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1、.Unit7 精品教. Material analysis本课是第七单元话题一的第一课时。本话题主要学习关于日期、出生时间、 出生地点、物体形状特征的表达方式 be 动词的一般过去时和序数词。本课的 主要活动是 和 通 Kangkang 和 Michael 谈论 的作品、出生地点 及出生年月通过人物对话学生将学习关于询问和答复出生年月与地点的表达 方式并初步了解 be 动词的一般过去时;还能通过一系列听、读、写的练习活动 掌握年份和十二个月份的表达法及其书写形式音板块通过听说让学生掌握字 母组 ou, ow, 及辅音字 p 的发音据发音规那么正确拼读和识别单词。 . 1. Knowledge

2、aims能根据已学语音及发音规那么读以下词汇并运用于情景对话 writer, was, were, born, fan能够熟练读、写表示年份和月份的单词: February, March, April, May 等;能够用英语熟练表达关于询问和答复某人的出生地和出生年月的表达方 式,如:Where was/ were In(2) was/ .born?was/ were born in能够掌握字母组合 ou, ph 及辅音字母 p 的读音及读音规那么; 能识别出一样字母或字母组合的不同读音;能够正确使用 动词的一般过去时 ,如:When were you/was born? was in 2.

3、 Skill 能听懂有关年月、出生年月和出生地点的语段;能根据图文就表达年月、谈论出生年月和出生地点的表达方式进展简单的.交流;能正确地读出年份和十二个月份;能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调;能正确书写出年份以及表示月份的单词。3. Emotional aims通过相关活动,培养学生关注名人的生平事迹并向他们学习的习惯; 能够体会到英语学习的兴趣,养成良好的英语学习习惯。. The difficult 1. Key 正确使用表达年月、谈论出生年月和出生地点的表达方式;正确读、写关于年份、月份的表达。2. Difficult points 动词 were 在一般过去时中的应用;英语中十二个月份

4、的读、写。. 1.能将谈论出生年月及地点的表达法运用于生活实践;2.利用实物教学有助于学生理解和掌握所学知识。. aids录音机、教学挂图、日历和黑板. proceduresStep Student activity Teacher activityIntroduction whole 1.Focus their 1.Get students for(8 work.attention on the teacher. learning. 2.Pair work.Introduce 2.Help students revise askingfavorite persons, someone els

5、es as writer, A:Who is he/she?nationality. Prepare for new B:A:Where. he/sheB: Read 3.Theteacherwhole toforseveral12 3.Show a students work.months.Read teach the the words by 根据课本 的顺序; result. brainstorm) The teacher of the al work.4.Read the word one by lets the word quickly. student read first mon

6、th the and go whole 1.Do1a.the 1.Point the picture of minutes) work.woman;Andpay let isattention to two she? questions: learn she born? Where the phrase be ( 教师用汉语解2.Listen to tape and释 2.Thewhole try 2.Play tape for first work individual work.3.The whole choose some to the let pay attention the use

7、 of in( 教师用汉语解释其. work. 3.Read 1a 用法). and listen to 3.Play the tape letthe carefully.e.g.When you/was born? born in wereyou/was born? born in the pay attention reading of 1965; out key in the dialogue. whole 1b. Answer some is n class work questions When was she born?individual work. fill in the bl

8、anks in she What isindividually. her novel? students answerthe let fill in the blanks in 1b by2.Pair work.2.Practice the sentences in 2.Show of A:When people let born? ask and in pairs. B:He/Sh was born inA:Where was born?B:He/She was in 3.Pair work. work.wer the I born.3.Walk ask the were you born?

9、 Lead the to 4.Practice the sentences born.(lead to in 1c survey the were you in birthday way)of group the in in by themselves. every group it the Talk therule of years. Read the six the restin English.5.Teach 2b. Listen to the the tape down wholework. or month in 6.Play the tape. theanswers by your

10、selves. minutes)work. Try the 1.Point the words in a words by yourselves. cou ouse, mou and 2.Listen and students read 2.Thewhole find 2.Point out the work.out the Finally, of “ou readlisten to the for several find rule of the pronunciation of “ou 3b. Look, Finally, tape and circle students listen a

11、gain check 3.Let students the the answers.words first. wholework. 3b. Finally the tape again check the answers with students.Production the cards. 1.Let two (7 pairwork. of the birthplace the of2.Pair 2.Practice out birth. the whole the of 2.Let hand in work. answering the in pairs of pair thebirth.When werequestions to names cards.he/she Where he/she born?Take turns practice .3.Assign :Review copy the words expressions in 1a for three times; dialogues withyour deskmate orally; reflection:本节课通过利用实物、教学挂图、结对活动和小组活动等多种教学方式,充分调 动了学生的积极性和主动性,整个教学过程符合学生的认知规律,能够做到重点突出, 难点突破。从学生的学习情况来看,学生对


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