1、篇一:英语专业毕业生毕业论文选题汇总(吐血整理)英语专业1. On the Functions of Story-telling in Primary/Elementary EnglishTeaching2.TeachingConceptsAmongTeachersofEnglishinRuralAreasACaseStudy of XXX School3. On the Learning the Third Study of the MajorProblems in English Learning among Miao/Dong Students.4. On the Design of a
2、 Module of Extracurricular Activities forEnglish-major StudentsA Case Study of Kaili University英语专业(旅游方向)1. 英语专业(旅游方向)应用型人才内涵要求分析2. 例3. “语言+文化+技能”培养模式在旅游方向中的应用以凯里学院为例4. 英语专业(旅游方向)学生英语学习策略调查以凯里学跨文化交际方向:1. The Obstacle of Intercultural Communication2.ComparisonbetweenChineseCollectivismandAmericanIndi
3、vidualismin Oral Speaking3. On the Differences in Nonverbal Communication between the Chineseand the American and the British4. The Body Language in Intercultural Communication5. The Influence of Cultural Origin of East and Western onIntercultural Communication6. The Importance of Body Language in D
4、ifferent Cultures1 / 107. A Comparison of Intercultural Usages between Chinese and WesternCourtesy Languages8. The Discrepancy of Chinese and Western Culture in Advertisement9. General Features of Language in Postmodern Culture10. On the Cultural Implications of Body Language11. Cultural Comparison
5、of Chinese Lunar New Year and AmericanChristmas Day12. On Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Idioms13. On Dissimilation and Assimilation in Terms of Culture14. Comparison between Traditional Chinese and Western Families15. Connotation of Animal Words in Chinese and English Idioms16.ACo
6、mparisonofTaboosbetweenChineseCultureandBritishCulture17. A Contrastive Study of Western and Chinese Traditional WeddingCustoms18. Comparison of Food Culture between China and West from TableManners19. FamilyEducationDifferencesBetweenChinaandWesternCountries20.OnDevelopmentofEuphemismanditsSocialVa
7、lueinInterculturalCommunication1、民族地区中学生英语学习的社会心理研究;2、黔东南中学英语教师授课用语调查与分析;3、论任务型教学法在中学英语课堂教学中的有效运用;4、民族地区中学生英语学习的策略研究;5、中学英语教学中的文化教育渗透;6、论黔东南人文旅游的可持续发展;7、黔东南旅游资源调查与分析;8、论现代涉外导游的素养;9、游客旅游心理动机调查研究;10、精品旅游线路的策划与构想;2 / 1011、功能主义与中国菜谱的英译;以下为文学选题:12、觉醒(The Awakening)的女性主义解读;13、紫色(The Color Purple)的艺术特色研究;1
8、4、论飘(Gone with the Wind)的主题思想。说;生态文学批评;女性主义文学批评。具体选题:从墙上的斑点看伍尔夫的意识流表现手法从尤利西斯看意识流小说的艺术特征海明威老人与海中的人与自然关系分析D.H.劳伦斯诗歌蛇中的生态观海明威短篇小说创作模式探求海明威创作中的“冰山”原则从永别了武器看海明威小说的语言风格浅析海明威短篇小说白象似的群山浅析老人与海中的象征意义海明威笔下的硬汉形象分析海明威作品老人与海的经典硬汉形象论老人与海中桑提亚哥的硬汉形象论呼啸山庄中的象征主义荒原与风暴呼啸山庄的意象研究论简爱中女权主义反抗意识从女权主义的视角解读夏洛蒂勃朗特的简爱简爱的爱情观与其反抗性格
9、从伍尔芙作品看其意识流创作从红字主要人物分析霍桑的宗教观红字中象征手法探究论红字中A的象征意义3 / 10一、 学习者个体差异与英语学习二、 对语法翻译法的认识三、 小学英语词汇教学研究四、 英语阅读中的词汇教学研究五、六、七、图示理论与英语阅读 外语教学中的文化教学 跨文化障碍与英语学习方向一:翻译理论与实践1. Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability(文化差异与不可译性)2. Translating and the Background Information(翻译与背景知识)3. English Idioms and the Translation(英语习
10、语的翻译)4.TheImportanceofKnowledgeinTranslating(知识对于翻译的重要性)5. Translating the Lengthy English Sentences into 汉译) 方向二:英语语言1. A Comparative Analysis of British and American English (英式英语与美式英语比较)2. A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Body Languages(中英手势语比较)3.InfluencesofChineseDialecticAccentsoverE
11、nglishPronunciation(汉语方言对英语发音的影响)4. A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Intonation (英汉语调比较分析)5. Cursory Examination on English Onomatopoeia (英语拟声词浅论)6. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Existential Sentences(英汉存在句比较)7The Way of Expressing Emphatic Ideas in English(英语中表达强调意义的语言手段)方
12、向三:语言与文化4 / 101. 从比喻语言看汉英两个民族的差异2. 汉英词汇文化内涵比较方向四:英语教学法1大、中、小学英语衔接教学实验研究2小学“双语”同步教改实验3汉语语言环境对学生英语学习过程的影响4大学生(中学生、小学生)英语学习动机调查报告研究方向:英语体裁,语篇研究;英语写作教学研究;中国英语研究英语写作教学研究/ ESL背景下学术写作研究15. 对过程式写作法和成果式写作法在大学/ 高中英语写作课堂应用的调查研究16.TheFunctionsof“TeamStudy”intheProcessofLearningEnglishWriting Course as an Exampl
13、e17.DifferentialErrorTypesinSecond-LanguageStudentsWrittenTexts:18. Implications for Instruction in Writing19.NeedsAnalysisofLanguageLearners(CollegelevelorMiddleschoollevel)20. 西部新建本科院校学生对世界英语和中国英语认识度的调查以凯里学院为例 (此选题为世界英语范围)英语学术语篇体裁分析/ 专门用途英语语篇体裁分析1. 英汉学术论文引言和结论语类分析及其相关性对比研究2. 对本科院校英语专业论文文献综述体裁特征研究3
14、. 基于言语行为理论的英语广告劝说功能的语篇分析4.Re-brandingacademicinstitutionswithcorporateadvertising:ageeperspective5. Promotional university institutional discourse: a case analysisrelated to Chinese content5 / 106. 对各种专门用途英语语篇的体裁分析 (如:英汉药品说明书的语类对比分析,英语导游词/ 导游词的语篇体裁分析等,限旅游方向)7. 英语导游词/ 导游词错误分析:xx学校案例研究 (限旅游方向)信息技术在农村中
15、学新课程改革中的应用多媒体网络环境下农村大学生英语学习适应能力的调查研究关于大学生英语学习态度的调查报告篇二:毕业论文(英文)摘要1832敏锐的观察力写下了不朽的巨著格列佛游记。在这部小说里,斯威夫特分别18世纪整个英国社会的缩影。整部小说涉及政治,宗教,科学军事等等方面的事务,斯威夫特通过象征,夸张,反语,对比等修辞手法,将故事叙述的充满趣产生了重要影响,奠定了其在文学史上的地位。关键词:修辞手法;讽刺;斯威夫特; 批评AbstractJonathan. Swift is a great satirist of England in the 18th century.Hismasterpie
16、ceGulliversTraveliswell-receivedbyreadersaroundtheworldandisenlistedintomust-readcatalogueforhighschoolstudents.The fairy tale styled stories, apart from intriguing and fascinating,reveal the ugly and hideous side of British society regarding politics,religion, military affairs, science, economics,
17、etc. At the same time,peculiarimagination,ingeniousconception,astuteobservationandsheercriticism are well embodied in the novel that together they formulate aperfectironicliteraryeffect.more,consideringthebleaksocial6 / 10situation and outraged by the appalling reality, Swift wields his pen,piercing
18、 into the very heart of the society. The successful usage ofrhetorical devices has greatly contributed to the development of theworlds ironic literature and also made s Travels one of theworld s top works.Key words: rhetorical devices; satire; Swift; criticizeJonathan Swift: A Great Satirist-Analysi
19、s of Rhetorical Devices Used in GulliversTravelsGao ZhiSchool of Foreign Languages 4011201. IntroductionThe 18th century had not only seen the deterioration of the GreatBritain, but also witnessed the born of a master satirist- JonathanSwift. After 32 years life and shrewd observation in England, he
20、completed his masterpiece Gulliver?s Travels in which four interestingfairy-talestorieswereunfolded.However,ifithasbeencloselyexamined,anuglyandrepellentBritishsocietyisnothardtobeidentified. Theexperience deepened his mind and, at the same time, sharpened his pen.Swift pierced into almost all aspec
21、ts of the British society includingpolitics, religion, science, military affairs, etc, and revealed thesocietysmonstrousnessandhideousnessthroughtheperfectemploymentofrhetoricaldevices,suchassymbolization,hyperbole,antiphrasisandcontrast in the stories.2. SymbolizationSymbolization is the practice o
22、f investing things with symbolicmeaning. As a generally agreed principle, the targets share somesimilarities with the invented vehicle. It exceeds simile as well asmetaphor in that, apart from making the description or explanation more7 / 10familiar and vivid, it appeals association and embodies som
23、e deepermeaning including taking advantage of a thing to reason. The practicingof symbolization can transform abstract norms into perceptive image,impresses the readers and, above all, express implicitly those notsuitableforexplicitdisclosure.Aqualifiedsymbolizationgenerallyisaccompanied by simplifi
24、cation and relocation.2.1 SimplificationSimplification is defined as the act or process of making somethingsimpler according toCollinsCOBUILDAdvanceLearner?sEnglishDictionary.Insatire,theprinciples or “targets” to be challenged are almost invariablytransformed from their current complex reality into
25、 another, simplerobject or idea. Simplification is, more often than not, utilized torealize a satirical effect or to criticize something by impressing thereaders in making the description interesting and easier to apprehend.Many instances could be located in Gulliver?s Travels.DuringthedayswhenGulli
26、verwasinLAPUTA,thekingpilotedtheislandfloating above his territory. If any town initiated rebellion, mutiny,refusedtopaytheusualtributetotheking,tocallfortheirobedienceand submission, he would either (Jonathan. Swift, 1997:135)“Keeping the island hovering over such a town, and the lands aboveit, whe
27、reby he can deprive them of the benefit of the sun and the So that the inhabitants might fall victim to death and disease, or,ifthesituationworsened,atthesametimepelteddowngreatstonesfromabove to smashed their houses dismantling all their shelters.(Jonathan.Swift,134) Thisisavividdepictionofsuppress
28、ionandwar.The British oppression to Ireland people is simplified tothe deprivation of the sunshine and rain in his territory whichiscrucialforthepeopletomakealiving.WhentheIrelandpeoplelaunch8 / 10rebellion,theBritishgovernmentwillwageawartodestroytheirland.By the same token, it is reduced to that t
29、he king would drop down greatstones to still the disobedience. Through simplification, a complexpolitical issue is comprehensibly explained and vivid picture ofauthoritarian regime is impressed in readers minds.In this easy-to-understand method, Swift also blames the conflictsbetween different relig
30、ion fractions. In LILLIPUT, wars were commencedfor the reason that people disagreed on whether egg should be broken onthe bigger end or the smaller one. It implies some wars are waged forridiculous, trifle reasons such as inconsistency in opinions. Religionis supposed to help people in distress and
31、bring them out of the pit ofmisery. Here, religion is nothing but the demo who throws people intobitternessandtheabyssofdarknessbywagingwars.Toputthisfurther,itsreadasthebasiccreed: “thatalltruebelieversbreaktheireggsat the convenient end.” Neither party had understood the religiousdoctrinebutinsist
32、edontheirowncomprehension.Theauthorbringsforththe hypocrisy of religions.It is the same case with regard to party conflicts. Officials ofLilliput divided into two parties. They distinguished themselves by thehigh heels and low heels of their shoes. Theyhave almosteverything in commonbut notthe heigh
33、t ofthe heel. Theauthor tends to suggest that party conflicts usually arise frominsignificant incidences.2.2 RelocationThe simplification is often accompanied by a simultaneous relocationof the “action” to an environment that is more consistent orsubconsciously supportive with the transformation. In
34、 view of this, dliketoundertakesomeanalysisaboutrelocationinGulliver?stravelsin respect of geographical place and the narrators position.9 / 10Looking through the four stories, it is not hard for us to recognizethat the stories are all set respectively in islands but not on certaincontinentoranyothe
35、rplaces.Thus,wemaygetsomecluesintheauthors choice of geography setting. The target of the whole novel is Britishsociety. In order to know thatthe ugly societyhe describesand blames in the novel is actually British society, he creates fourislands as the place four storiesoccurs. In thisway, readersmay associate tho
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