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1、翻译语法讲解第1页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二 题 型 分 析第2页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二首先,一定要明确新四级中翻译考什么?核心考点是什么?通过对样题以及实考试题的分析,翻译题型有三大考点:1. 固定搭配考点:这是翻译中的最为核心的考点,也是近几次命题密度最高的知识点,应该引起考生的高度重视。比如说名词与动词搭配,形容词与名词搭配,动词与副词的修饰关系,名词与介词搭配,更为重要的是常见的固定词组以及固定表达,这些都可能成为本次考试的命题重点。例1:By contrast, American mothers were more like

2、ly _ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent. 【考点剖析】这个题目就非常典型。有两个固定搭配考点:1)be likely to do sth ; 2) oweto /attributeto (把归因于)第3页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二2. 核心语法考点:这部分语法考点大多数是以前词汇语法考题考点的重现和转移,核心语法考点最重要的虚拟语气,其次是倒装结构、从句知识、倒装结构、非谓语动词等。例1:The professor required that _(我们交研究报告) by Wednesday .【考点剖析】本题是典型的语法题目。重点考查考生对虚

3、拟语气的掌握。Require后面接从句的时候,一定会虚拟语气,语法结构为require that +sb+should+动词原形。第4页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二例2:Not only _ (他向我收费过高), but he didnt do a good repair job either (大纲样题)【考点剖析】本题同样为典型的语法考点。考查了考生对倒装结构这个特殊语法现象的掌握情况。句首的Not only决定了倒装连接,下文用了过去时态,因此,这里需在he之前加did。所以答案应该为did he overcharge me。第5页,共99页,2022年,5月2

4、0日,21点3分,星期二3. 核心动词以及动词短语的考查。例1:Though a skilled worker, _(他被公司解雇了) last week because of the economic crisis .【考点剖析】本题的重要考点就是考生对“解雇”这个核心动词的翻译。可以表示解雇的有dismiss, discharge, fire等。第6页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二从新四级考试开始,由考查英译汉转变为考查汉译英。汉译英试题占总分的5%,属于考生应该争取拿分的基础题。因为这一题型说为翻译,实为补全句子,考查的是语法结构和词组运用知识。较其他可能出现的主

5、观题而言,汉译英题目相对简单,无非是五个难度中等的词组或从句的英语表达。汉译英命题涉及四级水平学生应当掌握的句型、语法、词组知识点。对考生而言,选择正确的词形和句型将会是更大的挑战。 第7页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二汉译英主要考查学生以下能力“:形容词比较级/最高级,倍数虚拟语气非谓语名词性从句句型倒装句短语搭配第8页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二形容词比较级/最高级,倍数1. Since my childhood I have found that _ _(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力).2. The more you explain, _

6、 (我愈糊涂) 3. Because of the rising cost, we spent _(两倍的钱) on the project as had been planned.nothing is more attractive/appealing to me than readingthe more confused I get/ become/ amtwice as much money 第9页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二形容词比较级/最高级,倍数It is reported that traffic _(造成的死亡是战争的4倍) and far more

7、people commit suicide than are murdered. .The research concludes that the more time children spend watching television, _ (他们的学习成绩就越差).kills 4 times as many people as wars the poorer they perform academically /The worse their academic performances are第10页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二考点1. 比较级 + than2.

8、the + 比较级+主谓结构, the + 比较级+主谓结构3.倍数的表示方法: 1). 倍数 as adj./adv.(+n.) as 2). 倍数 adj./adv.比较级(+n.) than 3). 倍数 the width, length, size of Eg. The earth is 49 times as large as the moon. The earth is 49 times larger than the moon. The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.第11页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二虚

9、拟语气The victim _ (本来会有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time.The professor required that _ (我们交研究报告)A more careful secretary _(就不会犯这样明显的错误).They_ _(一定是赶不上火车), otherwise they should have arrived here two hours ago.would have had a chance to survivewe hand in our research reportscould not have

10、 caught the train/must have missed the trainwouldnt have made such an obvious mistake第12页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二虚拟语气If we had set out earlier, we _(就不会在雨中行走)._(要不是因为我生病了), I would have lent him a helping hand.But for his wifes help, he _(是不会成功的).would not have succeededHad it not been for my ill

11、ness (But for my illness)wouldnt have walked in the rain第13页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二虚 拟 语 气第14页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二定义虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)这一语法项目是各类英语考试中心测试的重点之一。 虚拟语气在英语里主要用来表达: a. 非真实的情景,不可能发生的事,即某种与事实相反或难以实现的情况,或说话人主观愿望。 b. 与客观事实相反地情景, 即强制性虚拟语气,表示建议、命令、劝告这一类的意思上,表示强烈的要求做到、必须做到这样的含义。 虚拟语

12、气的表达形式是通过动词的变化形式表达的, 其特点是主从句时态的不一致, 而且一般有明显得标志。具体考点如下: 第15页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二(一):if 句型 (共有三种句型) 分类条件从句 主句 1.表示与过去事实相反的假设 过去完成时 should(would) have+ 过去分词 2.同现在事实相反的假设 一般过去时 should( would) +动词原形 3.表示对将来的假想 一般过去时 were+ 不定式 should+ 动词原形 should( would) +动词原形 第16页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二1. 与现在的

13、事实相反: If I were Bill Gates, I would not work so hard every day. 2. 与过去的事实相反 If it had not rained so hard yesterday we could have played tennis. 3. 与将来的事实相反: If it should rain, the crops would(could, might)be saved. 第17页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二虚拟条件句的倒装虚拟条件句的从句部分如果含有were, should, 或had, 可将if省略,再把wer

14、e, should或had 移到从句句首,实行倒装。 Eg. Were they here now, they could help us. =If they were here now, they could help us. Had you come earlier, you would have met him. =If you had come earlier, you would have met him. Should it rain, the crops would be saved. =if it should rain, the crops would be saved. 第

15、18页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二含蓄虚拟条件句 含蓄虚拟条件句是指没有出现由if引导的条件句,而条件句的意思是用其他方式表达的。如:without, but for, otherwise,or, but that, given, provided, supposing, were it not for等等。Eg.Without your help, we couldnt have finished the work on time. But for the English examination I would have gone to the concert la

16、st night. We didnt know his telephone number; otherwise we would have telephoned him I would have hung you but the telephone was out of order. 第19页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二完成句子 1.真想不到我们俩会在这里见面. Its strange that we _ here. 2.如果没有参加玛丽的生日聚会的话,我们彼此就不会认识了. If we hadnt taken part in Marys birthday party

17、, we_ each other. 3.这么近的路,我们应该步行到车站来. 是啊,根本没必要乘出租车. We _ to the station, it was so near. Yes. A taxi wasnt at all necessary. 4.万一明天下雨的话,我们将不得不推迟参观颐和园。 _ it rain tomorrow, we _ to put off the visit to the Summer Palace. Keys: 1.meet 2.wouldnt have known 3.should have walked 4.Should; would have 第20页,

18、共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二(二): wish , if only, would rather, as if ,as though句型其谓语部分有时态变化:1. 表示对现在情况虚拟时,动词用一般过去时;2. 对过去的情况进行虚拟时,动词用“过去完成时”.第21页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二1. wish , would rather, would prefer(宁可,宁愿) 后的宾语从句。如: He wished he had never been involved in such affairs.I would rather you coul

19、d teach me again.2. as if, as though引导的从句。如: The little boy knows so many things as if he was a man.He acted as usual as though nothing had happened.3.由if only (要是,那该多好啊!)引导的惊叹句。如: If only I had passed the test ! If only it stopped raining!第22页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二(三):在强制性语气的宾语从句中即表示建议、命令、劝告、决

20、心等主观色彩的动词 + that + (should) + 动词原形, 其中should 经常被省略。这类动词包括: suggest, propose, recommend, demand, order, command, desire, require, insist, advise, determine, prefer, move(动议,规定),direct(命令),decide,ask .Eg.I suggest that you (should) not be late again next time. I prefer that you ( should ) not do that.

21、 我认为你还是别干那件事的好。 第23页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二注意: 以上动词转化为名词(如:suggestion, proposal, demand, order, command, advice, desire, requirement, request, agreement, determination, preference , resolution, indication 等)后接同位语从句或表语从句时,从句要求用虚拟语气,其谓语部分用“(should)+ 动词原形” (should可省略)。 第24页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星

22、期二(四):It is/was + 形容词 / 过去分词 + that + (should) + 动词原形,这些形容词主要表示必要性、重要性、强制性、合适性、义务性,即某人对某事的反应。 important, natural, desirable, possible, advisable(可取的,明智的), anxious, eager, essential, natural, necessary, preferable, proper, urgent, vital, willing, shocked, requested It was essential that the applicati

23、on forms be sent back before the deadline. It is requested that a vote be taken. 有人提请投票表决。第25页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二(五):Its (about/high/ good ) time that表示“该是的时候了”,含有 “晚一点” 的意思, 表示建议现在应该做什么事,从句一般用一般过去时。 Its time you went to bed. Its high time that we took action. 第26页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二

24、(六):在lest that , for fear that, in case that 引导的表示消极意义的目的主语从句中常用虚拟语气,表示“唯恐,以免”,从句用 should +动词原形。 He put his coat over the child for fear (lest )that he should catch cold. He emphasized it again and again lest she (should) forget. Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot (注意:该句陈述某一事实)第27页,共99页

25、,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二情态动词+ have +过去分词 1) may(might) have + done sth, can (could) have + done sth推测过去时间里可能发生的事情。Philip may (might) have been hurt seriously in the car accident.Philip can (could) have been hurt seriously in the car accident.2)must have +done sth,对过去时间里可能发生的事情的推测,语气较强,具有肯定,谅必的意思。-Lind

26、a has gone to work, but her bicycle is still here.-She must have gone by bus.第28页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二 3)推测的否定形式,疑问形式用cant, couldnt表示。Mike cant have found his car, for he came to work by bus this morning.迈克一定还没有找回他的车,因为早上他是坐公共汽车来上班的。4) ought to have done sth, should have done sth本应该做某事,而事实上并没有

27、做。否定句表示不该做某事而做了。 You ought to (should) have been more careful in this experiment.He ought not to have thrown the old clothes away.(事实上已扔了。)ought to 在语气上比should 要强。5) neednt have done sth 本没必要做某事I dressed very warmly for the trip, but I neednt have done so. The weather was hot.第29页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,2

28、1点3分,星期二非谓语_(有了那一堆稻草的保护), the bushes are not buried by moving sand._ (理完发之后), Professor Smith went straightly to the lab to proceed with his experiment.Young people are the most frequent travelers, with nearly half of those aged between 18 and 20_(平均每年外出旅游3次).Protected by the pile of strawtaking an

29、average of 3 trips a year/taking 3 trips a year on averageAfter having his hair cut第30页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二非谓语_(屈服于金钱的诱惑), he sold out the new design of the company to their opponent. Do you mind _ (推迟这次会议) to the end of this quarter.Yielding ( Giving in) to the temptation of moneypostponing

30、( putting off )the conference 第31页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二English Grammar非 谓 语 动 词第32页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二非谓语动词 在句子中充当除谓语以外的句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词。非谓语动词分为三种形式:不定式,动名词,和分词(分词包括现在分词和过去分词)。1)不定式时态语态 主动被动一般式to do to be done 完成式 to have doneto have been done2)动名词时态语态 主动被动一般式doingbeing done完成式having d

31、onehaving been done3)分词时态语态 主动被动 一般式doingbeing done 完成式having donehaving been done 否定形式: not +不定式,not + 动名词,not + 现在分词第33页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二I. 分词 (现在分词和过去分词)区别:现在分词: 表示主动,正在进行过去分词: 表示被动,已经完成Eg.We can see the rising sun. He is a retired worker. There was a girl sitting there.Most of the peop

32、le invited to the party were famous scientists. 第34页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二5. Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.6. Given more attention,the trees could have grown better. 7. He remained standing beside the table.8. Ill have my watch repaired. 第35页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二动名词

33、 动词后加动名词doing作宾语 (V. + doing sth)admit 承认appreciate 感激,赞赏avoid 避免 complete 完成 consider 认为 delay 耽误 deny 否认 detest 讨厌 endure 忍受enjoy 喜欢escape 逃脱 prevent阻止fancy 想象finish 完成 imagine 想象mind 介意 miss 错过 postpone 推迟practice 训练 recall 回忆 resent 讨厌resist 抵抗 resume 继续 risk 冒险suggest 建议face 面对 include 包括stand

34、忍受understand 理解 forgive 宽恕 keep 继续Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please? The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught.第36页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二2. 词组后接doing admit to prefer doing to doingbe used to lead to devote oneself to object tostick to be busy doinglook forwar

35、d to as well as, be tired of , cant help, be fond of be capable of be afraid of be proud ofthink of / about hold offput off be successful in keep on insist on count on / upon good at set about prevent from give up Its worth, have trouble/difficulty doing sth, Its no use /good doing , spend doing sth

36、第37页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二1 不定式作宾语 动词+ 不定式 afford aim appear agree arrangeask decide bothercare choose come dare desire elect expecthope demand fail happenhelp hesitate learn long mean manage offer ought plan prepare pretend promiserefuseseem tend intend seek wait wish offer undertake determine

37、举例: The driver failed to see the other car in time. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车。I happen to know the answer to your question. 我碰巧知道你那道问题的答案。动词不定式第38页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二2 不定式作补语 动词+宾语+不定式(to do)advise allow appoint believecause challengecommand compel consider declare enableencouragefind forbid forceguess h

38、ire imagineimpelinduce informinstruct invite judge know likeorder permit urge persuade remind report request requireselect send state suppose tell think train trust warn drive 例句: a.Father will not allow us to play on the street. 父亲不让我们在街上玩耍。 b.We believe him to be guilty. 我们相信他是有罪的。第39页,共99页,2022年,

39、5月20日,21点3分,星期二不带to的不定式作补语 表示 感觉的动词see, watch, notice, observe, feel hear, listen等和三个表示 致使的动词make, have, let 后面跟不带to的不定式作补语.例如:to see sb. go outto hear sb come into make sb laughto have sb explain it to let sb go out注意:在主动句中省to,但在被动句中必须加to第40页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二独立主格1. 独立主格(一): 独立主格结构的构成: 名词(

40、代词)+现在分词、过去分词;名词(代词)+不定式;名词(代词) +介词短语构成。(二) 独立主格结构的特点:1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。2)名词或代词与后面的分词,不定 式,介词等是主谓关系,现在分词主动,过去分词被动。 3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。第41页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二举例: 1. The test finished, we began our holiday.考试结束了,我们开始放假。2. Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow.如果天气允许,

41、我们明天去看你。3. This done, we went home.工作完成后,我们才回家。4. He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 他夹着本厚书,走出了图书馆第42页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二2. With的复合结构作独立主格 表伴随时,既可用分词的独立结构,也可用with的复合结构: with +名词(代词)+现在分词/过去分词/不定式/介词短语 举例: 1. He stood there, with his hand raised. 2. The murder was brought

42、 in, with his hands tied behind his back。3. A robber burst into the room, knife in hand. 第43页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二名词性从句_(我想强调的是) is not the process but the result._(他想告诉你的是) before he left was that he had never told a lie to you.The worlds greatest sporting event, the Olypic Games, upholds the

43、 amateur(业余,业余爱好者) ideal that _(重要的不是输赢,而是参与).What I want to emphasizeWhat he wanted to tell you what matters is not winning but participating第44页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二what 从句的小结What 引导的从句表两种含义,一种保留原有疑问意义,即“什么”。二是表“所.的事/物”, 相当于the thing(s) that, 或those which 可以用于以下情况: (1) 引导主语从句。 What she saw f

44、rightened her. What we are worrying about is just her innocence. What will be, will be. 要发生的事总是要发生的。(谚语) What is gone is gone. 过去的事就过去了。 (2) 引导表语从句。如: Thats what I hope. 那就是我希望的。 Times are not what they used to be. 时代不同了。 Hes not what he was a few years ago. 他不是几年前的他了。 (3) 引导宾语从句,包括介词宾语。如: He could

45、not express what he felt. 他不能表达他的感受。 Well, Ill do what I can. 好吧,我尽力。 Tom asked what water is composed of.第45页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二that与what从句的区别 that与what都可引导名词性从句,that在从句中不作句子成分,只是引出一个陈述句。what 在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语等,不能省略。如:1. What surprised us is that he did it alone(what在主语从句中作 主语)2. That he did i

46、t alone surprised us(that用来引导主语从句,在句中不作成分)3. The teacher got angry because of what the boy had done(what在宾语从句中作宾语) 4. All the people believed that the boy had done it. ( that在宾语从句中不作句子成分且可省略)第46页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二句型That was so serious a matter that I _(除了叫警察别无选择).There is nothing worth watc

47、hing on television, so we _(倒不如去看电影).We agree to accept your order _(在你预先付款的条件下)._(就经济发展而言), China had made outstanding achievement in the past twenty years.had no choice but to call in the policemight as well go to see a filmon condition that you pay in advanceAs far as the economic development is

48、concerned第47页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二考 点1. “but”表“除了”接不定式 He wanted nothing but to stay here for another day. I have no choice but to tell you the truth. There was nothing to do but (to) wait till help came. * 如果谓语动词为实意动词do的某种形式时,but 后的不定式要省略符号to. I can do nothing but let him know. 我只能通知她。 They d

49、id nothing but complain. 他们只是抱怨。第48页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二考 点由but 构成的几个常用结构:1) but for(+n.), but that(+句子) “多亏” “要不是” 多用于虚拟语气 But for your help,I wouldnt have succeed. But that you helped us, we could not have been rich. 2) notbut “不是而是” 3) not onlybut also “不但而且”4) do nothing but, can not but,

50、cannot help but “不得不”,后接动词原形 The child did nothing but weep. She could not but admit that they were justified in this. We cannot help but admit that the Chinese people are a great people.5) nothing but只不过,仅仅(不以为然,厌烦之语气)She is nothing but a housewife.她只不过是个家庭主妇。 第49页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二考 点2. m

51、ight/may as well do sth 倒不如,倒也无妨Eg. Since nobody else wants the job, we might as well let him have it.3.在条件下 on condition that under the circumstance that4. 就而言 as far as be concerned第50页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二句型The destruction of coral (珊瑚)is inevitable due to global warming, _(无论现在采取什么措施).Any

52、kind of exercise will do well to the heart, _(只要他能加速心跳).Living in the desert has many problems, of which _ (缺水并非是唯一的问题)no matter what actions are taken nowProvided that /as long as it quickens heartbeatthe lack of water is not the only one第51页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二倒装句Only by working at evenings

53、 and weekends _ (他才能完成报告).Only by shouting at the top of his voice _ (他才能让别人听见他的声音).is he able to complete the reportcould he make himself heard 第52页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二Under no circumstances _ (他会反对) her proposal that they take a vacation to Australia together._ _ (她看见报纸上的广告) when she booked

54、 a package tour with Bright Travel Service.Scarcely / Hardly had she read the advertisement on newspaperwill he object to 第53页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二倒装句之部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。1) 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如 no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, scar

55、cely, few, 以及at no time, in no way, not until, not onlybut (also), no soonerthan, hardly when, scarcely when等等。2) only在句首要倒装的情况 Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting. 注:如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装. Only when he is seriously ill, does he ever stay in bed.第54页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分

56、,星期二3) as / though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前(形容词, 副词, 分词, 实义动词提前),例如: Old as my father is, he keeps up with his English study. Child as he is, he knows something of electricity.4) so that 句型中的so 位于句首时,需倒装。 So frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch5) 在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略

57、,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。 Were I you, I would try it again.第55页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二短语搭配We must _( 扫除最大障碍)and whether we can succeed or not dependents on the joint efforts of our two parties.Professor Smiths devotion to teaching has _(留下深刻印象)on all his students.Specialists in intercu

58、ltural studies say that it is not easy to _ (适应不同文化中的生活)clear away the biggest obstacle/ barriermade a deep impressionadapt to lives in different cultures/adapt (oneself) to living in different cultures第56页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二短语搭配Once a great earthquake _( 将这个城市化为一片废墟).He is said to have been

59、 a good student until he _(开始对电脑游戏上瘾).Unfortunately, he found he _( 毫无相同之处)with his twin brother.reduced the whole city to ruinsbecame addicted to computer gameshad nothing in common第57页,共99页,2022年,5月20日,21点3分,星期二短语搭配Many students are under great pressure. Whenever they feel they _ (辜负了父母的期望), they

60、would feel guilty.Many people believe that as far as agriculture is concerned, warm places (比寒冷地区有优势). _ _The school sent him a fax to _ (祝贺他获得一等奖) in the international competition.havent lived up to their parents expectations have an advantage over cold places / are superior to cold places congratu


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