) reatmet(1), wstern medicin row vrustretent:ih ilute sputm protease, etc。;Hydrchoriccidbrmease ne (ll rnse, elimintng lem)ona bron cablehydrchloie(mu comfrtabe), tc。; Increasig atmizato,sputumsuctio rohii the

53、 us 2 ndsoon ihibit glands mediin pypuum oug rw.(2), Chineseeicne reatt: singdiutelem, prootig te lemogh expectorn methd Chinsemicine, taboo o centrl peipheal ough mdine,nrcotic, igtocetanting prolm.3, pevnt aleite phlogicl pholoicalcanes ofts disas can prent or reuce thdame f g tissue and mall bloo

54、d vesss ad oter tretment.(1), immuupressiveteray xtnsive use f healein addeatin medcin movetheonsecific t, the ppcain f atinal Ce edicie (TM) munosppressio (ecificmune suppressin, especial hehuimmue) prevnion adtrtmet, the hort- ipact hoose hgse oicosteros thapy, we knowthat cortical hormoneeseciall

55、 serioussid ffecsofhidos corticotroids fr lng tim.unouppreive rs an arly plicaio ofChinese medicine, gd efect, ew sd fc。(2),protng loo circulation toreoe blodssteatmt.Duri piodshallbeusing pmoing blo rcuatin o emve blod stsis drg teprventio and reatmen o ulmonary miocirculton dsorr,epcially n My, su

56、ld be sd whenneuoniaclictdwith iunitycaglant drgsis srctlyproibied Treatenfoactiaiblo circuation can XSanisue edem and ischma, hpoxia,sutnces aul to the body clsof lpid perxie. Ehize th tisue cll hs bn amagand re damaing adcomprehensve pevento antreatent will bda se: larg dos of counsalv mltiorhiza

57、fld.(), pliain adrepir al vscular enothelal rug resisane to the reveion ad treatment pulmonary edea and ascuar edtlial extrvasan of raparnt ilof the ung (ain of fis proen and cer debri), ommly ued drugs: high doses vtain C nd amdert amunt of low moleular dxtranan prtin bood iculatit removebloasisdug

58、s.(4),we houd strengthe te treatf comlatios compition。 en 7N9 subtpvi f Mddeas repirao sndroe n ptientswt kown or supctedto obrvao patints ondiion losly. I peopl24 hour ntnuus gh evr rsc andmoderat fev persists fo24hours, seercough paticularly irittingcoug, chsttightness,chet ain, pel effuion,shote

59、o brah,ifficult bthin, sweatng,pae gre,ora andimbs endigs ble, oxygen desatation, bloody sputu, especially blody om put orugmdium or lar hmorage, Xay lug ifmatn, espeially un ifamation sidparts and inflmmaio changef, hypoycemi or kidney failue, epsis,sh, sch s whole ellan les t redue ny isk yptms ed

60、t atach ret ipotanc to the dealy ln dieae ssle to gieatah reat impra o。l pneumoiaote mere bacterial pneumnia, wehve to srictly onol。(), the pplinof reahig achine,cmbied with aveola urfa ctiesubstanes hve spcal effets on atientrhablittn, e athoenic isinfetin andilatinFve,the curret st espirtorysyomea


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